Comments on: Palm Stock Continues Climb on New Upgrade

Even on a largely down day for the Dow, Palm's stock is surpassing its 52 week high and is now trading above $10 for the first time since the Elevation recapitalization. Palm shares have continued to rise since the unveiling of the Pre back in January. Despite a number of claims that PALM is fully valued amid all of the hype and expectations for the Pre, the stock continues to receive analyst upgrades.

Today the stock obtained another endorsement from Bank of America/Merrill Lynch analyst Vivek Arya who changed his rating to buy from hold. Vivek also upped his target price to $14, from $8.70 and says "[WallStreet] underestimates Sprint's commitment to Palm's success and [the] strength of the [the] underlying smartphone market." He thinks Palm could ship up to 2.5 million Pre smartphones in the 2009 second half; for 2010, he thinks the company could ship as many as 6.2 million phones." (via Tech Trader Daily)

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twrock @ 4/20/2009 5:45:25 PM # Q
This article has been up for at least a couple of hours already. Where's the "automatic" response from our prophets of doom, warning us of the perils of the me-too media? Jump to it people; the masses need to be protected!

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Huh?
DarthRepublican @ 4/20/2009 11:47:12 PM # Q
Too busy buying stock to short at the first sign of bad news?
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1
RE: Huh?
SeldomVisitor @ 4/21/2009 3:49:01 AM # Q
THere is no comment to make about the exuberant Palm stock - up hundreds of percent on nothign but speculation.

Any financial article such as this on a site liek PiC should have a "disclosure" ala:

== "The author has no stock or option position in any stock mentioned."

Otherwise, it's just same old, same old.

RE: Huh?
hkklife @ 4/21/2009 8:52:26 AM # Q

For the record, I have no stock or option position in any stock mentioned in this or any other article on PIC. I doubt Ryan does either but I'll let him state that for himself.

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Huh?
Ryan @ 4/21/2009 9:45:27 AM # Q
I do not own any Palm stock and I find it ironic that someone like Seldy would raise this issue...

So now I'm wondering if he would own up to his current positions in tech here.

RE: Huh?
abosco @ 4/21/2009 9:54:40 AM # Q
The stock was upgraded by a BoA/Merrill analyst. I personally trust reports from reputable sources because of the wide exposure that they receive. A hidden agenda would be quickly discovered.

However, I disagree with the analysis. The market expects this device to succeed, but I don't. If I had a bigger pair, I would short Palm stock.

m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G

RE: Huh?
SeldomVisitor @ 4/21/2009 10:08:50 AM # Q
> ...So now I'm wondering if he would own up to his current positions
> in tech here...

I don't write articles on the Web and am floored that you would equate an article author/web site with someone commenting on an article.


I'll be HAPPY to disclose my stock positions right now!

At any moment during the trading day, where trading day is preMarket, Market hours, and afterMarket but NEVER =across= those time thresholds nor after afterMarket, I can have either a long or short or no position in any stock.

Reread that and understand what it means.

I do not do option trading though the idea is intriguing - just too lazy to look into it. I =do= have a few mutual funds that easily could have long (I don't think they do shorting) positions in any stock at any moment but I'm pretty clueless what those positions/stocks would be.

At this moment I have nondaytrade positions in FNM, GM, GE, TIBX, YHOO (I think that's it). Without checking (and I don't really follow those guys since they're longterm positions of noise-level size) I believe the FNM one is the only one that is in the green.

My wife and kid have no stock positions though, once again, there may exist particular stock positions internal to mutual funds in their names.

That's it!

Sorry it's so boring!

Now how about adding a disclosure without making a comment about it every single time you have a financial article on this tech site, huh?

RE: Huh?
SeldomVisitor @ 4/21/2009 10:10:08 AM # Q
> The stock was upgraded by a BoA/Merrill analyst...

Someone somwhere noted the average one-year target for Palm by "analysts" is either $6 or $9 while this "analyst's" target is $14.

RE: Huh?
Ryan @ 4/21/2009 10:53:08 AM # Q
Hey Seldy, I say that because of your intense interest in the financial stuff here.
RE: Huh?
SeldomVisitor @ 4/21/2009 11:07:42 AM # Q
W.r.t. Palm I'm actually more interested in the devices - always have been!

And certainly am more interested in Palm devices on THIS web site than financial stuff - the financial stuff I (minimally) discuss over on Yahoo.

Because I don't mind saying something out of Palm is bullshit nor do I mind saying the Market's reaction to Palm is bullshit (and probably manipulated, like today) I have detractors who like to say all sorts of things about me.

That doesn't make what they say even remotely correct.

I think the Pre =remains= as much a smoke-n-mirror show as its January intro. I am NOT impressed that a handful of Insider developers think the WebOS development environment is way cool; their opinion is about as biased as a REAL Palm insider's! Plus, there are almost an equal number of counteropinions that, strangely, the Me-Too Media has been rather quiet about!

But =here= I do not have intense interest in financial stuff.

RE: Huh?
twrock @ 4/22/2009 7:46:05 AM # Q
SeldomVisitor wrote:
Now how about adding a disclosure without making a comment about it every single time you have a financial article on this tech site, huh?

Wow, being a little demanding there, aren't we?

But =here= I do not have intense interest in financial stuff.

C'mon SV, after all you've told us about not trusting anything we see on the web, why is it anyone should take anything you claim seriously? ;-)

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

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Daily stock prices...

joad @ 4/21/2009 9:59:16 PM # Q
These same Wall Street geniuses have used their brilliance to possibly have brought on World Depression II, I just laugh when they say anything nowadays. Like watching Las Vegas regulars.

Short term thinking to appease this crowd seems to be the bane of innovation, one reason Palm split off their OS, kept churning the Treo 600 by bugfixing and changing numbers, and made a lot of other compromises that killed their long-term vision. I'm sure leaving off removable flash made the Pre a little cheaper, but we'll see if people want to go back to the Treo 300 days of data loss/restore.
Palm "Preh": as in "eh, where's the microSD and Garnet emulator?"

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OT: yet another webOS mention

twrock @ 4/22/2009 7:53:39 AM # Q
From "Have we arrived in the post-Windows era?" (

Platforms such as the iPhone and Palm's forthcoming webOS have shown that there's still a lot of room for OS innovation in the smartphone market. But, the biggest benefit of both those platforms is a better and more standard Web experience. As more smartphones adopt the same approach, the distinctiveness and importance of the smartphone OS will naturally diminish. The most important thing will be that a user can access Outlook, Gmail, Twitter, and online communities on a smartphone with the same ease as on a PC.

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: OT: yet another webOS mention
hkklife @ 4/22/2009 8:02:12 AM # Q
Bah, I just want to see an ALP-powered device with at least a 320x480 screen, Garnet emulation, removable memory card slot, and has native Graffiti 1 support!

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: OT: yet another webOS mention
twrock @ 4/22/2009 8:11:39 AM # Q
... and you probably want Angelina Jolie to plug it too. Wake up Kris! I think you're dreaming.

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: OT: yet another webOS mention
SeldomVisitor @ 4/22/2009 8:57:20 AM # Q
Bah, I would settle for seeing a real WebOS.

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