Comments on: Rumor: Palm m515, m130 Coming in April

According to someone who recently attended a roadshow of Palm OS devices in Germany, Palm Inc. plans to introduce several new models in the next few months. In addition to the wireless model that has already gotten so much attention lately, the company will announce on March 4 two new color handhelds. Also covered at this roadshow was Palm's plans for wireless handhelds and a bit on OS 5.

The m515 will be a high-end color device that will take the place of the m505. It will have a much brighter display than the m505 but still have the same screen resolution. It will also have 16 MB of RAM.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:06:41 AM #
Looks very interesting, but it'll take more than a m505 with a brighter 'sidelight/backlight' to persuade me to spend more money on Palm products.... what Palm really needs, in my opinion, is some innovation!

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:11:13 AM #
This sucks. Will Palm ever have money for high resolution screens and where would they get them? From Sony?

RE: m515
mikecane @ 1/23/2002 10:54:08 AM #
What about color fonts in *MemoPad*?

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:57:44 AM #
Everbody complain...

What?? No cooking capabilities?? (Get back to your paper planner, trolls...)

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:04:30 PM #
What? Clie Paint?

RE: m515
costein @ 1/23/2002 3:17:23 PM #
I don't believe it! They apparently haven't learned a thing!...even with the new CEO...
16MB is not on the top priority list of most "Palmers". What ever happened to mp3, higher screen resolution, max battery power? They sure won't get my money just because of 16 megs. I can get that at several companies that are advertising this on the net. What a pity, they shot past expectancies again.

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:18:39 PM #
whats? multi-color support?

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:44:17 PM #
Let's just say this folks, the pictures are highly dubious. I'm a professional photographer and doubt the image is legit.

Here's why: the picture is obviously shot with a point and shoot with direct flash. You can see the shadow on the screen created from the man sitting in front of the shooter. This means that the direct flash would have blown out the rest of the screen to pure white, resulting in no image on the screen. Flash almost always overpowers the projected image.

I know, because I've shot many in images in this sort of situation. The photographic solution is to turn off the flash or to aim an off-camera flash so that it doesn't hit the screen at all. Perhaps, the power of the point and shoot flash was so weak that it didn't blow out the projected image, but I doubt it.

Seems to me it's much like that rumored Apple pda at Spymac.

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:45:58 PM #
The source: I just made the pictures with my Sony Cybershot P1 with normal flash. If you don't want to believe it or think it's a fake I cannot do anything about it and don't want to. I know what I saw and heard...

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 7:29:15 PM #
High resolution will make a difference on readability..but an mp3 player? cmon! it isnt a toy ok?

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:14:38 PM #
> but an mp3 player? cmon! it isnt a toy ok?


Let me guess. Back in the good ol' days, you probably thought a DOS command line meant serious work and a GUI was just a toy.

Gimme a break. Let me clue you in.

An MP3 player can be incredibly useful even if you don't listen to music. Yes, I know your imagination is limited but it can be useful for things like audio books, learning a language, old time radio, etc...

RE: m515
ssummer @ 1/23/2002 9:13:08 PM #
Let me just say that I have a ton of MP3s and I am crazy about music, but damn, MP3 playback is *NOT* a higher priority for me than 16 megs of RAM on my Palm. A lot of us are pushing under (sometimes way under) 1 meg free of main memory even with 128MB SD's and memsticks. After really using VFS for a few days you'll be begging for 8 more megs of "straight" memory. 16 megs of RAM is not a waste and those that think it is probably either 1) use only the built in apps 2) are starting to confuse their personal wishlists with actual market demand...

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 12:47:39 PM #
palm is still producing organizers. if you speak of an implemantation of things like GPS you are right. - But if you are looking for a alternative for your gameboy, or your diskman,you should stay with...... it is much cheaper.
And there are still a few MIRCOSOFT products which will be able to play such depends on you

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 6:56:32 PM #
The 515 is for real, don't doubt it. The m130 looks awesome as well. These units are going to be shipping soon so keep an eye out

RE: m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/22/2002 7:09:13 PM #
wow - big secret (sarcasm). Dude, the m515 and the m130 are FAR, FAR from the "Holy Grail". No big surprises here from our friends at Palm. They "grabbed the baton" in 1997 but did not run very far with it. I expected so much more by now. It's 2002.

Good on you!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:08:07 AM #
I will not post any bad comments, I like what I see.

Backlit screen useless outdoors?

robrecht @ 1/23/2002 10:08:37 AM #
The picture of the m515 looks like its screen is fully backlit like the IIIc and thus presumably almost useless outdoors.

Thanks, Robrecht
RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
Ed @ 1/23/2002 10:12:25 AM #
According to the source, this is the same screen as the m505's with a stronger sidelight. If so, it will perform as well outdoors as the m505 does.

This isn't the first person to mention that Palm will have an m505 replacement out with a brighter screen. A previous source said last fall the new model would also have a better battery to power the stronger sidelight.


News Editor

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:25:48 AM #
Ed, I don't know where you are getting your sources from but the new wireless device is going to be the i705. That was one stupid error to make the whole story a little fishy. There goes a lot of credibility to the source. It is widely known that the name is going to be the i705. I have even seen the box that says so. Why would this poster even try and say that the name is different?

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:32:56 AM #
Because the Palm representative told me so...

-- The source

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:40:24 AM #
I am a palm rep you idiot and I have seen the palm i705

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:45:10 AM #
I am Darth Vader...come over to the dark side..

My friends call me "Bill"

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:53:01 AM #
>I am a palm rep

If you are a Palm rep, why is it called the i705 and not the i700? Makes no sense.

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:27:34 AM #
Well, why would it be called i700?

Re: Palm naming conventions
ptc @ 1/23/2002 12:28:31 PM #
Well, if the new wireless Palm is indeed B&W calling it the i700 would match the current naming convention of the m500 series (m500 B&W m505 color). So the i705 would be reserved for an as yet to be released color version. But, the m100 and m105 are both B&W - so it's a different naming convention without any reference to color.. Now rumor has it that the newest color m505 replacement will be called the m515.

Where does this leave us? I guess it depends on what naming convention Palm decides to stick with. IMHO the new B&W wireless device will be named, as previously reported, the i705. Then any future color version will be the i715.

Paul C.

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:12:51 PM #
Any information on what the stronger backlight will do to the battery power?? IE, can we expect
really short battery life as a trade-off. I've currently got the M505, and its a good balance
between battery life and screen brightness. If I had the choice of a stronger screen backlight, but
I could only work for say... 3 hours on the plane, then I'd probably stick with the M505.
I realize Palm is probably giving in to the popularity of the screen brightness. Since I've never tried
the Clie or any of the PPCs, I really can't make judgements on how the current M505 compares in

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:52:04 PM #
Actually, an i700 could be a European version to the US's i705.

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:46:48 PM #
Actually, transflective backlit screens are possible, and are quite visible outdoors. I believe this is the technology used in the Sony Clie T615.

i700= black and white!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 6:48:31 PM #
I just figured it out:
i700= B&W, will be introduced soon.
i705= color, but very dim. They will use the 505 as a model. Introduced later.
i715= color, readable screen--what we want now. This will be released 3 months after Sony & Handspring have 2 card slots, 32MB RAM, Bluetooth, and XM radio.

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 9:34:19 PM #
from another I.M.Anon. "I just figured it out:
i700= B&W, will be introduced soon.
i705= color, but very dim. They will use the 505 as a model. Introduced later.
i715= color, readable screen--what we want now. This will be released 3 months after Sony & Handspring have 2 card slots, 32MB RAM, Bluetooth, and XM radio."

That is the most truly sad, funny thing I have read in months.

-a future Sony PDA owner-

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 12:39:40 AM #
He was joking, dillweed.

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
TDS @ 1/24/2002 8:12:59 AM #
Earlier, someone who claimed to be a Palm rep called another user on this sight an idiot. I cannot imagine a real representitive of Palm, inc. logging into a Palm web site and insulting the users. Mr. Palm rep, are you sure you don't just sell Palms at "Office Max?" That does not make you a Palm Rep, that makes you a "Stock Boy".

RE: Backlit screen useless outdoors?
mikecane @ 1/24/2002 8:48:38 AM #
They were going to call it the i709 but Paramount objected because they didn't want people to nickname it the "Seven of Nine."

screen shots

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:12:37 AM #
so why is the 130 screen and the m505 in german? and did anyone else notice the "blue chat" icon on the m515? is that a bluetooth chat program. so did the source say where he saw this at? also dont ya think its kinda funny that the m505 only has 700k free
hey ED i'd re-examine this source it seems they've taken a lot of posts and produced products from what we've been saying

RE: screen shots
Ed @ 1/23/2002 10:20:29 AM #
> so why is the 130 screen and the m505 in german?

Because the roadshow happened in Germany.

> so did the source say where he saw this at?

Yes, but I'm trying to protect their identity as much as I can. I was trying to not even point out that this came from Germany but I was pretty sure that was too much to hope for. Palm didn't seem to care at the time but I believe in being cautious about keeping people who ask to be anonymous as anoymous as possible.

> also dont ya think its kinda funny that the m505 only has 700k free

No. Why would this be odd? It is probably the presenter's own handheld. That would explain why it is running Launcher III, too.

> it seems they've taken a lot of posts and produced products from what we've been saying

How do you know the mentions of the m300 on the site yesterday weren't from this source? They are a regular reader. Also, they weren't alone at the roadshow.

News Editor

RE: screen shots
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:54:02 AM #
well that covers thoose bases,
its just i never trust single source leaks, unless they're "offical leaks"
Thanks ED

RE: screen shots
Ed @ 1/23/2002 11:08:04 AM #
I understand people being suspicious. I'm always suspicious about rumors like this myself. If I sounded a bit snappish in my response, it had more to do with not enough caffeine in my blood than anything else.

News Editor
RE: screen shots
Quik_Fix @ 1/23/2002 11:18:38 AM #
Hey Ed!

I hear they're coming out with a Folgers springboard module. It uses the power of the HS to activate its micro-brewing technology, and dispenses the gourmet brew out the microphone into a detachable cup. Or you can buy a little thingie to use it alone if your Visor's not available.

Maybe that'll help, eh? :-)

...In accordance with the prophecy...


RE: screen shots
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:26:10 AM #
No ED the problem seems to be too much blood in your caffine system
Hail-Starbucks (EVIL EMPIRE) TM.

really a coffee mod for the HS i'm all over that

RE: screen shots
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:27:07 PM #
Bluechat and blueboard icons with the bluetooth symbol in the icons themselves.

RE: screen shots
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 2:28:03 PM #
Ed, what mention of the m300 yeasterday?

RE: screen shots
GeauxVols @ 1/23/2002 4:00:51 PM #
Regarding the BlueChat and BlueBoard icons, they are, in fact, BlueTooth applications for MANETs (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks). BlueChat is a Simple Awareness Service which allows people to chat on various topics in public rooms using Bluetooth/WLAN. BlueBoard is a Bluetooth shared whiteboard app. The whole setup is called BluePortal, and would be a novel additon to any enterprise seeking collaborative and interactive development.

RE: screen shots
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:48:19 PM #
Palm uses Bluetooth Software of Extended Systems
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:08:14 AM #
So Widcomm has nothing to with it. The Widcomm BlueChat function is coincedence.

Extended Systems has licensed its Bluetooth software development kits to more than 110 companies for implementation in next-generation products. Customers include *Palm, 3Com, Motorola, Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu, FlashPoint, Xircom, Red-M, Nissin, Taiyo Yuden, NEC, Mitsubishi (TRIUM, France), Crossbow, Visteon, and JVC just to name a few.

Products that utilize Extended Systems' protocol software include:

-NEC's connectBlue serial port printer adapter and AtermITX92BT ISDN terminal adapter
-Red-M Bluetooth Products:
3000AS access server
1000AP access point
Bluetooth clip-on adapter for the Palm Vx
Bluetooth Module for Visor
Geno Software (802.11 and Bluetooth)
-3Com's Wireless Bluetooth PCMCIA card and Bluetooth USB Adapter
-Pico Communications' PicoBlue access point
-Primax's Blueport access point and wireless modem.
-Palm Bluetooth SDK
-AmbiCom's PC and CF Card solutions
-HP Notebooks with integr. 3COM Bluetooth Solution
....just to name a few

*Palm uses XTND Bluetooth Software on any Palm device regardless of CPU or radio H/W (Silicon Wave, TI, Ericsson, Infineon, CSR, Broadcom)

Extended Systems (already a Bluetooth Partner of Broadcom) is working very closely with Broadcom to have there Software work on Broadcoms Embedded and WIN OS specific radio H/W.

At your sevice.

No GPRS device?

mtg101 @ 1/23/2002 10:08:50 AM #
Why no GPRS device with voice capabilities? Seems odd to drop a major device like that, but keep going with the i700. It'll do for some americans for a bit, but what about the rest of the world? And what about the future in the US when they've finally given in and joined the rest of the world doing GSM?

Anyone got any ideas why they'd do this?

My personal conspiracy theories are:

1 - Palm will be buying Handspring soon, and will use their communicators (Treos) for GSM/GPRS devices. The i700 is just being rolled out in the meantime to cover the Blackberry competition.

Handspring's VCs get a good exit, and Palm gets some proper leadership, in the form of Jeff and Donna.

2 - Sony is buying Palm. Ericsony will drop Symbian and use PalmOS instead. Nokia buys Symbian outright. Sony get to kill M$ in the PDA arena, and Nokia in the communicator arena.



Diga ao Falante pelos Mortos

RE: No GPRS device?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:16:01 PM #
>Why no GPRS device with voice capabilities? Seems odd >to drop a major device like that, but keep going with >the i700. It'll do for some americans for a bit, but >what about the rest of the world?

The rest of the world can buy Handspring Treo instead.

>And what about the future in the US when they've >finally given in and joined the rest of the world >doing GSM?

The US is still big enough a market to launch devices like an i705 and follow up with GSM/GPRS when the time is right (i.e. sufficient network provider support)

>Anyone got any ideas why they'd do this?

It's a balance between what's available 'ready to release' and the 'needs further development first'.

>1 - Palm will be buying Handspring soon, and will use
>their communicators (Treos) for GSM/GPRS devices.

Can you tell what Palm will offer to buy Handspring?
Apples? Cheers? Or maybe money which they don't have?

>The i700 is just being rolled out in the meantime to >cover the Blackberry competition.

I don't think they succeed with the i705 if the target
is to compete w/ RIM, rather than to simply replace
the VII/VIIx.

>Handspring's VCs get a good exit, and Palm gets some >proper leadership, in the form of Jeff and Donna.

They left Palm to start their own innovative business, why would they want to work for Palm again?

>2 - Sony is buying Palm.

That's wishful thinking. ;)

>Ericsony will drop Symbian and use PalmOS instead.

That's wishful thinking, too. Sony has WinCE PDA devices in the pipeline that'll be released quite soon.
Then, why should EricSony drop the Symbian platform knowing that it's much more capable for communicator-like devices than PalmOS ever was?

>Nokia buys Symbian outright.

Why buy the whole whereas you can have the pearls of it much cheaper?

>Sony get to kill M$ in the PDA arena, and Nokia in >the communicator arena.

ok, just saw your smiley.. sheds a different light on it, indeed! :)

RE: No GPRS device?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:20:03 PM #

you seem to forget that the US is far far behind Europe when it comes to wireless - trust me, I'm there right now. Mobiles - sorry, cell phones - are by far not as common a view (not surprising, if it is a major that is advertised in the papers here that you don't have to pay for incoming calls, wow! hehe) Apart from that it is technology and product design that is virtually non existant here. Nobody neems to mind to carry bricks around on their belts where you still have to pull an antenna out. You see, Palm may be excused for thinking that pda/phones actually are not the market to go for. I'm still wondering what the wireless connectivity of that i700 thingy you be in say - Germany. Knowing Palm a bit I fear that you have to buy a separate device for each country you travel to.

Did Handspring do it right - you bet, get rid of Graffity, add a GSM/GPRS phone with SMS and make it work. Except for expansion slots the treo is pretty much what is needed and it is a smart choice to roll it out in Europe first (duh - now that I'm here in the US you get something in Europe 'frist', arghh!)

Pretty much every licensee of PalmOS shows much more innovation that Palm.

an european in america -
cheers, oli_f

RE: No GPRS device?
Ott @ 1/24/2002 3:09:36 AM #
Solution for both America and Europe - Bluetooth. For us, Europeans, a truely BT-enabled (i.e. built-in, not via stuffing something into SD slot) would enable to comfortably pair the Palm and a BT mobile phone, checking mail, browsing web, sending SMS's.. For me, a tream-come-true. That would finally let me break loose from the desktop.

For Americans, I would not think that built-in BT would harm them anyway. I have the impression that if BT personal networks will take truely off, that would be in America.

As for Treos and other such palm/phone combos, well.., haven't used them, but aren't they too big for phones and too big for pda's as well? At least I am perfectly happy to carry my small m505 AND Ericsson T29s. For a while I thought that it would be a good idea to plant a mobile phone SIM card into Palm for always-on wireless, but then again I realized I would rather _check_ the mail when I wish, than let the mail come in on me when it wishes. So BT would be ideal.

Add to m505 that soft graffity and some RAM, and I would bet Palm will sell in Europe (where are you in Europe, anyway, Palm?).

German m505, running Launcher III!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:23:49 AM #
If Palm is demonstrating a unit, why in the world would they be using a third-party launcher (LIII) and a German version of the Palm OS?

RE: German m505, running Launcher III!
Ed @ 1/23/2002 10:29:46 AM #
OK, the whole German thing is throwing you guys. The roadshow happened in Germany. I was trying to protect the source's identity as much as I could by not even pointing out what country this came from but I should have known that was too much to hope for. Palm didn't seem to care at the time but I believe in being cautious about keeping people who ask to be anonymous as anoymous as possible.

I'm assuming the m505 being shown off is the presenter's own handheld. It was probably only on display for a few seconds as a quick comparison between the two.

News Editor

Stop the Insanity!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:35:18 AM #
This is getting to be a joke. Every other month Palm releases another stupid dumb model. There are more Palm models than PC vendors out there. I wouldn't bitch if there were significant changes. It gets really confusing for consumers to choose which model is which when buying.

RE: German m505, running Launcher III!
fleegle @ 1/23/2002 11:13:17 AM #
"Every other month Palm releases another stupid dumb model."

What? I think Sony has released more models in the past six months than Palm has since it was spun off from 3Com.

If you meant "Palm" in the generic term then I agree.

RE: German m505, running Launcher III!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:19:54 AM #

RE: German m505, running Launcher III!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:02:01 PM #
What we heard abt Palm models are all rumoured to be released models. None in existence or available to the general public. So is the front light adjustable like Clies?

In other words, almost as good as a Clié

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:18:52 AM #
Even if this story is legit, there just doesn't seem to be much to get excited about here. The new Palm would just offer the same stuff as the new Clié T615C, except without a) high-res, b) a jog dial, and c) not as much bundled software (I'm assuming here).

Of course, Palm has the following advantages: a) superior customer support, b) better buttons (IMHO), and c) their universal connector, which (they claim) won't change in the near future, so you might actually get some re-use out of your peripherals.

Which are more important to you? Personally, I'd like to say that I'll wait for m525 and see which I like better, but I'll probably just get impatient and pick up the Sony.

regards, Daniel

RE: In other words, almost as good as a Clié
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:32:49 PM #
Sony T615C vs. Palm M515 may be an even match. As you say, the Sony has bad buttons. Sony units also have stylii that are too thin for us large western types to use. The Sony stylii also tend to fall out of their silos a lot. Finally, Sony seems to have some legibility problems with its high resolution English fonts.

I think that the most perfect Palm (for its time) was the Palm Vx. I'd love to have a modern replacement for my Vx:

16 MBytes of RAM
Improved legibility
Fast CPU
Solid mechanicals:
- Fat stylus that stays in its silo
- Great buttons
- Casing that feels like a solid block of metal
- Thin form factor

RE: In other words, almost as good as a Clié
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 2:30:58 PM #
Amen. I bought a Palm V when it first came out and then later upgraded to a Vx (Omnisky needed so much memory). I've been looking for an "upgrade" for the last 6 months or so and just have not found one. I know there are plenty of models out there with various features, but I have not found one that is worth the upgrade. I'm hoping the T615c is the answer as I would really like to have color. If not, I'll wait to see the new Palm devices.

But why?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:31:54 AM #
My question is, why would someone pick this up when the ARM handhelds will be ready so soon. I doubt people who buy this (in March or April when it debuts) will even get a year of time to play with it before Palm begins to phase out the "OS 4 dinosaurs" and phase in the new ARM'ed Palms.

I still don't understand the screen debate. I have bad eyes and it's fine to me. With the backlight on all the time the battery life already isn't GREAT, and with this new screen it's probably even worse.

I'm hoping Palm didn't plunge in a ton of money and R&D into making the m130 and m515 so that the ARM Palm's can blow everyone out of the water when they come.

RE: But why?
Ed @ 1/23/2002 10:41:35 AM #
This is entirely speculative, but I think Palm, Sony, and Handspring will continue to sell handhelds with Dragonball processors running OS 4 for some time. For maybe a year after their introduction, ARM-based Palms will be for the high-end only. They will typically sell for $400+. This leaves the Dragonball to fill in the very important mid-range and low-end. An m515, if it turns out to be real, could be a good mid-range handheld by the end of this year. It would probably cost $450 if introduced this Spring but by next Fall, when the ARM-based models come out at $450, it will be down to $350 or maybe even lower.

The best example of this I can think of is from Handspring. When the Visor Deluxe was introduced, it was the company's high-end model. As better models were released later, Handspring didn't stop selling the Deluxe. It just dropped the price and it became their mid-range model. Eventually it became a low-end model before finally being put out to pasture.

News Editor

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:45:16 AM #
"My question is, why would someone pick this up when the ARM handhelds will be ready so soon."

I don't think you will see an ARM based palm anytime this year. Just look at the i705. Everyone said it would be out in late 2001...well its 2002 and no 705! All you people complain on how palm does things. Well, palm is not selling to you, the Palm PDA Geek (yes, I am one too. I'm here reading They are selling to people who think they want a PDA and walk into a store to learn more about handhelds. Those who shop for a PDA don't say "WOW the m505 screen sucks and no ARM processor. I'll wait to see what Palm has in 6 months". No they buy whats on the shelf.

RE: But why?
madhatter @ 1/23/2002 10:58:21 AM #
If the story is true, and the road show is announcing future products, then isn't Palm shooting themselves in the foot. Announcing the 515 would surely slow or kill the sales of the 505. Palm has made that mistake once, and I don't see them making the same mistake again.

A Palm in hand is worth two in your pocket.

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:22:17 AM #
I think Palm is killing your unique chance do lead handheld market. THIS ANNOUNCED PRODUCTS ARE A BIG STRATEGY MISTAKE. I'M AWAITING FOR ARM-OS-5 BASED PALMS FOR MONTHS, and will not buy any M515.

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:13:35 PM #
Well. ARM Palms probably won't be out until
the end of this year. So there is a whole year,
which in PDA world is a very long time. Long
enough to kill a company, or create a PDA company
like Sony.

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:21:41 PM #
>>I'M AWAITING FOR ARM-OS-5 BASED PALMS FOR MONTHS, and will not buy any M515.<<

You might not, be plenty of people surely will. Here's what they'll likely see in stores(prices are all TOTALLY guesses on my part):
1) m515 - color, 16mb, about $450 (I'm guessing)
2) m505 - color, 8mb, about $375 (maybe less)
3) m500 - monochrome, 8mb, about $300
4) m130 - color, 8mb, about $300
5) m125 - monochrome, 8mb, about $225
6) m105 - monochrome, 8mb, about $125
7) m100 - monochrome, 2mb, less than $100

Now, layer onto that 3 other models, the i700/705(whatever it's called) at around $400-500, the m525 at $500 with hi-res, and an ARM-based model or 2 for over $500. That's a pretty formidable lineup of products targeting almost everyone in the market. Granted, under this scenario, the T615 would look better on some counts, but not all (buttons, customer support, etc.). The sheer ubiquity of Palm would be impressive. The question for the consumer would become NOT "Palm or PPC?" but "Which Palm?"

What'd make it REALLY interesting would be if 1)Sony would release many different models concurrently, instead of discontinuing gems like the N610C, and 2) if Palm ditched the m100/105, went for full universal connector/expansion card models, and bumped prices down about $75 per model. Either way, lots of choices for the TYPICAL PDA buyer, which is not what most of us who frequent PIC are.

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:04:51 PM #
I think Palm will inclue virtual grafitti area in your next models, because grafitti intelectual property is on litigation with Xerox Company, and Palm could be forced by Court of justice to stop use it.

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:55:52 PM #
>>isn't Palm shooting themselves in the foot.
>>Announcing the 515 would surely slow or kill the
>>sales of the 505. Palm has made that mistake once,
>>and I don't see them making the same mistake again.

Yeah, but they're doing it anyway, as evidenced by that ridiculous e-mail they sent everyone hinting about the i700/705. I thnk Palm knows they are taking a risk of repeating last year's debacle, but I think they have no choice. They are in such trouble already that they feel they have to get the word out that great things are coming. If this story is true, the description of a "Be-like" OS 5 kind of confirms this, because there is no way that they had enough time to really integrate the technology (consider how quickly any kind of innovation has come out of Palm). They would be saying this to keep people from jumping ship. They're paranoid.

ARM won't be useful for over a year
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 2:18:50 PM #
It's one thing to introduce the ARM hardware, it's another thing to get the software to work. Look, VFS is just becoming useful over the past few months with many applications not even supporting it yet.

Think about how long it will take most software developers to port their software to work with the ARM processors. I have a feeling that the first ARM-based handhelds won't be worth having because there will be some software that you are used to using that won't be compatible for a while. I still haven't filled up half of my SD card because it's hard to find software that supports it!

RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:27:34 PM #
Stop calling it a Palm announcement. This is some leak/rumor that only PDA geeks like us are going to really know or care about. The vast majority won't have a clue till it hits the web and the shelves.

RE: But why?
Scott @ 1/23/2002 3:48:22 PM #
The problem last year with the pre-announcement of the m505 was that they had an inventory glut of Vx's. I'm betting their inventory of m505's is manageable, thus allowing them to let some info leak (if it even turns out to be true).


RE: But why?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:02:43 AM #
OS5 will be backwards compatible with old code by running an emulator - high clock rate of ARM will help to do it at reasonable speed.

Great News - if True

kevdo @ 1/23/2002 10:39:29 AM #
Palm will sell a lot of m130s -- if the price is right. For young people the m100 is a great form factor and adding color would make it even more attractive. My concern is the weight of this device, though. I would hope this thing would sell for around $300 and the m515 in the $400 range.

BTW- I like hi-res screens in theory. However, the fonts on the Sony implementation in particular have turned me off. I'm okay with 160x160 until we have a new standard for OS5. There will be a new, higher standard -- right Palm?

-Kevin Crossman

RE: Great News - if True
mikecane @ 1/23/2002 10:56:36 AM #
Try Thin Font Fix on the CLIE.

RE: Great News - if True
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:47:17 AM #
I agree. Thin Font Fix makes the screen MUCH nicer to look at.

RE: Great News - if True
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 2:41:23 PM #
Where can I download this thin font fix? Thanks

RE: Great News - if True
Ed @ 1/23/2002 11:17:13 PM #


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:52:40 AM #
for those who keep saying that they don't want sony because they don't want to see sony has new models coming up every 4 months and don't really have a big change, although Palm's new models come up after a year since the intro of m5xx, can you find Palm has any more significent change than Sony?

Any improvements are welcome

PalmPowered @ 1/23/2002 10:55:46 AM #
I think it is great that Palm is going to update the m500 series with a stronger backlight and more ram. Handspring seems to have set the new standard when it released the Visor Pro with 16 mb of ram. I know I am always having to delete stuff when I want to add new programs because my ram stays maxed out a lot. Having another 8 megs would be a lot of help. As for the screen, I will admit it is darker than I would like and the new screens from Sony make for a convincing argument to switch. However, I don't relish the thought of changing over all my accessories to compliment another handheld-I would much rather just have the new m515 if it will fit them and save all the extra dollars. I have never had any problem disposing of my used Palms as there are lots of people around here who want one and don't mind paying a discounted price for a slightly used one.

As for the new 130 series...everyone gripes about the m100 series...monochrome, cheap, whatever. However, we need to remember that the m100 series has put handhelds into the "palms" of an awfully lot of users over the past year. Students and persons wanting a low priced handheld may not necessarily be the power users that this site attracts and therefore, they may not be well represented in this forum. But they are out there and everyone I know that has one loves their m100 series handheld. If Palm only focused on the higher end, there would not be nearly as many people out there using them and thus, less dollars to spend on research and development. I think they are making an honest effort to improve in a market that is changing daily.

-If you only knew the power of the Palm side-

RE: Any improvements are welcome
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:40:46 AM #
The M105 is the first PDA I have owned. In fact I didn't know much about PDAs until someone
gave me this model as Christmas present a few weeks ago. I've almost filled the 8mb RAM already
with an assortment of freeware but will upgrade in the near future because I'm already feeling
the frustration of not being able to expand the memory. Having read the discussion
threads/reviews on various sites about the less than ideal colour contrast on the M505
I am awaiting the launch of the M515 with interest with a stern eye on the cost
comparison between these two models versus similar competitor versions.

Top marks to Palm though for good R&D/marketing tactics on the M105 which enabled the likes of
me to whet their appetites on what is a superb starter PDA for the price.


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:10:02 AM #
Isn't there suppose to be NDA for this sort of thing? I wonder if someone just blew their NDA by making these photos sort of makes it really easy to figure out who did it.

...hope they don't get in trouble and keep the informataion flowing! =>

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:06:44 PM #
Having said that "there were quite a few people at the show", can any of those people present step forward and confirm what "the source" is stating.

mikecane @ 1/24/2002 8:53:30 AM #
They're probably leaking like sieves -- on *German* websites. Sprechen sie, anyone?

The Final Solution

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:17:32 AM #
Looks like Palm's solution for the USB bug in the m505 is to kill it off. Makes sense. They have to be losing money.

What a bunch of crap

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:35:43 AM #
Sounds like to me that people in German are having to much fun spreading false RUMORS......I have seen the new wireless and it is called the new i805......and the color model will be out in 30 days..... ;-) Let the rumors fly.........

RE: What a bunch of crap
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 12:43:10 PM #
Yeah, well I've got the latest Sony in my hand as we speak. No, NOT the T615C (what a dinosaur - hi-res color is SO 2001), I'm talking about the T1000. This model has no screen, instead there's a plug-in that goes into your palm (get the pun?). The display appears literally BEFORE your eyes. So it can be fine-tuned to your own personal eye prescription, etc. It's super hi-res--you get essentially what you see on a typical monitor. AND it's low-power, working off your body's internal heat.

The downside is that turning the brightness level up high tires you out and can also cause blindness. Also, you need the palm input surgically implanted (available ONLY from Sony Med-Tech, Inc.), and that runs around $5,000-$6,000, depending on genetics.

Hey, I've SEEN it! You can't deny that this is coming!

RE: What a bunch of crap
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:19:19 PM #

You watch to many PlayStations commercials.

Sony T-1000
ktran @ 1/24/2002 1:01:58 AM #
I thought the T-1000 would be more of a liquid-metal metamorphic thingie... Thin when you need it to be, expandable (literally) when you need it to be.

I'm sorry if this joke falls flat -- T2 came out when I was about 11.

K. Tran

RE: What a bunch of crap
ardiri @ 1/31/2002 2:17:12 AM #
I thought the T-1000 would be more of a liquid-metal metamorphic thingie... Thin when you need it to be, expandable (literally) when you need it to be.

hahahaha.. now, this is the funniest thing i have read here for a while.. hahahahah..

// az

Hrm, it makes for fun.

Mojo @ 1/23/2002 11:14:46 AM #
Okay, first I want to state that this may or may not be real. I wasn't there and not a whole lot of info is being said. So for the benefit of the doubt it could go either way.

However, because I like a good puzzle... I will throw in a few odd things to churn the pot of conspiracy.

First thing about the pictures, why are they in different languages. That is of the two palms presented, one is in English (comparision picture) while the single palm is in German. I would think it would be an all or nothing sort of deal...

Second, products of light and relfection... in the single image we can see the outline of a projection screen and we will have to assume the image is being projected onto it, my curiosity is raised because you can see a clear shadow and full detail of the back of the guys head. That leads me to believe the image was taken with a flash... would not the flash have washed out the projection screen? Additionally... the image presents an object foreground (the head) near center. IF we go with the idea that the camera is a small pocket 35mm the light would be close to the center of the camera lense, this would lead to a shadow that is projected forward of center, yet the shadow appears off to the left. Was the camera and light source seperated? Or is the shadow not really there?

Just some things that stick out. Though it may be possible that some outside influences caused these differences.

Either way I treat rumors like a game, and I am not clamming to have near enough info to even set aside the possibilities that it is real... I just don't really see it. NO flames... just having fun with it.

RE: Hrm, it makes for fun.
Quik_Fix @ 1/23/2002 3:25:00 PM #
Definitely a good way to make me look at the pics again, Mojo!

I think they're real. If you notice in the first pic, the light coming from the right does in a way wash out the picture from the projector. If you look in the shadow from that light, you will note that the projected pic is much clearer and darker, meaning that the rest of it was affected by the light.

I'm wondering whether the light is a flash at all. It might be a backgroung light of some sort. It's also possible that the projector is at an angle.
To answer your question, the show was in Germany and that's why one of them has German OS. You'll note that it's the two new versions with the German OS; the 505 they use for comparision is in English, and they probably took it from one of the presenters to use as an example.

I think...

...In accordance with the prophecy...


Palm should have offered a bigger screen

wilco @ 1/23/2002 11:36:41 AM #
What! No increase in resolution? The pics seems to indicate the resolution is still 160x160, that's a mistake. So is the lack of a Virtual Graffitti Area, a bigger screen like that of Handera could have a lot of Palm users upgrading and put it on equal footing with Pocket PC devices.
And Palm should learn from Sony and Apple to offer details only when the device is ready to ship. If it's true that this device won't be ready until April then this a repeat of last year's mistake where the open secret (okay it's no secret) about the m505 sapped sales of available devices. Hope Palm released it sooner or post a denial if the device is not ready to ship.

RE: Palm should have offered a bigger screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:04:40 PM #
Didn't Palm publicly state that they wouldn't have anything but 160x160 models until they make OS5/ARM devices? Why do you people expect Palm to compete with Sony's screens when they've already said they aren't going to?

RE: Palm should have offered a bigger screen
Altema @ 1/24/2002 1:01:34 AM #
>What! No increase in resolution? The pics seems to indicate the resolution is still 160x160, that's a mistake.

I have a confession to make. I picked the Palm over the Sony because I did not like the Sony screen. The Sony screen was much nicer to look at for hi-res photographs, but the Palm screen was easier to read, faster, and had a better feel (firm and responsive without being spongy).

If I was a photographer, I probably would have bought the Sony, but since I do more reading and database management (Wordsmith and ThinkDB are beautiful on the 505), I had to choose accordingly.

I agree completely about the virtual graffiti. The 5xx series face is almost all screen, it's a shame to waste the graffiti area. In addition to extra spreadsheet space, think of viewing video in landscape mode!

RE: Palm should have offered a bigger screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:09:21 AM #
You can run apps on sony in old 160x160 mode, so it will be exactly the same apart from that color screen is actually much brighter and readable!

RE: Palm should have offered a bigger screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:16:03 AM #
m505 m515. Slight change in model numer slight change in model. When palm do a big change they'll change the model number in a big way. For example palm V palm 500. This is just an update. They've released a cool model (505) heard people weren't happy with the screen and have updated it to be super cool. It's just an update and I bet they'll hardly market it.

RE: Palm should have offered a bigger screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 3:20:09 PM #
You would be right except that Palm has chosen to baheve desperately these days, overplaying everything. For example, the i705 is not that impressive, but their marketing team is acting like it is the second coming. I suspect that behind the gusto they know that these devices are not going to sell impressively, but they still have to pretend the opposite.

This was by Foo Fighter on PDABuzz:

In a press conference held at its Palo Alto headquarters today, Palm announced a partnership with Apple to license the company's vaunted RDF (Reality Distortion Field) technology. Using RDF, Palm hopes to achieve great success with, what would otherwise be lackluster products. A spokesperson for Palm had this to say..."We believe that by using Steve Jobs trademarked phrases like Simply amazing and incredible or unbelievable that our new products will set the market on fire, while covering up the fact that there really isn't anything new or innovative about these particular products. The spokesperson also went on to say they had already successfully licensed Apple's pre-launch hype technique. When asked what Palm had up its sleeve next, CCO Mike Mace said.."Shhhhh".

RE: Palm should have offered a bigger screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/28/2002 4:40:20 PM #
Why don't Handspring and Palm have hi-re display now? Because it would be a lot of mess before Palm OS officially supports it. HandSpring and Palm would have to write their own code to support hi-res which would be different from the one from Sony until Palm OS incorporates the Sony code into the Palm OS. If they did that, when Palm OS with hi-res support comes out, they would have to re-modify their ROM. Remember, 320x320 is Sony's own. It's not yet Palm OS' standard feature.

I don't want to Be like Mic....

sandbuck @ 1/23/2002 12:05:21 PM #

Does the Be GUI more closely resemble Windows or OS X?

RE: I don't want to Be like Mic....
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:48:55 PM #

BeOS has a nicer feel to the desktop. More like osX than anything else out there. TO get a good idea of BeOS without installing the WindowBlinds trial and it has a BeOS skin that will give u a pretty good idea of the looks.

RE: I don't want to Be like Mic....
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:11:15 PM #
Don't hold your breath. The Palm OS 5 Simulator currently released to developers looks exactly like Palm OS 4.

RE: I don't want to Be like Mic....
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:21:34 PM #
"Don't hold your breath. The Palm OS 5 Simulator currently released to developers looks exactly like Palm OS 4."

Yes, I'm disappointed too.
Basically, as an early previewer of OS 5, we're going to have nothing more than a faster date book and address book.

I would tell most of you consumers out there to NOT hold your breath for anything multimedia related. Sorry. If you need multimedia, I would recommend you get a PocketPC.

I develop for both platforms and OS 5 is not impressive though you will see a "real" file management system and multi-threading.

RE: I don't want to Be like Mic....
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:50:40 PM #
is there virtual grafiti in the OS simulator?

RE: I don't want to Be like Mic....
LarryGarfield @ 1/23/2002 11:36:53 PM #
"Don't hold your breath. The Palm OS 5 Simulator currently released to developers looks exactly like Palm OS 4."

Good! The Palm UI is very clean and very simple. No, you can't add all kinds of customized psychodellic colors. No, you can't put a background image in the launcher (but you can with some 3rd party launchers). Um, why is that a problem? It makes it smaller, faster, and easier for new users to learn. You want them to change a UI that is easily THE most novice-friendly UI currently available on any general purpose computing device? Are you insane?

Beef up the hardware. Provide new options. But for god's sake don't **** with the interface that 20 million users already know and are comfortable with. When Microsoft does that we get upset at them changing every other week.

This post is ROT26 encrypted. Reading it is a violation of the DMCA

RE: I don't want to Be like Mic....
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:28:14 AM #
"Don't hold your breath. The Palm OS 5 Simulator currently released to developers looks exactly like Palm OS 4."
That sucks, althought remember why many did move to Palm. I for one bought a palm os device because the OS was much more simple to use. I had problems getting around PPC2002. But I hope they start using some color or something to make a more clean yet beOS look. I always fall for the look of Be OS. They can't continue with the os 4.0 look because soon its going to die off. It's no longer a trend.

The m100

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:16:57 PM #
I would just like to inform the group that the m100 has been discontinued.


RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:22:23 PM #
I don't know where you're getting this, but it's certainly not from Palm. All m100 info (including a link for online purchase) is still readily available from their site.

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:29:40 PM #
The remaining inventory is still available and will be for a few more weeks.


RE: The m100
peter167 @ 1/23/2002 2:41:57 PM #
It is business as usual.

Palm wants everyone to pick up the m125 instead of m10x. Once Palm used up the components for the m10x series, the m125 will serve as the entry level model.

That can create more sales for Palm because $199 is not that expensive after all for a PDA, as long as it has 8MB RAM and SD slot and UC. We know more accessories will come for the UC and SD.

If Palm decides to make the m130 and continue to sell m505/515 or whatever, they have to make sure that these products must be substantially different in features and content. Make the price gap be less than $100. One for $319 and one for $399. Kill the m500. It just does not fit in any price range.

Then please surprise us by rolling ARM-based handhelds in May or June without telling us first. $499 to start with and topped at $599 with either bluetooth or 802.11a built-in. Make sure you sell all the m505/515 (those $399 units) and use all the inventory of its components because no one would consider buying it anymore.

RE: The m500
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:33:25 PM #
>>Make sure you sell all the m505/515 (those $399 units) and use all the inventory of its components because no one would consider buying it anymore.<<

Whoa! Hold your horses... If the price is right, the m505/515 would sell just fine, even after the introduction of ARM-based units. Not everyone will want to go to OS 5 immediately, and there will be plenty of software and support for OS 4. What's more, not everyone finds 802.11, Bluetooth, etc., to be absolutely necessary in their PDA.

Just because you wouldn't buy an OS 4 machine doesn't mean everyone would.

RE: The m100
peter167 @ 1/23/2002 4:58:23 PM #
No, I thought you misintrepret my message, or I was unclear. If there will be a m130 (color device), that will definitely make the sales of m505/m515 weak. If you are going to reduce the price of m505/m515 units, you kill the sales of m130 and vice versa.

What I mean is that three color handhelds (two OS4 and one ARM) will be extremely difficult to be marketed, given the price range of these units within $200-300.

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 7:32:46 PM #
Have you even seen an m100 series screen? its ridiculously TINY! id go for IIIxe than an m105. I will never consider buying an m100 series and its all because of the tiny screen.


RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:10:42 PM #
Likewise on the tiny screen.

I have a IIIxe. My next Palm will (hopefully) have the same size screen or larger with a form factor no bigger than the III (which removes most of the PPCs from the running).

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:56:39 PM #
I posted a similar message yesterday....
the m100 will be discontinued within the next few months, most likely during the first few weeks of the 2nd calendar quarter and coinciding with a new release from palm.

the prices of all the palms will drop from $20-$50. the m500 will be the first of the m500 series palms(meaning that there will be more in this line) to be discontinued, most likely going to be replaced with a color another color palm. the spot that the m100 empties will be replaced by a midrange palm.

After the 2nd calendar quarter, most of palm's handhelds will be priced at $350 or lower with a good number of them being color. the higher end palms, like the "m525" or the i700 *series*(again, more in this line) will be priced from $350 to $499.

There will be at least 2 new palms(including the i705) released by April, 2002. Palm plans to have as many as 4 new palms (including the 2 just mentioned) by the end of 3rd calendar quarter or beginning of 4th calendar quarter.

The images that were in this article can be confirmed by my one of my sources, but he doesn't want to risk posting here....

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 9:03:39 PM #
whoops.....for got to add my tagline....

that iwas -IASEDA posting that info for you ;-)

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 9:18:42 PM #
> the m500 will be the first of the m500 series palms (meaning that
> there will be more in this line) to be discontinued, most likely going
> to be replaced with a color another color palm.

Highly doubtful seeing that the m500 is one of the best selling current Palms. Maybe they would replace it with one with Bluetooth built-in.

The m110 and m105 will be discontinued soon, in that order, leaving the m125 as the low end model.

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 9:40:20 PM #
don't get me wrong..the m505 will also be discontinued...but what's the point of keeping either of the current m500 series handhelds if new ones(hint hint) will be release at the same if not even lower prices?? I think that palm will most likely rebuild the m500 series instead of the m100 series. working in retail i've seen that the m105's and m125s this year have sold almost at a 4 to 1 ratio compared to the m500 series

by august, the lineup of the palms, i think, will look like this, from lowest-end to highest end

"m1xx", ie color version in m1xx mold
"m5xx", ie a better version of the palm m500
"m5x5", ie a better version of the palm m505
i705, being announced a week from today
"i705", color version of monochrome palm, possibily with major improvements, but still wireless

after this there will be 2 handhelds, geared for the more multimedia type person, both in color.


RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:21:14 PM #
> Highly doubtful seeing that the m500 is one of the best selling current Palms.

You might be getting confused about names. The m500 is the monochrome version, the m505 is the color. The m505 has sold very well. The m500 has hardly sold at all so its only a matter of time before it goes away. I think soon.

RE: The m100
peter167 @ 1/23/2002 11:33:20 PM #
It is highly doubtful that Palm will build a handheld that retails less than $179 anymore, once the m10x series are sold out.

The reason why they spin off their OS subsidary is they want to focus on more high-end, enterprise products. Not something you could sell @$99 for almost no profit at all. Palm will probably license to other entry manufacturers to manufacture some bread-and-butter, low-price handhelds. The Palm OS could keep the $8 or more for royalty instead.

Palm should and will focus wireless capabilities on their next generation handhelds, which profits are made.

RE: The m100
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 5:53:47 PM #
> You might be getting confused about names. The m500 is the monochrome
> version, the m505 is the color. The m505 has sold very well. The m500 has
> hardly sold at all [...]

That would be incorrect. Although the m505 is the better selling Palm, the sales numbers for the m500 have been quite good as well.

The m130

peter167 @ 1/23/2002 1:37:20 PM #
It will be a bigger seller if it is priced at $299. Truckloads will be shipped. Killed the m500. Useless.

The m515 is just an update of m505, from my point of view. The casing and everything will be identical. Only 16 MB of RAM and a stronger sidelight. No need to waste too much R/D money because you knew an ARM-based device is rolling out soon. The first unit will not use TI's chips, until something changed from now on.

RE: The m130
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 1:58:55 PM #

Jonh Reevo, Palm Sporkeperson said in unnoficial note than there's no palm device named M515. New models will be available just in April, and rund OS 5, in a ARM machine.

Please, Stop panic!

Palm isn't stupid.

RE: The m130
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 2:30:09 PM #
This source is just pulling our chains.

RE: The m130
pontif @ 1/23/2002 9:22:24 PM #
If new ARM models are due in april, how come Palm is telling us developers to expect a BETA of OS 5 around mid-year and no later than Q3?

RE: The m130
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:25:13 PM #
> New models will be available just in April, and rund OS 5, in a ARM machine.

This is totally wrong. The beta of OS 5 will be ready late spring. The final version will be done early fall with hand-helds using it out late fall.

i700? I think not...

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:07:42 PM #
TRUST ME. It is called the i705. Unless they are going to scrape off the writing on the front of 10,000+ handhelds.

The M515 looks pretty good

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 3:16:51 PM #
I think most people who wanted a m505 but were turned off by the screen issue will go for the m515 without question. If the battery life is good (8hrs+) then it sounds like the best bet on the market.

I just tried the Sony t615 at Best Buy and it's too small for my hands and the stylus is way too small.

One great thing about the Palm M5XX series is the form factor. It just seems to fit better and feels solid. And the palm stylus is far better than sony's.

It'll be a tough choice between these two.

RE: The M515 looks pretty good
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:25:36 PM #
Yes, if you have bear-sized hands and extremely chubby fingers, the Clie is not for you.

For the rest of us with normal hands and fingers, a Clie's size and stylus are just right.

RE: The M515 looks pretty good
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:01:22 PM #
But, what about me? I virtually never use my built-in stylus. I use my pen-stylus from Fellowes. It has a stylus point with retractable parker ink refill. I would buy a PDA without any stylus included. Are there no others like me?

Anyway, I am 99% convinced these are Palms next models. It is so simple. They have nothing in the $200-$300 selling range. They will never be able to keep sales of the 505 up with the Sony T615c so vastly superior. 16 meg and a brighter screen are the minimum they need to sell any thin form-factor PDAs for the next 10 months.

The M100 is selling for $40 in Japan. They are getting rid of them to keep the entry price above $100 in the US.

None, of this is likely to get them any of my money, though. I want a Sony T715C with dual slots, big battery, soft grafitti, and full sound capabilities.


Quik_Fix @ 1/23/2002 3:31:50 PM #
I can only speak for myself, but I can't take seriously all the people here to claim to have "ins" with Palm, Inc. Especially since most of them post here anonymously. Now, I know it's easier to start **** when you're anonymous, but it totally destroys credibility. I swear to you it takes as much time to resister as it does to post, so just get a name and stand for what you say.

This is not directed towards anyone, just a blanket statement. If you claim to be a Palm rep; put your name down, post a link. If you claim to have info, state a source. And if you're under 20, hell even if you're not, please show respect in how you write to people; this place gets awfull hot sometimes!

Enough seriousness. My head hurts... On with the posting!

...In accordance with the prophecy...


RE: Credentials
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:17:16 PM #
Look, if these people posted their credentials and provided company info that caused a problem (see Donna Dubinsky), they they would probably be "out" just like your sorry ass!

RE: Credentials
Quik_Fix @ 1/23/2002 4:59:48 PM #
I don't mean the source who gave the article, I mean all the people who respond and say they are members of Palm Elite.

Hmmm... Posted by IM Anonymous...courageous. Mature, too.

...In accordance with the prophecy...


RE: Credentials
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:16:56 AM #
You don't have to believe anything here.
If you like official info then go to

Of course many of those who post anonimously talk **** (like me, but not now), but some talk real business and they have to stay anonimous to have that little bit of protection for THEMSELVES _AND_ THEIR sources.

RE: Credentials
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 7:53:28 AM #
I think the sources who posted this item are credible and valuable. The biggest thing I like knowing about this is that Palm appears to have no designs on a high res model. So, I will feel confident going with a Sony. I really need hi-res. The whole thing, pictures, German developers conference, model names, all make sense to me. Unless Palm has pulled off the secret of the decade (and look the whole point of the Ginger/It/Segway thing was to be a hyped secret and they couldn't keep THAT secret) and plans to release OS 5 in April, these are what we will get from Palm and this will be all we get until OS 5 almost a year from now.

Head! Down in front!

Scott @ 1/23/2002 3:54:09 PM #
What I want to know is...

What's up with that guy sitting so close to the screen? It looks like his head is about 1" away from the screen!


RE: Head! Down in front!
volcanopele @ 1/23/2002 5:46:05 PM #
I got to think about these differences in model number and I wonder if it is almost entirely due to one being released in Europe and another being released in the U.S., much like how Sony releases one model in Japan and another elsewhere (T600C vs. T615C). Perhaps as was suggested above, the i700 is the model number for the European version and i705 is the model number for the U.S. This difference might be a small difference in hardware due to the difference between wireless systems in Europe and in America. Maybe we can stretch this to the m515. Perhaps that is the European model number and the m525 is the American model number. How does the source view that or was there anything specific said about that.

I think these are LEGIT!!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:17:09 PM #
Anyobody notice the small "Brightness" Icon above the "123" Graffiti area? The supposed m515 has a different one vs. the supposed m130. I am disappointed that the alleged m515 does not have 320x320. T615C kills the m515 Star.

RE: I think these are LEGIT!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:43:51 PM #
I think you're right on this. Since the m505 doesn't even have a brightness control, it certainly makes these look like different models. A brightness control should also go a little ways toward making this a fairly power efficient color device as well. Hopefully the m130 will have an SD slot and the m515 will have built in Bluetooth with an SD slot. That would make them fairly nice.

RE: I think these are LEGIT!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:20:46 AM #
Palm won't have builtin bluetooth anytime soon. All their efforts are focused on OS5 and new hardware, old stuff will die soon and they just keep doing minor incremental upades, thats all.

Why waste time on 16MB, Trying to compete with Clie now???

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:15:26 PM #
Hi All,

I noticed, now Palm is trying to keep up with the industry that Palm it self created. I thought Palm was the Industry leader, not the follower. I understand screen is not bright enough needs work, little bit more memory won't hurt. But I want more peripherals, SD slot 802.11 wireless LAN cars. I know MS Pocket PC 2002 totaly sucks, but I love the hardware, competible with almost anything. My brother recently purchased Toshiba e570, I literally loved it, besides the OS hardware is perfect. Yesterday he started using with his $99 dolars linksys CF 802.11 card, I was very jealous. I know palm has a "Xircom® Wireless LAN Module", but come on, I spent over $400 already for this m505, why should I pay more than $100 for wireless LAN access, while Pocket PC guys already gettting it even less than $99.

I think Palm needs to work closer with outside peripherals developers to create more versatile PDAs. I think I want more out of my Palm m505, not only screen and memory, but I want a true mobile PDA. I can't wait to put my hands on to the new Treos, I hate cell phones monopoly in this country, but still it's a big step for true mobile experience. Thank you for reading and good luck.

RE: Why waste time on 16MB, Trying to compete with Clie now???
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 4:59:11 PM #
The SD slot, or pretty much any other handheld slot except CF will never power an 802.11b device. So I hate to say it, but for the m50x series, that sled is probably going to be your best bet. If you want cheap 802.11b in a handheld now, a HandEra TRGpro or 330 is about the only option. When HandEra was selling those $99 refurbs, you could have a 802.11b setup for $200! Otherwise you'll have to wait for some kind of Bluetooth bridge or access point.

RE: Why waste time on 16MB, Trying to compete with Clie now???
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:29:38 PM #
Hey Thanks alot for replying to me. I think I am about to give up on this Palm OS business. After over 6 years using 4 different handhelds, as a loyal customer I think I am going to get rid of Palm. This is very boring, while others can access almost anything, from wireless to mp3s. I guess I am going to switch to Microfost, just like I did with my Apple computer loooong time ago. Oh well, hey thanks again and have anice day!

TEO (future Pocket PC user and ex-Palm veteran)

I'll buy one.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:22:33 PM #
If this is real I'll buy one. My M505 with PDA Panache stylus is still the best looking, best designed PDA available except for the screen. I'll pay for a new model with a brighter screen and 16 MB of ram with no problem.

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:27:49 PM #
> My M505 with PDA Panache stylus is still the best looking, best designed PDA available except for the screen.


You know what you just wrote is ridiculous, right? So, it's the best but the screen sucks. So, logically it is NOT the best, right?

Take a logic course, my friend.

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:09:59 PM #
wrong. "best" is a relative term. take an english course, friend.

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:07:02 PM #
>>My M505 with PDA Panache stylus is still the best
>>looking, best designed PDA available except for
>>the screen.

>You know what you just wrote is ridiculous, right? So,
>it's the best but the screen sucks. So, logically it
>is NOT the best, right?
>Take a logic course, my friend.

He said that his M505 is the "best looking designed PDA *available*", not the PERFECT pda. What else is available to compare it with? The CLIE 615? It may have a better screen but perhaps he prefers and puts more weight on the m505's stylus size and shell design (eg: it's an opinion).

Take an english course. (sorry, couldn't help it!)

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 7:27:23 AM #
Obviously someone is trying to take the steam out of this engine. Quite alot of people will have the same positive thoughts you do about this new machine. The form factor is a winner. The Sony is just too long. Once you have used this slim PDA, you are sold.

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:08:59 AM #
The Palm 505 fits in the pocket. The sony fits in the hand. I prefer the Sony, though others will make their own decision.

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:37:37 AM #
"My M505 with PDA Panache stylus is still the best"
I had no idea they have a 3rd party stylus for the m50x series! Did you add that from the Vx or something? I have been looking for a new stylus besides the 3 pack because i messed mine up. I scratched it up and now its gold :(. lol, you have a link?

RE: I'll buy one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/4/2002 9:59:46 AM #
I will buy one too. With all of my medical programs I am down to 700kb on the handheld and 8mb of a 64mb card. I need all of the room I can get!


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:27:57 PM #
These palms sound cool... but also the handmedia palms do 2... check it out...

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:38:55 PM #
Wow!!! I want 1 of those.... this 515/130 is nothing compared.... what do you think....??? I'm goin to pre-order 1... only 400 Canadian dollars..... Thats pretty cheap.

Handmedia SPAM
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:50:34 PM #
Stop it with the constant Handmedia SPAM.

Enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!

Build a product first, not Vaporware.

You've already SOURED many here with your SPAM!

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 6:52:51 PM #
SURE!!!! I'll send $400 in to a company I never heard of so I can preorder a product that doesn't exit because I see the owner of the company posting fake replies to his own message with different ISP's!!!

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:00:56 PM #
What makes it so unbelievable? Just curious but I think the 128ram is cool. Though it is pretty good. I will wait till they have a working website.

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:11:24 PM #
I don't think this handmedia "company" is real. Its not even listed as a partner in palm's site. And the press release would have actually been public, with palm, and most likely, Cnet would have gotten a bite out of it.

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:38:17 PM #

My name is Jonathan Perelmuter. I am the executive officer at Handmedia. The website is currently under construction, but we will notify you as soon as it is ready. For a very low price, you receive a quality palm. I do not excpect you to pre-order until our website is out, but please consider pre-ordering as soon as it does.

Best regards,

Jonathan Perelmuter

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 9:00:41 PM #
Look at the first post and the subsequent first "reply". Note any similarities? How about the use of ... and ... between sentences with a single space after it?? Also, the use of "1" and "2" in the posts as opposed to "one" and "too".

It looks obvious to me that someone is trying to PUMP and HYPE their non-existent product. Ed - I suggest you don't delete their SPAM, leave it up with this post as a WARNING for all.

RE: Palms...
Handmedia @ 1/23/2002 9:23:14 PM #
If you don't believe this is true, then you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to, nor am I forcing you to even read or reply to this. BUT this is not a rumor, or some spam. Palm does not list all of there licencees on there website, incase you didn't know, they sometimes sign a disclosure. Early next week our site will be up and running, so check it out.

Signed, Jeffrey McMurtrie, CEO Handmedia

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:20:05 PM #
from press-release:
"...address up to 128Mb of RAM"

128Mb (megabit) = 16MB (megabyte). We got that NOW.

And in case it were a typo, they may be referring to 128MB SD cards. :)

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 12:59:47 AM #
Actually, Mb is an accepted abbreviation for megabyte. But you don't have to take my word for it--wait until the website goes up next week. We think you'll like what you see.

Doug McPhleigh
CIO, Handmedia

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:26:06 AM #
Check domain owner:

51 University Ave, Suite K

Some teen jumped onto .com cyber-squatting a bit too late. Palm's cant address 128Mb of RAM with serious hardware changes to DragonBall cpu.

RE: Palms...
Handmedia @ 1/24/2002 7:18:50 AM #
Who are you Mr. Doug McPhleigh? Would you mind not impersonating our staff? Thanks. Our domain name is being held for us right now by namezero, when you do the Whois search, it brings up there name.

Jeffrey McMurtrie, CEO Handmedia

RE: Palms...
Handmedia @ 1/24/2002 7:29:19 AM #
I will also comment that we are not using a dragonball CPU, in fact we are not using any motorola parts.

Jeffrey McMurtrie

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:21:18 AM #
alright. I do not plan to pre-order because this thing does not sound true. I trust that you are not lying, but i dont trust you with 400 whatever bucks in risk. So explain this :
Why was your press release private? It surely seems like it.

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:16:09 PM #
I love how the CEO's identity continues to change constantly. And we get this "Who are you?" B.S.

Seems like thses teenagers really should find something better to do...

RE: Palms...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:18:15 PM #
Whoops...should be "these" teenagers...

RE: Palms...
ben_riga @ 1/25/2002 3:29:05 AM #
Seems like a scam to me. What company would release a press release pointing people to a web site that is not ready... A web site whose domain is owned by NameZero (a domain name speculator)... A web site that has a "buy this domain now" button...

Not just a scam but a poor one.

RE: Palms...
Handmedia @ 1/25/2002 7:34:29 AM #
Hi, my name is Jeffrey McMurtrie, CEO Handmedia. The reason that NameZero's web page is up there is because we purchased it from them. The reason that you know about the website is that PalmVenue posted it early, but it should be up early next week.

Jeffrey McMurtrie, CEO Handmedia

Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:29:32 PM #
Open Letter to Ed. & the Source

I’m from the area you talk about and I would rate myself in my capacity as the publishing editor of the premium Palm geared handheld magazine "Palmtop-Pro" pretty well informed.

I shall not discuss upcoming Palm products neither confirm nor deny any product or feature which may / may not come from any producer. We keep our mouth shut when we promise to do so. So were trusted.

Anyhow I’m pretty angry at both of you as your both disturbing my waters as well as touching Palm’s marketing interests.

What I want to convey to ED is:

Please be more careful in future whom you trust as source, claiming this or that. You have a reputation as the top Palm forum widely unmatched – why risk your reputation – for what?
Better talk to your decent contacts at Palm or to me before allowing such postings at random.

What I want to convey to "The Source” is:

I know that you definitely did not attend a Palm roadshow in Germany nor have you any decent contact at Palm as you claim. That’s the core problem.

You and me know that you’re also not under NDA.
I can see this clearly from what I read in your postings and info to Ed.
Especially assuring to me is what was not posted by you.
So my conclusion is that you most probably overheard a talk at a bar or similar and assembled some piece of information which you rehearsed then yourself in your hut and presented to poor Ed - who mistakenly trusts you and let this discussion happen.

As you posted something here anonymous – because most probably you have a problem with your own ego and you want to elevate yourself so some higher level, you should honestly consider that you disturb the very platform you claim to foster.
On the other hand – if someone finds you – even me (and I’m damned good at that) you get in deeper troubles as you may ever expect.

And thats a promise.
You can trust me on that.

Boris von Luhovoy
Palmtop-Pro Magazine

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:47:11 PM #

Although I won't defend "the source" as he is obviously out to placate his over-inflated ego, I must say something in defense of the PIC editor.

He is simply relaying information that has come across his computer screen and he clearly states that he hasn't had much info from this "source" in the past and that he can't vouch for the "source's" credibility.

This site is strictly about information, it doesn't claim to be "official". Therefore I think each reader who visits this site needs to keep in mind that each piece of information labeled as "rumor" or "leaked out"
must be taken at face value.

Just my 2 cents.
Thank You.

P.S. ED please keep up the good work, I'm a new user of this site and I enjoy it very much.

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:49:31 PM #
Get off your high horse, Boris ... I mean, Mr. Anonymous. :) I think Ed's doing a fantastic job at keeping us informed and up-to-date on Palm-related news and events. He's been doing this long enough to know what procedures to follow in order to check (and double check) a source. He has clearly labeled the article "RUMOR" and your interpretation of the material is up to you. I think this gives those of us who are interested in this news a "heads up" to what the future MAY hold for Palm. I'd love to see the m515. If it doesn't exist, so be it. If it does, I have high hopes for what may appear on the scene later this year. In any event, if you don't like what he posts, keep it private. The majority of us appreciate Ed's hard work and his ability to stay on-top of the story...

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:56:35 PM #
Dear Boris -


An Open Letter Back
Ed @ 1/23/2002 6:22:12 PM #
Running rumors and leaks is always controversial. I never hit "Submit" on an article like this one without being nervous. However, I researched this as much as possible. I exchanged emails with the source and, like I said earlier, he seemed sincere. His information seems reasonable, his photos aren't obvious fakes, and some of it has been backed up by other sources.

There's a limit to how much research I can do. I'm in frequent contact with the PR and media people for Palm, Sony, and Handspring. All of them have a policy of not discussing unannounced products. If I refused to run a story simply because the PR rep from the company involved wouldn't confirm it, we wouldn't run any rumors at all.

To some of you, that would be best. In an effort to get some feedback, we ran a poll a while back asking you, our readers, for your opinions on rumors. Only 1.2% of respondents voted for "You should never run any rumors". "When a rumor seems reasonable" received 65.6% of the votes and "You should run all rumors" got a surprisingly large 28.9%.

With this in mind, I always try as hard as I can to confirm any rumor before I run it. Can I guarantee 100% that this information is correct? Of course not. But I believe it is convincing enough to let you read it and make up your own mind.

In our defense, we have a pretty good track record when it comes to our rumors panning out. Are we 100%? Far from it. The Visor Prism II and Panasonic licencing the Palm OS leap immediately to mind as rumors that didn't pan out. In the plus column, we've had advance info on the m105, m125, Visor Edge, and m505.

You shouldn't get too upset of this sort of thing. Palm's, Sony's, Handspring's, and the other's representatives don't. In fact, Palm Infocenter has a very good relationship with all these companies. I have a T615C on loan now from Sony's PR company. I'm going to PalmSource in a couple of weeks on a press pass given to me by Palm's PR firm. I exchanged friendly emails with Mike Mace this morning. They are aware that this is how sites like this work. In fact, I've been told they use this site as a way to keep track of what their competition is doing.

So, to make a long story short, we will continue to run rumors as long as I can be reasonably sure they are accurate.

Thank you for you time and for reading the Palm Infocenter,
-Ed Hardy

News Editor

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 6:42:42 PM #

This Palmtop tosser is a real asss no???

(making note not to subscribe to that friggin
crout publicatuion!!!!! Bite off a hunk of
sauercraut ya tossin deekhead' Ed is doing a fine job
and you are merely 'puffing' yourself up and trying
to appear articulate???

What a loser???


RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 6:50:47 PM #
>On the other hand -- if someone finds you -- even me
>(and I’m damned good at that) you get in deeper
>troubles as you may ever expect.
>And thats a promise.
>You can trust me on that.
>Boris von Luhovoy
>Palmtop-Pro Magazine

[ominous music]

Narrator: "Oh no, and what vile villany is that arch-fiend Boris Badenov up to now?"

Boris: "Come Natasha, we must find Moose und Squirrel and stop them from posting secret Palm info."

Natasha: "Palm info? But Boris, did Fearless Leader say what Palm info this was?"

Boris: "You know Fearless Leader. Best not to ask these things. You got dynamite?"

Natasha: "Of course."

Boris: "You got cannon?"

Natasha: "Got that too."

Boris: "Good. Let's go."

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 7:16:30 PM #
LOL, that's hilarious.

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
SaxonMan @ 1/23/2002 8:07:00 PM #
actually even i as a german have to admit that it was a kinda funny.


long life Palm OS

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 12:21:21 AM #
"Sorry BTW that the Euro has put up all the prices in your country, maybe that's why you needed to vent your frustration somewhere"

Say what?!?! Where do you get your info from? Oh, I forgot... US media.

Have you even been in Europe? Have you ever been outside your state? You *should* get out more...

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
SaxonMan @ 1/24/2002 12:23:22 AM #
i'd appreciate if u guys leave the german people outta the game.


- germans are good people.... don't screw around with em


long life Palm OS

To Boris
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:07:42 AM #
Hey Boris,

I am wondering why PalmTopPro is still linking to PIC!?
Clearly, this cannot be in your best interest if you disagree with what is being written here.

If you are so much better at this, how come your page is basically not known and you continue posting everywhere simply to place your url everywhere?

Do you really need to advertise that you were working for, or have friends/relateives that worked for the Stasi ? Darn, I didn't think that was something to brag about anymore.

What surprises me the most is how come this so-called open letter does not appear on your own website, in both english and german ? Afraid some of your readers might get ticked off by it? Well, they should if they read what kind of crap you let off here. 99% of all Germans I know would call you likely same names as has been done already here (yeah yeah, I have lived there for more than 10 years!)

Get a life, concentrate on your own junk and let others enjoy PIC without your useless comments.

Well, at least you are a TROLL WITH A NAME......


P.S. find ME if you can :-p

Boris Gone Green
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:46:21 AM #
Mr Boris, I think you are just a tad on the wrong side of green - with jealousy. Just because "The Source" leaked this information to PIC and not your "Palm-Too-Poor" website your toadish attitude surfaced.

Perhaps you should only report news that nobody wants to read and find your niche there if this kind of reporting turns you into a toad.

Open Letter from Boris
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 3:35:57 AM #

It seems I’m pretty the only one here who thinks before posting – and thinks to the end.

I still remember how the pre-announcement of the 500 & 505 nearly killed Palm.

Now that mistake is repeated – by other means and sources.

Probably I made a mistake by posting in anger and ask your excuse if I should have hurted somebody. I meant that honestly.

On the other side - that racist slurs against me and whole peoples are perpetuating on PIC and are not edited gave me some good long hard thinking -I cannot live with that.

The racist, unrehearsed reaction by some was generally as such I have stay off PIC as I do not like to communicate or be seen with folks using that kind of expression and wording.

Surely we still have a link to PIC – If I do not agree to something here does not mean I do not rate the general work of ED very high or would go on like most of you throwing dirt at random.

I’m a true libertarian- not everybody may happy with that- I can live with that and without PIC and signing off for good – I hope having made your day by that.

Take my honest excuse and goodbye


RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:33:49 AM #
Ed - keep doing good job. I am in favour of posting ALL rumours, even fakes - clearly labelling these as such so that other sites wont believe them.

Palm's problem with M505 was that these models were just crap -- I take sony clie 760 over M505 any day.

If you don't like rumours - don't read them, leave it to people who can use THEIR OWN JUDGEMENT to decide what to believe.

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
palmist500 @ 1/24/2002 5:26:31 AM #
to I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 12:21:21 AM

re: "Sorry BTW that the Euro has put up all the prices in your country, maybe that's why you needed to vent your frustration somewhere"

Say what?!?! Where do you get your info from? Oh, I forgot... US media.

Have you even been in Europe? Have you ever been outside your state? You *should* get out more...

If you read my post slowly you will come across the passage where it says that I have lived in Germany. I also do go there *regularly* on business.

I f you read *German* newspapers - try BILD-Zeitung (23rd Jan.), it is after all Europe's largest daily paper, or - you will see that this has now become an issue as in, "Why has everything gone up, and by up to 50% in some cases?".

All of my German friends have complained to me that prices have, if not rocketed, gone up *considerably* since Jan. 1st. I am wondering if you are actually living there.

Out of my state? Do you mean the Wallis? That's in Switzerland BTW.

"May the Palm be with You"

- germans are good people...
palmist500 @ 1/24/2002 5:53:30 AM #
- germans are good people....
Some are good sone are bad. Like (almost) everywhere else.

don't screw around with em

"May the Palm be with You"

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 6:19:31 AM #
I think Germans are nice people so I wish everyone would stop bashing other nationalities. This is a Palm info site not some elitist site. I would have to disagree with reading the BILD-Zeitung though. More at the level of the National Enquirer than the New York Times.

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:48:50 AM #
Source good
Boris bad
Information good
hiding stuff so the manufacturer makes more money at the expense of the customer bad
PIC good

Nothing really big news in any of this though.

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 10:58:45 AM #
I'm a female Brit and a newbie to both this site and to PDAs and the Palm. As I read the features
plus associated comments I thought to myself I can learn a lot about Palms here by reading
informed opinions from experienced Palm users on a well-laid out site. Then I traced down
"Open letter to ED" responses. The rascist comments, swearing and sexual overtones in some of
the responses saddened me. I thought that offensive comments etc were being moderated/
deleted. Clearly not.

RE: Open Letter to ED and ''The Source''
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 11:25:11 AM #

Please don't be too offended by some of the postings on this site (though I do not blame you). Lots of people visit this site and only a fraction of them actually post. Those that do post offensive material do not represent the rest of us. I would also guess that many of those (offensive) posts came from young, immature kids trying to be funny or cool. Even Boris, whose "open letter" I didn't agree with, didn't deserve the ethnic insults that were directed at him. Obviously the feeble minded offenders did not have the foresight to realize that by offending Boris they may be offending someone else. It's OK to disagree with somebody, but it's juvenile and dim-witted to disagree by uttering insults.

The '''N'' Word
Ed @ 1/24/2002 1:20:12 PM #
While this site tries as hard as possible to allow people to express themselves however they please, there have to be limits. One of these limits is calling someone else a Nazi. With this in mind, I've removed all comments that use use the term. Being deliberately offensive, while not illegal, is against the rules of this site as stated on the page where comments are posted.

I apologize to everyone and Boris in particular that I didn't take this step earlier.

News Editor

April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 5:43:36 PM #
These two models of Palm does not have a lot of new revolution, while SONY S360 and T series can beat them easily.

They don't seem too attactive for new features and will not come out until April, guess what?? At the time m515 and m130 are announced, SONY will have the next genaration of Clies.

When can Palm catch up? N series with HiRes was out for 10 months and Palm still puts 160x160 in their *future* product plan, pathtic.

RE: April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 6:37:02 PM #
I think even the incredible SONY has blew their wad for a while.

"If you have to wipe more than twice, jump in the shower."

- Anonymous

A story of mine.....
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 7:33:57 PM #
I've owned a Clie N610C since August, it was only *last week* when a co-worker bought a m505, he's so happy and showing off his m505 to everybody in teh office.

I took out my Clie N610C, show him the Hi Resolution with pretty pictures I uploaded from my PC. He wqs amazed because he never thought a Palm OS PDA can display such a decent picture.

He ask: "wow.. how much does that cost? It's a little bit thicker, but that looks much better than my Palm but "

I said: "Sorry, at the time you think this is better than m505, SONY thinks this is too old. It is discontinued and the next genaration of Clie is coming out 2 weeks later."

How ironic.

RE: April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?
sandbuck @ 1/23/2002 8:18:57 PM #
By then, Sony will have a 66Mhz model at least.

RE: April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 11:33:21 PM #
Hell, by April Sony will have introduced 7 or 8 new models and discontinued all their current ones. In a couple weeks Sony will put out one with a built in toe-clipper. The second, which will use a whole new connector and require all new peripherals, will have a built in bird call. The third, which will introduce yet another new connector and require all new peripherals again, will have a built in tooth-pick. Somewhere around late February, Sony will kill off the memory stick and put out a new "standard" for memory cards, which the fourth new one will use.At the beginning of March, Sony will stop selling all the models it introduced in February and put out a hand-held that combines a toe-clipper and bird-call, again all new peripherals will be needed. The sixth and seventh models will will have all the same features but different form-factors. In April all the March models will be discontinued.

RE: April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 3:56:10 AM #
That sounds really good to me.

RE: April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 4:38:14 AM #
One thing about Sony is that it:
1) wont kill off memory stick (I want compactflash)
2) wont use other memory types

RE: April? Guess what SONY will have at that time?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:50:38 PM #
What's the problem with memory stick? They are either cheaper or same price as SD anyway. Furthermore, all of them are "memory", no diff to me as long as it is comparable in price.

I hope they wont "PSST PSSST" on me when it gets here!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 6:51:27 PM #
ITs just so unimpressive. i was hoping for higher resolution coz its just what m505 needs.. I personally think that the m505 is bright enough, althoughs a brightness adjustments since it tends to be too bright in complete darkness (ihave the USA model, if u believe in that story).

So i hope they wont make too much hyp on this model since thers nothing really new. yeah i need 16mb but i wont pay another $400 or more for an extra 8mb.

Maybe this is for new people in the market for pda but it wont be for colored pda owners who want to upgrade.

RE: I hope they wont
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:20:06 PM #
With PiDirect out there, the extra RAM is no big deal.

To Treo or m515 ??

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 7:16:55 PM #
I like the palm form factor and 16 meg and better color is a nice mix. I've been using a Prism with the visorphone. I've gotten so used to the connectivity for SMS and phone usage that I could not give that up now. Think I'll move to the Treo, although I am sure the m515 will be nice.

I can't Believe all the Trash

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 8:45:13 PM #
I want the 515 and want to wait until the 5 os is fit to use. Tired of being on the bleeding edge. What a bunch of trash to go through on this issue. Its like somebody hired these people to negate this news. I am ready to buy.....bring them on. I wish these critics would go buy a PPC....or do they already have one???
These machines are a good thing. Trolls.....go back in your holes.......sleep........

confused about pic

cp31 @ 1/23/2002 9:00:45 PM #
one thing i ntoiced to be false on the pcitures

1. in the pciture of two handhelds, what is blocking the grafiti area of the m505. it has a weird shape, only blocking half the home button.

RE: confused about pic
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:18:13 PM #
it's a head, dummy.

RE: confused about pic
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:35:58 PM #
Hey Boris! Down in front!

Blue tooth built in?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:13:56 PM #
I notice there on the m515
There is 2 new application
Blue board and Blue chat

So does that mean it has Blue tooth built in?
What does the program do?

RE: Blue tooth built in?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 12:19:31 AM #
Yeah I saw this too, I hope that is Blue tooth

RE: Blue tooth built in?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:05:21 AM #
here is what I found about Blue Chat. it seems like its a
IM program, although I dont read german and am guessing from the picture.

interestingly, this Blue Chat program is available in german also offer some creditability to this rumor and its origin.

RE: Blue tooth built in?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:29:26 AM #
I was talking to a support specialist who suggested that wireless synching would be available in the nest release. Could it be BT???

I'm betting on BT.

RE: Blue tooth built in?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 6:47:43 AM #
Google translation link:

RE: Blue tooth built in?
Solo @ 1/24/2002 8:50:27 AM #
If everything else is true and Bluetooth is integrated, I'll dive for one.

If not, I'll wait for OS 5.

(If anybody care)


Where is Boris when you need him
Islander @ 1/24/2002 7:53:44 PM #
Boris, come back.
Miss you already dude, translate for us.
See you mean people scared poor Boris away.

The same mistake twice?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/23/2002 10:31:05 PM #
I hope this is ture but would Palm realy make the same mistake twice? They pre-announced the M5XX series which hurt them severely finacially since noone bought Vx's anymore. Wouldn't this now happen with the M5XX series?

Makes sense to me

sremick @ 1/23/2002 11:16:36 PM #
I don't understand all the bit^H^H^Hcomplaing. This makes total sense to me. (I'll go on the presumption here that this is for real... I find nothing fishy about the photos or info).

Seems to me the biggest complaint about the m505 is the backlight. Fine, so Palm fixes this... and doubles the memory as a side bonus. Yet everyone continues to complain even though the biggest former complaint was solved. Don't people have something better to do then try and find stuff to complain about?

Sure, a higher resolution would be nice. That's not the purpose of this model, though. Consider that EVERY model from Palm has had 160x160 resolution since the beginning. A model with a higher resolution is going to be a MAJOR product release from them, perhaps warranting a whole new numbering series in their model lineup.

No... what the m515 IS is a point upgrade to the m505. Nothing more. Consider it the m505 v1.1 and relax. Palm is addressing the model's faults (backlight), adding in a little sugar (16MB) and then refocusing on whatever MAJOR model updates they're working on. I wish people would just calm down, be happy that Palm listened to them and quickly came out with a fix for the m505, and enjoy the products.


RE: Makes sense to me
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:07:22 AM #
Hey "Geesh" =>

Did they have to take a year to make an x.1? And why didn't they have high resolution yesterday? And why can't we have soft graffiti? You know why we complain.

We complain because they used to be pioneers and now they're laggards.

We complain because we don't want to jump ship to a clunky monochrome Handera, a disposable "Handheld of the Month Club" Sony, or a bricky user-hostile PPC.

We want it all, and dammit, why not? The poorest man in the modern, western world lives like last century's king, and we expect to get what we'll pay for. So it's past time for someone to get it all together in one package.


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:08:49 AM #
It is so funny to watch people get phsyc'd up over really nothing. WOW, the m505 will have a brighter contrast. ooooooooooh! Palm is repeating Sony's steps, but worse, and one year later. People are getting so excited. If this was a new Palm handheld, had some NICE features, I'd be excited. I was excited about the N-series back in summer of 01. The T-Series, nothin really new: wow, it is thin. Other than that, just like the N-series. What do some people here think?

RE: Lol
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:57:04 AM #
It's true the T series from Sony keeps all that was good in the older models, nice screens, ability to use MP3 add-on, Clie Paint, Memory stick, etc.

But it adds significantly:

Metal case
Better sound
Better software bundle
Possible expansion sleeves
Most memory available for ZX

I think that is worth a new model with a new connector. And if they sell them for the same prices as the N series they will again double their market share and add a LOT of people who would have otherwise jumped to PPC.

Too Little, Too Late

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 1:53:58 AM #
Wow, someone in Palm finally woke up to what the m505 SHOULD have been in the first place. But then again, as this is a rumour I may be jumping the gun.

If Palm is coming out with the m515 "sometime soon", they are just too late already and if the rumours are true, even less than what the Sony Clie's are with Hi-Res screens, etc etc.

I really don't get it. Are they so brainwashed by their own mantra that they take "simplicity" too seriously and end up being simply stupid? Or that the "zen" of the PalmOS is now so minimal that we end up paying a few hundred dollars for a glorified organizer? Granted that the Palm can do more than that - yeah, it plays videos but does anybody seriously watch videos on that thing? It is nothing but a "proof of concept" and we get all excited that a 33mhz chip can "play" videos. Oh wow!

Some of the cheaper organizers are coming close to what the PalmOS can do at half the price already and we the consumers want the beef, not another "gee, see what that little thing can do" feature. Even when the PalmPilot came out back in '95, the "simplicity" and "zen" of it was pretty ahead of what was available then. That same mantra does not fly 7 years later. I am not saying to make the user-friendliness of the current PalmOS more complicated but it needs to do more than play sketchy videos.

OK, I know there's PalmOS v5.0 "coming soon" but I am not going to hold my breath to the rumour that the $11 mil they spent on BeOS will somehow be incorporated into PalmOS 5. If they do, they will be again a case of too little, too late.

expo in Greece

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 2:50:18 AM #
The editor revealed that an anonymous source at Comdex 2002 (a tech expo that took place in Athens on 17-20 Jan) had told him about the new color Palm handhelds. At the source's request the information was not published on the Greek Palm site - until now (after seeing the rumor on PIC and others the editor decided it was no longer a "secret" he needed to keep). is a credible site, and the editor would never blatantly lie about such a thing - after all, there is nothing to be won from spreading false rumors, as the site is in Greek and would not generate a lot of traffic from foreigners. In other words, I do believe he was told about the new handhelds at Comdex (most probably by Palm's Greek distributors). However, we still can't be sure that his source is 100% reliable...

Note that the expo took place before PIC published the rumor, so we have two independent sources giving the same info.

RE: expo in Greece
spiros @ 1/30/2002 4:13:25 AM #
This is correct!

A people from IDEAL (Palm's distributor in Greece) tiped me with info & technical specs about m130 and m515 during the COMDEX Greece 2002. This happend on Friday 18th of January. Of couse he asked me not to publish anything on so I didn't.
I must say though, that I am almost sure that IDEAL knew about those new models at least a week before.

Spiros Vathis
Chief Editor -

No 66mhz SuperVZ in M515?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 5:50:43 AM #
What about the Motorola Super VZ 66mhz? It's not ready for the upcopming Palms yet? At least the speed would counterbalance the low resolution...

M130 with SD-Slot?

Stefan @ 1/24/2002 7:25:41 AM #
Will the M130 have a SD-Slot?

RE: M130 with SD-Slot?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:35:06 AM #
So did the m515 have built-in Bluetooth?

RE: M130 with SD-Slot?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 10:01:31 AM #
Built-in bluetooth? Keep dreaming ....

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:42:25 AM #
Why, WHY is it that only foul-mouthed adolscents subscribe to the whole "Sony buys Palm" myth?
Hey Gonad! Take the bong out of your mouth and think for three seconds...

"WHY in God's name would Sony want to buy Palm if Palm sucks so much? What would Sony gain?"

Did you think? I know it's tough, but try. Okay, that's enough, glue-sniffer. I don't wanna hurt one of your three brain cells. But your face back on the bong, and don't forget Mom said to clean the garage today.

RE: Can you say KAKA
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 11:17:54 AM #
LOL.......LOL Great response.....


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 3:18:47 PM #
If Plam doesn't get a high resolution screen soon, I'm off to Sony! I don't need 8 more meg, I don't need wireless, I don't need brighter display. What I want is to be able to read the thing. HIGH RESOLUTION PLEASE.

WHY NO 320x320 HI-RES???

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 7:59:08 PM #
This is BS!!! Why no 320x320 Hi-RES for this m515??? The T615C blows this thing away!!!!!!!! Sony is moving at 150 MPH and Palm is in REVERSE!!! I have a 505 and I'm upset because I want to upgrade to 320x320 and keep my 505 serial cradles, SD cards, etc.

What have these guys at Palm been doing??????? It's all just the same TV Dinner re-heated leftovers!!! What a shame.

Re: New Palm M515 Is A Total Joke

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 8:09:43 PM #
i still can't believe palm continually lies about their products. it wasn't long ago that palm stated that the M500/505 was here to say and their plan was to build up and make that their low end model. funny how they can just dismiss that and make it extinct once people buy and invest in them.

one of the reasons i bout my M505 was because they would be around for awhile.

plus i've had so many probelms with the thing... i've had the horrid usb problem and be raped by tech support with the refusal to have my unit replaced. i have since told others thinking of buying palm to go sony and those who have palm to make their next pda something other then the corrupt palm inc.

also what about this lawsuit about the graffiti?



I.M. Anonymous @ 1/24/2002 10:21:42 PM #
ok I've said it before.. 160 too low (looks grainy especially on bright screens)

however.. 320x320.. I'd say too high. 240x240 is the closest match to laptop display resolution.. (320 is like a laptop at 1600x1200 or higher.. you can use it, but you might have to squint) 160 though.. toss it.. I'd take anything over 160.

but what's with the square area.. haven't they actually held the great handera handheld? (virtual graffiti is outstanding.. and I have a palm.. so no hate mail please) so 240x320 is ideal in my book. (if they were color I'd have a new unit)

and bright screen vs battery life? Add another rechargable battery to the design!
(is this obvious or is it just me)

at least I read they brightened the screen. Now get 240x320.. and wireless (like the 705.. which I hope works as well as omnisky) and I'm there.

I'll even pay extra.. if I believe I won't be obsolete right away. And why would it be? -- at least I'd be in display heaven.. and have cheap internet.

faster processor I have no real use for.. (keep up the research though..) -- ie.. you can't compete with Microsoft.. though you must get into the corporate world or you are history.

what do corporate people do besides email? (and make phone calls, and use pagers)

240 is definitely wrong...
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 2:56:13 AM #
240 / 160 = 3/2, which means that you can't have a nice compatibility mode with existing applications.

320 / 160 = 2, which is far better, since integer.

If you are unsure, simply look at an HandEra, then on a Clié device, when they are in compatibility mode.

On the other hand, the rectangular screen of the HandEra 330 is really interesting because of the virtual graffiti zone.

So... Let's have a rectangular screen such as HandEra's, but with 320 pixels horizontally...

Bluetooth Icons

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 8:17:48 AM #
The Bluechat and Blueboard icons have the Bluetooth symbol in the icons themselves. They are, in fact, BlueTooth applications for MANETs (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks). BlueChat is a Simple Awareness Service which allows people to chat on various topics in public rooms using Bluetooth/WLAN. BlueBoard is a Bluetooth shared whiteboard app. The whole setup is called BluePortal, and would be a novel additon to any enterprise seeking collaborative and interactive development.

505 Palm

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 8:23:36 AM #
I can't believe I paid almost $500 for a fossil. I thought when I bought the 505 it was the one that would guide the way.....yeah!

I don't think I will buy anymore Palm products until this problem with their direction is solved or someone else picks up the ball and runs with it.


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/27/2002 10:49:13 AM #
I am sick of people complaining about Palm's product. If you do not want a 160x160 screen then get the 320x320 screen. Some people prefer 1600x1400 screens, some prefer 1024x768 and some still prefer 800x600.

The 320x320 tehnology is nice, but it is new. New stuffs are great but they are so new. That is why I stick with the tried and tested Palm OS and not some hyped up new Pocket PC OS. Yes, eventually I will move on to high resolution and multimedia capability PDAs but not yet, atleast not until I need them. If PPC matures, hell I might even consifer it.

Sure it has lower resolution, not that I bother. Reading e-books? Sorry, but the small fonts does not help you improve your eyesights. And don't talk about video. Palm OS and the VZ processor is still not on par for video. Even Pocket PC is stil years away in terms of video quality. If you want video, get a portable DVD player. They recently cut the Panasonic LV-60. It costs about £500 now and you can plug it into your tv.

As for audio, yes having an all-in-one devices is nice but since I have a MD-LP player, with Minidiscs running at 80 pence each and the ability to run 300 minutes on a single disc (ATRAC3 LP4 on MDLP players) it is not a problem for me. a 128Mb Memory Stick/Secure DIgital costs more than £100. Everytime you want to listen to something you have to copy from your PC - hardly user friendly. Okay, once solid state memory goes down to maybe 1 pence per Megabyte, then I will consider, but to spend £1 per Megabyte/Minute just to listen to a music is an insane act.

You pay too much for it. A Sony Clie N710C here costs £350. The new Pocket PC averages at £500. The GPS receiver adds an extra £600. The Palm Navman GPS for Palm m500 series only cost £222. And as a student I got my Palm m500 for £159 plus 16Mb SD card free. That is Palm and Palm OS advantage over their licensees and OS competitors.

Does double resolution and ability to play mp3 costs an extra £190? Look, the bottom line is, Palm licenses the OS to Sony so people has more choices and those who wants multimedia capabilities will buy their PDAs from them, it is as simple as that.

I bet most of you go to message boards and make fun of people who uses an AMD Athlon XP 1.53Ghz when a Pentium 4 2.2Ghz is out there. Do you people go around comparing how big your car's engine is???

I am looking forward to the m515 or 525 or whatever Palm decides to call them. If the prices are right and has built-in bluetooth I will get them since I often use my m500 to connect with my Ericsson t39m (which costs only £50 with airtime contract - why wait for a treo???), check my yahoo auctions on Eudoraweb and download my pop3 mais on Eudoramail.

Just purchased a m515

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/27/2002 9:14:15 PM #
I just purchased a Palm M515 from the navy exchange in conecticut. it cost $390. It's the first pda, I've bought so I can't realy compare it to anything but it looks good to me. It comes with dataviz documents to go, mgi photosuite, avantgo mobile internet service, palm reader(with 2 books), and mobile connectivity software. Here's the product information of the box

Palm OS Software v4.1
16 MB of internal memory
TFT color display with brightness control and support for more than 65,000 colors
palm expansion card slot
palme universal connector
size and wight: 4.5"x 3.1" x 0.5', 4.9oz.
infared port
desktop inport/export, formatscsv, tab delimited; text, vcard, and vCal
handheld applications: datebook, addressbook, to do list, notepad, memo pad, mail, expense, calculator. thats all off the box.
hope this helps. thx

RE: Just purchased a m515
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/28/2002 12:01:03 AM #
Ummmm... no way.

The Navy Exchange has them already?

Like Mulder says: "I Want To Believe."


I.M. Anonymous @ 7/31/2002 10:10:54 AM #
Does anyone have the software that acts as a conduit to outlook for a VII? I know I can buy it for $50, but that seems like a rip-off after paying $400.


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