Comments on: Jeff Hawkins: Phones to Replace PCs
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RE: Ridiculous
Currently a full page display is still far too large for a pocketable device, but that may change if low power heads-up display technology ever become affordable and popular.
RE: Ridiculous
Take a look at the OQO type devices. A Windows class PC in a format you can carry in your (large) pocket complete with a small screen, that then gets docked into a larger screen for full size graphics.
My laptop is heading that way. I don't use a desktop anymore ... one the road I use the laptop with all its capability. When at home I dock it and have a full sized keyboard and mouse, as well as a 19" monitor (with the laptop screen acting as a second display).
Hawkins is right ... but he needs the detractors to get out of the way so the visionaries can move forward.
~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~
RE: Ridiculous
RE: Ridiculous
I'd like to see ppl make these kinds of ideas profitable, fair priced, reliable, and practical.
[signature0]the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse[/signature0]
[signature1]My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71.... so ends the "marathon", for now[/signature1]
RE: Ridiculous
RE: Ridiculous
PCs are well on their way going out of mainsteam for personal communication. Frankly, just put a spam-proof email service in a cell phone and that will sell it. I'd love to see this desk that my computer is on now be gone and back to "normal" with some flat space, pen, paper and maybe a smartphone to do my networking and communications.
The rest of you can keep on playing Doom III and downloading porn.
-- Passive Agressive types need not apply.
RE: Ridiculous
Hahahaha. Great line.
RE: Ridiculous
You have Doom III already! OMG thats awesome. ;^)
Too many people focus on technology for technology's sake - a solution waiting for a problem. Jeff really is emphasising that we are moving to a world of ubiquitous computing - computers everywhere, talking to each other, and such a part of our lives that we don't even kno they are there. We are heading in that direction, but its a long way off. Jeff's vision just takes us one step closer.
~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~
RE: Ridiculous
Remember this is the dude who, along with his buddy Donna Dubinsky, ran HandSpring into the ground at its prime by announcing the demise of the Visor when nearly 100% of its client base owned them.
the VisorMiser
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -- Sir Winston Churchill
(I've been thinking about how nice would be using the PDA like a bluetooth phone handset. The PDA publishes itself as a voice conferencing Bluetooth device - whatever the specifics about profiles and such are - and ... well, that's it. The other end of the BT connection could be a computer doing VoIP or just a specific voice device... telephony, door answering, whatever. The alternative would be using the PDA as a VoIP device, but perhaps that would be more complicated, as that implies an IP network...)
I agree with this
When you are finished working, you'll take the phone out of the docking station and the display will adapt back to a form factor that makes sense for a handheld. All your data will remain on the Smartphone, yet the data will be automatically archived to a server in the background (wirelessly) through some other wireless archival service.
I think once we are here, we will have reached the next generation of computing. Just a thought...
RE: I agree with this
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why this shouldn't happen. It would also make data more secure as you would be carrying your data with you.
The resolution switching technology is here, support for higher resolution is forthcoming, I can't see the technology not converging.
I'm holding out on joining the smartphone revolution for a time when the costs become commodized.
Personally I'm already ready for this revolution to take place... if I had to choose between separating myself from my PDA or my PC, the PC'd be out the door in an instant.
The only things that my PC can do that my PDA cannot which I would miss are:
1. Photoshop
2. Storage of large amounts of data
3. A large screen for reading/painting etc.
4. Connectivity to hobby-devices, like my Wacom pressure-sensitive tablet.
That's an astonishingly short list if you think about it. Bottom line, if I weren't such a graphics enthusiast I'd be only some extra storage away from tossing my PC!
Not so fast!
Usually, the security of data is achieved thru backups... look at what your Hotsync does! Taking always your data with you is to put it at risk. In fact, Palm* uses that argument to advertise Palms.
Anyway, you look too eager to put away the PC. Looks like he only says "they'll fade into the background"! (whatever that means). And that point about "preferring devices that don't have to boot up" is a bit lame. My Mac OS X, 6 years old iMac has right now an uptime of 10 days... (and only 10 days because I installed an update).
You mention you want lots of CPU (photoshop!) and lots of storage. I'd say that, no matter how good things get on the portable side, a desktop (or small home server) computer will have some magnitudes more. So perhaps you'd be better served with a powerful (radio) network? (and network capable devices, of course...)
However, if you want to be futuristic... what about those retinal laser interfaces? (on the last 5 years, there has been continuous improvements on the field!). Couple that with some kind of Bluetooth 2 to avoid cables and it could get interesting ;). Intel has been pushing some pulsed radio technology that should bring lots of bandwidth (literally! sorry, radio engineer joke ;) with small battery usage...
RE: I agree with this
> The only things that my PC can do that my PDA cannot which I would miss are:
> 1. Photoshop
The way the big studios do this may point the way toward the future. You'll buy time on a large renderfarm (with lots of noisy fans and cooling towers) to do your Photoshop, and use a high bandwidth wireless link to download fast previews as you edit.
RE: I agree with this
Tracking business expenses, Invoices and payments, quotations to clients etc... all or most of my work is done on my T3.
The other day this babe walked up the the Palm counter at Future shop and told the dork there "OK, i've had it with waiting for my laptop to boot up...Please tell me I can work on excel documents with these things and check my email!" He then proceeded to tell her all about Palms.
The inconvenience of laptops is the only reason I "discovered" the joys of Palming.
RE: I agree with this
RE: I agree with this
I'm still thinking gaming with this.
Chess or Chyes
Palm Cow loves it.
Michael Dell Disagrees
RE: Michael Dell Disagrees
RE: Michael Dell Disagrees
Whats a PC to do
Smartphones and PDA's are useful because they act as information archives, wether its a phone number, a birthdate, a schedule for the local team or the days headlines. Their value lies in the easy access to a specific set of information elements.
A PC on the other hand is a general purpose device. Mom uses it to create an orignial birthday card with photos from the last family trip, kids do their homework which can run the gamut, I use it to get the best price comparison on tech toys :), its uses are legion.
The suggestion that the specialist device will replace the general purpose is hard to swallow. The PC is more than just a database or a spreadsheet, its more than a large screen. Its one of the selling points of the Palm OS that it has more software available for it than the Pocket PC. Anyone want to take a guesstimate of how many programs are out there for the dominant PC OS ?
Flagrans Veritatis Studio
RE: Whats a PC to do
With the vga port you can connect any monitor you want. With the usb master port you can connect a usb hub, to which you can connect a KB, mouse, and HD. The same things can also be done for smartphones.
The only significant differences between PDAs and PCs is the size of the package and the OS they run. ie, these are not specialty devices at all, but can potentially run lower powered versions of any program that a PC can.
RE: Whats a PC to do
RE: Whats a PC to do
I am Canadian
RE: Whats a PC to do
That is windows. Linux you can install on adsolutely anything. I once heard someone say that you could install linux on a Bic lighter if you wanted to, and while that may have been a tad hyperbolic, it really demonstrates how very little linux neads to run. You can instal linux on a wifi router, on a usb minidrive, on a SD card, hell, even on a floppy, and it requires so little processing power to do all but the most complex tasks on a linux machine.
As much as I love Palm OS, desktop OSs simply do more. They have more software, more compatability, more capability, and simply more power.
I think it'll be the other way around from hawkins statement. PCs will replace smartphones. They won't be on the desk anymore, but they will still be running the same software and smaller versions of the same hardware.
The Federation for the Responsible Use of Acronyms
All over this
I like how I can turn on my device instantly, work on my documents, and then shut it off that quickly. I plug in my sd card...bam...there's my information. I turn on my bluetooth, find my phone...bam...instant internet and contact sharing. Select the beam colleague has the information they need. I don't need an overcomplicated file structure or an OS that does everything.
Technology is a great thing as long as it assists the end user. The more complicated it becomes to use the less people will use it. A device can be very technologically complicated so long as the device is easy to use.
If you feel like you're under control, you're just not going fast enough.
RE: All over this
One bg thing that's in the way: USB host. The latest version of USB does not require a "host", I've been told, though I'm not sure how that works. I dont think palms or ppc's support this, so until then, a USB host port it critical. I have some great usb stuff such as keyboards, storage, card readers, etc, but all of it needs to be linked up to my pc to work.
Imagine, the proprietary connector on the bottom of all palms and ppc's replaced by a real, full sized, USB port. Usable for syncing, charging, and periferals, this would add so much to the overall pda experience and provide a simple way to conect to another pda or pc. There are USB harddrives, dvd players, wifi and bluetooth adapters, the possibilities are really endless.
My $0.03. Rant over.
The Federation for the Responsible Use of Acronyms
RE: All over this
RE: All over this
Who am I kididng, let's do both!
The Federation for the Responsible Use of Acronyms
Hopefully they will solve...
1n 20 years I can see it, although that's not much of a visionary statement by Hawkins. Anything is possible (and safe to predict) if the horizon is that far out.
What will happen in FIVE years??? That's what I want to know. What's Palm's vision for the 3-5 year horizon?
I'd like them to tell me...
Or how do I read information while using the phone?
Phones replace PCs? Ya, right. He's been saying that for years. Handspring decided to drop the PDA and go into the phone/PDA market and look what happened to it.
I can definately see a PDA that works well with your phone, but as long as you can only use one half of a PDA/phone combo at any time, it's worthless to the majority of people out there.
RE: I'd like them to tell me...
>>Or how do I read information while using the phone?
Good points. You can add a third one too:
How can I dictate a voice memo while talking on the phone?
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The main reason is that you can't carry a 20" screen in your pocket, no matter how much you think that something little is cool. Even the oft-predicted roll-up screens are never going to happpen in a way that is usable for the general consumer.
It's a pretty big indication of how entrenched and necessary the PC is, given that everyone predicts its demise.