Comments on: LEM Simulator Review

Kris brings us a review of LEM Sim for Palm OS. LEM Sim is a realistic lunar lander simulator for your handheld. It combines physics modeling, actual Apollo LEM instruments, NASA style sound effects and realistic systems malfunctions. Read on for the full review.
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Note on screen images

hkklife @ 7/5/2006 4:18:05 PM # Q
Everyone please note that the screen images Ryan posted are from the newer version 2.0 of LEM Simulator.

Version 1.0's graphics are not nearly as polished looking, though the general screen layout & status readouts are depicted similarly.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

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Buzz Aldrin, look out!!

Geek Geezer @ 7/6/2006 1:19:13 PM # Q
As an aging boomer, I grew up in the Apollo age and want to put in a postive comment for this game. Just in terms of the coding it's very well done. Installation and operation are straight forward and the program is very responsive on my T3, making for realistic "flying". The audio is sensational and not only provides atmospherics but provides critical cues at each stage of the landing, (altitude, fuel level and autopilot state for example).

I was able to make successful landings consistently in "Rookie" mode in both LEM 1.0 and LEM 2.0 after about a half hours practice. It feels like landing is easier in LEM 2.0. One thing not mentioned in the review is that it's possible to bring up a "flight plan" during the sim which provides altitude/velocity targets to help you get down in one piece. I've moved up to "Pilot" now and I crash more than I land, so things are much more interesting.

I think the reviewer is correct in thinking that this program is going to appeal to a different type of folk than the average gamer. This is really a simulation, (and a pretty good one), not a game. It rewards consistency and the ability to keep to the flight plan, no matter what contingencies are thrown at you, very much like the real thing. Wish I'd written it.


RE: Buzz Aldrin, look out!!
SeldomVisitor @ 7/6/2006 2:19:55 PM # Q
An an aging boomer I remember playing Lunar Lander as well as Space War on a GT40 using various toggle switches for various stuff...and really hard:


Didn't mind the McD's afterwards, though.

RE: Buzz Aldrin, look out!!
hkklife @ 7/6/2006 3:51:49 PM # Q
Glad to hear you guys are able to put this "game" in the proper historic respective and appreciate it accordingly.

Again, and perhaps I still didn't stress this strongly enough in my review, marketing & reviewing this title as a "game" is perhaps something of a disservice to potential fans, the developer and space buffs in general. If someone would like to contribute a guest review to Ryan and weigh it on its merits as a simulator (something I personally am ill-suited to do as it's been years since I bought a flight sim title for PC) I am sure it'd make for an interesting article.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: Buzz Aldrin, look out!!
momob @ 7/11/2006 7:57:24 PM # Q
Hi Guys,

I am the develloper of LEM Simulator 2.0 and I wanted to thank you all for your really kind comments about the "game". Thank you also Kris for taking the time to review LEM Simulator 2.0 I found your review fair and to the point. Yes I wanted version 2.0 to be accessible to more people since it looked more like a flight simulator. I may eventually add an "arcade" type mission where the controls are easier but for my firt app, I wanted to keep as close as possible to the real thing since it is what I set up to do from the beginning. Obviously it limits the "game" appeals to crazy people like me and some others!

One of the issue how to categorize the app. Game was really the only one available on most web stores. Some of them have a "simulation" section but not all. So you guys are right. It is not really a game per se.

I have just released version 2.0R which is now compatible with low screen resolution like the TREO 600 so I am hoping more people will be able to take it for a landing.

In any event, thank you so much Kris for taking the time to review my little app even so you like arcade type games. This make me even more appreciate your time. Thanks also to all of you who took the time to post comments.

Take care.


LEM Simulator 2.0

RE: Buzz Aldrin, look out!!
momob @ 7/16/2006 4:32:42 PM # Q
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that to celebrate the release of the "low resolution" version (for Treo 600) of LEM Simulator, the intro price is for now only $8.95!! That's a 60% discount from the regular price ($14.95).

Unfortunately that intro price will end July 31th,2006

So if you are at all interested in purchasing LEM Simulator 2.0, do it now and save some money in the process!

Take care.

LEM Simulator develloper.

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