Anycom Prepping Bluetooth Products for Handhelds

The number of clip-on sleds that add Bluetooth functionality to the Palm V series is growing. Anycom is planning to release the BlueJacket at the end of October. It allows wireless HotSyncing, file transfer, and printing. At this time, they estimate it will cost around $200.

The BlueJacket offers built-in authentication, 128-bit encryption, and three-level, user-defined security options and a range of 33 feet. In addition, each BlueJacket comes with a software suite including Palmfax, Eudora, and Ennotate.

In conjunction with a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, of which there are several now available, users can do wireless networking from anywhere.

It is powered by built-in rechargeable batteries and can be used continuously for more than 10 hours. The Palm V and BlueJacket can be simultaneously charged with the power adapter included with the Palm. It weighs 4 ounces.

They are also early in the process of developing a version for the Handspring Visor.

Anycom is currently closely monitoring the Sony Clié market to determine the viability of making a Bluetooth solution for this handheld as well.

Since Palm is making the Bluetooth SD card, Anycom decided to not compete with them and there won't be a version for the m500.

Bluetooth PC Card and printer module products made by Anycom are available today.

About Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a specification for a small form-factor, low-cost, radio connection providing links between mobile computers, mobile phones and other portable and handheld devices, and connectivity to the Internet. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group, made up of leaders in the telecommunications, computing, and network industries, is driving development of the technology and bringing it to market. The Bluetooth SIG includes promoter companies 3Com, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Lucent, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, Palm and Toshiba, and more than 1,800 adopter companies.

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same product?

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/14/2001 12:46:07 PM #
This looks suspiciously like the TDK clip-on, which is actually the Tactel design that they've licensed. Is it the same product?

Bluetooth Adapter Already Available for Clie

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/14/2001 12:53:30 PM #
Clie already has a bluetooth adapter which is small and light. It sells for $130 in Japan sin 6/29. Someone has tried successfully to use it with Ericson T39.


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/14/2001 2:36:06 PM #
if the small cool T39 have room for b-Tooth- wy not the next palm model? nice if m125 have bt
RE: bT
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/14/2001 3:31:39 PM #
Its not a question of room but of price. The price would push it beyond the mid-range market they're aiming that unit for. At least for right now. Maybe a year or two down the road when it won't cost as much to build in bluetooth.

RE: Bluetooth for m125
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/14/2001 11:22:32 PM #
Well if its true that the m125 has an SD slot, there is no reason why it can't use the forthcoming SD Bluetooth card. You lose the SD slot for storage but those are the kind of tradeoffs you make with midrange products.

RE: bT
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/15/2001 10:39:55 AM #
Bluetooth chips are available in quantity for around $10 a chip. I think that, as usual, those of us who want to adopt the technology as soon as possible are getting stung.

Bluetooth for Palm III series?!?!?

strredwolf @ 8/14/2001 9:46:28 PM #
Come on! Bluetooth for the III's and you got a goldmine!

RE: Bluetooth for Palm III series?!?!?
k0mp @ 4/2/2003 8:47:08 AM #
I agree. I own Palm IIIC and I'm not going to change it anyway. Maybe we should write a petition to TDK, that they should make BlueIII???


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