Comments on: Sprint Giving Away a Couple of Palm Pres
The sweepstakes begin tonight and will be open until May 18th, so eligible contestants (U.S. residents only, unfortunately) should get cracking and sign up here. The winners will be drawn on May 26 - a date which lends credence to the rumour that the Pre will be released shortly thereafter on June 7.
Article Comments
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RE: I wonder..
They need to find out the real demand for the device
Or has someone got a better reason for an unannounced one week "contest" that simply requires entry?
RE: They need to find out the real demand for the device
In short, I had always believed that the world involved magic: now I thought that perhaps it involved a magician.
- Chesterton
RE: They need to find out the real demand for the device
> their emails registered with Sprint...
True, you CAN opt out of that, though.
RE: They need to find out the real demand for the device
SeldomVisitor wrote:
Sprint might be getting nervous - put out a contest with no other requirement than submitting an entry and see how many respond.Or has someone got a better reason for an unannounced one week "contest" that simply requires entry?
Sprint getting "nervous". Wow, that's quite the leap. I can't seem to find any evidence of nervousness in that announcement anywhere. But what I do notice here is "fear", as in "SV is looking for yet another opportunity to spread some FUD."
Sprint: "Enter to win and we'll notify you when this fully live phone hits the streets." and "Please send me information on other new products, services and special offers from Sprint."
So how about a simple and more obvious explanation like "companies do this stuff for marketing purposes all the time"?
(See also "Occam's razor".)
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
Service 1200
Touchstone 70
Pre with no contract =$530??
So do we know retail price yet? Maybe $199 with contract??
NEWS: Price is $199 with 2 year contract (etc.) w/Sprint
RE: Price
So $450-$550 is seemingly right on the money (pun intended).
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
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I wonder..
I read the rules and it said nothing about a contract that I could see, so I'm assuming that after the year of free service the phone is yours, and you're free to sign up under your own contract or whatever.
Current PDA: Treo 600. Lineage: Too long to list...