Comments on: Acer s50 and s60 to Be Available Worldwide (Updated)

Update: Acer has updated its website to include information on the s50 and s60. It confirms that these models will be able to run non-memory Memory Sticks.
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RE: Long live palm OS
RE: Long live palm OS
RE: Long live palm OS
>mix. Nothing breakthrough but it looks like these
>should be great handhelds.
Couldn't agree more.
12 bit screen?
But seriously, folks, I think these look pretty cool: small, hi-res, and MP3-capable. The lack of peripheral compatibility is a serious issue, though. Also, Acer -- with its relatively slight name recognition in the general market -- may have trouble making inroads in a market with competitors named Palm and Sony.
Not sure how I feel about the Memory Stick issue. I think that as SD/MMC makes its way into more consumer devices and prices fall, it will be increasingly problematic to be stuck with Sony's own baby.
RE: 12 bit screen?
In a perfect world, we'd all be using one flash format. Frankly that isn't going to happen any time soon. There are companies who still doesn't want to give up SmartMedia and have actually extended it into a newer format.
RE: 12 bit screen?
Do you see my point? Palm OS/Palmsource are never going to achieve world domination, much less wide-spread penetration of the US market if this nonsense keeps up. Greedy manufacturers, only concerned about making a few quick bucks by selling us new cases and styli and cradles each time around have no long-term vision. Sony can afford to keep this up, but the others cannot. Sooner or later, people are going to catch on that this is an endlessly vampiric game of trying to suck the loyal customers dry...and alienating those potential new users. Imagine the confused middle-aged buyer tring to fathom why the equally clueless compusa salesperson is telling him that the m125 is so drastically different from the m105 swo that they cannot use the same cradles/styli. Or, trying to deduce if an m515 will use acessories that only say m500/505 on the packaging. Just think how much Palm has spent updating their MMC card and UC acessory packaging to reflect the new UC-compatible m1xx series and m700s.
For example, the rash of 12 bit screens on the market recently (m130, Treo 90, Acers) will now require some company like Astraware to program their games in 3 versions (Zap 2000, 2012, and 2016, for example) or run the risk that Joe 6-pack thinks Astraware cannot program games properly because his game has all sorts of nasty dithering on the screen. Then there's the fun with Sony high-res OS4 devices vs Handera high-res vs. Acer's OS5 API on an OS 4 if a developer wants to support everything, he has to release 6 "tweaked" versions of his same game/app (or run the risk of having bloated code).
On top of that, we have the fun job of trying to keep track of which units support I/O card functions and which ones do not. Furthermore, there is the amusing task of downloading program updates etc. and the slew (i'm pretty sure) of updates which will be needed by some legacy programs to run on OS 5.
Finally, a minor but worrying aspect is the new upcoming low-end Palm device. If its specs are as rumored, then how are all of the existing games/apps going to handle the 2 missing buttons? Can the plastic buttons and their necessary switches/wiring cost THAT much to Palm in the long run? If they are trying to target the teen/youth market with this device, then they are going to be pretty bummed when their new gadget they got for graduation won't play any action game that requires all of the hardware buttons. Now, if there was a fully integrated D-pad and only 2 "action" buttons....
My post here is not really about the Acer handhelds per se (they look to be quite nice, actually), but rather a statement about what is happening to the industry in general. I think that instead of whining about having a voice recorder or not, or the styling of a new unit, we should be worried about streamlining the standards and increasing compatability across the board, regardless of manufacturer. Perhaps if Palm were to release the UC standard for free...but that will never happen!
RE: 12 bit screen?
Thomas Wilburn
RE: 12 bit screen?
"Also, Acer -- with its relatively slight name recognition in the general market -- may have trouble making inroads in a market with competitors named Palm and Sony."
Only on your side of the pond. You've got to realize that the USA market, although currently the largest, is not the largest _potential_ market. Acer is already producing a Chinese OS Palm and already has Asian name recognition. I keep trying to remind people that China is really big and has a whole lot of people. You've got to think outside your borders.
RE: 12 bit screen?
Palm OS does not support 12-bit. Currently, pixels are either 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-bit. Therefore, at the software level, nothing's different; developers don't need to make separate 12- and 16-bit versions of their applications, and it's not even possible if they wanted to.
The conversion from 16-to-12 bit occurs in hardware; the least significant bits of each color get dropped. For all we know, the hardware might even be doing some fancy spatial and/or temporal dithering to create the illusion that it's displaying more colors than it really is. With 320x320 pixels crammed into an area of around 2x2 square inches, you probably wouldn't even notice good spatial dithering all that much.
Regarding the various screen resolution APIs. First, there are only four main contenders: Sony's high-resolution API; PalmSource's high-density API; Handera's QVGA API; and the standard, vanilla 160x160 stuff (which technically isn't its own API, but nevermind that). (I frankly don't consider Handera's QVGA API to be much of a contender anyway.) Note that you don't need separate OS4 high-density and OS5 high-density versions. Applications programmed correctly (that check if a device supports high-density independently of the OS version) shouldn't care.
Second, no one forces developers to support each API. If developers want to support Sony's High-Resolution API or Handera's QVGA API, that's their choice. They need to determine if supporting non-standard APIs is worth the time and cost. Many have decided that it's not.
I'm not sure what you mean by "we have the fun job of trying to keep track of which units support I/O card functions and which ones do not". Properly programmed applications can determine whether a device supports external storage easily without checking the device's model.
RE: 12 bit screen?
I think that my point was trying to play devil's advocate and show everyone here how confusing the market has become for the average non-techie user. Say, someone who installs an app or game here and there but doesn't get down to the nitty gritty like PIC readers do.
As far as the comment about card slots supporting I/O, it was not really from the standpoint of an app being programmed to recognize whether or not a device is properly enabled, but rather just of a user being able to say "Unit X can support such-and-such whereas unit Y from the competition cannot". This basically goes along with my friend (who works at Best Buy) saying how many returned AGP cards they get from customers furious that it will not fit into the AGP slot-less E-machines/Intel 810-based computers.
For example, using my SD/MS I/O comment, say Joe Consumer wanted to buy a bluetooth Sd card or GPS memstick....assuming they were readily on the market and available at any good mass merchandiser. Joe Consumer would have no way (unless the card's packaging is very concise and he reads the fine print) of knowing that his Treo 90 cannot accept the bluetooth that his friend's m500 Palm is using. You se my point now? Or if "Joe" wants to borrow the BT card for a few days to see how he likes it on his Treo. Same scenario if someone with the new Acer unit wants to try his buddy's Sony memorystick camera/GPS card.
I was just using the further confusion regarding the recent stories of confusion over 12/16 bit screens and whether or not an expansion slot support I/O cards to further my argument about someone needing to set some standards for this market.
At any rate, thanks for educating me about the finer aspects of dithering. One more question, though, can the Sony Clie NR series screens be considered yet another API or does that not really count since there are no apps that support the screen in its full non-Grafitti size/resolution?
What would be pure genius on Acer's part, IMHO, is if they utilized the Sony T-series connectors on the bottom of their new units. This would go a looong way to providing a breath of stability to the market and would certainly encourage manufacturers of peripherals to not be to hesitant about releasing new products (Stowaway keyboards etc) when new handhelds are released. I bought my m505 when it first came out last year and I recall waiting for what seemed like *forever* for UC cables and accessories to be released--anyone remember the eternity we waited for the official Palm hard case to come out? Let's encourage some standardization here, folks!
high density
Voice Recorder?
RE: Voice Recorder?
RE: Voice Recorder?
RE: Voice Recorder?
RE: Voice Recorder?
MP3 Player
As example, on my ($80 when I bought it) Audiophase DM9118, to get to the second song in the third subdirectory:
[File/dir 9 "Space"]
[File/dir 9 "Space"]
[>> 3 G H I]
[File Search/Enter]
[File/dir 9 "Space"]
[ [] 2 D E F]
[File Search/Enter]
...And that's assuming that you KNOW off the top of your head where what you want is, on this disk.
It can do playlists, but I'll be damned if I can remember how without the manual in front of me, which is kind of the point.
If you know of a $60 MP3 player with a good interface, et me know about it, and I'll think about giving you the Audiophase as a gift.
Or maybe that would be a curse. Whatever. :)
RE: Voice Recorder?
Who needs to wait for that to come out when the portable wireless can opener is coming one month before the 802.11b MS's come out.
Alcoholic: Person with an Alcohol problem.
Workaholic: Person with a Workahol problem.
Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
Acer? ZZZZZzzzzz.....
RE: Why OS 4.1
Because there is still a thriving market (and will be)
for OS4x devices.
It has already been made clear that at leat initially, OS5 devices will be all or mostly high-end.
OS 4? NO MORE!!!
Palm, and licensees, have already missed the back to school season. If they don't release new products soon, they are going to waste a sizable portion of the holiday shopping season as well!
RE: OS 4? NO MORE!!!
you should buy something, and get an upgrade plan from best buy or CC.
just because OS is out, doesnt mean its going to be released for us right away, give it some time, and stop being so impatient, or it will never make it here.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs?
Neither did I.
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: OS 4? NO MORE!!!
RE: Why OS 4.1
Wow! You mean they might get over 20%?
RE: Why OS 4.1
nice pda, but where's OS5?
Handera first with OS 5.0 device
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
where is os 5?
why they still are selling 4.1? i heard of devices being released in fall that have monochrome displays and 4.1 - hey, there's already color! yes, but they still make monochrome devices. why? because people want it! maybe you dont want it, but people do!
the os 5 needs arm processors. they are much more powerful than the current dragonballs. thus, they also "eat" more than the dragonballs. like color "eats" more than monochrome. and some customers are not the gadgetgeeks and gamefreaks we all are, they just want to have the battery full as long as possible
RE: Why OS 4.1
HandEra and OS 5
News Editor
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
Hmmmm - if it has virtual graffiti AND supports os 5 hi-res API, wouldn't it have to be 320x480?
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
Both would be even better. Tell HandEra that if you have the chance.
RE: Why OS 4.1
RE: Why OS 4.1
All of them run Palm OS 4.1
News Editor
This presents an interesting question....
So, once OS 5 apps are out in full force using the OS5 fonts and hi-res icons etc., does this mean that Sony could offer a software upgrade for the current models like the NR series which would allow them to use the OS5 UI? That is, you would get the standardized hi-res Palm fonts (as opposed to the too thin Sony fonts) and a new icon set. With these Acer models using the OS 5 API, it seems this might be a possibility, which would certainly make me more likely to purchase an NR70V now, rather than wait for full-fledged OS 5 ARM models to appear, especially if the price drops once ARM units are announced.
RE: This presents an interesting question....
News Editor
RE: This presents an interesting question....
Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: This presents an interesting question....
RE: Additional Review Comments
Having said that we have had the os 5 emulator for some time - not that I have developed anything for over a year anyhow.
Sony's never been big on forward compatability...
I'll believe an OS5 API patch for the NR70 when I see it, and possibly not then. Have they even done anything about the Memory Stick problems with the NR70 yet, other than that 'patch'?
RE: This presents an interesting question....
good point. however, it shouldn't be that difficult for an independent developer to come up with a patch if sony doesn't.
Just a comment on the terminology
120x120 = standard (or lo-res when/if Palm Inc. introduces a higher resolution standard)
240x320 = enhanced res+SG or e-res+
320x320 = hi-res
320x480 = hi-res+SG or just hi-res+
Over 320x480 = Enhanced hi-res, e-hi-res+ and then super hi-res and super hi-res+
Or something to that effect. Just an idea...
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
Also, there are already standard names used here:
160x160 -- standard
240x320 -- QVGA
320x320 -- hi-res
320x480 -- hi-res+
320+x480+ -- insane, unnecessary, and not likely any time soon.
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
More importantly is manufacturers getting their definitions right so you get 120x120x2 (standard screen, 2^2 colours) through to 320x480x16 (Sony Screen - Virtual Grafitti, 2^16 colours).
Another feature that might be more useful now is an "inch" measurement like they do for monitors or TV's, since screens are coming out in different physical sizes with the same resolution.
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
Sorry about the 120x -- I meant 160x.
"insane, unnecessary, and not likely any time soon"
Sounds like Sony to me. Except the "not likely any time soon" part.
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
which has a wacky 560x160.
Also, in terms of supported programming APIs, there's a distinction between high-resolution (Sony's API) and high-density (PalmSource's API). In that sense, 320x320 devices that support high-density could be described as double-density.
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
: distinction between high-resolution (Sony's API) and
: high-density (PalmSource's API). In that sense, 320x320
: devices that support high-density could be described as
: double-density.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm having difficulty figuring out what the difference is between high-density and high-resolution, other than the fact that they are different API's from PalmSource and Sony, respectively.
Is PalmSource simply coining a different phrase to describe their own high-resolution API to differentiate itself from Sony's?
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
> is between high-density and high-resolution
There really isn't a hi-res API in OS 5. Hi-res graphics use the exact same APIs that have been there since probably at least OS 3.x plus a couple functions. The "main" difference is that there are APIs to support bitmaps of varying densities, depending on the actual resolution of the screen. Thus the tendancy to use the term high-density when discussing hi-res in OS 5.
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
RE: Just a comment on the terminology
Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
They will be able to run non-memory Memory Sticks
RE: They will be able to run non-memory Memory Sticks
RE: They will be able to run non-memory Memory Sticks
Can someone confirm this?
Lie is the future.
GPS ????
Is the Sony Memory Stick gps module compatible with acer s60????
OS5 icons?
RE: OS5 icons?
Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
This is what the m515 should have been...
Is Palm hardware asleep at the wheel?
Also - where are all the OS5 devices for back to school buying??????
Back to school has passed for me...
I would definetly consider the M515 form with jog dial, virtual graffiti, and 320x320 along with OS5. But its Palm, so who knows...
RE: This is what the m515 should have been...
Maybe I'll just get this one, and wait for OS 6, since s60 seems to solve all my needs.
RE: This is what the m515 should have been...
Alcoholic: Person with an Alcohol problem.
Workaholic: Person with a Workahol problem.
Keyboard availability
It's available for IPAQ, Palm, CLIE (T/NR), and of course, Acer.
RE: Keyboard availability
I also checked the European version:
There is also no mention of it on Acer's own website on its handhelds:
I'm not doubting it exists; I'm just wondering where people can find it. Hopefully, it will be released in all the areas where the s50 and s60 are available.
News Editor
RE: Keyboard availability
The Compaq branded one can be found at
The CLIE and Acer ones can be found locally, but then I'm somewhere in Asia, and these two brands are much more popular here compared to Palm.
ACER Quality Level?
RE: ACER Quality Level?
RE: ACER Quality Level?
They did buy over TI's notebook business a few years back but I think they need someone to give it a Gateway makeover. Their design sense is still lacking. Perhaps they are still after the lower/middle market so the product design reflects that.
RE: ACER Quality Level?
RE: ACER Quality Level?
Eventually I gave it away, still going strong.
Jon Acheson
"All opinions posted are my own, and not those of my employers, who are appalled."
MP3 Voice Recording
With s60 and its built-in 16MB memory and screen turned off (device locked), it can easily record up to 30 minutes of voice quality MP3 (64k bps). With 128MB Memory Stick, the recording duration extends to 4 full hours. All without recharges! If you happen to have 2 of 128MB Memory Stick, with full charged battery, recording 8 hours of voice is not even a problem! Try that with PocketPC...
I was trying to find an MP3 recorder before but either couldn't find one with good user interface, good quality, good battery life, or the price is simply too high. While s60 is only $50 more than s50, if you are going after s50, I would simply suggest to spend extra $50 more for s60.
Now I just wish there is a microphone jack, so I can get a better one (directional one) for even better clearity, though the built-in one serves just fine.
Marky Mark
Why not try Plucker?
Wow. MP3 takes serious (In Dragonball terms) horsepower to encode in real time. Unless they're using some strange hardware hack (DSP based?), I just don't see how that's possible. If it DOES do this, I'd be curious about the battery life while doing it... I've only seen a very few MP3 devices capable of recording, and most of those have been the notebook-sized Hard Drive equipped models.
RE: MP3 Voice Recording
Now with s60, I do believe Acer still uses the same DSP chip. With color UI, it would be a pleasure to use it to record and replay!
Marky Mark
I love the battery option, fantastic.
The english specs are online...
It will support MSIO (bluetooth, etc...).
It will most probably have greater battery life than the clies (20 "days" announced for the s50).
It will be available worldwide
THis looks like a real winner.
RE: The english specs are online...
"THis looks like a real winner."
My clie 760's battery is dying and I will need a new palm soon. This would be the perfect choice if only it had a jogdial
RE: The english specs are online...
(Self-confessed Palm Geek)
Not OS 5 - but.......
RE: Not OS 5 - but.......
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