We're back!

Not to worry, PIC is still alive and well! I was in Paris most of last week in attendance at the Microsoft Euro Mobius 2003 conference. Due to a shorted out power adapter and very limited internet connectivity, I did not have much of a chance to update the site and stay on top of the news, so please excuse our lack of updates the past week. Our regular schedule of stories and breaking news will indeed resume as normal.

Mobius 2003
Each year Microsoft brings together what they feel are the leading online influencers in mobile technology. This year over 25 sites representing all of the leading mobile/PDA platforms and parts of the world were invited. The conference includes detailed briefings on the latest Microsoft mobile technologies, talks form selected Microsoft partners and developers and is the scene of countless interesting and informative technology discussions.

Stay tuned for more details and a full report of Mobius and interesting look at what the competition is up to in the mobile and Smartphone space this week.

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Welcome Back!!!

i2oadi2unnei2 @ 4/7/2003 12:21:51 PM #
I thought I'd drop a line because we care, don't we guys? and gals? *grin*

...|3eep |3eep!!...

RE: Welcome Back!!!
jjjj @ 4/7/2003 1:22:53 PM #
Spring Break for PIC

No Worries Ryan! Welcome Back!

gfunkmagic @ 4/7/2003 12:40:11 PM #
No prob with the updates Ryan! Most of the time there isn't much news during the wekend anyway! Anyway, I think its interesting to hear that M$ is trying to woo the competition.

RE: No Worries Ryan! Welcome Back!
gfunkmagic @ 4/7/2003 1:04:02 PM #
Hey Ryan,

How about posting some pics? I've read elsewhere that all the participants got a new Orange SPV running Microsoft's Smartphone (Stinger) OS. Would you like to share some impressions of the device? Here are some interesting links from other participanting sites and pics:


RE: No Worries Ryan! Welcome Back!
Admin @ 4/7/2003 8:52:36 PM #
I am working on it, stay tuned :)
RE: No Worries Ryan! Welcome Back!
BlueAnon @ 4/7/2003 10:34:49 PM #
If the "phones on the table" pictures tell anything. I would laugh how everybody is going berserk over smartphones. Not a single person is carrying Palmphone and only one or two person are carrying the SPV.

Almost everybody is carrying Nokia with another 2-3 person using the XDA. THere must be at least 15 or so Nokias.

These are the people who suppose to be 'in the knows'


welcome back

UZI4U182 @ 4/7/2003 3:41:51 PM #
Welcome back! So how was paris? was it fun? :)

I just thought I'd add this, since it's been on my mind. We need some new moderators in the forums. SaxonMan, Davy Fields, Kezza, and PalmGoddess are never around anymore.

--Devan-- | UZI4U182@suscom.net
Main PDA: Sony CLIÉ PEG-SJ30
>|< This close to getting an NX60

RE: welcome back
Davy Fields @ 4/7/2003 3:56:00 PM #
I am around... just because I'm not posting doesn't mean I'm not watching... I've got my eye on you, now. :o)

-Davy Fields
RE: welcome back
UZI4U182 @ 4/7/2003 7:51:02 PM #
Yeah? Maybe it's a strange coincidence that you happen to pop up right when i posted that? lol ;)

--Devan-- | UZI4U182@suscom.net
Main PDA: Sony CLIÉ PEG-SJ30
>|< This close to getting an NX60
RE: welcome back
VisorMiser @ 4/7/2003 9:54:09 PM #
So you just left Paris? Whenever I'm there, I find that's the best thing to do.

the VisorMiser
Where will ya be when ya get where you're goin'?

Let me see if I get this straight...

orb2069 @ 4/7/2003 4:21:49 PM #
Microsoft *flew you to france* so you could cover their (assumedly non-Palm OS, but I'm open to being surprised if it's otherewise.) new smartphone releases on *Palm*InfoCenter?

If they want advertise PocketPCs on a Palm news site, why not tell them to buy some banners like everybody else?

As a reader, this reduces my opinion of your journalistic integrity. I can see that it's a path you've been skating down for quite a while, but this is really sliding over the edge.

Why should I bother reading quite-probably tainted reviews? There's plenty of other sites in the sea.

Those issues aside, I hope you enjoyed the trip, and am glad to see you back safe - The world is a little less safe for americans nowadays.

RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
Admin @ 4/7/2003 5:42:43 PM #
The event was paid for by MS, and there were other sites from other platforms, Clie, Symbian, Nokia, SE etc.

The main purpose of the conference is to inform, it's not a media event and there is no commitment for anyone to report back on it.

One was I see it is that by knowing more about the competition, you can more clearly understand the market as a whole and see how the Palm OS compares with Microsoft as well as Symbian. Would you not agree that if I am going to report on how the Palm OS stacks up to the competition it's better to do so from an informed perspective?

I understand your concerns but would like to reassure you that my attendance at the event in no way affects my ability to conduct reviews or editorials on this site.

RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
Altema @ 4/7/2003 5:53:10 PM #
Actually, Microsoft sometimes targets persons who have a strong presence in the Palm OS world. If a leader is converted, they usually do not go alone. Other journalists have written about the method, even going to the extent of calling it attempted bribery, but I would not pronounce such a severe opinion and think that it is good to keep your head out of the sand. New gadgets are always interesting, and, even if they do not improve productivity, it's fun to look around. (We're talking technology here, not spouses!)

RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
Scott R @ 4/7/2003 6:54:07 PM #
I disagree that it's a problem for Ryan to attend, but I would suggest to him that he be brutally open about all details of the trip. I would disagree with his comment, "The main purpose of the conference is to inform..." Rest assured, that is not MS' main purpose of this conference.


RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
TrafficGeek @ 4/7/2003 7:27:17 PM #
Brainwashing is a subtle art...ready I JUST want to inform you of this important development by your competitor.

Details will help and I appreciate in advance your willingness to do so!

RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
abosco @ 4/7/2003 8:25:54 PM #
Guys, give him a break. Microsoft invited everybody from all the major PDA sites to attend Mobius. It's a discussion, not a brainwashing session. They do it all the time. I wouldn't think Ryan would convert to a Microsoft enthusiast just because he has a shiny new Orange Smartphone. We wouldn't want two Ed Hansberrys. Jeez. I'm goona have nightmares now. Then again, you wouldn't want two of me either.

If you think attending a conference for a week "taints" news, especially from a credible source like this site, you've got something else coming at you. Microsoft is really doing us all a favor to bring all the major sites together for this event. We, the readers, get to make better-informed decisions from better-informed editors. So really, unless PIC becomes PPCIC, you've got nothing to worry about.

Ryan, lay the info on us. I'm interested as to what went on during Mobius.

Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
Now accepting new applications

RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
Scott R @ 4/8/2003 12:03:12 PM #
Bosco, it's certainly not "brainwashing." They can't pull that off in a one or two day session. But it is marketing and it (and their MVP sessions) are touted as being not just about demonstrating their latest technology, but also about "learning" from the experts. It's the latter "emphasis" that I have to roll my eyes over. Let's face it, that's just ego-massaging nonsense. Anyone who believes that the only time and place MS can get solicit useful feedback is at two-day all-expense-paid-with-a-free-bag-full-of-expensive-goodies junket, doesn't get it. You don't solicit feedback on products when you're announcing (or recently already announced) the final product. You solicit feedback during development so that you can make corrections/changes before release.

If nothing else, it helps readers to get a pulse for where MS is aiming. It's interesting to see that the focus seems to be on MS Smartphone and not the PPC. Recent rumors seem to indicate that the next version of the PPC OS will be later than expected and with fewer features than hoped for. A recent letter I got from MS inviting me to some sort of developer expo geared around VS.NET features a session on utilizing VS.NET for MS Smartphone but had nary a mention of the PPC.


RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
EdH @ 4/8/2003 2:27:28 PM #
>I would disagree with his comment, "The main purpose of the conference is to inform..." Rest assured, that is not MS' main purpose of this conference.

Then you'd be very very wrong. Or perhaps you can tell us what happened the last time you attended one Scott?

RE: Let me see if I get this straight...
orb2069 @ 4/14/2003 5:46:22 PM #
>Would you not agree that if I am going to report on how the Palm OS
>stacks up to the competition it's better to do so from an informed perspective?

I'm not talking about information, I'm talking about bias.

I can't imagine somebody spending that kind of money just to give you a totally unbiased view of the entire playing field - Microsoft is a company, not a charity, and I feel fairly confident saying your ticket was bought by somebody in PR, not in R&D.

Something you might find of interest:


Are you SURE you trust these people to buy you a plane ticket, wine and dine you, and then tell you the TRUTH?


abosco @ 4/7/2003 8:40:05 PM #
Ryan, next time you decide to attend a conference or something, could you publish a story about it ahead of time? Like where you're going, what you're expecting, how long, etc, so we know how long to wait?

Attending Mobius in Paris for a week is a big thing. You should've told us, at least.

Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
Now accepting new applications

RE: Suggestion
Fammy @ 4/7/2003 9:52:58 PM #
We're junkies and we have to know. You almost killed us, man!



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