Buy a Visor, Get Docs to Go Free

From now until November 15, Handspring is offering a mail-in rebate on DataViz's Documents To Go when bought with a new Visor. Purchasers can either get $50 back on Docs To Go Standard Edition or $70 back on the Professional Edition version 4.0.

These can be bought at retail stores like Staples, BestBuy, CompUSA, and others, or online at

Both items must be on one store receipt. This offer may not be combined with any other special offers. The Documents To Go mail-in rebate will be available on Handspring boxes.

"Our fall promotion with DataViz provides a great value for business professionals, students, and others who are looking to buy a new handheld computer with all the advantages of the most popular productivity applications,'' said Karen Sipprell, vice president of corporate marketing at Handspring. "This powerful combination brings together the top-selling spreadsheet, word processing and presentation software package free of charge with any of our popular Visor handhelds.''

Docs to Go comes pre-installed on many Palm-branded handhelds. The HandEra 330 ships with Quickoffice.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 2:28:04 PM #
I would rather buy the Doc to go and not waste my money on those Handspring stuff.


I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 3:41:17 PM #
A feeble attempt by a declining company to market its product more effectively. Sure, I can get Docs to Go, but I'll end up with an obscelenscent HS Visor for my troubles--no Flash ROM, decaying SB technology, lousy form factor.

Flame away, Visor lovers--the 5 of you left will no doubt label me a "troll." Just realize that you're making a pathetic attempt to legitimize a product whose time is now going...

RE: Feeble
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 4:06:15 PM #
Ouch. I can understand you not liking a Handspring PDA for yourself - that's your opinion. There are some that I don't like also, but you actually sound *mad* at Handspring. Why beat the poor dying horse?

RE: Feeble
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 5:05:55 PM #
Troll 8^)
- but waiting on the Treos before cast Handspring aside.

Why the doom-sayers?

james_sorenson @ 10/2/2001 11:54:13 AM #
Okay, "troll", this Visor-lover accepts your challenge. Handspring is still top for expandability. They are very reasonably priced. It seems the only real problem is the lack of color-screen models. I don't really want to re-start the war about the pros and cons of color, but it seems to be an awfully small reason to claim their impending death. Look how cheaply you can get a VisorPhone (which has far more uses than than a wireless-only Palm). I can use any type of memory by getting the proper Memplug. Look at all the cool connectivity springboards. Remember that many of the enhancements in PalmOS 4 where programmed by Handspring (hence, why there is little difference between PalmOS 3.5.2H and 4.0). Who else has 16MB of built-in, easily accessible RAM? That's what I thought.

Now, about your complaints.
1) No Flash ROM. A debatable issue. For me, I;m about ready to upgrade to something newer when the next OS comes out, and I appreciate the cost savings of cheaper ROM. As I said, OS 4 has nothing to offer us Handspring 3.5.2H users--we already had all that.

2) Decaying SB technology? Huh? Back up your claims, buddy. Last I checked, there are still more springboards in development. In fact, there is another article today showing a new Memplug springboard.

3) Lousy form factor. Well, get the Edge then! Imagine how much springboards would cost if they had to fit in an even tighter form. Micro-technology is not cheap. My Platinum fits in my pocket.

Handspring is no way near to dying. They are doing just fine. Check out the talk on the upcoming Treo series.

James Sorenson

RE: Why the doom-sayers?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/7/2001 8:05:43 PM #
"Decaying SB technology? Huh? Back up your claims, buddy. Last I checked, there are still more springboards in development. In fact, there is another article today showing a new Memplug springboard."

Um, they are now using the springboard to add CF, MemoryStick, SD etc. Springboard was supposed to be a primary form of expansion (i.e. Palm, Sony and everyone jumping on the springboard). These developers are now forced to branch out. Handspring just released 2 units post Palm M505 and Clie N610 and 710 without color. Dawkins is falling on his ass and is going to take Handspring down to a monochrome, non flash expansion death.



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