Palm Amends Financial Guidance

Palm Logo 2009 Palm, Inc. issued a press release early this morning to warn investors of that its financial performance will not meet its previously stated expectations due to soft demand. The revision laid out below estimate a 30% reduction in quarterly revenue. The full release follows...

Palm, Inc. today indicated that it expects that revenues for the third quarter of fiscal year 2010 will be in the range of $285 million to $310 million on a GAAP basis and in the range of $300 million to $320 million on a non-GAAP basis. Revenues for the quarter and full year are being impacted by slower than expected consumer adoption of the company's products that has resulted in lower than expected order volumes from carriers and the deferral of orders to future periods.

Accordingly, Palm expects fiscal year 2010 revenues to be well below its previously forecasted range of $1.6 billion to $1.8 billion. The company will provide more detail on its financial results during Palm's third-quarter financial results conference call currently scheduled for Thursday, March 18.

"Palm webOS is recognized as a groundbreaking platform that enables one of the best smartphone experiences available today, and our work to evolve the platform and bring industry-leading technology to market continues. However, driving broad consumer adoption of Palm products is taking longer than we anticipated," said Jon Rubinstein, chairman and chief executive officer. "Our carrier partners remain committed, and we are working closely with them to increase awareness and drive sales of our differentiated Palm products."

The Company expects to close its third fiscal quarter with a cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments balance in excess of $500 million.

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Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates

Gekko @ 2/25/2010 5:58:36 AM # Q
RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
abosco @ 2/25/2010 7:19:39 AM # Q
The market in general is getting killed today, but that's a slaughter. And it's high volume. If you've got money burning a hole in your pocket, I'd say buy today and sell it before Tuesday. Most of that drop is deserved, but some of it is emotional. It's worth a shot.

SV, what do the experts on the Yahoo message boards say? Buy?

m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
Gekko @ 2/25/2010 7:32:24 AM # Q
600k webOS Devices Heading to Verizon
Posted By: Kris Keilhack Thursday, February 04, 2010 2:04:10 PM

Previous reports claimed that Verizon had purchased a 50/50 mixture of Pre Plus and Pixi Plus units for a total of 400,000 devices. I was told last week by a Verizon support rep who had just finished training on webOS that they had "closer to a half-million" due to a greater-than-anticipated Pre demand. If the 600,000 unit report is correct, than Verizon could be planning on giving WebOS a greater push than originally anticipated, especially given that two new Verizon Pre Plus Valentine-themed ads that have been plastered all over primetime television lately (here and here). Additionally, Verizon is still running their "buy one webOS phone, get a free Pixi" promotion.

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
SeldomVisitor @ 2/25/2010 8:04:04 AM # Q
> ...SV, what do the experts on the Yahoo message boards say? Buy?...

Any time there is a small upward blip so far this morning, yes, that's what they're saying!


And they're starting to say even more fervently "Palm is a buyout target fer sure now!".

I'm scratching my head why any company would want to spend ANY money, much less BILLIONS of dollars, for another company that has just admitted it's products aren't selling.


RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
mikecane @ 2/25/2010 9:01:17 AM # Q
It's the Gesture Area that's killing them. What seemed so revolutionary at the time is something people who haven't bought soon forget. So when they go for a fondle, they wind up getting stuck -- just like I did.

I don't know what the solution to that is. Seems like a mess.

Maybe time for webOS for Tablets?

Pre ... Pixi ... erm, Plate? (ie, Slate, for the slow among you...)

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
Gekko @ 2/25/2010 9:37:51 AM # Q

the true test of a beautifully designed OS UI is when a complete novice can pick up a device that they've never seen or used before and immediately begin navigating and using it with ease.

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
abosco @ 2/25/2010 10:36:49 AM # Q
Have you tried using a Blackberry? It's borderline unusable. But somehow, a keyboard is enough to convince sorostitutes that they HAVE to have one.

m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
Gekko @ 2/25/2010 10:56:57 AM # Q

i used a BB Tour. no touchscreen but it wasn't too bad. the thing that jumped out at me was the little Windows-like cursor pointer arrow it had that you could move around with the trackball/mouse.

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
e_tellurian @ 2/25/2010 10:58:27 AM # M Q
When we-com virtual wallets do become a physical reality one would hope Palm is still there to interact with.


RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
jca666us @ 2/25/2010 11:09:47 AM # M Q
Palm's dead if they can't get users interested in their devices.

palm has only themselves to blame:

- buggy premature release of os and hardware.
- bad ad campaign that killed palm's momentum.

add in increasing competition from google, Microsoft, and apple, and you have a recipe for failure.

Forget a palm tablet at this point - palm is on life support.

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
e_tellurian @ 2/25/2010 12:11:16 PM # M Q
Palm is a pioneer that has to be worth something. They can improve and will. The economy will get better this will help Palm. New markets are wide open to Palm and these markets are growth segments of the smartphone industry. It would be a loss to the industry to lose Palm's intellectual contribution to the industry they helped pioneer.


RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
e_tellurian @ 2/25/2010 12:35:21 PM # M Q
Pepper loved her Palm. It is sad she is not here today to support that which she loved. Her love for Palm should not go unnoticed or be forgotten. A generation loved Palm that affection should not go to waist. Such energy with the help of the financial community must not fall on deaf ears. It was genuine and real emotion that is worth investing ones capital towards. Once we have more capital we will do and at such time can do more.


RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
mikecane @ 2/25/2010 12:58:18 PM # Q
>>>Have you tried using a Blackberry?

Yes. I had to set the damned time/date for someone who couldn't figure it out! Took me five frikkin minutes winding through brain-tumor-inducing menus that made no pathing sense.

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
e_tellurian @ 2/25/2010 1:44:12 PM # M Q
It is not uncommon for people to have one device for business and one device for personal use. Why? The business use can be written off. Having two devices makes it more efficient to differentiate business and personal use.

Once the economy picks up people will have more money to have multiple hardware.

A we-com virtual wallet will be in the hands of all that choose such choices.


RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
Gekko @ 2/25/2010 2:08:07 PM # Q

my review from 6-8-09 -

my issues -

1. Sound Quality of Phone - Awful hissing and humming in background - especially with headset.
2. i like the Contacts, Calendar PIMs of the old PalmOS. it just works. the webOS PIMs aren't as clean, simple, intuitive, and easy as PalmOS.
3. keyboard - while the keyboard isn't smaller than Centro, it is more uncomfortable to use. why? the end of the keyboard is sharp and it slices at my hand sometimes when i try to type. the sides are sharp too. also, the whole keyboard piece (that bottom of the phone) is thin and hard to hold vs. a candy bar. and the device is not balance properly when open. i always feel like i need two hands to use it. unwieldy and flimsy. "feels like typing into a plastic cup."
4. slider - i'm tired of opening an closing it to get at the keyboard.
5. responsiveness consistency unpredictability of WebOS - it didn't always do what i wanted it to do. i'd press a button and sometimes it would respond and other times not. Centro PalmOS might be simple but it JUST WORKED. WebOS has a mind of its own. OS gets shaky and chuggy and wobbly and it scares me holding my data. it was also unpredictable - many times doing a different thing for the same action.
6. battery life sucked. abysmal. all of this pushing and pulling and synergizing has a price.
7. multitasking - what multitasking? saving and icon to be brought up later is not multitasking! on my old Centro i can listen to STREAMING RADIO like Pockettunes while i surf the web or do email. i can't stream Sprint TV/Radio and do something else on the Pre. havent tried Pandora but i want live radio stations! and i opened up like 5 basic cards (3 were PIM) and it made me shut them down WTF? jumping back and forth from card to card with a hefty elay is not fun multitasking for me.
8. WindowsMedia Streaming - i like bloomberg radio etc. - can't stream it on PRE! Centro had no problem with WMA9 streams!
9. Synergy - i don't like it. i want a CENTRALIZED MERGED location for my data and the ability to move it wherever i want. with Pre/WebOS - in EAS my data is trapped in that EAS work server account. if i leave my employer, i better TRY to back up the Outlook data from the Outlook side in the nick of time. because once i'm disconnected from that server - the data is trapped in the PRE and no way to get it out. i don't like this. with Centro, all i have to do is change the EAS settings to a new server and sync and i'm good to go. can't do that with PRE. it puts my data in a locked proprietary silo that i can't get at.
10. Google Calendar/Contacts - suck.
11. Lack of SD Card - sucks. i want to Auto Backup my data to SD.
12. flimsy/clumsy USB door - yeah i can use touchstone to charge it but what about in the car?
13. No 5 Way - i miss that easy simple navigation. poking around with my finger is inaccurate and clumsy.
14. No "Select All" in Copy/Cut/Paste. sorry that Orange/Shift Key dance doesn't cut it.
15. Gesture area - annoying. holding the device i hit it all the time and do stuff and launch stuff i dont want to.
16. intermittent charging failure is a problem. i can't have a device that sometimes wants to charge and sometimes doesn't. not sure if this is a software or hardware bug but i'm tired of trying to track it down. my phone is my lifeline and i cant have a phone that sometimes wants to charge and sometimes doesn't.
17. Browser - seems great at first but the font is so small - i'm tired of constantly pinching and squeezing.

there's probably a few more that i can think of and will add later.

i've used PalmOS devices for 10+ years - III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, T, T3, 600, 650, 700p, Centro and i REALLY wanted to like this phone but i can't. i never used an iphone so i can't compare. but it pains me to write this and it pains me to return this phone. it also pains my wallet because i gave my perfectly good Centro to my sister on Saturday so i have to buy a brand new Centro. it will only be $50 after rebate but it's the principle. at least my sister has a nice phone she likes.

there are some great things about the Pre - the beautiful display is nice. and the GMAIL IMAP PUSH instant email is nice too. but i can't find much more.

this has been a good experience although a little painful. the positives are it forced me to clean up my PIM data and move to GMAIL for personal email - something i've been putting off forever. and i had the thrill of a new device - which faded too soon.

lessons learned -

1. always do a "Frozen in Time" Last Backup of your old device in its format before you migrate to the new device. On SD Card or USB Drive if you can. you need the time machine to get back if there's trouble in the future.
2. always keep your old device and accessories for a minimum of 2 weeks before you sell or give them away. even if you THINK you love the new device at first.
3. be skeptical of 1.0 generation devices. don't believe the hype.

i hope all of you that bought the PRE do really enjoy it. this is obviously just my personal opinion. so i go get another Centro and put alll of my data back on it so all will be right again in my world. i've said this before but PalmOS is like an old shoe. it's not the flashiest thing, but it sure is comfortable and worn in and just feels good. my only concern is - where do i go when PalmOS is EOL?

RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
pretastic @ 2/25/2010 3:06:12 PM # Q
Gekko, I have never heard anyone complain of the sound quality of the phone; mine is fantastic. Your note was too long to read completely, but I think you just got a bad unit and maybe you should give a new one a fair trial. Moreover, while we all have our own preferences, I cannot imagine anyone prefering the Centro to the Pre. I had a Treo, and while I liked it, it is not anywhere close to the great device that is the Pre. I do wish that Palm had made the transition between phones easier and that it had updated versions of things like Docs To Go right out of the box. Third party software you have to purchase is also not a substitute for functionality that previously was included in your products. I know several people who are waiting for further upgrades before taking the plunge and moving to the Pre. IMO, Palm made a strategic mistake in not making the needs and desires of its loyal base among its highest priorities. That said, despite the gloom and doom of the analysts and pundits, the company still can turn things around with what is generally acknowledged to be a great platform and a sweet piece of hardware.
RE: Breaking News: Palm Cuts 2010 Revenue Estimates
Gekko @ 2/25/2010 3:20:31 PM # Q

pretastic - i'm glad you're enjoying your Pre. my only advice is to make sure that your data is somehow synced and/or backed up on something other than Palm's locked proprietary data silo (ie webOS and servers). because if the company suddenly goes tits-up, you don't want your data going with it.

good luck.

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RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
e_tellurian @ 2/25/2010 7:31:32 PM # M Q
A little metal could go along way. A better use for metal than war.


RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
Gekko @ 2/26/2010 2:25:17 PM # Q


Close Price -0.43 (-6.58%)
4:00:00 PM EST

RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
e_tellurian @ 2/26/2010 9:01:45 PM # M Q
Palm is under valued and getting ready for a significant increase in value. Once their role as a pioneer is accounted for more will see Palms true value.


RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
e_tellurian @ 2/26/2010 9:38:46 PM # M Q
The economy is holding back innovation. A poor economy can assist in the negative effects of intellectual genocide. A healthy economy prevents intellectual genocide by allocating funds for innovative content to get to market.


RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
Gekko @ 2/27/2010 4:25:47 AM # Q

E-T - stop shitting all over this site and go get help now -

The CMHA's programs assist with employment, housing, early intervention for youth, peer support, recreation services for people with mental illness, stress reduction workshops and public education campaigns for the community.

RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
e_tellurian @ 2/27/2010 9:57:56 AM # M Q
Thanks for your thoughts and concern.

In 2011 my health will be much better. Intellectual genocide caused by the consequence of war will stop once peace is established. Innovative ideas can come to market and will when more people can choose peace. Innovation is not well understood by some people and this can also lead to intellectual genocide. Misdiagnosed mental illness when it is a cash flow issue could be an example of misunderstanding and a lack of understanding the value of innovative thoughts.

A war has interrupted our innovative flow and created a cash flow issue for this segment of the economy. Once peace is established more will understand the value of innovation with less misunderstandings and misdiagnosed mental illness.


RE: Palm CEO Explains To Employees Why The Company Is Toast
e_tellurian @ 2/27/2010 11:49:53 AM # M Q
 This virtual ship with the help of Bluetooth can sail well into the future encouraging peaceful trade and interaction. Like any ship it takes many people to sail her to her destination and many sagas she will endure to share the wealth of her cargo. Those familiar with innovation and the many sagas it takes to get to the destination may reflect on those that came before to help build North America. Like the sagas of the past e-knarr too will get to her destination. My ancestors used to build ships to trade with the world. Perhaps I am following in this tradition of adventure and exploration.E-
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