Comments on: Treo Communicator Now Available... Sort Of
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RE: SaxonMan got it from
RE: SaxonMan got it from
RE: SaxonMan got it from
RE: SaxonMan got it from
RE: SaxonMan got it from
Get a life.
RE: SaxonMan got it from
then i clicked on "contribute news" and gave it to ed? anything wrong with that?
btw... i dont visit but even if i would- who would care?
may the holy palmostles be with you
RE: SaxonMan got it from
service plans
USDollars Cingular
voice 29.99
email 4.95 + .15 per message
SMS 2.99 for first 100 + .10 thereafter per message
At a base rate that's $38 per month.
Why can't they have an unlimited plan for data?!! like
It would be wary for datacentric heavy email users.
I guess the carriers have to make $ somehow.
RE: service plans
RE: service plans
> USDollars Cingular
> voice 29.99
> email 4.95 + .15 per message
> SMS 2.99 for first 100 + .10 thereafter per message
> At a base rate that's $38 per month.
True... Plus 0.15 per data minute.
The alternate? Base rate of $35 per month JUST for voice and then you pay Palm (or Omnisky or whomever) another $30 to $40 per month for your data. Looks like the Treo model saves you a lot of $$...
PDA/phonce combo = loser
If you watch the cell phone market right now, the phones are getting smaller and smaller becouse that's what the consumer wants.
still, despite its small size, the Treo is too big by current cell-phone standards. If it gets smaller, it's not practical as a PDA anymore. As it is right now, it will become annoying after the "honeymoon" period of a cool gadget, cause people like to carry their cell phones literaly all-the time as opposed to the PDA (only most of the time) and it's bulky.-(Of course, this doesnt apply to the people posting here :).
Pure human ergonomics.
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
I do agree that the Treo is a bit on the large size, for a phone. However, it is smaller than my Visor Deluxe + cable + phone combination!
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
I just got a feeling that Treo will get it's ass kicked so badly by nokia and sony/ericsson so badly that it's not even funny.
RE: PDA/phonce combo = Best for now.
The Treo is as good of a compromise as possible as far as size goes. I find it odd that you would complain about it being too big for a phone if you are already carrying a larger Palm. If you are going to own both, why not carry just one small device and save overall space?
I'd love to have the Treo, but I do wish they allowed for enough space for memory-expansion. Looks like I'm not giving up my VisorPhone just yet.
James Sorenson
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
A MAJORITY (as in, 51% or higher) of people carry their cell phones, and not their PDAs around. Haven't you ever been to an airport (I was in 4 different ones last week) or a mall? Or even McDonald's?
How about the supermarket? Do you see people walking around with their PDAs at the supermarket? Or are they calling their spouses to reaffirm that they were supposed to buy the LARGE-curd cottage cheese?
Even the KIDS are running around with their cell phones on the playground.
When I go to lunch with my friends (I work in an office of 2,000+ people), we certainly don't carry our PDAs around, but *ALL* of us have our cell phones quietly sleeping in our pockets.
If you want to play the game of "unscientific sampling", well.....we can play that game all day.
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
Yeah right, with almost no memory and no way to expand it. Not quite a proper pda imho.
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
> quite a proper pda imho.
Are you talking about the Treo or the Nokia here? Oh OK, I guess the Treo probably has more memory.
''One size fits one''
Some people prefer an integrated device, and don't want to carry both their phone and PDA (or, forced to choose between the two, stick with the phone.) Some people want a small phone to carry around always and integration with their PDA sometimes. Others want a Blackberry-like always-on-data PDA.
The beauty of Palm OS is that we are not expected to wait for the uber-device that does all of these things! We can just get the one that fits our lifestyle (and, unlike other vendors' PDA vs. vaporphone offerings, third party application software is compatible across all of them.)
I for one am excited for the Treo, mainly because I know that the minds at Handspring know how to provide a great user experience. I think they did a great job with the UI of the phone part, making it easy to use and providing access to the powerful features that almost all wireless phones have (conference calling, hold, two-way test messaging, etc.) but that are usually too cumbersome to use!
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
"I work for one of Handspring's partners"
"..have every intention of ditching it for the Treo"
"..Handspring hit the sweet spot"
"..I'll shell out my own $$."
"..Go Treo go!"
you are pathetic!
don't be desperate, Treo will be a big hit saving
Handspring from a grim future (present) and you wont get the pink slip
RE: PDA/phonce combo = loser
I do agree that Handspring needs to get that upgrade out the door ASAP. GPRS is going to be in full swing in Europe way before it is in the U.S. of A. The upgrade makes this a great device. Without it the Treo is just so-so.
Where does a Treo 180 fit in ? I have no need for such a PDA phone...
The mail server I am accessing (( is NOT the one of my ISP ( I am using their mail server only as SMTP for outgoing mail.
Let me know when it's $150...
RE: Let me know when it's $150...
RE: Let me know when it's $150...
RE: Let me know when it's $150...
It is? Define "well", because I don't know anyone that has one, or anyone who would probably pay more than $100 for a mobile phone. Especially when you're talking about another $50+ a month in service charges.
You do understand that there are other phones that do similar, or the same things for considerably less don't you? Sure they don't run Palm OS, but even some sub-$100 phones have some of this functionality. From the viewpoint of most people anyhow, the Kyocera looks like a wireless PDA, while the Treo doesn't look that different than the $50 flip phone a freind of mine just got. Sure she'd probably rather have the Treo, but she wouldn't $500 more want the Treo since she'll probably lose it or break it (or it'll be obsolete) in the next year anyhow.
RE: Let me know when it's $150...
Handspring's stock is up 18% today.
News Editor
RE: Let me know when it's $150...
It is? Define "well", because I don't know anyone that has one, or anyone who would
probably pay more than $100 for a mobile phone. Especially when you're talking about
another $50+ a month in service charges.
Well, I don't know about $50/month in service charges, but I paid $170 for my
Nokia 8290 phone about a year ago. I decided if the whole point of a mobile phone
was to carry it around everywhere, I needed one I could fit in my pocket. The other
phones that were close to its size had antennas sticking out. Plus, the 8290 can act
as an wireless IR modem for Palms and laptops, with my current ISP. It was expensive,
but the convenience was worth it.
GSM Coverage in the US
I'd really like to get a Treo, but I'm going to have to switch from Sprint (who I've had mixed results with). I spend almost all of my time in or near cities or on large highways between close cities, so I'm hoping their coverage will be good enough for me. Anyone have any feedback on the two companies' service and coverage?
RE: GSM Coverage in the US
i'm pretty sure you can use the treo on at&t once they deploy gsm...
or you can wait on cdma treo and use w/ verizon and sprint.
So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
Stupid lid? It's called integrated screen protection
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
Yes, it does. But have you compared the battery life estimates of the B&W Treo vs. the Color I-300? I would guess you haven't .... because the Treo gives users even LESS usable time than the (admittedly) already-short I300. I believe their FAQ states somewhere around 60 hours of standby, while the I-300 states 100. Lord knows what kind of miracle Handspring is going to have to develop to make the Color Treo actually usable for more than a few hours out of the charger.
Think before speaking ...
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?, it appears that talk time is 120 min (vs. 150 for the Treo) and standby is 18 hrs (vs. 60) for the Treo. The 2.5 hours talk time is, admittedly, a possible worry for me, but I don't know when I go 60 hours without charging. I certainly go 18 hours.
Anyone have the stats on Samsung's larger battery? That's one negative of the Treo -- no battery switching.
But that link is directly off their site, so I don't think Handspring is misquoting anyone.
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
No chart comparing the Treo 270 (color) to anything yet.
HS chart is wrong....
Handspring is dead wrong. Sprint's site (Samsung's site had no details) indicates 4 hours talk, and 100 hours standby.
As an owner of an I300, I can tell you without a doubt that I can easily get 2 days of standby.
If Handspring has mis-quoted the numbers, they'd best correct them before getting a letter from Samsung's lawyers.
(Apologies for the disgusting URL - if you'd prefer to go by hand, go to, view our phones, and then click on the I300)
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
RE: So, what about the Samsung SPH-1300?
This quote comes DIRECTLY from the I300 manual, which is available DIRECTLY from the website.
"The battery provides approximately four hours of continuous digital talk time (90 minutes in analog) or approximately 100 hours of continuous digital standby time (20 hours in analog)."
What a crock - HandSpring is posting their digital talk times vs. the I300's analog times. I used to have a lot of respect for HS, but now I'm not so sure.
I think we're going to see a lot of people complaining about the short (sealed) battery life of the Treo once they start using them.
Don't get me wrong -- I'd actually rather have a Treo than my I300. I like the VisorPhone interfaces (which is what the Treo is based on) better than the I300's. But, I would like color, and I would like CDMA. Until that is available, I'll have to stick with what I've got.
BWAHAHA ... HS had to own up to being blatant liars....
Bwahahaha. That's what they get for lying - shouldn't try to do that in the Internet age.
Still think the Treo looks great, but us I300 users are already complaining about our battery life ... and at least we can swap batteries. Should be interesting to see how the Treo owners fare. PocketPC owners are accustomed to sucky battery life, but most Palm owners aren't.
COLOR Treo in 2-3 months!!!
RE: COLOR Treo in 2-3 months!!!
Thanks, Robrecht
RE: COLOR Treo in 2-3 months!!!
News Editor
I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just looking for something a little more reliable, perhaps with a target release date, hopefully directly from Handspring. Thanks. :)
Q. Will there be a CDMA version of the Treo communicator?
A. Handspring expects the Treo family to support non-GSM networks over time, but we will announce those only as they become available.
Saying they "expect" to have "non-GSM" (even though CDMA was in the question) "over time", and refusing to announce when until they are available doesn't bode well for me waiting for it. :) I'm not saying they haven't given the best answer they can, just that it's not enough for me to avoid purchasing a new phone (which I need soon regardless) until the CDMA Treo is out.
Now I have to decide whether to get a phone I don't want as much, or to switch carriers, phone numbers, etc.
Hopefully that will settle it in your mind, unless you consider this an unreliable news source, too. :-)
News Editor
GSM in US, Europe
RE: GSM in US, Europe
Analyzing the Service Plans
I thought that the Treo color would give me all that without the MP3 player, but I didnt factor in that the web access wouldn't be unlimited like the Palm.
My normal cell phone bill is about 40 bucks a month [I dont really talk a lot on the phone] and the Palm unlimited plan is ~40 bucks a month too which comes out to 80 bucks a month.
If I get the Treo's 99.99 a month plan, I would get 1400 minutes. Since weekends are free, this leaves ~20 days a month to use the 1400 minutes.
This comes out to 70 minutes a day. Now that doesn't seem so bad, but I had some additional questions.
- Would a quick stock quote check count as one minute even though it only took a few seconds?
- Do the unlimited weekend minutes count toward my 1400?
I'm thinking that I may have to wait and hope that Sony creates an i705 clone. One of the things I like about Palm's plan is that I never have to worry if I use it too much.
RE: Analyzing the Service Plans
RE: Analyzing the Service Plans
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SaxonMan got it from