PalmInfocenter Launches Palm OS Software Store

PalmInfocenter has teamed up with PalmGear to offer our readers seamless access to over 22,000 Palm OS software applications with a new PalmInfocenter software store.

The new PalmInfocenter Software store carries all the latest Palm OS software titles. It offers the convenience of the PIC interface with the wealth of titles available from PalmGear.

"Palminfocenter has been one of the "must visit" destinations for the handheld community since virtually it's inception. We are proud to be working with them to enhance the experience for their members and look forward to a successful expansion of our relationship", said PalmGear founder and CTO Kenny West.

The software store has the largest single collection of Palm OS titles on the web from thousands of developers. Users can search, browse by most popular, best selling, as well as view the most recently released and updated software. All purchases made through the site will go a long way to help support PalmInfocenter and the Palm OS developer community.

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Time to go shoppin'!

Altema @ 3/12/2004 4:20:16 PM #
Hopefully it will enable wireless users to download content on their handheld.

RE: Time to go shoppin'!
TTrules @ 3/14/2004 5:55:51 PM #
Aren't there enough software stores already?

One Palm to rule them all!


sproutworks @ 3/13/2004 1:27:22 PM #
I had an app on palmgear called SproutPaint, but they wont let me display it in their store any more because I haven't sold any copies :(

RE: un-TealPaint
;-( @ 3/13/2004 4:20:40 PM #
That's odd. Especially seeing how many horrible PDAToolbox "programs" PalmGear has allowed to be spewed onto unsuspecting newbies. Why don't you just "buy" a copy of your own app?

It's massive. Massive.


Fammy @ 3/13/2004 4:21:01 PM #
Does this mean we have to stop bad mouthing PalmGear? =)

-- Fammy
RE: Well...
Admin @ 3/14/2004 12:44:24 PM #
juvenile personal attacks, that only serve to inflame, will be removed no matter who they are against.

I always strive to keep the conversations as open as possible and never censor attempt to censor anything. However, often off-topic posts, personal attacks, spam and inflammatory or hateful speech has to be removed.

RE: Well...
abosco @ 3/14/2004 3:23:55 PM #
It's amazing when you think how many of the 6 billion people walking the earth don't have a life. Don't you have anything better to do than sit here, create new usernames, and cry about mikecane, face icon #2?

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616


mikecane @ 3/13/2004 5:10:32 PM #
I don't like this move at all.

Next it'll be subscriptions, dammit.

RE: Yecch
Patrick @ 3/13/2004 7:09:01 PM #
I agree. There is really no compelling virtue of a PIC branded version of PalmGear. Are there *any* benefits to visiting the PIC/PalmGear store rather than PalmGear? Having the PIC interface is a big yawner to me. PalmGear's interface is just fine.

I would much, much rather PIC maintain its independence so that members and admins can critique PalmGear or Handango or any other supplier with equal scrutiny.

RE: Yecch
iebnn @ 3/13/2004 10:53:57 PM #
I don't think it's actually for Palm power users like most of us. It's not really newsworthy, more like a site update thing in my opinion, since it seems to be for newbies who don't know about PalmGear or don't think about where they buy their software. It's just a new revenue stream for Palm InfoCenter -- why is this so bad? It's better than more advertising, and could actually be useful to *some* people who like the news and software in one place. Palm InfoCenter costs money to run remember.

RE: Yecch
ankers @ 3/14/2004 8:42:39 AM #
If PIC gets a cut of the sales then it makes subs less likely.

a Brit in Clogland
RE: Yecch
Admin @ 3/14/2004 12:59:52 PM #
The last thing I'd want to do is ever require a subscription. Yes the upkeep, bandwidth and hosting costs of a site this size is quite expensive and every bit helps.

If you routinely purchase software from PalmGear, if you checkout and use our store it will go a long way towards keeping PIC alive and supporting future growth. So the next time you consider buying a new app, please consider coming here first.


RE: Yecch
jho4thclie @ 3/14/2004 1:07:57 PM #
If the prices are the same, why the heck not? :-D

Nice move, Ryan! :-D


RE: Yecch I DON'T DO PALMGEAR!!!!!!!
VisorMiser @ 3/14/2004 4:21:58 PM #
As a PIC regular, Ryan, you have my commitment to not aid in the misdirection of his great site my making any purchase that supports this partnership with PalmGear.

I don't do PalmGear. Until it sheds its ****y attitude in a variety of areas and I start hearing different things about developers getting paid, IN FULL AND WITHOUT DELAY, the commissions they're owed, I will without let proclaim my strongest objections to this partnership.

Have once been an EXCLUSIVE PalmGear customer--I purchased software no where else for years--it has now been just shy of two years since I've given them a dime's worth of business. I now register my software through the developer's site where possible, if not I patronize another Palm software site that carries the app. If an app is only available on PalmGear, I don't buy it.

Here's the part that really rips me:

"All purchases made through the site will go a long way to help support PalmInfocenter and the Palm OS developer community."

Nothing could be further from the truth!!! How are developers helped when they aren't paid???? I mean PAID IN FULL ACCORDING TO THE TERMS UNDER WHICH THEIR SOFTWARE WAS ==ORIGINALLY== SOLD!!!

Bad move Ryan, bad move PIC. The ViserMisor doesn't do PalmGear.

the VisorMiser
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -- Sir Winston Churchill

RE: Yecch
iebnn @ 3/14/2004 9:06:18 PM #
PalmGear didn't pay developers for a couple months (and only repaid part of it, or is repaying all of it over 3 years), which isn't a very good thing and is quite unethical, but they are paying developers now. They couldnt pay money before because they were sued -- I dont see this happening again. Who knows another Palm software site wouldn't do something similar if they were also sued and ran out of money?

RE: Yecch
VisorMiser @ 3/14/2004 9:48:42 PM #
It's good news that PalmGear is paying developers now. That said, read Kenny West's posts here on PIC (there aren't many). Kenny West did nothing but prevaricate when asked to reply to stated PalmGear developer policies that contracticed the fair treatment he claimed was being practiced. Nowhere did he acknowledge that developers were treated less than fairly by PalmGear. He's a company man and this is corporate America: Late payments, partial payments were just the cost of doing business. According to Kenny (again, read his posts) everything was hunky-dory and taken care of.

Another site may very well have delayed paying suppliers while dealing with a lawsuit, but hopefully with a remorseful attitude, which costs nothing. PalmGear in general--and Kenny West in particular--smoothed it over with corporate marketing spin and non-speak about their latest program, offer, etc.

the VisorMiser
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -- Sir Winston Churchill

RE: Yecch
DevPOV @ 3/15/2004 11:03:52 AM #
Get over it - it's old, old news. PalmGear has been paying on time for over a year. As for Marketing Spin: what company doesn't? Finally, when was the last time Handango was on here responding to comments? If you ask me, it's Handango who has been heavy-handed by raising commissions, removing developer home-sites, and forcing "branding" of software -- ALL of which are a major burden to developers NOW.

RE: Yecch
iebnn @ 3/15/2004 5:54:16 PM #
VisorMinor: My point was that you don't know if another web site like Handango would react in the same or similar way to how Kenny reacted. Didn't Handango even sue PalmGear over something relatively small? I don't think Handango would be too appologetic over not paying developers for a couple months.

Even if Kenny doesn't acknowledge it, he knows how bad it was for their reputation to do what he did. I don't think they'll be making the same mistake again.

RE: Yecch
VisorMiser @ 3/16/2004 7:41:58 AM #
To Iebnn:

"VisorMinor: My point was that you don't know if another web site like Handango would react in the same or similar way to how Kenny reacted. "

We don't know how they would react but:
1) If they reacted the same way as PalmGear did, it would also be wrong;
2) Who said I'm a fan of Handango? I shop there from time to time, but they're not girl scouts either. I registered PocketLingo College Dictionary (a $27 app) with them this week only because the developer did not offer registration on its site, and listed only Handango and PalmGear as sales channels.
3) Hopefully another site would delay payment to suppliers WITH SOME REGRET, and NOT say, as PalmGear has, that it has treated the developers fairly.

To DevPOV:
"Get over it - it's old, old news. PalmGear has been paying on time for over a year."

"Over a year"?1!+=$$#!% They screw developers for 5 years, decided to pay them for a year, and every thing is peachy-keen??? Wiped clean? A company's past behavior and practices ARE relevant--especially if it's still defending those practices, as PalmGear does to this day.

Iambic cyber-squatted on DateBk domain names a couple of years ago. Within a couple of months, following a flood of protest from the Palm community, Iambic turned over the domain names and issued an apology for its practices. Even that does not guarantee a change has taken place--only future behavior will determine that--but it's a minimum gesture that publicly abjures its sordid behavior. I use Iambic software, but would now =consider= doing so should the need arise.

"Finally, when was the last time Handango was on here responding to comments? If you ask me, it's Handango who has been heavy-handed by raising commissions, removing developer home-sites, and forcing "branding" of software -- ALL of which are a major burden to developers NOW."

Again, I'm not avocating Handango, remember that I buy directly from the developer's site whenever possible. "Heavy handed" market tactics remind me of Microsoft and make me sick. I'd like to know if other Palm software sites have changed its policies toward developers in mid-stream, as did PalmGear.

You're both obviously PalmGear fans and I bid you happy shopping with them. Their customer service is good, I'll say that for PalmGear. I appreciate our dialogue/debate and am please it's stayed civil thus far.

the VisorMiser
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -- Sir Winston Churchill

RE: Yecch?
DevPOV @ 3/16/2004 9:04:04 AM #
I'm not sure where you're getting 5 years! For two years before the payment problems, I didn't see anything wrong - always on-time and pretty lax policies. So, though there may have been problems that I was unaware of, I don't think it was wide-spread.

I salute your support of developers through buying from their home pages! I wish more folks understood the economics of selling shareware through a retail site. Thanks.

That's great BUT...

vesther @ 3/13/2004 9:53:26 PM #
...I wished that PIC would do software partnerships with Handango instead. :(

A Palm-Powered Handheld is the bread and butter for many people. Without a Palm-Powered Handheld, your progress is all for naught.
RE: That's great BUT...
maven @ 3/14/2004 12:47:13 AM #
I wish that Palmgear would just open their own store :)

(of course, that might go against "journalistic integrity" or something)

We need a new Palm software store
;-( @ 3/14/2004 3:35:34 PM #
I wish that Palmgear would just open their own store :)

I think your typo was a Freudian slip. Sometimes I wonder if PalmGear really DOES have a store...

It's massive. Massive.

RE: That's great BUT...
maven @ 3/14/2004 7:53:12 PM #
lol.. what can I say? :)


helf @ 3/14/2004 9:10:43 AM #
You had to team up with palmgear? They suck, probably literally ;)

The idiots there remove old software from their site for no apparent reason, other than it being old... and do other things..

RE: ew
helf @ 3/14/2004 9:14:32 AM #
I do have to admit the PIC layout is much better than palmgears tho. :)

RE: ew
Admin @ 3/14/2004 12:46:28 PM #
It's my understanding that PalmGear has a system that automatically de-lists software that has not had a sale in at least 6 months. Developers can re-enable them if they wish.
RE: ew
abosco @ 3/14/2004 3:04:39 PM #
>>It's my understanding that PalmGear has a system that automatically de-lists software that has not had a sale in at least 6 months.

Which is quite a hassle that have to link to them.

If there's no censorship, extra fees, or hassles, I don't see any problem to helping in the site's upkeep. Although I'm still in favor of a little Paypal donation link.

NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616

RE: ew
hkklife @ 3/14/2004 11:00:10 PM #
Ryan, I think a couple of nifty little "promotion" to raise some funds might be nift.

Maybe a raffle (PPal $1 for each "entry") for a T3 with a commemorative plaque signed by Michael Mace.
Or for some of Yankowski's old stationary...
Maybe a Guyver too? Or get Sandisk to donate a 1gb SD card. It'd help restore some of the lost faith towards by PIC community as of late, at least.

I would gladly contribute towards a PPal PIC fund, as Abosco mentioned.

Here's an idea I've always thought to be worth of some consideration:
As we enter into the 9th year of the Palm platform, there are a lot of apps & games out there that have been effectively abandoned by their devlopers. Yet the registration fees for these titles is still the same (in most cases) as it was when they were new...Ababall & Bump Attack Pinball, Siberian Strike , just to name a few. What if PIC could work a deal for "PIC-exclusive" specials on these titles-$3-$4 apiece or so. I've always thought Palm/PalmOne should include a voucher for a free title on PalmGear etc. in the box of each new handheld. Just a few thoughts...

RE: ew
helf @ 3/15/2004 10:13:40 AM #
Ok, I can understand delisting software that hasnt sold any copies in 6months.. But what about freeware apps that I know got at least 20 downloads a month (not to much, but still)? It's not like the 40kb zip was taking up much space on thier servers.. :)

RE: ew
DevPOV @ 3/15/2004 11:09:31 AM #
Maybe freeware authors should list on instead? Why should PalmGear or any retail site not have the choice to only list titles that help pay the bills and support Shareware Developers?

Maybe freeware authors should pay to get listed on retail sites?

RE: ew
feranick @ 3/15/2004 5:56:59 PM #
What difference can it make to Palmgear a freeware and a shareware author? Both have their programs there, and both do not pay their software to be listed... am I right?


RE: ew
DevPOV @ 3/15/2004 6:24:27 PM #
Freeware does not bring in dollars and it costs bandwidth. That's the difference. Some retails sites allow freeware as a 'loss leader', but it's their decision.

PIC conniving interface....

hgoldner @ 3/15/2004 11:44:33 AM #
Ryan -

Honestly, never realized that Palm Infocenter had a conniving interface.

'...offers the connivance of the PIC interface..."

Better check my pockets....



RE: PIC conniving interface....
Admin @ 3/15/2004 11:53:57 AM #
whoops, thanks Harold!

The Digital Bumper Sticker

bthornton @ 3/15/2004 11:44:22 AM #

How about a digital bumper sticker of sorts. Have one of the fine developes that frequent the site build a small Palm App with a PIC logo that says "I support PIC" on it.

The app could be beamed to another Palm when PIC came up in conversation. Once beamed, it served as a digital business card with a URL until registered, at which time it switched to "Thank you for supporting PIC".

Get slick an it's got a hyperlink to click on which opens up the PIC mobile site in the browser on the Palm.

You could sell it, and expire it a year later.

I'd pay $10.00 for it. - a sort of on your honor subscription.


Is It really all that Bad?

Quik_Fix @ 3/15/2004 4:48:46 PM #
Cmon, guys.

Even if they did make a mistake some time ago, why make such a fuss out of if now? I'm no moral giant, either. Everybody screws up. What did we expect Kenny to do anyway? He's in business. Talking about lawsuits in public forums can't be good for business. Whether he had the right attitude or not, I think he was just doing what he thought was necessary to keep the boat afloat.

I personally don't feel its appropriate to shame Ryan for mingling with PalmGear. Call me crazy, but the same elitist theory would dictate that none of us drive Fords because Ford hated the Jewish, no one wear Nike because Nike uses sweatshops, no one uses M$ because they push out competition, etc. Palmgear is the biggest depository of Palm software, and I think it's a good move for Ryan to get some of that spotlight for this site.

Flashback: 1999
Quik_Fix: (looking at IIIxe)So 8 megs is enough?
Salesman: Oh yeah. Believe me, you'll NEVER fill up 8 megs...

RE: Is It really all that Bad?
iebnn @ 3/15/2004 6:00:41 PM #
Are you saying there's a problem with not supporting companies that use sweatshops?



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