Comments on: PalmInfocenter Holiday Break

Many thanks to everyone for the well wishes, and offers of support! I am felling much better and more rested. I really just needed catch up on sleep and take a short break from working.

Regular news updates will resume the week of Dec 20. The discussion forums are currently being worked on and should also be back online soon. In the meantime, give the gift of the Palm OS., check out the Holiday Shopping Guide. Last minute shipping ends soon.

Thanks again for your patientence and happy holidays to everyone.

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PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out

Gekko @ 12/17/2004 9:10:28 PM #

Here's my contribution to PIC during the "Holiday Break"...

Troy Wolverton
PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
By Troy Wolverton Staff Reporter
12/17/2004 12:37 PM EST

Shares of palmOne (PLMO:Nasdaq) plunged Friday after investors were unnerved by the company's earnings report.

The stock was recently down $8.57, or 20.1%, to $33.98.

Although the device maker met the Street's earnings expectations for its second quarter, it issued disappointing guidance for its current quarter. Perhaps more disturbingly, the company reported a sizable backlog in its inventory, particularly in its flagship Treo line of smartphones.

Following the report, the company's stock also was hit with a series of downbeat analyst reports, including at least two downgrades.

"PLMO faces multiple challenges ahead," wrote Andrew Neff, an analyst with Bear Stearns, in a report issued Friday. "Fundamentally, we are concerned about PLMO's device-only business model that is heavily dependent on the success of a single product."

Neff lowered his rating on palmOne shares from "peer perform" to "underperform" and decreased his price target range to $29 to $32 a share from $34 to $38 a share. (Bear Stearns has performed noninvestment banking business for palmOne in the last year.)

The handheld device and smartphone maker said after the bell Thursday that it earned $24.69 million, or 48 cents a share, in its just-completed quarter. That result was up from the second quarter last year, when the company lost $4.11 million, or 11 cents a share. Excluding discontinued operations, the company last year would have earned $2.63 million, or 7 cents a share.

The company's revenue rose 38% from the year earlier period to $376.2 million.

Excluding stock-based compensation and other noncash charges, the company would have earned $27.22 million, or 53 cents a share, in the just-completed quarter.

Wall Street had predicted the company would earn 53 cents a share on this basis on sales of $373.14 million. The company had predicted that it would earn 46 cents a share on a GAAP basis in the current quarter.

But while the company met the Street's estimates for its just-completed quarter, it gave disappointing guidance for its current period. The company now expects to earn 17 cents a share in its fiscal third quarter on sales of about $280 million.

In contrast, analysts had predicted the company would earn 30 cents a share on a GAAP basis on sales of $318.09 million in its third quarter.

PalmOne did offer an above-consensus forecast for its fourth-quarter outlook, and maintained full-year earnings guidance. For the fourth quarter, the company now expects to earn 45 cents to 55 cents a share on sales ranging from $360 million to $380 million.

The Street was predicting 40 cents a share in fourth-quarter earnings on sales of $343 million.

On a conference call on Thursday afternoon, company officials attributed their change in part to seasonality in the company's handheld business, and in part on a simple timing issue. Although the company still plans to roll out its new Treo 650 smartphone to its existing wireless carrier partners by the end of its fiscal year, the device won't be available on some of those networks until later than the company originally expected, company officials said.

"We would like to emphasize that our guidance for the full fiscal year remains unchanged, and we are comfortable with our plan," said Philippe Morali, the company's interim CFO.

But a number of analysts found themselves most uncomfortable with palmOne's plans.

The company's ability to meet its annual guidance is now heavily dependent on its fiscal fourth quarter, noted Pat Chiefalo, who covers the company for Merrill Lynch. That increases the risk that the company won't be able to meet its outlook, because one or more of its key carrier deals could be pushed back to its next fiscal year, he said. Chiefalo reduced his rating on palmOne shares to "neutral" from "buy."

"We believe the data points and expectations on Treo provided by management substantially increase the risk to our investment thesis regarding Treo uptake in the near term," Chiefalo wrote in a research note issued Friday. (Merrill Lynch has provided noninvestment banking services for palmOne in the last year.)

A related concern among analysts was the inventory position held by the company and its partners. At the end of the second quarter, palmOne and its carrier partners were holding nearly 21 weeks worth of Treo smartphones in inventory. Additionally, the company and its distribution partners held another 9.6 weeks worth of inventory in its handheld devices. Both of those figures are well above the company's targets, analysts noted.

Company officials played down the inventory swell. Handheld inventory was at a reasonable level considering that distributors and retailers were bulking up for holiday sales, Morali said. Meanwhile, the smartphone inventory had much to do with the transition from the older Treo 600 to its recently released Treo 650, he said.

"Carrier partners that are currently only selling the 600 have indicated that they are satisfied with their inventory position going into the holidays," said Morali. "Therefore we are comfortable with current channel inventory levels."

Again, the company's comfort didn't necessarily console Wall Street. In order to reduce its inventories to more normal levels, the company will have to double its market share in the smartphone market in its fourth quarter from its third quarter, wrote Needham analyst Charles Wolf in a note issued Friday.

"Given the Treo's $600 retail price point before carrier subsidies, we believe that such an increase in market share is highly unlikely," Wolf noted, maintaining his "hold" rating on palmOne shares. (Needham has provided investment banking business for palmOne in the last year.)

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
Gekko @ 12/17/2004 9:13:47 PM #

hey gfunk - so much for your recent statement that PalmOne is selling Treos "faster than they can make them". Do you research next time!!!

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
twrock @ 12/17/2004 10:27:43 PM #
"Fundamentally, we are concerned about PLMO's device-only business model that is heavily dependent on the success of a single product."

Certainly seems to lend some credence to the crowd who says PLMO and PSRC should have never split.

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
LiveFaith @ 12/18/2004 12:53:29 AM #

Thanks for the Holiday cheer there. With a flagship like the T5 it's a wonder that PLMO is not pennys.

But, had you been posting regularly over the past few weeks you would have been stunned to watch the price go from the high 20s into the 40s. The "little engine" has been on fire until revenues were found to be less exciting than the excitement was about. In short, the stock is doing well and has been outperforming the market for the approx past 6 mos.

Pat Horne;

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
Gekko @ 12/18/2004 8:05:20 AM #

Pat - In the long run, only earnings matter.


RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
mikecane @ 12/18/2004 5:48:02 PM #
News for Gekko: In the long run, nothing matters.

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
Gekko @ 12/19/2004 11:31:09 AM #

>"News for Gekko: In the long run, nothing matters."

Typical Liberal moral relativism.

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
mikecane @ 12/19/2004 2:25:49 PM #
No, you eejit, non-Republican realism. Keep waiting for that Rapture, pal.

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
rcartwright @ 12/19/2004 5:49:06 PM #
>No, you eejit, non-Republican realism. Keep waiting for that Rapture, pal.<

Typical Liberal resort to personal attack when the Liberal can not come up with a substantive retort.

In my little corner of the world Palm has made what looks like across the board $50.00 cuts except for the T5, which has one of those "buy me and get this free" type offers that equal $50.00. Intrestingly, the T3 was on sale for $279.00.

Happy Holidays all!

"The Anglo-Saxon-Scots-Irish people are the most warlike people in history, and their enemies forget it at their peril. "

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
mikecane @ 12/20/2004 9:58:29 AM #
Here's your civil discourse:

RE: PalmOne Backlog Has Investors Backing Out
rcartwright @ 12/20/2004 1:55:16 PM #
Here's your civil discourse:

Thanks Mike. This is OT, but I really have no other way to ask you this but have you read this book? If you think its worth reading, then I will check it out. I agree with his thesis that liberals need to rethink their beliefs. I believe that liberals generally (and the Democratic party in particular) are in the same place that conservatives and the Republican party were after November 1964.

Rick C

Thanks, Ryan

Gekko @ 12/17/2004 9:35:12 PM #

Ryan - Thanks for your hard work and efforts with this site. You're right - most of us don't have any idea how much work goes into it - so we don't always appreciate your efforts. I hope you feel better soon - watch out for the "strange" next time - lots of disease out there!


RE: Thanks, Ryan
4s @ 12/17/2004 9:47:40 PM #
Feel better soon, Ryan. Thanks for the great site and for all thay you do to make it a success.

RE: Thanks, Ryan
Admin @ 12/17/2004 10:17:11 PM #
the Flu I had took so much out of me that I didn't sleep for days, literally. It's very difficult to even concentrate now. Tomorrow I may post a new new stories, but I'm not giving up on the site by any means, just need a break for a bit.

RE: Thanks, Ryan
G M Fude @ 12/17/2004 10:32:11 PM #
Your efforts and input into PIC have made it a great source of entertainment and information for many years, Ryan. You deserve a break but what a shame you had the 'flu!

Keep up the good work and hope you're feeling 100% again soon.

- Steve Smith

RE: Thanks, Ryan
millydog @ 12/18/2004 12:01:40 AM #
Your site is great Ryan. I actually have it set as my homepage.
We should all let you know that we appreciate your efforts.
Thankyou for keeping us informed....and I hope that you get better soon....and why not take a well deserved break. We will miss the articles while you have time off but we will all still be here waiting for you to return.

RE: Thanks, Ryan
Hal2000 @ 12/18/2004 12:34:58 AM #
My Homepage too......You deserve the rest.

2.128 gigs under the hood.
RE: Thanks, Ryan
svrontis @ 12/18/2004 6:25:30 AM #

Hope you are feeling better soon.


RE: Thanks, Ryan
Strider_mt2k @ 12/18/2004 7:42:01 AM #
Get well soon man.

Get some rest.

RE: Thanks, Ryan
Foo Fighter @ 12/18/2004 9:35:29 AM #
Thanks for all your hard work and sacrifice, Ryan. Get some rest and get well soon.

May I suggest my home remedy for the flu; whiskey...and lots of it. It may not help the flu symptoms but you'll forget all them in time. :-P

Contributing Editor,

dizzy flu
drw @ 12/18/2004 12:05:15 PM #
Couple weeks ago I woke up dizzy and felt that way for most of a week. Kind of like seasickness without any other symptoms. If I closed my eyes I would slam into whatever wall was to my right. Was about to set a Doctor appointment, but it slowly went away.

RE: Thanks, Ryan
edeab220 @ 12/18/2004 1:50:39 PM #
I hope you feel better, Ryan! I can only imagine what you must do to keep PIC in order! Even though I do keep a Palm site in order, it can't compare to what you must do for PIC!

If ever you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me somehow.

Technology Reporter at

RE: Thanks, Ryan
Foo Fighter @ 12/18/2004 3:01:07 PM #
>> "Couple weeks ago I woke up dizzy and felt that way for most of a week. Kind of like seasickness without any other symptoms. If I closed my eyes I would slam into whatever wall was to my right. Was about to set a Doctor appointment, but it slowly went away."

Sounds like an inner-ear infection, or something thereabouts. Inner-ear problems typically impair equilibrium, resulting in dizziness, a sense of spinning, or this "seasickness" you describe. They go away in time.

Dr. Foo recommends that you see your doctor next time this occurs. And take two HotSyncs and call me in the morning. You'll be getting my bill in the mail in two weeks. Oh, and I DON'T make house calls. :-P

Contributing Editor,

RE: Thanks, Ryan
Gekko @ 12/18/2004 3:13:36 PM #

Wear a rubber next time!

RE: Thanks, Ryan
Foo Fighter @ 12/18/2004 3:58:59 PM #
Over his ears? That would look nice.

Contributing Editor,
RE: Thanks, Ryan
abosco @ 12/18/2004 5:08:48 PM #
>>Over his ears? That would look nice.

Here at PIC, we don't discriminate.

Ryan, get better soon, man. Orange juice!

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T637

RE: Thanks, Ryan
mikecane @ 12/18/2004 5:46:45 PM #
Orange juice?! That's a homophobic drink!

(More history to puzzle the wee ones!)

Aw, here's a hint:

RE: Thanks, Ryan
tooele @ 12/18/2004 9:20:09 PM #
Thanks for all the great stories and reviews and all the time you put into this site. It's my homepage too.

Tungsten T3 + T610
RE: Thanks, Ryan
twizza @ 12/19/2004 1:48:28 PM #
Thanks for all that you do Ryan. Get rest, get well, get blessed :)
RE: Thanks, Ryan
rcartwright @ 12/19/2004 5:58:48 PM #
>the Flu I had took so much out of me that I didn't sleep for days, literally. It's very difficult to even concentrate now. Tomorrow I may post a new new stories, but I'm not giving up on the site by any means, just need a break for a bit.<

Ryan, I don't know about the Yankee version of the crud, but the one down here would let up for a day or two and then pop you again.

Orange juice, rest and relaxation is all that will really kill it.

Happy Holidays

Rick C

RE: Thanks, Ryan
drw @ 12/21/2004 8:06:23 PM #
Yea, dog's have something to teach us. Their life is shorter yet they take plenty of naps. We think our rush rush asphalt treadmill life is natural, but it isn't.


Where is PalmSource?

batmon @ 12/17/2004 9:44:44 PM #
Is PalmSource gone? When I try to access it says it is under construction...

Japanese PalmSouce route me to

RE: Where is PalmSource?
Captain Hair @ 12/17/2004 11:16:08 PM #
Well, [url][/url] seems to work for me. It's all new and shiny too!

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Where is PalmSource?
bcombee @ 12/17/2004 11:47:24 PM #
We were doing a major update to our website last night, but it's all back now; the content is the same, the improvements were mainly to site navigation and to optimize page sizes.

Ben Combee - PDA programmer weblog
RE: Where is PalmSource?
batmon @ 12/18/2004 7:27:00 PM # still not working in Asia... It routes to verisign's under construction page...


joad @ 12/17/2004 10:55:19 PM #
so now I guess the investors will be picked on for going "negative" on PalmOne...

If you are going to rely on only a few devices and their accessories to survive, they need to be stellar. The woefully undermemorized Treo650 - their "upgrade" to the wildly successful Treo 600 - should be enough to give people the jitters about where PalmOne is standing and heading.

Personally I hope the company gets it's act together soon and tests things in the "real world" before releasing them, as their performance of late has been extremely disappointing to those who are their most loyal customers. But it's not a good sign when so many buyers of last year's model return or avoid the "upgrade" in droves because it doesn't contain even enough memory to do what the Treo 600 could do.

Add up all the lost sales resulting from skimping $10 bucks of memory on a $600 device, and what could have been a wildly successful rollout becomes miserable PR from the people who were the most likely promoters of your product.

All your hard work

Counselor Dave @ 12/18/2004 12:40:29 AM #
I'm very sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I also want to add my thanks for the really outstanding job you do with PIC. I'm just a novice in the world of Palm and I depend on your site for information and insight. So, thanks for all your hard work; it really helps and enjoy your recuperation and holidays!

RE: All your hard work
LiveFaith @ 12/18/2004 1:01:24 AM #
Thanks for all you do and get well soon! PIC is a great community.

Buuuut, if you don't make it back quick, I'm going to hack the site with my M100/sled modem and post a headline story on "4K Memo Limits and The Threat to Western Culture". In other words, don't stay gone to long!

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." :-D

Pat Horne;

RE: All your hard work
Nusm @ 12/18/2004 10:27:44 AM #
Hey Ryan,

I think I speak for everyone (okay, *MOST* everyone!) when I say get well soon. Take your time and recover, and I'm sure we'll all be here ready to spew bile and conspiracy theories, insult one another, and be general wankers when you get well!

Seriously, PIC is a great site, and thank you for all you do. We spend lots of time insulting and second guessing you, but we hardly ever take the time to say thanks.

Flash RAM problem

Tuckermaclain @ 12/18/2004 12:37:53 PM #
Does anybody have any knowledge or input on the "other" problem with the flash RAM in the T5/650? Specifically, PalmOne's datamanager or program manager patch which causes inexplicable crashes. I couldn't make the 650 useable am am returning it. After a hard reset it crashed after I beamed a datebook event from my Z72 datebook. No 3rd party apps were involved. I haven't seen this addressed yet in PIC.

RE: Flash RAM problem
mikecane @ 12/18/2004 5:45:51 PM #
It's been all over the Forums...

RE: Flash RAM problem
Gekko @ 12/19/2004 11:25:30 AM #

Crashes on the T5/T650 are just a figment of your imagination. Either that or you must be a "Power User".

RE: Flash RAM problem
Captain Hair @ 12/19/2004 11:50:32 AM #
A "power user"? I thought such persons were fiction, ancient fables spread by those who frequented these boards druing the dark times. Frightened me, you have, with mention of the abominations. I fear I must go out a replenish my supply of garlic and slinkies...

While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge

mikecane @ 12/18/2004 1:19:09 PM #
-- signed Alexander Haig

(Watch all the kiddies who don't know history go bonkers! "What's he mean? What's he mean?")

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
pocketpal @ 12/18/2004 2:09:22 PM #

The Wikipedia is a wonderful resource for those things that make you go hmmm...


What's in YOUR pocket?

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
mikecane @ 12/18/2004 5:44:49 PM #
Very good work.

Now I will stump the Wiki by saying, You deserve a No Prize!

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
svrontis @ 12/18/2004 9:30:37 PM #
Guys, you should back off Al Haig. Making it to general is no mean feat. Most of us here can only dream of success like that.

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
Strider_mt2k @ 12/19/2004 8:01:41 AM #
Surely his shoulders are broad enough to bear this awsome satirical burden?

He DID say that, after all.

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
orb2069 @ 12/19/2004 11:01:03 AM #
Now I will stump the Wiki by saying, You deserve a No Prize!

Perhaps, but you won't stump the True Belivers. :)

1000->Personal->IRUpgrade->TRGPro->HE330->Treo 180

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
rcartwright @ 12/19/2004 6:04:28 PM #

Does this mean your career and credibility are going down in flames like Al's did after that remark?

Also, since he was NOT in fact in charge, then I assume Ryan still is.

"The Anglo-Saxon-Scots-Irish people are the most warlike people in history, and their enemies forget it at their peril. "

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
mikecane @ 12/20/2004 10:00:21 AM #
>>>Anglo-Saxon-Scots-Irish people are the most warlike people in history

-- but the Irish at least have a sense of humor.

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
Strider_mt2k @ 12/20/2004 10:50:54 AM #
I'll drink to that!

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
Strider_mt2k @ 12/20/2004 10:50:54 AM #
I'll drink to that!

RE: While Ryan is gone, *I* am in charge
Foo Fighter @ 12/20/2004 10:14:46 PM #
>> "but the Irish at least have a sense of humor."

Only because they're drunk most of the time. They get mean as hell once they sober up.

Contributing Editor,

E-T: e-tellurian

Gekko @ 12/18/2004 3:49:25 PM #

I wonder how E-T is making out without the PIC forums???

"completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution"

RE: E-T: e-tellurian
mikecane @ 12/18/2004 5:45:24 PM #
Let us hope it is fatal!

RE: E-T: e-tellurian
Captain Hair @ 12/19/2004 11:53:47 AM #
Perhaps the same fate will befall our dear friend ska?

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: E-T: e-tellurian
Wollombi @ 12/23/2004 1:14:35 PM #
Ska no longer has access to PIC


Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

See the OQO for free!

mikecane @ 12/19/2004 2:23:12 PM #
Well, if you DON'T buy the magazine...

The latest issue of Mobile PC magazine (hot orange cover) has a (bad!) two-page review of the OQO (they blast the screen, but no OWNERS have; maybe they got a heavily-passed-around unit?). There are some ACTUAL SIZE PHOTOS of the thing. Man, is it small!

If you have one of those old Sony clamshells (hello, abosco!), take it with you and hold it up to the picture of the OQO keyboard. How do those keys compare with the CLIEs? Larger? Smaller? And spacing?

RE: See the OQO for free!
abosco @ 12/19/2004 8:10:18 PM #

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T637
RE: See the OQO for free!
pkuhns @ 12/20/2004 9:33:53 AM #
I'm still waiting for a side-by-side pic of the Sony PSP and a Tungsten T5/Zodiac. Hello Japanese friends!

Nokia 3650 bluetooth magnate
RE: See the OQO for free!
mikecane @ 12/20/2004 9:57:24 AM #
abosco, you lazy ***. Get to the mag stand with your CLIE and report back. Having three jobs and two girlfriends is no excuse. Nor shall death release you!

RE: See the OQO for free!
Gekko @ 12/23/2004 1:25:24 PM #

sorry! That's the new mini VAIO! My bad!

RE: See the OQO for free!
Gekko @ 12/23/2004 7:29:00 PM #

Tom's Hardware Review

The OQO: WindowsXP in the Palm of Your Hand

Christmas wish list for Palm.

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/19/2004 3:42:44 PM #
Dear Santa/Mr. Nagel/Mr. Colligan,

I've used PalmOS PDAs since they first came out and if you don't mind, could you give me the following things for Christmas, 2004?

12 Christmas Wishes:

1) Improved quality control for ALL your PDAs. Many of us are now afraid to buy anything with a pa1mOne logo because chances are it will self-destruct within a few months. (Exhibit 1: Tungsten E. Exhibit 2: Treo 600.) Do you even CARE about quality anymore?

2) A "Treo 700" with 64 to 128 MB of NORMAL RAM, better quality phone components, no external antenna, and keyboard buttons that don't break within one week.

3) A phone-centric "Treo 200" based on the Sony Ericsson S710a.

4) An updated Tungsten C with better quality screen, better case, better buttons, Bluetooth and lower price. Or get innovative and take on Blackberry by including a cellphone radio as well.

5) Fix the Data Manager (Data Mangler?) bugs. If you can't fix them, hire some engineers who can.

6) Stop using NAND Flash. Now.

7) Cut the PDA lineup to just three models.

8) Stop outsourcing tech support to India.

9) Stop outsourcing PDA construction to China.

10) Dump the Tungsten 5 and release a Tungsten 7 with 320 x 480 (OLED?) screen, integrated Bluetooth + Wi-Fi, dual SD and CompactFlash slots, voice recorder. You really need to start competing with PPC hardware and provide value for money. I'm afraid "The Zen of Palm" is not an excuse for you to provide c r a p p y hardware.

11) Licence some best of breed apps like Ultrasoft Money, BackupMan, TealLock, etc and include them with all your PDAs.

12) Release a (bug-free) PDA running PalmOS 6. Assuming a bug-free PalmOS 6 exists. Assuming anyone has written any apps that need PalmOS 6. Assuming PalmOS 6 has any significant advantages over PalmOS 5.

Thank you.

Yours truly,
The Voice of Reason inside your head

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
rcartwright @ 12/19/2004 6:08:58 PM #

You appeared to have forgotten to ask Santa to drop a bag of coal on Nagel's house, Considering all the kind things you have said about him over the year, I can only conclude you are getting soft.

"The Anglo-Saxon-Scots-Irish people are the most warlike people in history, and their enemies forget it at their peril. "

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
ginsberg @ 12/19/2004 8:52:04 PM #
More nonsense from the Voice of Ignorance.

Exiting China and India would put palmOne at a significant cost disadvantage relative to its competitors. Where would you suggest they relocate these operations?

NAND offers serveral advantages over NOR flash, the most important being that it is nonvolatile. This is the direction the cellphone and PDA industries are moving. Get used to it.

Likewise, you have obviously bought into the OLED hype. Ever try using an OLED display outdoors on a sunny day? I didn't think so. OLEDs also have problems with rapid color fading that make them unsuitable for PDAs.

Your high school librarian can help help you with your research.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/20/2004 12:54:15 AM #
You appeared to have forgotten to ask Santa to drop a bag of coal on Nagel's house, Considering all the kind things you have said about him over the year, I can only conclude you are getting soft.

Rumor has it there are already some pretty hot coals being placed under Nagel's feet. PalmSource is a house of cards and Nagel has sucked so many millions out of its anemic carcass that VampireBoy will likely soon be moving on to some fresher meat.

Funny how people like Gasse, Nagel, Jobs etc always manage to do well - even when their companies are/were fighting desperately to stay alive. The greed in Corporate America is truly astounding.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/20/2004 1:07:55 AM #
Exiting China and India would put palmOne at a significant cost disadvantage relative to its competitors. Where would you suggest they relocate these operations?

NAND offers serveral advantages over NOR flash, the most important being that it is nonvolatile. This is the direction the cellphone and PDA industries are moving. Get used to it.

Likewise, you have obviously bought into the OLED hype. Ever try using an OLED display outdoors on a sunny day? I didn't think so. OLEDs also have problems with rapid color fading that make them unsuitable for PDAs.

Your high school librarian can help help you with your research.

Many feel that continuing to use incomprehensible tech support workers and factories that produce self-destructing hardware has already done more to damage Palm's name - and thus sales - than has been saved from lower costs. And once Palm loses a customer this way, do you think they will ever come back? Not likely. Palm's declining market share, impending hardware glut (remember 2001?), massive quality control problems, ongoing OS bugs and lack of vision (dumping Cobalt and switching to PalmLinux after three years of development and no shipping devices to show for it?) all portend a disaster of epic, Netscape-like proportions.

Palm could easily put tech support in Des Moines (Handera-land) or any of a hundred other dumb-a$$ hick towns with a semi-educated population and low cost of living.

After eight years of outsourcing hardware, if Palm doesn't know how to get quality manufacturing, it's time to throw in the towel.

NAND's "advantage" could be obviated by including a $10 app (BackupMan) and a $10 SD card with every Palm. And remember: data on NAND Flash does not survive a hard reset. Not good, given how crash-happy the Tungsten 5 and Treo 650 are. Until PalmOS doesn't choke on NAND Flash, this "el-cheapo flash" has no business being on Palm's PDAs.

You obviously have never used Sony's VZ90. If your only experience with OLEDs is from cellphones made a year ago or (more likely) from reading about them on the Internet, you really need to S T F U.

It appears that you're the one needing to spend a little quality time with the librarian. Don't feel bad - I've heard that many librarians are repressed sex maniacs. Maybe (even you) might get lucky. Stay in school, Buddy.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
svrontis @ 12/20/2004 5:08:06 AM #
Personally, I have never had any problems with the quality of Palm/p1 products.

My wish list:-

1. p1 must continue its commitment to making units which appeal to average users; rather than trying to impress geeks like us with gee-whiz gadgets. They must not waste resources on 'bleeding edge' technology. Just go with what works, and continue to do it better than anyone else.

2. The p1 designers must be told to write 'FORM FACTOR IS IMPORTANT' 100 times on a whiteboard. They must be told, in no uncertain terms, to stop designing bricks like the TC, T3 and T5 and go back to thinner and lighter units which fit well in the hand. Better battery life wouldn't hurt either.

3. p1 must invest much more in marketing, with greater emphasis
on the benefits of using a handheld computer in daily life. The key is to sell solutions; not computers.

4. p1 must do more to educate IT managers on the benefits of p1 units in the workplace. Let me give you an example of what I mean - the deputy head of our IT department told me 2 weeks ago that WinCE is better than PalmOS, because WinCE allows Word documents to be edited - she had never heard of Documents to Go! (I'm not sure how how to address this problem, but a starting point would be to sponsor articles in some of the leading computer magazines and buying some advertising space wouldn't hurt either.)

5. The Treo line must be pitched better, with more emphasis how it outdoes the RIM Blackberry line in every way.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
mikecane @ 12/20/2004 10:01:37 AM #
My wish list for palmOne:

1) Competition
2) Competition
3) Competition
4) Competition
5) Competition
6) Sony to cram the features of their U series in an OQO-style pocketable device.

Bugger PDAs.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
hkklife @ 12/20/2004 10:41:42 AM #
Since the likelihood of any of the above wish lists coming true in '05 are looking grim (at least in the 1st half of '05), I went ahead and snagged one final open-box T3 the other day. I figure if I use my 2 T3s gingerly, I can coast through '05 until some more enticing options pan out.

I agree with most of the points outlined above and I agree with Voice that outsouring tech support is butcherng the "reputations" of many companies. I recently spoke with a corporate buyer who just bought a bunch of MPC machines (the old-timers here will remember them as the remnants of Micron's PC division) due in large part to their outstanding phone tech support staff. I agree with the predictions that we'll start seeing a renewed focus on tech support at least for higher-end -product lines. Imagine that, P1 having Tungsten models carry longer warranties and domestic tech support staff as a reason to justify >$200 pricetags and non-day glow color schemes!

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
Hal2000 @ 12/21/2004 7:36:17 PM #
Good one ginsberg

2.128 gigs under the hood.
rav @ 12/22/2004 9:05:15 AM #

Palm1 needs to go back to the simple basics. The best PDA I ever had was the Handspring Visor EDGE: metal-body, metal stylus, perfect-size with an extremely ultra-slim body, corner LED to let you know its charging and to silently alert you, a cradle, and a hard metal flip cover that actually protected the screen...too bad my Edhge recently went DOA after nearly 3 years of faithful service. Even 3 years old, it still looked cool and garnered attention from onlookers. I had a Sony Clie for a while, I believe it was the T60, but eBayed it after a few months and went back the HS Edge. So, now I look for a replacement and see what's out there and I am NOT at all happy with the offerings. Handspring is gone, Sony is gone, so Palm1 has NO competition and thinks they can make whatever they want and we will buy it - well, do we have a choice other than to turn to the dark side (aka PPC) ?

Couldn't Palm1 come out with an "Edge"-type model with a color screen? I saw the Tungsten E and Zire 72, but they lack one very IMPORTANT thing : NO f---ing cradle! Excuse my language. I would hate to keep plugging in a power plug and a hotsync plug every time I want to charge up the unit or hotsync it with my PC. What happened to the cradle? Did the bean counters force management to eliminate the cradle? A cradle... a link for the PDA and the PC. Now, a missing link! Bring back the cradle!!!

I read PIC and see how Palm1 is trying to make the PDA a replacement for the notebook computer - adding all the bells and whistles in the T5, but, unfortunately, in a very ugly looking body. They would have been better off using an old m515 body then the one they have on the T5 now. And the plastic, shiny body on the T3... another disappointment. The blue paint body of the Zire 72 peeling off so much that they had to make a Special Edition model without the blue paint to fend off all the complaints from Zire 72 owners whose blue Zire 72 naturally turned into a "special edition" silver. I was even tempted by the basic Zire 31, but the 160x160 screen on it, even though it's in color, turned me away - it actually hurt my eyes when I used it for 5 minutes at CompUSA - but, again, there lies a bigger problem : no cradle.

Palm1 is failing in a simple step to design a decent looking PDA body - if the body at least looks decent, then all the other bells and whistles packaged with it will be a winning combination. But, once you fail at the first step...

Like I first said, if Palm1 would just design a basic PDA (a la Handspring Visor Edge, but with a 320x320 color screen) and package it WITH A CRADLE then I think they will appeal to a mass audience and have a successful and profitable product. Keep it simple and cheap - no flash memory, no voice recorder, no camera, no vibrating alert - just a decent, usuable metal stylus and, please, a cradle.

Any recommendation on a a new PDA for now? Thanks everyone for letting me vent and enjoy the holidays. And Ryan, get well soon - we need our daily dose of Palm-related news, rumors, upcoming models, complaints, and etc.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 10:40:18 AM #
Get a CLIE TH55.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Corrected links for new CLIE TH55
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 12:22:20 PM #
Bluetooth version ($695):

Non-Bluetooth version ($540):

Yeah, those prices are obscene, but I don't know anywhere else that's selling new ones. eBay's not worth the hassle.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
Strider_mt2k @ 12/22/2004 1:22:35 PM #
I agree TH55.

Possibly the last best PalmOS handheld.

Certainly the last best US-released Clie.

RE: Christmas wish list for Palm.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 3:21:32 PM #
I agree TH55.

Possibly the last best PalmOS handheld.

Dynamism is now selling the VZ90 for $899. Once you've seen the OLED in person, nothing else will do. Still, the TH55 is the best tablet-style PDA sold in the USA. If Sony could have just given us another revision of the TH55 design, it probably would have been perfect. These things are going to be collector's items in a few years.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Ahnold gives Gekko a heart attack

mikecane @ 12/20/2004 1:32:16 PM #
In the ongoing Political Re-Education of Gekko...

"Report: Schwarzenegger suggests U.S. Republicans move leftward"

Enjoy those lumps of coal on Saturday, Gekko ol' bean!

The good news: my (3rd) T5 runs like a champ!

Cheetah @ 12/20/2004 2:30:24 PM #
After the first T5 disaster, and my second T5 battery problem, I have been happily using my VERY stable T5 for over a week.

No problems.

I love this Palm as it's in the spirit of the Vx, only with a high res color screen, using the full screen (with virtual graffiti area). Best part is it DOESN'T have a slider and it has good battery life!

For some reason, I can write using G2 much better then on my old T/E, so I don't have to use Tealscript anymore.

It's near perfect for my needs.

RE: The good news: my (3rd) T5 runs like a champ!
Gekko @ 12/20/2004 7:36:25 PM #

How's the search bug treating you?

My Prediction? MORE PAIN.

RE: Search not a problem
Cheetah @ 12/20/2004 10:17:39 PM #
I never understood what the problem is. I can search just as fast (apparently) as I have always been able to search.

Seems fine to me.

RE: The good news: my (3rd) T5 runs like a champ!
Gekko @ 12/20/2004 10:29:59 PM #

PIC is the Heartbeat of Palm

Gekko @ 12/20/2004 7:37:27 PM #

Condition Critical.

More embarassment for Palm: Treo 650 hacked to pieces!

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 4:34:50 AM #
It only took a few days for "The Bad People™" to hack the c r a p out of the Treo 650. The phone has been so utterly exP!01t3D it's silly. The fact that the hacks were done so easily and so quickly underscores both how weak Palm's programmers are and that an OS so vulnerable to hacks may be a liability to the carriers like Sprint.

Strike 1: Bluetooth DUN enabled. Sprint purposely wanted this left off the Treo 650 so users would not be able to turn their phones into Bluetooth modems. (Sprint sells a seperate wireless service for laptop users.) Lazy Palm programmers left the ability in, chosing to "hide" it behind a line of code. All that was required to turn Bluetooth DUN back on was a two byte patch. Two bytes. Wow.

Strike 2: Wi-Fi for Treo 650 enabled. Funny how a single Treo user with no access to the source code managed to do what Palm hasn't/can't. Yes, it's a crude and nasty hack at this point (hard resets the Treo 650 after every use), but Palm should hire the hacker and fire all the useless appendages currently cluttering up its programming department.

Strike 3: Palm is planning to release a Treo 650 patch to fix the unit's horrible sound quality. Only problem is, some dumba$$ from Palm supposedly sent out a beta that used a loader which allows users to flash ANY custom ROMs they want. Treo 650 users can now customize and re-flash their ROMs at will. It also seems unlikely that Palm will be able to stop anyone from easily unlocking their phones. (And users can already play games with the MSL.)

One unexpected positive is it appears that users may be able to flash an upgrade to Bluetooth 1.2. In a bizarre twist, the loader required to flash a Pocket PC ROM is also included!!!

The hypocritical moderators at Treocentral deleted references to the files needed to customize the ROM, yet didn't censor the threads on enabling Bluetooth DUN and Wi-Fi. Go figure. You can get everything you need here (at least until Palm wakes up and shuts The Bad People™ down by sending out the Palm Lawyers™...):

Heads are gonna roll over this at Palm. Rule # 1: Don't EVER do anything to pi$$ off the carriers...

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Instructions for how to hack the Treo 650. SWEET!!!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 10:02:56 AM #
Treo 650 users should download EVERYTHING from this site ASAP, before Palm's lawyers threaten to sue the site out of existence!!!

Instructions for how to customize the Treo 650 ROM as taken from a post here:

Shadowmite's instructions:
1) You must have a SD card reader/writer for your computer
1a) Insert your SD card
1b) Change the name of your palm folder if present to bak or whatever other than palm
1c) Copy the palm and rom folders inside the zip file onto the root directory of your card
1d) When finished with Faisal's instructions please delete the new folders you added and rename your palm folder back.

1. IMPORTANT!!! Plug your device into the charger first. Hot sync if you have not already. Remember. At the end of this, you will have to hard reset your device, so you will lose everything on it.
2. When you put the card in the SD slot, it should default to the "Card" applications menu.
3. Tap the ROMUpdater app. It will take you to a screen with a lot of text.
4. Type "rev cvt2" (no quotes). Hit the return key.
5. Type "ace" (no quotes). Hit the return key.
6. After the flash is complete, it will say, "PLEASE HARD RESET YOUR DEVICE". Here is how you do it:
a) Remove the battery cover and use the stylus to do a pin reset, located on the left side of the battery.
b) Quickly look at the LCD. You will see a bar moving from left to right. Before it reaches about midpoint on the bottom of the screen, press and hold down the RED phone button until you see the Palm logo.
c) When you see the Palm logo (the moving bar is gone), release the RED phone button. You will be prompted to press the up button to erase all of your data. Please do so.
7. Follow the steps to recalibrate your touch screen.
8. You are done! Re-sync your data and turn on your radio by pressing and holding the RED phone button.

Now to modifying your own ROM (OPTIONAL and not for the faint hearted, you can just flash with one of the ROMs posted by Shadowmite):
Few notes first,
* First do not delete all the MM files, some of them are needed for the SD card.
* Verizon hacked phones are a problem at this time, be careful.
* If your ROM flash fails DO NOT DO a hard reset BEFORE you re-flash with the original ROM. You could lose your phone to an eternal hard reset loop if you do not have a functional ROM before you hard reset.
* The size cannot be over 6.8mb or something very close to that

Instructions by SaliRace
1) Start with a known working version of the ROM
2) Unzip the file to another working folder on your desktop
3) Remove any .PRC files and any other files related to the program you are trying to delete. (BE VERY CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU DELETE), I recommend starting with one of Shadowmites ROM updates as he has stripped most to the bare bone. Add any PRC files you wish to include in the ROM remember the size cannot exceed 6.8 mb.
4) Open up the boot.conf file in a text editor (used Word and it worked fine or better yet NOTEPAD) and remove any db= references to the files you just deleted. This stops the boot file from looking for those programs, which would otherwise cause it to stick in a reset loop. Add the db="new prc you just included in the" without "". NOTE: not all PRC files can be loaded into ROM, esp those who will modify its size after entering serial number (Patched apps or apps that save the serial number info on RAM are fine, research this in other threads before you add you fav prc file).
5) Save this new boot.conf file and overwrite the old one
6) Use WINZIP (or something equivelant) to re-zip the folder an name it the same
7) Using an MD5 checksum utility (available here as an attachment), run a checksum on the new, open the file named again with NOTEPAD, paste the NEW checksum value with the new value given by the MD5.
8) Copy the Palm and ROM folders to your SD card (After renaming the existing PALM folder if it exists), and run the updater. If the checksum utility did not create the right totals, it will tell you so, and will no update. Therefore, do not worry if you are not very comfortable with the MD5 utility, it gives some room to experiment.
Follow the instructions by shadowmite and Faisal above, then a hard reset when prompted to do so (ONLY HARD RESET IF YOU WERE ABLE TO FLASH THE ROM WITH NO ERRORS, if you get any errors re-flash with original ROM available at shadowmite's website).

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Ryan, can you do a news item on this?
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 10:17:26 AM #
This Treo 650 hacking is HUGE!

Sprint may end up raking Palm over the coals re: all the holes in the OS now being eXp!01teD, but it's great that the power users can still customize their devices. I had thought that NAND Flash would have made the Treo 650 even harder to hack, but then Palm's programmers not only unlocked the door but also left the door wide open and their wallets on the front steps!

It will be interesting to see if this or a similar ROM upgrader can be hacked to customize the Tungsten 5...

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Treo 650 hacked to pieces!
Admin @ 12/22/2004 8:19:49 PM #
Voice, If you chop something up without all the l33t speak I will publish it under your name or "Voice" or what have you. I have no chance to survive, so make your time (joke ppl)

This offer also extends to any other Treo power user that would like to write something up on this new development. Email it to ryan @ palminfocenter ... you know the rest. Big TIA!

RE: More embarassment for Palm: Treo 650 hacked to pieces!
mikecane @ 12/23/2004 11:23:04 AM #
Ryan: All your PIC will belong to PS!

RE: More embarassment for Palm: Treo 650 hacked to pieces!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/31/2004 2:03:24 PM #
Nice to see someone finally posted a (weak) news item writeup on this.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/22/2004 4:25:53 PM #
Spoke to an old Palm contact on Monday and got the scoop. I'll write a tell-all piece (Copyrighted, Mike Cane©-style) for publication January 1 if it's kosher with Shallowthroat.

Sad, sad, story.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/22/2004 7:04:27 PM #
Ryan: Let him do it. When PS sues PIC and him, his ID will be revealed in the suit. And then the Night of the Long Knives can finally begin...

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Strider_mt2k @ 12/22/2004 7:54:17 PM #
Night of the Long Knives?

Nothing wrong with staying anon. (Journalistic hoo-haa and all that.)

Lemme guess, the Chinese make more code for less?

(I really hope I'm wrong.)

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
hkklife @ 12/22/2004 9:17:37 PM #
Voice, please--a juicy tidbit or two to tide us over these long winter nights between now and the new year?

Also, better make sure the blokes over at The Register don't try to steal your "scoop" ;-)

Ryan: glad to hear you're feeling better! Keep on getting plenty of rest.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
voice of chaos @ 12/23/2004 11:06:03 AM #
What's the news here? What tidbits DON'T you folks have by now?

That palmOne DOESN'T HAVE ANY PLANS to EVER use COBALT? Guys, palmOne is now driven by the Handspring folks - the Handspring people were on OS 3.5.X forever and only went to 5.0 because the market forcibly pushed them to the ARM base. Oh, and a Cobalt license costs more. Oh, and it'll cost more to support it AND the existing base for some time?

That palmOne could walk away from Palm OS in 2006? Been there, done that. They're trying to smell the money so they can survive.

That PalmSource is having trouble getting new licensees, or any licensees, to sign on to Cobalt? Been there, done that.

That Sony moved away from PalmSource for exactly the same reasons that palmOne doesn't use Cobalt? Been there, done that.

That PalmSource is going to a Linux based OS? Been there, done that.

That PalmSource is hoping that they can grab onto a big chunk of the market in China? Now here is the under-reported story

The only thing I think they've learned from the Cobalt mess is that the Be engineering staff does good work that nobody wants.

Face it - Nagel has bet the farm on the Cobalt, Linux, and Asia. It might work, but it won't be easy. The folks at PalmSource seem to have realized that they didn't have a viable business model. Can they right it in time? Who knows. One can hope.

Can palmOne survive the way they're going? Seems to me the one thing that PalmSource does very well (they have one of the best support teams in the business) is the one thing that palmOne does poorly. A good support organization drives a good QA team to make sure your product doesn't have any unnecessary surprises when it goes out in the field. The T5 and the Treo 650 weren't ready for their closeup.

Not a good way for the year to end if you are a Palm OS developer.

So what's the big news again?

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/23/2004 11:10:50 AM #
Kids are so damned STUPID these days...

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/23/2004 11:10:50 AM #
This is probably why...

-- keep making those calls, kid! Evolution will have its revenge!

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/26/2004 8:57:08 PM #
Thanks for that tidbit about cell phones. Geez, I thought I was safe, now I'll have to keep myself away from all sources of radiation, so that means no cordless phones, no computers, no microwave, no refrigerator, no television, no sun, no stereo, no palm- nevermind.
Really, this whole thing's been blown way out of proportion. Yes, microwaves and what have you can cause irreverseable damage to cells at the DNA level, but there are several things I have to say about that (please don't take this as patronization, just a rant at society):
(1) Cell phones do not put out that much radiation. Putting a lab rat in the microwave is not the equivelant of cell phone use. I know, that's an exageration, so don't patronize me.
(2) We've been using devices that produce copious amounts of electromagnetic radiation since Marconi invented the radio.
(3) We are also exposed to natural radiation ALL THE TIME. UVA, UVB, solar, microwave, gamma ray, etc., all from that big burning ball of gas we depend upon.
(4) Trying to claim that the cancer rate is on the rise (aside from the results of carcinogens such as those found in cigarettes) is ludicrous. Yes, diagnosed cases of cancer are on the rise. That's diaganosed. Fifty years ago, how many people did you meet who had cancer? More than you know. Modern medicine has increased our ability to find and treat tumors that we never even knew existed. If we were to go back fifty years, we'd find that many 'natural' deaths were the result of cancer. Hell, everbody has cancer. Do you have a mole anywhere? That's a benign form of cancer. Most cancers are caused by random gene mutations, the same kind of mutations that made you different from your sibling (assuming you have one and that he/she is not your identical twin). It's genetics, folks.
End Rant. This post will self-destruct in ten seconds.

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/26/2004 9:09:04 PM #
Oh, yes, I'm eighteen years old and consider myself to be fairly well-versed in the events leading up to World War II. Most people do not know the Reichsmordwoche, as education in the United States basically consists of:
(1) Hitler was a bad man
(2) He rose through power in the German government
(3) He killed his opponents
(4) He rallied a depressed Germany to revenge
(5) He conquered France
(6) He attacked Russia
(7) He bombed Britain
(8) He killed the Jews
(9) US comes to the rescue and beats Hitler's little Nazi toosh
(10) Yay, USA!

There is little mention of the Reichsmordwoche, his alliance with Mussolini, persecution of homosexuals, the elderly, gyspies, and others, how he was able to rise to power with the support of the people, etc. Most of the history taught in the United States is taught from the view of the USA at that time:
We sat there twidling our fingers, watching Europe fall under Germany, again, but didn't want to get our hands dirty. Japan attacks, so we declare war on Japan, Japan declares war on the US, Germany declares war on the US, US, declares war on Germany, long silnce filled with the war in the Pacific, and then D-day. It's very one-sided. Thank goodness I have the History Channel.

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Strider_mt2k @ 12/26/2004 9:20:15 PM #
Oh no, a cosmic ray has broken a DNA strand!

Destroy! Kill! Destroy!

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/26/2004 10:36:50 PM #
I've been wonderins: How old are you?
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/27/2004 11:47:58 AM #
Keep wondering.

Old enough not to use a dumba** handle.

Old enough to have better things to do with my time than to wonder about other people.

Old enough to know better than Gekko how the world *really* works.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 12:03:51 PM #
>Keep wondering.
Okay, I'll respect you're privacy.

>Old enough not to use a dumba** handle.
Too bad it seems that you've grown out of a good sense of humor and become a grumpy ole' crumudgen.

>Old enough to have better things to do with my time than to wonder about other people.
I dunno, you seem to spend a lot of time thinking up ways to insult Gekko.

>Old enough to know better than Gekko how the world *really* works.
Ooh, I sense a little bit of frustration here. Is this because you've grown too old to adapt to change? That's pretty sad if you wish to be involved in the Palm world, or the real world, for that matter.

Cap'n Hair

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/27/2004 1:14:41 PM #
Why don't you just put down that shovel and walk away from the hole you're digging?

Me, hidebound? I voted for Nader!

Gekko is the one who is still in the swoon of that disgusting indictment, "Wall Street." Too bad he can't clone Catherine Z-J. I'm sure he'd like that...

How many lumps did you get for Xmas, Gekko? One or ... T5? Hahahaha.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 1:36:53 PM #
>Why don't you just put down that shovel and walk away from the hole you're digging?
I like my hole, thank you very much.

>Me, hidebound? I voted for Nader!
While I will agree that Nader had a few good ideas, you practically threw your vote away. I know, 'I was making a statement", etc, but why not vote for somebody who has a chance of winning?

>Gekko is the one who is still in the swoon of that disgusting indictment, "Wall Street." Too bad he can't clone Catherine Z-J. I'm sure he'd like that...
We all know that Wall Street is not a good gauge of a company, but Joe Public doesn't know that. When the news tells him that the stock market is down for the third day in a row, he begins to think that we're headed into a depression. And why would you clone HER? Sheesh.

>How many lumps did you get for Xmas, Gekko? One or ... T5? Hahahaha.
I think you meant TE2, right?

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
G M Fude @ 12/27/2004 5:38:20 PM #
Hmmm... the link between the 1987 film "Wall Street" and Catherine Zeta Jones is tenuous. She never appeared in the film, but did marry one of the actors in it back in the late 90s.

As for an anwer to the question on "why would you clone HER?" the gallery in this site, , may go some way to answering that question. That face... that hair... those legs... the buns... that rack! Too much for an 18 year-old to handle! ;-)

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 7:15:33 PM #
That face? Gack! And don't get me started on the young and the popular (there's absolutely nothing atractive about Paris Hilton).

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
G M Fude @ 12/27/2004 7:23:59 PM #
Agreed about Paris, looks like something out of Madame Tussault's Wax Museum. Although, she could buy and sell Gordon Gekko, and at least you know she's going to put out for you. You may even appear on video!

Odd you don't find CZJ attractive though; looked awesome in Intolerable Cruelty (I know, crap film). How about Winona Ryder? I guess these are all old sheilas to you, Cap'n (and I'm 30 years older than you). Since PIC forums are deceased, perhaps we should start an OT thread on hotties right here.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 7:38:28 PM #
I could settle for Winona ;). There are just sooo many other actresses out there who are much more attractive/talented/intelligent/entertaining than the mainstream females. I'm so tired of the junk found on mainstream television (Yay, Star Trek!).

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
abosco @ 12/28/2004 10:05:17 AM #
>>(there's absolutely nothing atractive about Paris Hilton)

You mean you don't find her violent case of herpes hot?

>>You may even appear on video!

Remember that rumored second video circulating around? That is NOT, I repeat, NOT Alex Bosco.

On another unrelated note, The Simple Life 3 was shot for a short time ten minutes from my house. A friend of mine at my high school went over there for an interview for Methacton (my high school), and while he's under an NDA as to not be able to say what happened, he can tell us at the very least what the public saw. He came out of the house in only his boxers, and there's a picture of him mostly naked with Paris and Nicole sitting on either side of his lap. I'm sure he contracted HPV, herpes, and hemorrhoids just by that.

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T637

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Strider_mt2k @ 12/28/2004 11:50:32 AM #
Unike the traditional condition, those pains in the arse can be removed by a publicist!

And should be.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/28/2004 11:59:16 AM #
>>>why not vote for somebody who has a chance of winning?

Why not vote for someone who really wants to CHANGE things?

God, you're not only young, you're politically stupid too.

Democrat/Republican: Two brand names for the SAME PARTY!

As if that ambulatory stiff Kerry *ever* had a chance. Right. Not with that crackpot he married!


RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 12:51:31 PM #
>Why not vote for someone who really wants to CHANGE things?
Right, okay, do you think that America is the same place it was five years ago? No. Anybody with half a mind can see that GW Bush has change the United States. Its up to you to decide whether he did it for better or for worse.

>God, you're not only young, you're politically stupid too.
Thanks, I enjoy your petty insults. Apparently you haven't matured emotionally as fast as you think.

>Democrat/Republican: Two brand names for the SAME PARTY!
Honestly, name five (that's 5) significant items that lead you to say that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same.

>As if that ambulatory stiff Kerry *ever* had a chance. Right. Not with that crackpot he married!
Well, Kerry did have a chance. If he'd dumbed himself down for Joe Shmoe American he probably could have won (or at least come closer).
Kerry: Too much technical talk, and crap like wind surfing
Bush: Despite infacility with words, still appealed to the core of a good chunk of people. And picked up voters turned off by Kerry.
Nader: Wasn't even in the ballot in my state. Or a lot of other states. Was he even on Larry King Live this time?

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Gekko @ 12/28/2004 3:02:49 PM #

>"As if that ambulatory stiff Kerry *ever* had a chance."

Wrong word. "ambulatory" means mobile.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 3:32:48 PM #
According to Merriam-Webster for Palm (trying to keep this on topic)...
(1) am-bu-la-to-ry
adjective (1598)
1: of, relating to, or adapted to walking - also: occuring during a walk
2: moving from place to place: Itinerant
3: capable of being altered "A will is ambulatory until the testator's death."
4a: able to walk about and not bedridden "Ambulatory patients."
4b: performed on or involving an ambulatory patient or an outpatient "Ambulatory medical care." "An ambulatory electrocardiogram."
(2) am-bu-la-to-ry
noun (Plural: am-bu-la-to-ries) (ca. 1616)
A sheltered place (as in a cloister or church) for walking.

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Gekko @ 12/28/2004 4:01:32 PM #

I guess you could say Kerry was physically wooden/stiff but his political positions were "ambulatory".

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 5:16:02 PM #
>I guess you could say Kerry was physically wooden/stiff but his political positions were "ambulatory".

Ooh, burn!

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/28/2004 7:48:30 PM #
Hair: I'm not going to debate further with you. Your questions are ridiculous.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 8:23:31 PM #
Just one last ridiculous question: Why are you giving up so easily? I was having fun, dammit!

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
abosco @ 12/29/2004 1:02:09 AM #
This isn't the first time my wit has gone unappreciated. It won't be forgotten. I feel like Stewie.

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T637
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Captain Hair @ 12/29/2004 9:26:51 AM #
I'm sorry I read your post, laughed, remembered it involved Paris Hilton, and vomited. Then I used the flashy thing from Men in Black. Unfortunately, I just read your post again and I can't find my flashy thing...

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Foo Fighter @ 12/29/2004 1:16:52 PM #
I'll never understand what the viewing public's fascination is with the Hilton Hores (misspelling intentional). Yes, they are a filthy, trashy, nasty, venereal disease laden, I need to wear three condoms at once in order to safely engage them in intercourse without having my penis rot off sort of way.

What really blows my mind is why people are so enamored with "Reality" TV in general, considering NONE OF IT is real at all. All these shows are scripted and the so-called contestants are actually paid actors. Even if it were legitimate I STILL wouldn't watch because there is no redeeming quality to such trash. It's just another form or voyeurism. Reality Tv's only real purpose is to sell products, or rather advertising to viewers. Just by tuning in you've become a sucker. The same can be said for TV programming in general, but there is far better content out there...or at least you can find better ways of wasting brain cells.

No wonder Americans are becoming obese. They sit on their fat arse and live vicariously through someone else's life. Hey! I've got a REAL reality show that you can enjoy and even participate in yourself; it's called LIFE. Tune in every day, it's on 24 hours and you don't even need a TV.

I rarely watch TV these days. Thank god for DirectTV. If it weren't for BBC America, The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Sci-Fi, AMC, and TCM I'd never use a damn television at all except as a viewing medium for console gaming.

Contributing Editor,

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/29/2004 5:05:14 PM #
>>>I've got a REAL reality show that you can enjoy and even participate in yourself; it's called LIFE. Tune in every day, it's on 24 hours and you don't even need a TV.

Then why the hell can't I vote some people off the planet? See? This stuff only works on TeeVee! That's why it's fun.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Foo Fighter @ 12/30/2004 1:02:29 AM #
Yes you can vote people off the planet; it's called Murder. :-P

Contributing Editor,
RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/31/2004 2:24:04 PM #
hkklife: I spoke to my contact and they asked me to refrain from posting about what has happened with PalmSource and Cobalt. I will respect their wishes and will not be commenting further on PalmSource issues. (If you do a little digging, or if you know any developers, you can probably figure out part of the story yourself. It's really quite a mess.)

Dianne Hackborn: When will you be leaving PalmSource?

I was sorry to hear what happened with PalmSource, but this wasn't surprising given the lack of leadership at Palm. We are all fortunate that PalmOS 5 has proved to be so versatile - we will be using this OS version for many years to come.


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 12/31/2004 3:00:56 PM #
>>>I spoke to my contact and they asked me to refrain from posting

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Cop out! Chicken! Coward! Spineless! Gutless! Weasel!!

In fact, EVERYTHING we ALREADY KNEW about you!

Even behind a fake name, he has no fekkin GUTS!

What a note to end the year on.

Please go away now. Forever.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 1/3/2005 1:59:11 PM #
Get help, Mike.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Strider_mt2k @ 1/3/2005 3:11:20 PM #
Too bad about your source.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Admin @ 1/3/2005 3:13:13 PM #
Voice, I didn't have time to read this thread, but if you would like to write your own editorial here at PIC, you are welcome. Please email me and we can talk further. It can remain anonymous and registered with the lib of congress if you like as well.

PS, there are a lot of smarties on this board.


History repeats.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 1/3/2005 3:20:56 PM #
Sorry Ryan, but doing that would only hurt PalmSource (and Palm). Right now, the company needs all the support we can give them. It was inappropriate for me to have posted the original comment, and I apologize to my contact and everyone here. Ryan, if my posts in this thread can be deleted, please do so.

For years, I've been one of Palm's most vocal critics, always with the hope that honest criticism could "encourage" them to fix the many problems that have been obvious to those of us who are longtime Palm supporters. A few of Palm's management team are lurkers at Palminfocenter and they're all fully aware of the company's mistakes. These guys aren't idiots. Some things - like the Treo 650 Memory Disaster™ - the company has been forced to respond to quickly, in order to avert a PR and sales nightmare. Other problems were known design compromises that the company had no intention of ever correcting, so in some ways, it's a waste of time asking them to fix certain "issues".

PalmSource is hurting, but they still have a LOT of good people working for them (for now). While it's sad to see the way Palm(Source/One) has been looted by its executives over the years, given who's currently in charge, I don't expect that to change. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so I'm going to bow out of the PalmSource commentary for now. As long as slash and burn panic mode doesn't set in, PalmOS will survive. And remember, this is a mature OS with a huge user base. PalmSource could be an attractive acquisition for a company with an interest in obtaining a turnkey mobile business platform.

Anyway, I hope you understand my position.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 1/3/2005 4:38:31 PM #
Oh, all of a sudden he goes all sniffy-sniffy touchy-feely on p1 and PS! Give us a break! What'd you do for a New Year's Resolution, get yet ANOTHER personality to go with the others you have? Go re-read your messages; your snide, know-it-all, sneering messages about both companies (and about one particular INDIVIDUAL!). The rest of us have that cr*p burned into our minds. Who do you think you're kidding? You can't deliver because you never had ONE DAMNED THING to deliver, period. "Insider," my eye. Just like that CLIE UX that never materialized that you allegedly saw. Right.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 1/8/2005 4:48:25 PM #
Oh, all of a sudden he goes all sniffy-sniffy touchy-feely on p1 and PS! Give us a break! What'd you do for a New Year's Resolution, get yet ANOTHER personality to go with the others you have? Go re-read your messages; your snide, know-it-all, sneering messages about both companies (and about one particular INDIVIDUAL!). The rest of us have that cr*p burned into our minds. Who do you think you're kidding? You can't deliver because you never had ONE DAMNED THING to deliver, period. "Insider," my eye. Just like that CLIE UX that never materialized that you allegedly saw. Right.

Mikey-poo: Go **** yourself. Really. I'm not sure what you have "burned into [your mind]", but I hope it will finally knock some sense into you. Feel free to believe whatever you want to. I (and most likely everyone else here) don't care what you think. You are merely a loudmouthed ignoramus with shockingly little true understanding of even basic technical or hardware matters. The fact that you spend dozens of hours per week pouring over every Palm-related site on the net, yet still continue to spew an endless amount of drivel shows you lack the ability to learn from what you read. Hopefully someday you'll understand why everyone here with any knowledge about PalmOS knows you are about as clueless as the newest newbie. At least most newbies know enough to S T F U until they've learned enough to contribute something useful.

A couple months ago I said that an English localized VZ90 was recently spotted in San Francisco. Don't believe me? Whatever, Mike. Next time I'll make sure to take some photos so you can cry "Fake!" as you keep pining for something to replace your S320. Don't be jealous of others with better lives than you, Mike. You sad, sad, little old man.

Take care, Sweetie.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
mikecane @ 1/8/2005 5:43:18 PM #
Keep up your ad hominem attacks, you quisling, pissant coward. You have nothing to deliver, you never had anything to deliver. You are the biggest fraud that ever came to this site. Now go back to your net porn, you pathetic bastard.

RE: Holiday SHOCKER! The REAL Cobalt story revealed!
Gekko @ 1/9/2005 4:43:14 PM #

"The dumbest people I know are those who know it all." - Malcolm Forbes

Power to Go: $50!

Captain Hair @ 12/24/2004 9:01:05 AM #
Attention all m130, m500, m505, m515, i705, Zire 71, Tungsten T, Tungsten W, Tungsren T2, Tungsten C, and Tungsten T3 users! The Pa1mOne store has Power to Go external battery sleds available for $50 with free shipping (even overnight)!

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Power to Go: $50!
Gekko @ 12/26/2004 7:52:13 PM #

Great. I hear they're selling buggy whips cheap too.

RE: Power to Go: $50!
Captain Hair @ 12/26/2004 8:51:28 PM #
Buggy whips? As in the Amish? Or a whip with a glitch? Or am I completely off track here (just like yourself)?

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

PIC Forums

Gekko @ 12/26/2004 7:50:00 PM #

What in the hell is going on?

RE: PIC Forums
Strider_mt2k @ 12/26/2004 8:37:13 PM #
I think you speak for alot of us with that question.

RE: PIC Forums
Captain Hair @ 12/26/2004 9:20:45 PM #

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: PIC Forums
Nechasin @ 12/27/2004 10:15:21 AM #
Now that I'm back at work and need something to take my mind off my job, where is the next best forum to PIC? Is it Brighthand?

Your mind resembles the wings of an Ostrich, It enables you to Run, though NOT to Soar! -- Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay
RE: PIC Forums
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 12:08:20 PM #
Brighthand is pretty good, TreoCentral also rocks, things are going nuts over there!

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: PIC Forums
mikecane @ 12/27/2004 1:20:44 PM #
Is p1 *still* using crappy parts, even with the T650?!

I just saw a live one at CUSA today and the fekkin touchscreen was UNRESPONSIVE! How's THAT for a sales gimmick? (Couldn't get out of the stupid stupid stupid Setup app!)

Meanwhile, other people were playing that that abomination PPCPE from hp... *it* had a -- gasp! -- *working* screen!

RE: PIC Forums
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 1:34:20 PM #
Floor models of fancy devices are notoriously unreliable. Somebody probably broke the thing and it's impossible to reset it when its in a cage or such.

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: PIC Forums
Gekko @ 12/27/2004 10:19:19 PM #

Again I ask - What in the hell is going on?

RE: PIC Forums
Captain Hair @ 12/27/2004 11:26:51 PM #
Check back tommorrow. Seriously.

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

Is this a business or a charity?

Frank Wilkinson @ 12/28/2004 6:15:52 AM #
Am I alone in getting a bit irritated with this site? People are being very nice to Ryan (whom I presume is the owner?) and saying how sorry they are that he's been ill and needs a rest.

This is all very well and I don't want to appear to be totally scrooge-like, but let's not forget one thing; unless I'm mistaken, PIC isn't a charity or a benevolent organisation for Palm users, it's a business and I assume that it makes its money from advertising and from the irritating pop-ups that we all endure.

Given that this is the case the business isn't being very well run and if most of the users of this site encountered such bad service from other commercial organisations they would, very rightly, be shouting from the rooftops.

I haven't being paying a lot of attention to the site lately but one thing that I have noticed is a lot of broken promises about the reappearance of the discussion forums. Where are they? When are they coming back?

If I were an advertiser on PIC I would by now be looking at alternatives for my budget. Traffic flow on this site must be one tenth of what it was a few weeks ago.

Frank Wilkinson U.K.

RE: Is this a business or a charity?
Strider_mt2k @ 12/28/2004 8:13:44 AM #

I think it's one guy's idea to bring PalmOS news, information, and community forums to the internet.

What it grew into, either by choice or by circumstance is something more. Possibly more than can be maintained indefinitely.

Unless you are a shareholder and stand to lose money, or if you wrote massive amounts of code to bring the thing to life and stand to lose time and credibility, don't worry about it so much.

It's Ryan's thing to do with as he pleases, we just get to watch and make our little comments.

I would like to see PIC thrive, but something is preventing that, either blockage from without or lack of will from within.

Right now I feel like we're all just checking in to see it it's still breathing.

Like the very PalmOS itself. Hmm... metaphor anyone?

RE: Is this a business or a charity?
Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 12:59:16 PM #
It's a business, run by one guy who knows his stuff. But he fell ill, and took some time off for the holidays, oh yeah, he is a real person with a life outside the internet. Haven't you ever wanted to take a break from your job?

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."

Update on Sir Ryan...

Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 5:16:58 PM #
I have been in communication with Ryan recently, and can tell you that he is working hard to get PIC back up and running, but (1) Was sick (2) Took a holiday (3) Got even more sick. PIC should, I say, should, be back up and running tommorrow (new article(s) and message boards), but don't quote me on that one.

Have patience, young grasshoppers.

Voice of Treason

mikecane @ 12/28/2004 8:09:28 PM #
RE: Voice of Treason
Captain Hair @ 12/28/2004 8:26:06 PM #
What on Earth did you eat for breakfast?

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Voice of Treason
mikecane @ 12/29/2004 5:07:09 PM #
Obviously you missed a notorious thread a few weeks ago and lack the context to appreciate that link...

RE: Voice of Treason
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/29/2004 5:21:04 PM #
Mike, I wish I could show you the video of your Mistress Dianne in action. Even you could probably cancel your Viagra prescription within 30 seconds of starting the tape. Not the prettiest girl in town, but WOW. I love the Bay Area. I tried to score an invite to one of the local parties but my friend flaked out on me last month. And if ever DK figures out who it was... heh heh heh.


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

ET's Walls

Gekko @ 12/29/2004 8:25:49 PM #

Forensic crime scene snapshot of ET's walls at home as a result of PIC forums down:

ah...the good old days...

Gekko @ 10/8/2007 6:31:25 PM #

"The past can't be brought back. Dwight Eisenhower said that the good old days (as we remember them) will never come back again, because they never were. We can turn the clock back, but time rushes on. The river of life runs one way and never back upstream. You can't beat the baked-cake back into the batter, the concrete sidewalk back into the cement mixer, the cut lumber back into the tree, the grown person back into the child. If you are yearning for the good old days, just turn off the air conditioning. Nostalgia is like grammar; you find the present tense and the past perfect. The good old days are gone, no matter how we tend to idealize or fantasize."

“We seem to be going through a period of nostalgia, and everyone seems to think yesterday was better than today. I don't think it was, and I would advise you not to wait ten years before admitting today was great. If you're hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time.” - Art Buchwald

“The past is never there when you try to go back. It exists, but only in memory. To pretend otherwise is to invite a mess.” - Chris Cobbs

“Romance like a ghost escapes touching; it is always where you are not, not where you are. The interview or conversation was prose at the time, but it is poetry in the memory.” - George William Curtis
