Treo 650 No Longer for Sale at

The Treo 650 is no longer offered for sale on Palm's website. The 650's product information page is still posted but states "This device is no longer available" and recommends Palm's current Treo 680 and 700 series.

The Treo 650 was announced by Palm in October 2004.

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650 still on sale alongside 680 on Palm's UK shop

ChiA @ 12/4/2006 2:28:39 PM # Q
Incredibly they're still selling the 650 at £399 but the 680 for £299!!!

As I said in a previous post ( given this choice only a crack head or someone with some perverted antenna fetish will pay £100 more for the less that is the 650. Well what's the old saying, there's a sucker born every minute...

Oh and SeldomVisitor, can you believe that £285 is now worth $564 US dollars and not the $550 you pointed out to me last week! It seems you're still not working hard enough, I'm holding you responsible for letting the dollar slide!!!


Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. Aaron Levenstein

RE: 650 still on sale alongside 680 on Palm's UK shop
SeldomVisitor @ 12/4/2006 2:49:29 PM # Q
> ...Oh and SeldomVisitor, can you believe that £285 is now worth $564
> US dollars and not the $550 you pointed out to me last week! It seems
> you're still not working hard enough, I'm holding you responsible for
> letting the dollar slide!!!

Well, at least you got the POV right - it was the dollar sliding rather than the pound rising!


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Buh-bye Treo 650...

joad @ 12/4/2006 8:02:37 PM # Q
Only those who like longer battery life or live for the thrill of file-juggling-to-the-SD-card-and-back will shed a tear over this news.

Basically, the real practical difference between the 650 and 680 (ignoring the price - which all carriers play with) is that the 680 has an appropriate amount of RAM and less battery life. Oh yeah - the antenna has been internalized (finally).

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I wonder how Sprint will treat my insurance

hmayesh @ 12/4/2006 10:30:42 PM # Q
Does this mean Sprint will run out of 650 referbs and if my phone craps out I'll get a 700p instead?

Visor Delux->Visor Platnum->Visor Prism->M505->Clie TJ?->Clie SJ33->Tungsten C->Treo 650 Sprint-> Treo 700p?
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ragavendra @ 11/20/2008 8:48:43 AM # Q
Treo 650 series was not found and you are correct,but this is a good one compared to the other two series .

[url=]Sale By Owner[/url]

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