Handbook Reveals m500 Series Details

Recently, Palm posted the handbook for the m500 series on their support Web pages. This has helped clear up some questions about these not yet released handhelds.

Expansion Slot
Without a doubt, applications can be opened directly from an SD/MMC card. When an expansion card is inserted in the slot, the Applications Launcher displays its contents. The pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen displays the name of the card. To open an application on an expansion card just tap the icon of the application that you want to open.

There is no mention of exactly how this works but other sources have shown that the application is loaded into RAM and run from there. This means applications larger than available RAM can't be run. A possible solution for this is to keep all applications on an expansion card, which leaves the maximum amount of free RAM. Also, applications are currently in development that will allow databases to be accessed directly from the expansion card without having to load them into RAM.

The Card Info application is used only to get general information about a resident card and its contents, rename it, and format it. All other operations are done within the Launcher application itself. When using an expansion card, the handheld creates and displays a new category that matches the name of the expansion card.

Using the default Launcher app, there is no way to sub-categorize the contents of an SD card. All the contents of each card are listed in a category with the same name as the card.

Applications can be intalled directly to an SD card with the desktop Install tool. They can be beamed from expansion cards, too.

You can set your default country, which sets date, time, week start day, and number conventions based on geographic regions where you might use your handheld. You can still set these individually if you choose.

You can choose to leave your handheld on when it is in the cradle during a HotSync operation, or when you are recharging the battery. This is set under the General Preferences.

The File Link feature lets users import Address Book and Memo Pad information onto the handheld from a separate external file such as a company phone list. HotSync Manager stores the data in a separate category on the Palm Desktop software and the handheld. You can configure the File Link feature to check for changes to the external file when you perform a HotSync operation.

With File Link, you can import data stored in any of the following formats:

  • Comma-separated (*.csv)
  • Memo Pad archive (*.mpa)
  • Address Book archive (*.aba)
  • Text (*.txt)
There is now an option under connection preferences to HotSync via an infrared connection to a modem or mobile phone.

Hardware Changes
As has been said earlier, the side channels are now two different sizes. The right side holds the stylus, the left holds the cover.

The Reset button is now at the middle top of the back. The stylus has a built-in reset pin

According to Palm, the handheld battery should remain charged by placing it in the cradle for just a few minutes each day.

The destop application now supports Windows 98/Me/2000 (Windows 95/NT require a serial cradle, sold separately) and Mac OS 8.6 to 9 for USB support (OS 7.5.3 or later for serial support). There is no OS X application but the Desktop can be run from the Classic environment.

Article Comments


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Not recently

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 2:47:06 PM #
This was posted on day 1 of the m505 announcement.

RE: Recently
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 2:52:44 PM #
That's "recently" enough for me!


RE: Not recently
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 2:54:00 PM #
I thought we were here to talk about PDAs, not argue semantics.

-Dr. Bob

running from SD cards?

cavande @ 4/2/2001 4:45:38 PM #
I'd read that you could run apps directly from SD cards. Here, it implies that it's accomplished by copying the program to the RAM and then running it from there.
I'm not a computer person, so I may be a bit confused, but that doesn't sound like running directly from the SD card to me.

I already have a IIIc and a FlashPlug. I bought a 3rd party "launcher" that launches the program by automatically copying it to RAM and then running it. I'm not seeing how the SD card is any different.
I was planning on upgrading to a m505 primarily to get the 16 MB SD card to have extra memory. I'm a memory pig and I'm constantly having to delete stuff to clear room to run stuff from the FlashPlug. So, I'm not seeing how the SD card would change anything for me.
The extra memory + 16 bit color would be worth it to me, but not just the 16 bit color.

If I'm interpreting this wrong, could someone please explain it?
Thanks for any clarification.

I have a feeling I'm just going to have to be patient and wait and read all the posts of other people after they've bought m500's before I decide.

RE: running from SD cards?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 5:21:27 PM #
They indicated that you can install all of your programs to the Sd card or the multimedia card. I am in the same boat you are in; I have about of 14 meg of programs I like to run but only 8 meg( they include my lexidrugs, the Bible, CityTime Worldmate, Travel tracker ect. Now I will be able to run all my programs soon with ease. Very shortly the SD cards will be released (64 meg cards) I plan to get the 64 meg and have pictures of the family on the Palm M505. I have the M500 on order too! I will keep the one I like best and return the other one. I hope that color screens are not poor as the majoritiy of the articles suggest! Good luck, You should be ok with your new Palm!

RE: running from SD cards?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 6:11:19 PM #

The problem is the dragonball processor can not address any more than 8megs of memory. If it is true that the 50x copies the ENTIRE file to the base 8 megs of ram, this sucks, because it will be slow and require a lot of available ram.

The TRG's autoCF program is nice, because it only copies ~100k of the program to the base 8 megs, as it is required. I tested this out by making only ~100k available in the bottom 8 megs, and using a program that called a ~4 meg datafile from the CF card, and it worked fine. Any less than 100k available, and it did not work.

I've talked with palm, and they cannot answer this question for me (it confuses them), but it sounds to me like you would need a space in the base 8 megs of ram the size of whatever application you would like to run.

I guess I'll just have to keep waiting for the TRGPro2.


RE: running from SD cards?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 7:21:39 PM #
The Palm m505 should be upgradable to 16 MB of RAM, I would think (at least in the future). It uses the Motorolog Dragonbal VZ processor which is the same processor that is used in the Handspring Visor Prism. I recently sent my Prism to http://www.palmpilotupgrade.com and had the Prism upgraded to 16MB of RAM and it ROCKS!

16-Bit color, 16-MB of RAM, Faster Processor and I also use the VisorPhone. This is the ultimate solution for this guy(Even control my Home PC wirelessly using PalmVNC, check e-mail with Multimail Pro and Browse the Web with PalmScape in color).

However, there are negatives too. The Prism is larger than the m50x line and does not have Flash Memory upgrade capability. Depending on your needs for memory, you may find the Prism a good fit for you. It's nice for me to be able to carry a 3MB TealMovie of my daughter and wife on my Palm without worrying about RAM. Even though I only have 2MB left on the 16MB device. FYI-

RE: running from SD cards?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 12:49:34 AM #
Sony has that MS (memory stick) Autorun program which apparently does the same thing (copies to ram and runs). It and 64 meg memory sticks are already available.

When I purchased my Palm IIIe a year ago, I thought 2 megs was more than I'd ever need, however programs are growing in size with many of them shipping with conduits and desktop helper apps so that 2 megs isn't s*** anymore.

I'd like a palm phone. I was sold on the kyrocera, but will wait to see the samsung beauty. Eight megs will help out, not having to store offline avantgo content (because it will have wireless capability) will also help, and I'll use my Palm IIIe for testing new apps only.

If I drop and break the palm phone, then I'll re-activate my StarTAC, get a Sony Clie with a 64 meg memory stick. That's my plan.

David in Austin, TX

RE: running from SD cards?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 11:04:46 AM #
David in Austin, TX Wrote:

>When I purchased my Palm IIIe a year ago, I thought 2 megs was more than I'd ever need,
>however programs are growing in size with many of them shipping with conduits and desktop
>helper apps so that 2 megs isn't s*** anymore.

Why does it matter if they ship with conduits and desktop apps? You install these on your PC,
NOT your palm! I think 2MB is fine for the regular Joe who only primarily uses the built-in apps.
It's just the power users who frequent these boards, bitching and moaning about not having 64MB
devices with bright 16-bit color screens, 6 months of battery life, built-in wireless and
SD/MMC/CF/Springboard slots for under $200, that need more than 2MB.

RE: running from SD cards?
Ed @ 4/3/2001 12:24:04 PM #
Like everyone else, I would have preferred Palm come up with a way to make the SD card an extension of RAM but I'm willing to believe this was impossible. With 1 GIG SD cards in development, I can't imagine a Palm OS being able to address that much memory.

I think the m500 series is beginning to work more like a PC than previous Palms. Or at least we power users with tons of files and apps should consider it so. RAM works a lot like it always has while the SD/MMC card takes the place of the hard drive.

Buy as big a "hard drive" as you think you'll need and keep all your applications and files on it. When you want to run an application, open it from the "hard drive" and it will be loaded into RAM and run from there. I don't think this will tremendously slow down the opening of applications. The transfer speed for the SD/MMC slot is quite high.

You don't try to keep every application on your PC constantly loaded in RAM, do you? Why should you want to do that on your Palm?

As far as I can tell, the biggest hassle of this is the inability to categorize the contents of the expansion card in the default Launcher app. But most of us power users have probably switched to a third party launcher like GoBar anyway and I'm sure their developers will soon be coming out with versions that will let us do what we want with the SD cards.

Palm Infocenter

RE: running from SD cards?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/4/2001 5:51:15 PM #
Sony has that MS (memory stick) Autorun program which apparently does the same thing (copies to ram and runs). It and 64 meg memory sticks are already available.

This is logical, since the Palm VFS system is apparently based largely on Sony's work with Memory Stick technology (as opposed to coming up with a whole new system or using a variation of TRG's system for CF).

Second Para Incorrect?

egarrido @ 4/2/2001 4:54:58 PM #
Should the second paragraph read "applications can be run from sd/mmc cards" instead of "cf/mmc cards"?

RE: Second Para Incorrect?
Ed @ 4/2/2001 5:01:57 PM #
Yes it should and it does now. Sorry, I was writing that at the same time I was writing the CF Springboard article. Thanks.

Palm Infocenter

It works like this:

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 6:34:26 PM #
There is RAM, and there is ROM. If you fill up your 8 megs of RAM, you still have your 4 megs of ROM. Simply put: you can open a file up to 4 megs and keep your RAM full. (and no, this isn't slow! it has a 10 megs per second transferrate for data) The ROM will be wipped when you exit the program, so there is nothing left in your ROM!

Later guys,

RE: It works like this:
Ed @ 4/2/2001 6:48:45 PM #
Sorry, this is not how it works at all. The Palm's ROM (Read-Only Memory) is used to store the built-in applications and the OS. Under normal conditions, nothing is erased from the ROM.

Apps are run from RAM (Random Access Memory). The m500 series has 8 MB of it and apps are both stored and run from there.

The SD stores the applications but they aren't run from there. When an app on an expansion card is opened, it is automatically moved into RAM and run.

Palm Infocenter

RE: It works like this:
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 9:44:45 AM #

All your incorrect explanations are belong to that guy.

Things like this are why I get phone calls from non-technical clients who insist that I'm wrong and I should show them how to do something because they "...read it could be done that way on the internet."

RE: It works like this:
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 7:50:16 PM #
n the old OS that was the way it worked, just the OS and built in files. The new models will have 4 MEGS for the reasons Meece gave! they're making it a bit more like a PC. trust me . . . I know!

Later guys,

RE: It works like this:
Ed @ 4/3/2001 9:30:21 PM #
What is your source for this infomation? The presentations from PalmSource contradict this.

Palm Infocenter

What about Handspring?

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 10:12:52 PM #
Is it going to be possible for Visor's to use CF cards via an adapter, like palm is using SD/MMC cards? Or is this a new feature of OS 4.0? Since its possible on a TRG Pro with OS 3.5, then i think it would be possible...i sure would like to know for sure though.

RE: What about Handspring?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 3:19:05 AM #
What do you mean? Palm is not using an adaptor for SD/MultiMediaCards... But a new Type 1 CF Springboard module was announced the other day.

RE: What about Handspring?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 11:06:47 AM #
Check out http://www.matchbookdrive.com/

The compactflash to springboard module I think it is about $30, if you have a PCMCIA adaptor you can make your own by following the Knopsis(?) Engineering link -- the instructions are online.

RE: What about Handspring?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/4/2001 12:13:57 PM #
I dont think you guys understand what i was saying. I know that there is a CF adapter available, i was just wondering if there will be software for it that will move files like the files are moved from SD to main memory on the new palms. I know there is file moving software already, but it is manual, i want to know if there will be automatic software that works as seamlessly as it will on the new palms.

Thanks, Palm...

mikecane @ 4/3/2001 10:54:58 AM #
... for confusing the hell out of all of us!

This explains nothing, or at least very little.

As even TRGpro owners are pointing out, Palm has yet to fully explain just how the hell this new SD/MMC scheme will operate for us.

Perhaps I should RTFM, but I think all of the gotchas will only come out in the open when people have their m5xxs in hand and start posting what they've discovered firsthand.

Thank God for the Net!

RE: Thanks, Palm...
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 12:34:19 PM #
I could not agree more... I sold my Palm Vx in anticipation of a -reasonable- ship date for this.. then I find out that it will not ship as expected and am being told end of MAY !!! Well maybe Palm is not telling us how it works cuz they dont exist yet. So here is what i decided to do. I purchased a Visor Prisim. Same color capability and 3.5.2h. I really dont NEED Palm OS 4.0. and with the ability to use CF cards.. see the new springboard one coming out.. and the abudance of current spirngboards, I think I got a better deal.. Plus at Amazon, they are taking 10% off the price of the Visor Prisim taking my total cost to $413.00 w/ 2nd day air. What a DEAL! ...BTW.. to get the 10% off, search for Visor Prisim on eBAY.. they have codes in some of the items that have no bids that you can use at Amazon.com

RE: Thanks, Palm...
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 1:13:53 PM #
Palm has explained it in detail. Everything you want to know about the SD slots, how to program them, and how they will interact with the Palm launcher was detailed at PalmSource, and is available online the PDF files at



The second one (#211) focuses specifically on launching applications from cards and all the things to note.

RE: Thanks, Palm...
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 2:12:26 PM #
After reading these slides, it is clear that the entire program plus database are copied into ram before execution.

This is an inferior solution compared to the TRGPro, since it requires more free RAM for large databases.

For example, I have several medical textbooks on my TRGPro, each a .pdb file >4 megs. With the palm solution (as well as the visor memplug, sony, etc), i would need to keep more than half my RAM free to read these databases, to say nothing of transfer times. With autoCF from TRG, it only copies ~100k of the .pdb file as it is called for from the main .prc file, so I can use more of my RAM for other things. This is a much better solution, don't you think?


RE: Thanks, Palm...
Ed @ 4/3/2001 3:22:04 PM #
OK, I thought I took care of this in the article but if people are still unclear, let me quote from Palm's own words at the PalmSource Conference:

PRC- Only Application on Card

  • Application (PRC) is copied into main memory on launch
  • A "CardLaunch" launch code is sent. If not handled, a "NormalLaunch" launch code is sent
  • PDB and/ or preferences may be created in main memory
  • Application completes and is deleted
  • PDB and/ or Preferences remain in main memory

PRC+ PDB Application on Card

  • Application (PRC) and all bundled databases ( PDB’s or overlays) are copied into main memory on launch
  • A "CardLaunch" launch code is sent. If not handled, a "NormalLaunch" launch code is sent
  • Application completes and is deleted
  • PDB and/ or Preferences remain in main memory

Bundling Databases on Launch

  • An application can have “bundled” databases, which are copied, deleted and beamed with it
  • A database is bundled if all of the following:

    • It has the same creator id as the application
    • Does not have dmHdrAttrCopyPrevention set
    • Either has dmHdrAttrBundle set or is of type sysFileTOverlay

  • Bundled databases are copied to main memory on launch from card

Palm Infocenter
RE: Thanks, Palm...
mikecane @ 4/5/2001 11:02:09 AM #
Mark Your Time! Launch One Zig.

None of that is very clear, Ed.

And I am really beginning to think that current CLIE owners with the variety of Launchers and MS-handling programs that have come out (viz, MSMount) will actually have it *better* on their CLIEs than m500-series owners having to go through the Application Launcher again and again and again.

But then, I'm sure there will soon enough be gobs of programs to get around that too!

Sigh... but why does Palm always always ALWAYS do the bloody LEAST amount of work?

Dummies guide to Computer Users, OR just Car Drivers?????

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/3/2001 12:46:59 PM #
Most of the people here sound like the typical dummy car drivers - you get into your car, turn the key, press the gas pedal and go. Forget about reading the manual, forget about the "rules" for driving and the road, who cares about the laws for physics, etc......

So are you a dummy computer user as well? Most of you sound like you don't know how a computer works - the Random Access Memory (RAM), Read-Only Memory (ROM), hard drive, CPU, keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

What does all that have to do with Palm PDA's?

Well, the Palm series PDA's work much like your typical Windows based PC's - the Palm has a screen, keyboard (virtual), mouse(touchpad screen), CPU, RAM, ROM, and now with its new SD/MMC slot - it has a "hard drive"!

Yes, the SD/MMC card is basically a removable hard drive - similare to a Zip disk or a Jaz disk, but much better because the SD/MMC card is a "solid-state" device and not like a rotating, mechanical disk drive.
Solid-State hard drives have no moving parts, so there is nothing to wear-out, or break down.

The Compact Flash (CF) is basically a removable hard drive for the TRG Pro; and the Memory Stick (MS) is basically a removable hard drive for the Sony. This is were your programs for your PC/PDA are stored when you're not using them.

And, like a computer, these programs are copied into RAM from the hard drive when you go to use them by clicking on its icon.

So, you ask, what if I only have 100k left in my Palm, will the 4MB program run (the example posted by a TRG Pro user previously)? Yes! The "hard drive" SD/MMC card will act just like a PC does when it uses the hard drive for "virtual memory".

PC's use the hard drive as "virtual memory" - meaning that virtual memory to a PC looks and acts just like real RAM memory.

Programs that aren't currently being used will be copied into the SD/MMC card hard drive "virtual memory" so that the large 4MB program will have enough space in order to run properly. The 100 kb of free space on the PDA though is required as "swap space".

If this swap space wasn't available, then the program would run, and you would get an "Out of Memory" error.

This is the same way for data - all data must be in RAM memory before it can be used. If you make changes, then these changes are recorded to the hard drive when you either "Save" the file, or exit the program.

So, you all now should know that the SD/MMC card is basically a removable hard drive, just like your PC's hard drive, and that like a PC, all programs are copied into memory before you can run the program.

RE: Source?
Ed @ 4/3/2001 4:00:47 PM #
> So, you ask, what if I only have 100k left in my
> Palm, will the 4MB program run (the example
> posted by a TRG Pro user previously)? Yes! The
> "hard drive" SD/MMC card will act just like a PC
> does when it uses the hard drive for "virtual
> memory".

What is your source for this infomation? The presentations from PalmSource seem to contradict this.

p.s. As the moderator for this site, your comment's insulting tone is right on the edge of what I'll allow without deletion. Please refrain from calling your fellow palm users "dummies".

Palm Infocenter

RE: Dummies guide to Computer Users, OR just Car Drivers???
Ed @ 4/3/2001 9:23:04 PM #
To the person who posted the comment that was here:
If you can give us the exact source for your information on the SD cards, please do so here. If you would like to continue the discussion on the policies I use as a moderator, my e-mail address is ed@palminfocenter.com

Palm Infocenter
PalmOS does *not* have a Virtual Memory manager
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/4/2001 5:24:38 PM #
Programs that aren't currently being used will be copied into the SD/MMC card hard drive "virtual memory" so that the large 4MB program will have enough space in order to run properly. The 100 kb of free space on the PDA though is required as "swap space".

Trust me, dude, PalmOS does not have anything even *remotely* close to a virtual memory manager.

PalmOS does *TO* have a Virtual Memory manager
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/4/2001 5:48:54 PM #
Sigh… another ignorant Palm user who can’t read…

Isn’t there anyone out there that uses a Palm PDA that can either READ or know how to do a little RESEARCH??????

I’m starting to think you’re all just a bunch of Palm PC users who saw the light of the Palm Pilot and converted over mindlessly.

Holy Crap, Dude! The link that verifies that the new Palm OS 4 does INDEED have a “VIRTUAL” File System Manager can be found above. Here it is again (if you can’t scroll up too!)


So, here’s what the “Virtual File System Manager” does according to Palm, Inc.:
· Manages all installed file systems (the FAT file system, and “other” file systems IE: any other device currently on the market that uses SD/MMC cards, like digital cameras, MP3 players, etc…)
· Loads and Executes ANY “Auto-Start” applications (if they’re present on the SD/MMC card)
· Broadcasts Volume mount notifications (displays an notice on the Palm screen when you insert a SD/MMC card)
· Provides a Unified API for file access (so you can access any file on the SD/MMC card, no matter where the file might be located – IE: if the file you want is buried down in some directory, the Palm OS will be able to access it.)

So, trust me Dude, you obviously can’t READ, nor can you apparently do any simple investigative RESEARCH. Do yourself a favor – stay in school and learn how to READ and how to do some simple investigative RESEARCH.

Learning how to do both READ and conduct investigative RESEARCH will help you to not look like a buffoon, and you’ll feel better about yourself!

Virtual File System Mgr and Virtual Memory Mgr NOT the same
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/22/2001 7:01:22 PM #
It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I agree with the moderator that you're being a bit arrogant about this, since you've not been able to demonstrate that you claim is valid.

The virtual file system manager described by Palm simply handles the moving of files to and from the card. It does not state that it handles anything near as sophisticated as swapping bits of memory in and out from the card.

Simple version, you'll very likely need as much free space as the app you plan to run.

And before you call ME an idiot, I used to be a programmer and now I'm an analyst for a SOFTWARE COMPANY. I don't know everything, granted, but at least I don't pretend to either. If you politely show us something that shows you're right, then I'll graciously agree (and be impressed). But so far you've only shown that you are the one who does not have a firm grasp of basic computer concepts, so again, it's not such a good idea to be insulting people.

Directory Mapper

Ed @ 4/3/2001 3:27:17 PM #
I haven't heard much talk about this here but some other sites have had some spirited conversations on Palm's control of the directory systems of SD cards. Here's what they said at PalmSource:

Directory Mapper

  • Registry for mapping common file types (mime types) to specific directories on cards
  • Different media have a different location for data – Images (.jpg ) is in "/DCIM" on Compact Flash
  • Launcher registers ". prc", ".pdb", ".pqa" file types for all media types

Palm Infocenter

Hotsync USB Cradle as SD Reader

eipangan @ 4/4/2001 2:18:06 AM #
Wouldn't it be nice if the Hotsync USB Cradle can double as an SD card reader? That way, we don't need an extra SD card reader to download pictures from our
Digital Cameras and Digital Video Cameras to our PC.

Does anybody know if this is possible with the SD capable Palms? I've checked the PDF file but found no clear answer.

RE: Hotsync USB Cradle as SD Reader
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/4/2001 11:47:56 AM #
The new version of Hotsync that comes with the m50x series allows one to read and write ANY type of files directly to the SD/MMC card in the Palm.

So, theoretically, one could take their SD/MMC card from their camera, put it into their Palm m50x series Palm PDA and Read/Write directly to the card.

Then there wouldn't be a need for an extra USB SD/MMC Reader!

Can anybody tell about a sound capabilities of m505?

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/4/2001 5:01:42 PM #
Can anybody tell about a sound capabilities of m505?

Speaker of Palm III/V is too simple, not good enough to produce touch tones (AKA dial tones, DTMF), useful to dial the number from the address book. Only TRG Pro improved sound system to make it possible. All available DTMF programs works only on TRG, because only TRG's speaker can produce those pairs of tones simultaneously, as required for DTMF.

What about Palm m505, who know?

RE: Can anybody tell about a sound capabilities of m505?
Ed @ 4/4/2001 6:07:56 PM #
Sorry, the Handbook says nothing about the m500 series able to make dial tones. Too bad, it is something I've wanted for a while, too.

However, it can do it with the infrared port:
Tap Dialing
Allows automatic dialing by tapping on a telephone number in Address Book. You must have an infrared-equipped mobile phone near your handheld to use this feature.

However, they do at least add a few new alarm sounds. The options: Alarm, Bumble Bee, Reveille, Sonata, Wake Up, and Warbler.

Palm Infocenter

RE: Can anybody tell about a sound capabilities of m505?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/7/2001 7:18:18 PM #
I'd prefer to have DTMF feature too :) It is something different, IrDA dial is useful only with mobile phone, while this DTMF dial is useful with the usual phone. I often need to dial using a usual phone, and it is not a pleasure to reenter the phone number every time I call.

But I'm not sure about Palm's ability to fix this problem until the real release of the Palm m500/505... Even if it costs just a few cents. Check the http://www.pstec.de/ppp/pppdtmf.html, it worth seeng.



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