Split of Palm Hardware, Software Groups Complete
Palm, Inc. has announced that it has finished spinning off into a separate subsidiary the part of the company that creates the Palm OS. This creates a bit of distance between the part of the company that develops Palm's hardware and the part that writes the Palm OS. The other licensees of the Palm OS, like Handspring and Sony, have complained that Palm's own hardware group had too much influence over what went into the operating system, giving Palm-branded handhelds an unfair advantage. This split is intended to reduce that.
The new subsidiary will get its revenue from licencing the Palm OS. Palm's own hardware group will also have to pay royalties to the OS group.
Nevertheless, there have been some questions about whether the OS subsidiary will have enough money to support itself. In the past, Palm's hardware sales have subsidized OS development costs.
Palm itself seems confident, as it has said it plans to totally spin the subsidiary off as a separate company at some point in the future.
David Nagel is in charge of the new OS subsidiary, called the Platform Solutions Group. He said in a prepared statement, "Our continued focus on an excellent user experience, coupled with an efficient operating system, creates a competitive advantage that is hard to match. The formation of the subsidiary provides us with even more opportunities to take the market to new levels."
Mr. Nagel said in the past that he thinks the Palm OS has fallen behind its competitors but he's doing something about that. He said, "When I first arrived a couple of months ago, one of the things that was the highest priority for me was to kick both the apparent innovation and the actual innovation into much higher gear."
The Platform Solutions Group is hard at work creating the next generation of the operating system, OS 5.
Thanks to MadMax for the tip. -Ed
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RE: Apparent vs. Actual innovation?
Here's an example. The main improvements in PPC 2002 are fixes for problems in the previous versions, plus some UI improvements ripped off from Palm. But Microsoft has done a great job of convincing people this is "innovation". Their apparent innovation is much greater than their actual innovation.
RE: Apparent vs. Actual innovation?
I betted my future on Palm OS and invested - I'm assured now by Nagel that I lost everything to a good case.
So far the situation is clear to the sober- what will happen to my shares (besides my palm business) is in the stars.
RE: Apparent vs. Actual innovation?
Spinning off a good idea?
Unless Palm, Inc. is thinking about become a software company and wireless provider and dumping the hardware altogether, I just don't know about this move.
RE: Spinning off a good idea?
James Sorenson
RE: Spinning off a good idea?
So, with hindsight Palm's strategy was mistaken, but it's a difficult call. If Palm had not liscensed their OS so freely, we all know a company that would have eagerly stepped in to do so. And don't forget, Handspring at one point explicitly threatened to move into the PPC crowd. Anyway, the point is what should Palm do now? I suspect that their current strategy is primarily defensive on the hardware front. 1) Hope that Sony and Handspring and Handera provide a rich selection of devices (which they do). 2) Push, push, push into the enterprise where conservative, easy to use devices are going to be looked upon favorably (this is why the i705 is designed the way it is) and 3) Position the software so that it can be easily configured to meet the needs of a balkanized market.
Opportunity for Handspring?
Wouldn't it be nice if Handspring were to buy the PalmOS part of Palm Computing? Then the creators of the Palm and the OS would have control over the software again. All they wouldn't have is the company name they used to have.
I wonder if this isn't what is being set up.
RE: Opportunity for Handspring?
RE: Opportunity for Handspring?
RE: Opportunity for Handspring?
RE: Opportunity for Handspring?
How about Palm Hardware spin off the SW group, then with the money buy Handspring, and let Jeff and Donna take over again?
Well... I can hope :-)
Diga ao Falante pelos Mortos
RE: Opportunity for Handspring?
RE: Opportunity for Handspring?
VC's might have their time to be close to be ALLOWED to sell all of their stuff, but I reckon they would stick to it for next 12-18 month before economy picks up,
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Apparent vs. Actual innovation?