Comments on: Palm TX Dissection Photo Gallery
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RE: Sharp screen?
The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p
RE: Sharp screen?
Pat Horne;
RE: Sharp screen?
if (!$broke) {
RE: Sharp screen?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
OT: Jeff Kirvin meltdown (HAL 2000-style)
His behaviour is truly shocking (no doubt later he'll blame it on him being under "stress") and Kirvin has revealed himself to be a true nutcase. I doubt there will be ANY Palmapologists left that are willing to defend Kirvin's latest psychotic break...
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
O(n)T(opic) - RE: Sharp screen?
I thought it was identical to the LD and that they both had the same quality (color saturation, etc. or whatever the correct buzzwords are) as the TE2.
Jeff Kirvin (Dr Opinion) = p0wN3d!
Chump got exactly what the deserved...
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
Jeff Kirvin checks into Rehab facility. Film at 11.
Kirvin/Dr Opinion just "lost it". Even his Kiddie fanclub members are slackjawed by his latest psychotic break.
One word: Haloperidol.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
Eulogy to Kirvin
Today, 12:14 PM #47
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 627
I fall in to the catagory of people that really did not like the way Kirvin does podcasts. He contradicts himself week to week and acts like a child when people disagree with him. His rants went from cute in the beginning to stomach turning over the last few months. I for one am happy Alan is taking over.I just had to take a break from the Kirvin butt kissing to tell the truth many people probably are thinking but wont post. A break even for a month will be great. I might actually get through a few podcasts now.
My Current Gadgets:
Tapwave Zodiac 2, Apple Ipod Photo 60GB, Nintendo DS, Nokia N-Gage QD
RE: Sharp screen?
RE: Sharp screen?
Most folks would consider being sick of slanderous attacks as a good reason to get out of something.
You two are pathetic.
"Many men stumble across the truth, but most manage to pick themselves up
and continue as if nothing had happened."
- Winston Churchill
RE: Sharp screen?
Voice of dumbness is a nasty little person. :)
Voice of Dumbness: the link you posted doesn't work. Not only are you a nasty little whiney person, but you're also incompetant. :)
I'd feel bad for poor Mr. Kirving if he really has lost his job. Not because I've ever listened to a podcast -- I've got better things to do with my time than listen to tech pundits on a frickin' *ipod*.
Rather, I'd feel bad because if he pisses you off, he's probably a pretty cool guy. :)
"People who like M$ products tend to be insecure crowd-following newbies lacking in experience and imagination."
RE: Sharp screen?
Dr Opinion @ 10/23/2005 10:15:14 PM
> "...You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:..."
Voice of Dumbness: the link you posted doesn't work. Not only are you a nasty little whiney person, but you're also incompetant. :)
Hey, Dr. Dumbass,
the link does work; you have to log in to view the forums, dip****. Oh, and by the way, when labelling someone as incompetent, it helps to spell "incompetent" correctly...
Kirvin is a creep, and the karmic circle closed right on his little head. I won't lose any sleep over it.
RE: Sharp screen?
Don't waste my time posting links to resources I'm going to have to *register* to look at. Cripes-on-a-bike! For the 99.999% of humanity that don't have a password for joe-random-palm-site the link doesn't work. Deal with it. :)
> " helps to spell "incompetent" correctly..."
Not important with Voice of Dumbness. :)
(1) He's pretty slow, and doesn't notice my horrific spelling and grammar,
(2) I'm sure as hell not going to waste another second of my life on him by going back and double checking. :)
"People who like M$ products tend to be insecure crowd-following newbies lacking in experience and imagination."
Jeff Kirvin = FIRED?
Dr Opinion @ 10/23/2005 10:15:14 PM
> "...You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:..."
Voice of Dumbness: the link you posted doesn't work. Not only are you a nasty little whiney person, but you're also incompetant. :)
Hey, Dr. Dumbass,
the link does work; you have to log in to view the forums, dip****. Oh, and by the way, when labelling someone as incompetent, it helps to spell "incompetent" correctly...
Kirvin is a creep, and the karmic circle closed right on his little head. I won't lose any sleep over it.
Odds are Kirvin just got fired and is having difficulties dealing with it, ergo the oh-so-public psychotic break.
He should simply have gone quietly into the night. Instead, Kirvin's silly ego mandated that he grandstand for a few days, threatening that he would take his ball and go home. No doubt he was hoping to hear a few fanboys tell him how "wonderful" they think he is and then BEG him to stay. Now Dr Opinion/Jeff Kirvin shows up here and takes a few cowardly shots at me. How sad.
Get help, Jeff. Please. For your sake.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
vibrating alarm?
Shades of the choice of Piezo vs. normal speaker in the original Pilot still haunt Palm's specifications. Shouldn't a vibrating alarm just be a "given" in a $300 PDA nowadays?
WiFi, Bluetooth, nice big hi-res screen... but no vibrating alarm. Nice going again, Palm.
RE: vibrating alarm?
RE: vibrating alarm?
RE: vibrating alarm?
RE: vibrating alarm?
The vibrating alarm seems much more useful. How many times do you take your Palm out of your pocked only to see that you missed a meeting?
Palm OS needs a 300+MHz processor because it's mostly emulating the code for the old 20MHz processor. But there's not much software to make use of the new ARM CPUs since we're still stuck on Garnet. It's just a useless "feature". If only Palm had let developers just re-compile the same programs to run on the new CPUs, we'd be making some use of all those MHz by now. The approach worked for Apple twice (68000 to PowerPC, now PowerPC to Intel).
BTW, in the UK, Alf Garnett was a 1970s sitcom character. A rude, racist, grouchy old man. In the watered-down US version he's called Archie Bunker. So just think of Palm OS Garnet as Palm OS Archie Bunker.
RE: vibrating alarm?
HOWEVER - 20 years ago I had a pager that came with a vibrating alarm (nice strong one!). Palm belatedly put one into the Palm V about 7 (?) years ago. That model had vibration but no mp3 functionality, but they still sold a few of them. They were pitched toward Enterprise and yuppies, and you can bet the vibrating alarms weren't put in there just for cheap jollies.
For people who actually use PDAs for business and/or have some respect for the people sitting next to them on the bus or in the theatre, a vibrating alarm is as essential to a PDA as a viewing screen. My point was - where is Palm's head when they create "PDAs" that can't properly function as a basic PDA, but seem to be targeted only to grab away business from SONY's PSP. Hint to Palm: ain't gonna happen.
If people want a PSP they can probably find SOME place that carries them. A PDA should be FIRST a PDA, THEN you can start adding candy to widen your audience. Start removing Vibrating Alarms, Hardware Buttons, Memory, etc. and REPLACE it with the whiz-bang stuff and you are lost...
Putting in WiFi/Bluetooth and removing vibrating alarms in a PDA is like filling up on dessert and then realizing you have no room for dinner. If vibrating alarms are "the kitchen sink" to you, then you probably should be buying a PSP instead of a PDA.
RE: vibrating alarm?
Vibrating Alarm - $55 phone wins over $300 Tx
1 - How and why Palm was able to fit a vibrating alarm into the m505 four years ago but is unable to fit it into the physically larger Tx.
2 - How and why a basic, US$55 mobile phone comes with a vibrating alarm (a new Nokia 1100 contract free) yet the much larger and sophisticated $299 Tx is unable to offer such a feature.
Yes, you can set an alarm on the Nokia 1100 and it will vibrate at a given time or for a given reminder at a particular time - just like most PDAs with the exception of the Tx.
So again, why does a $55 phone have a vibrating alert for appointments but the $299 PDA doesn't?
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
Also, someone gave me a novelty voice memo recording keychain as a gag gift last year. It couldn't have cost more than $10 from Wal-Mart etc. It held at least a few minutes' worth of scratchy audio memos that didn't sound too terribly much worse than my T3 used to.
Why does Palm continue to skimp on the crucial features mentioned above?
Answer: G*R*E*E*D & A*R*R*O*G*A*N*C*E
(with a dash of l*a*z*i*n*e*s*s* and c*h*e*a*p*n*e*s*s thrown in for good measure)
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: vibrating alarm?
I think it's Zen thing: if you really needed to be vibrated the appointment probably wasn't worth going to anyway.
Ya know, if they hadn't got rid of the screen whine you guys all complained about you might feel the vibration from that when your TX came out of sleep mode for an alarm. Didn't think about that, did you?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: vibrating alarm?
-Improved CDMA Bluetooth DUN support (since many execs use Verizon & Sprint phones)
-Charging LED (Palm V & m500s had this)
-Slightly better battery life (a Palm V & m500 hallmark)
-A voice recorder (m500 series had this)
-Metal case (Palm V & m500 series had this)
They'd sell SCORES of units and have the first PDA since the N760C Sony with compelling specs in a decently slim formfactor.
Basically, the PDA equivalent of the RAZR. With build quality up to par, people would actually consider paying a PREMIUM for a device liks this--yes, even today with the subnotebook/smartphone/iPod competition. A solid basic design could last 2+ years with tweaks to case color and internal improvements to the screen, CPU, OS etc.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: vibrating alarm?
Wull heck, if you don't care about the color screen don't stop there... make it a Visor Edge with those specs! You could pop in a Sprint DigitalLink for those times when you aren't around a WiFi hotspot. Even place a call, in a pinch.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: vibrating alarm?
And the Palm is still THE paradigm of a sleek, thin, ultra-pocketable executive "status" PDA. Palm's slowly eroding marketshare is certainly somehow tied to their increasingly unstylish, bland, and chunky PDAs
The ONLY reason the RAZR has been the hottest cell phone for over a year now is because of its SIZE, looks, build quality and (to a far lesser degree) good RF performance.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
Porsches have cupholders so your argument's bull!
Thanks for proving yourself wrong and showing everyone here just how out of touch you are.
The Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet costs £105K (that's about $185K ) and comes with "a retractable cup holder with space for two drinks containers" (Thank you, Porsche UK).
So again, why does a $55 phone have vibrating alarm whilst a $299 PDA doesn't? There's definitely space for it there when you look at the dissection.
To borrow your car theme, it's like getting reverse gear on the $15K Chevy Chase but no reverse gear on the $70K Porsche.
Sounds like you've been taken for a ride Rome if you dropped $70K on a Porsche yet didn't get the cupholder you were entitled to. Now that would make Porsche look mean!
That's how Palm looks when it asks $300 for a PDA but doesn't bother to put a vibrating alert into it.
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
The thing is when you're at a board meeting/cinema/theatre/funeral/interview/studio not everyone around you wants or needs to hear those infamous Palm "bleeps" reminding you abouting needing to be somewhere else in a couple of hour's time.
If you need to switch off sound because you're in a sound sensitive area and your PDA doesn't have vibrating alert, then how do you know when to go to your meeting?
No doubt at this rate, David would endorse Palm getting rid of the Calendar/Date Book app altogether in order to improve the "Zen of Palm".
He'd argue: "You'd remember all the important appointments, all the other ones probably won't be worth going to anyway, so what's the point of having a Calendar app and button on the Palm?"
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
Nice ARM processor
At least 32 MB RAM
SD expansion slot
MP3 and video player
Plastic flip cover
jog dial
VGA or better camera
Nice software bundle
Compatible with FITALY
less than 5 inches tall, 3 inches wide and .6 inches thick
Could that be so hard?
m500 and Voice Recording
Well if it did then Palm must've forgotten to build it into my m505 when I bought it in 2001. To add insult to injury the Palm Desktop installer added the Voice Memo app onto my Desktop!
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
Still, you see my point.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: vibrating alarm?
2. Looking at your post, you seem to be suggesting that the TX is a piece of garbage because it does not have a vibrating alarm. If that is your view, then I acknowledge that you are entitled to your own opinion. However, speaking for myself, I had a vibrating alarm function in my trusty old m500, my T2 and my Treo 650. I have never used that function (ie, after I discovered how to switch it off) and I wish that I didn't have to pay for it 3 times.
RE: vibrating alarm?
RE: vibrating alarm?
We're all free to our opinions but I for one will be sticking to a Treo 650 rather than the Tx because of the vibrating alarm and voice recording.
The cupholders don't affect the car's primary function of moving you from A to B whereas the lack of a vibrating alert impairs the PDA's function of reminding you when an appointment is due - with a Tx you'd miss an appointment either because you've had to switch off the sound in a sensitive environment or you're in such a noisy environment that you don't hear the alarm!
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
maybe because you're incapable of giving an explanation?
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
Mock me all you want smart a$$ date the Visor Edge is STILL the sleekest PDA ever released (aside from the hideously placed external stylus holder).
I wasn't mocking you. I much prefer the Visor Edge form factor to the Palm V. I really *would* like to see one with those specs.
If I'd been mocking you I would have noted that you could plug your RayCom personal massager Springboard module into it. ;-)
Chia has the opposite problem:
Cervezas said if you really needed to be vibrated the appointment probably wasn't worth going to anyway.
The thing is when you're at a board meeting/cinema/theatre/funeral/interview/studio not everyone around you wants or needs to hear those infamous Palm "bleeps" reminding you abouting needing to be somewhere else in a couple of hour's time.
I talked about using the whine of the screen as a vibrating alarm and you still didn't get that this was a joke? Dude, lighten up!
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: vibrating alarm?
>>Palm OS needs a 300+MHz processor because it's mostly emulating the code for the old 20MHz processor. But there's not much software to make use of the new ARM CPUs since we're still stuck on Garnet. It's just a useless "feature". If only Palm had let developers just re-compile the same programs to run on the new CPUs, we'd be making some use of all those MHz by now.
First, even the first OS 5 ARM device - the T|T1 running a 144mhz OMAP processor (slow compared to this and most OS 5 ARM models) ran 'emulated' old Palm OS software MUCH faster than the old, pre-OS 5 motorola cpu devices it was emulating It varied (and there were some exceptions) - but generally if it ran it, it ran it many times faster. The more the software stayed with / relied on the old OS APIs, the faster it ran. That's because the emulation is bolted in at a very low-level - in fact OS 5 is itself a re-write/ re-compile for ARM, of the underlying OS code - with only the exposed API being in 68K emulation.
Secondly - developers can and do write native ARM code for Palm OS 5 / ARM. Virtually all new 'commercial' games and any software that needs the speed (docs to go, etc), has had the ability (and they've used it) to do what palmsource orinally called 'ARMlets' - ARM compiled code snippets / funtions. They eventually improved this (and changed the name to PNOlets) - and now MANY developers doing commercial work do 99% of the apps in ARM (only a 68k - 'emulated mode' loader). Thta's how the opensource guys have been able to bring games like Quake to Palm OS - you sure as heck will NEVER run that on an old pre-OS 5 devcie.
What we really need from PalmSource is a full, puerly native OS API (and of course, the ARM OS WITH multi-tasking to go with it). And PalmSOurce did do this - it was called Cobolt (boyt am i opening up a can of worms nut uttering that word!). We all know what has happened there. So now, take 2: Palm OS on linux. BTW, this is really: Cobolt high-level code + APIs + UI on Linux (no need to throw away all the code you've spent big $$$ developing if you can help right?).
RE: vibrating alarm?
That'll have the masses storming Walmart once Palm plasters that onto the packaging!
"The cupholders don't affect the car's primary function of moving you from A to B"
Alas, they certainly affect, however, the driver's ability to navigate the car from A to B if he has to hold the coffee cup between his legs!
RE: vibrating alarm?
Yea I got it alright but the biggest joke of all is the top of the range Palm has no vibrating alert!
If you want good, thoughful wit and humour, you can't do better than Hoodoo's comment about the coffee cup between the legs!
RE: vibrating alarm?
The 'top of the range' model is the Treo 650 - and, unfortunately, that thing has a vibrating alarm.
RE: vibrating alarm?
ROTFL! Good One!
if (!$broke) {
RE: vibrating alarm?
ROTFL! Good One!
if (!$broke) {
There are none so blind...
( )
As for svrontis, he seems to think that adding a vibrating alert has been pushing up the price of Palm's PDAs rather than the $30 million Palm spent on its name and the $11 million (old) Palm spent on the waste of time that was BeOS.
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
That's a stupid question. Obviously palm know how to make vibrating alarms: my TC has one. Duh.
The real question is, "why should we include random feature x".
There is only one valid answer. "On a cost/benefit basis, feature x will enable us to sell more units."
That's the only reason. That alone. Any other reason would be stupid.
So how do you solve this strange conundrum? Well, you survey people. You can read about that sort of thing here:
Clearly in this case Palm decided that it was more important to beat the psychologically important $299 price point than add some irrelevant features that few people want. I mean, really, what percentage of users ever actually used voice memo? Like, every cellphone since 2002 has had voice memo, right? And how many people use it? Like, no-one. I think we can safely scrap that. :)
The "charged" LED is irrelevant. You can look at the screen if you want to check charging status. This is a palm! Just plug it in when you're sitting at the PC and forget about it. It won't run out. It's not like a wince box where you have to keep checking if its charging. I mean, get real.
And vibrating alarm? I don't know about you, but I keep my palm in a case. A nice, soft, comfy case that prevents any semblance of vibrating alarm reaching the outside world. Most people use cases too. If the palm is not in a case, duh, you'll see the alarm on the screen. If it's in the case, you won't feel it.
So easy. People voted for bluetooth, wifi, 128MB non-volatile ram, fantastic screen, and a cool black chassis, all for under $300.
The rest is fluff. And I'm glad Palm didn't listen to the fluff lovers.
The T|X rocks. Good job palm! :)
"People who like M$ products tend to be insecure crowd-following newbies lacking in experience and imagination."
RE: vibrating alarm?
Maybe it's more "Zenful" to the Mountain View bunch to have their meetings and movies constantly peppered with those damn alarms and cell phones going off. Of course, if they keep designing crap like they've been making then fewer and fewer Palms will be in those theaters and meetings and then .... HEY- "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!"
I have worked with people who default to "automatic" alarms that beep an hour before the meeting, then they snooze them over and over up until a few minutes before they're supposed to be there. Fricking annoying and inconsiderate of everyone NOT involved in their inability to focus on how to read a watch and remember a schedule. A vibrating alarm still makes a little noise, but it's much less intrusive and the range is quite limited mostly to the affected person.
I know "Zen" is tough to comprehend, but one thing it might be known to involve is a quiet mind. I make the case that vibrating alarms are more supportive of that process.
RE: vibrating alarm?
I can't stare at a handheld's screen 24 hours a day waiting to see if it shows an alarm on screen. I understand most people are like me. It seems you are unlike most people.
The case vibrates with the device so you do actually feel it, even the vibrating alert on the $55 mobile in its case.
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
I don't understand the connection between a vibrating alarm (or lack thereof) and the business acquisitions you refer to. Please elaborate.
RE: vibrating alarm?
Even you would have to admit that skimping on the Treo 650 memory and cheaping out on the vibrating alarms has cost Palm SOME degree of sales. How many sales were and will be lost... who can tell. How many sales were gained by the name change... who can tell. Either way spending that $30 million on the name change was a choice - and it's pretty telling that given the choice Palm would rather spend HUGE amounts of money on minor name changes instead of first improving the basic hardware specifications of their devices.
iPaq used to be the top selling Windoze Pocket PC device, until Dell came along and handed them their heads on a plate. What did Dell do to kick the top dog out? Gave the consumer same and better hardware specs at a lower pricepoint, and supported the product and continued innovating. (HP's corporate schizophrenia didn't hurt them either...).
There were plenty of other time managers and portable calendar devices when Palm came along (I had a Sharp back in the late '80s, a Newton in the 90's, various pen & paper solutions), but Palm kicked them all out of the running by building a thoughtful device and then improving it over the years. Now they seem to be making so many backward steps from the basics that it's sickening to watch.
It's not the NAME that built Palm - it's the DEVICES/OS, stupid! You can't dump all that $$$$$$ on dumb name changes and then come along and say you had to leave off basic elements of a PDA like memory and vibrating alarms to meet "pricepoints." It's complete B.S., like a guy that spends all his money gambling and then goes begging that he can't afford a tip for the cabbie to the airport because he needs to meet a "pricepoint" for the trip.
Palm has/had the money, they just chose to spend it on some magic beans instead of fixing the roof. They continue to wonder why the carpet continues to get wet, then send the next MBA out looking for more magic beans....
RE: vibrating alarm?
I will not buy a handheld or smartphone without a vibrating alert, so Palm has lost a customer as far as its handhelds are concerned. Thank goodness it's still in the Treo 650. The big question is what proportion of Palm's customers feel the same way as myself. Evidently Palm feels we're too small a proportion for it to be concerned.
Ironically enough my first PDA was a Newton without a vibrating alert but after owning many phones and a m505 with the feature, there's no question of my doing without it now.
If Palm gets rid of vibrating alert on the next Treo at a time I outgrow the 650, then that'll be the time I go off to the alternatives. It's easy now, even for a Mac user, to switch to a Blackberry, WinMob or Symbian device - the vast majority of which offer vibrating alert as standard. I'll miss the PalmOS but vibrating alert is a feature I can't do without.
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
I could give you a lecture on the difference between buying a capital asset and spending money on inventory. But what's the point? There is nothing for me to gain in giving you an education. No doubt, you would find yet another spurious way to throw it back at me (because it seems that nobody is entitled to disagree with you). Life's too short for that.
So ... Fine. You win. You are right and I'm wrong. OK?
Let me just add this - I hope that someday Palm produces a unit which has all the features you may desire (including, but not limited to, a vibrating alarm) and that you have enough money to buy it.
Who's you?
As for handhelds with all the features, there are already handhelds with all the features I desire just sadly they don't come with Palm OS :-)
Money's not the problem, the problem is Palm doesn't make a handheld with those features; thank goodness the Treo 650 has those features so for now I'm happy with that but built-in wi-fi and more memory will be nice!
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
RE: vibrating alarm?
Replaceable Battery
RE: Replaceable Battery
-palm the same mistakes with each model, only, just more advanced ones (still waiting 4 cobalt)
RE: Replaceable Battery
Remember the old Nokia 62xxx series cell phones? They had a stock NiMH battery but you could buy a (pricey) optional li-ion battery w/ vibrating ring &alarm alert built in. Or the old rumble packs for the Nintendo64 that slotted into the underside of the controllers pads. See, Palm, I'm always thinking of new ways to generate revenue for you guys!
The voice recorder is STILL an unacceptable omission, as is the charging LED in the power button.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Replaceable Battery
Remember the old Nokia 62xxx series cell phones? They had a stock NiMH battery but you could buy a (pricey) optional li-ion battery w/ vibrating ring &alarm alert built in.
That's a great idea. I didn't know anyone had done that.
And speaking of features as accessories, I wonder what would keep someone from developing a voice recorder SDIO card? That wouldn't even require Palm to put a microphone in the hardware.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: Replaceable Battery
RE: Replaceable Battery
Honestly, I can actually somewhat see Palm's reason for not wanting a vibrating alarm internally--there really might have been a reason for all of those T|Tx series digitizer shift woes. What with the vibrating alarm and the dammed slider going up and down all day, it's entirely possible that was too much rattling going on. By placing the responsibility caveat emptor-style on the buyer, Palm doesn't have yet another warranty headache to deal with. I'm starting to sound like Kirvin now, aren't I? LOL!
This is the sort of thing we need to see Palm spending time & $ on. Not day-glo flip cases, gold-plated styli, Schiffer/Jordan limited edition models, retail kiosks etc etc.
Look at the best "real" Palm accessories offered the past few years:
Power-to-Go Sled: Great product but was initially too expensive and had next to ZERO retai availability
Mini UC USB cradle: Same woes as above.
Palm GPS Bluetooth Navigator kit: Overpriced, unavailable at retail. Sporadic/late availability on
The Camera Companion/USB to go adapter for the LD is still NOWHERE in sight despite being promised last summer.
Rebranded (overpriced) SD cards and bulky (overpriced)
"universal" cases add NOTHING to the bottom line and only reinforce the notion that Palm's out there to make a quick buck and sock it to their dwindling customer base.
With a leaner, meaner, more value-oriented line of PDAs should come a line of leaner, meaner and, dare we say, INNOVATIVE accessories?
P.S. If the TX DID have a removable battery you could offer at least two different capacity batteries, both featuring vibrating alarms and a small charging LED. What a way to make up for the shortcomings of the T|E formfactor!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Replaceable Battery
RE: Replaceable Battery
Like the wince boxes have a *better* form factor? Nitwit. :)
"People who like M$ products tend to be insecure crowd-following newbies lacking in experience and imagination."
Latest Comments
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Don't we have this already? -Tuckermaclain
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- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -dmitrygr
- Palm phone on HDblog -palmato
- Palm PVG100 -hgoldner
- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Sharp screen?
Still waiting for Cobalt...Garnet 5.99999999999999999999999 will not cut it in 2006.