Palm Quietly Admits to Further 700p ROM Update Delays

Avid Palm OS Treo users who either criticized or shunned the announcement of the Foleo in anticipation of the forthcoming 700p ROM update aka "Maintenance Release" are not going to be happy campers after today's announcement. The latest turn of events in the now year-long drama of the flawed 700p concerns a small update made to the official Palm Blog by Paul Loeffler, Palm's Public Relations Manager.

Buried deep within the user replies to a Palm blog post from two weeks ago, today's post by Mr. Loeffler states that the 700p update has been delayed yet again. Previous instances of Palm announcing new delays in the 700p's update schedule can be found here, here, and here. In a nutshell, Palm hopes to bring the Sprint version of the 700p update out tomorrow (Friday June 1st) but the Verizon update is delayed for an undetermined amount of time for reasons unknown. Mr. Loeffler promises an additional blog update on Friday.

Treo 700p photosThe Treo 700p has now been on the market for more than a year on both Sprint and Verizon networks, with many customers' devices already being out of the one-year factory warranty period. In that time frame, Sprint has EOL'd the 700p and launched its successor in the 755p, the Treo 680 has received several small updates and one comprehensive ROM update, and Palm has announced a third product line under the guise of "Foleo".

The previous ROM update release dates were estimated to be May the 28th and then quickly revised to "the week of the 28th". Sprint has already EOL'd the 700p in favor of its mildly refreshed replacement the 755p. Verizon is still mum on a possible 755p release on their network, but several rumors have circulated on various online forums claiming that the Verizon version is being prepped for an early to mid-June release. This latest ROM update delay could center around specific differences between the 700p versions found on Verizon and Sprint and/or minor tweaks being made to Verizon's version of the 755p. Verizon's 700p Phone Info screen shows a software version of 1.06 while Sprint indicates a 1.08 revision.

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jnunez @ 5/31/2007 11:51:34 PM # Q
My boss got me the insurance. Maybe I can drop it under a truck wheel and get the 755P?

Pilot 1000 -> IIIe(w/ Ricochet wireless modem) -> Handspring -> 700P -> ????
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'Palm's Public Relations Manager'. What a job title that is...

empire devil @ 6/1/2007 12:17:05 AM # Q
Absolutely disgusting. Nice of them to creep in and update the blog 6 entries down. Whatever it takes to keep that image of the "folly O" at the top I guess. While I don't think I can put my 700p under a truck like the above post, I sure would have a difficult time restraining myself if "Hawk" and his "3rd product" were standing in front of me. Third rail is more like it.

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Glad I have a 700wx

theog @ 6/1/2007 2:06:21 AM # Q
LOL... I was waiting on this all day... I knew they were going to delay the update... just like palm...

BTW, I'm hearing the 755 has some issues as well... You might want to move back to a clamshell... lol...

Vote for John Kerry... best man for the job.

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The 700wx is a much better product

itster @ 6/1/2007 6:30:56 AM # Q
I had the 700 wx and it ran very well, but as a RE Agent, the ge software is extremely important to me to open lockboxes to get into homes. the software GE engineered taked 45 seconds to load on a wm2005 system, that's if it doesnt crash first. that's a real shame!

This piece of crap (700p) is an insult to ones intelligence. The amzing thing is, the 680 got the update first.

Paul thanked the users for their responses. I know if i would have read that blog i wouldn't say thank you, i would be curled up in a corner with my thumb in my mount, crying and calling for my mommy. It's a good thing no one knows where he lives.. people are very angry! I myself have never seen such anger about one single item

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legal action against palm

tclark @ 6/1/2007 7:29:50 AM # Q
I have been a long-term Palm user, but I have bought my last Palm device with this disastrous 700p. In the meantime, I am stuck with another 18 months of a contract with Alltel for a device that doesn't work.

I am planning to file a consumer complaint against Alltel with the NC Attorney General, and I would encourage others to do the same in their own states.

The idea of filing a lawsuit against Palm makes me salivate, but it would be too expensive and time-consuming for an individual. However, if the carriers begin to get heat from the consumer product sections of their states, it might encourage them to turn up the heat on Palm.

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My 700p seems OK

Gekko @ 6/1/2007 7:46:08 AM # Q

my new 700p (Hardware A, ROM 1.08, Sprint) operationally seems to be comparable to my 650 but it crashes less - probably due to more cache/heap.

i wonder if people having problems have a rogue app(s) loaded?

if not already done, maybe try a hard reset, test, and the clean install of apps one by one with test after each?

i only have about 5 simple apps installed.

i love the higher RAM, more cache/heap, and EVDO.

what's the alleged BT problem? i never use it.

what other problems are people having?

RE: My 700p seems OK
sungod @ 6/1/2007 7:54:35 AM # Q
Not only do I not own a Treo700 they don't even sell it in my country and I know whats wrong with the Bluetooth stack.
How long have you been on this forum?
It can't stay connected to anything. Not ear peaces, not keyboards, not GPS receivers.

How good are cargo pants, they're a gadget lovers best friend.
RE: My 700p seems OK
jnunez @ 6/1/2007 6:19:31 PM # Q
"what's the alleged BT problem? i never use it."

Dude! Drop alleged for your statement. It's a fact. I was lucky to have read about the BT problems before buying a headset. I paired my brother's headset to my 700p and it failed on the first call attempt. As soon as the screen dimmed I lost the call.

I have tried all of the recommendations about removing extra software and still. I can let it with just the factory installed apps, not even the couple of freebies that Sprint threw in and Bzzz lock up or restart.

Plus if I go into a tunnel while on a train my screen blanks out which sucks cause all I want to do is type out a response to an email.

Pilot 1000 -> IIIe(w/ Ricochet wireless modem) -> Handspring -> 700P -> ????

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Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies

mikecane @ 6/1/2007 7:47:48 AM # Q
Hey, Palm! Keep pushing potential customers to the iPhone.

Steve Jobs & Co.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
Gekko @ 6/1/2007 7:50:13 AM # Q

"I hate the Apple thing. It's a "cultural problem." More specifically, the turtlenecked, Steve Jobs, thumb-up-the-ass, liberal-with-too-much-money "cultural problem."
RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
mikecane @ 6/1/2007 9:03:25 AM # Q
You prefer the Bill Gates Let's Just Steal It approach, huh?

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/1/2007 10:00:44 AM # Q
I'll take Bill Gates approach any day... I guess michilen stole from goodyear when they made tires round? or better yet, LG stole from maytag when they made washing machines right??

The steal approach is a stupid and childesh way to think. It gives you an excuse to hate the best. MS would never take this long to update an os or anything they have. They even are giving consumers wm2006 free..

Keep thinking Palm likes you buddy. You're just a sucker to them. Dumb sheep like republicans are/were when they voted the worst president in our history into office for a second term.

Good Luck with your Palm thinking

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/1/2007 10:06:41 AM # Q
I gues it's Palm that has a feature in the call history that allows me to call any number from a single contact right from the call history right?

or better yet, i can type any part of someones name and it just actively searches just like the palm right?

That's just 2 things that make the w model better

But you gotta love palms idea of putting a robust os like wm2005 on a treo with a crappy processor huh? nice sabotage attempt by palm.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
mikecane @ 6/1/2007 10:08:36 AM # Q
>>>The steal approach is a stupid and childesh way to think.

What are you, fifteen?

Anyone who's been alive during the rise and metastasizing of MS knows its history.

And it is one of outright theft.

This is not to say they haven't come up with some brilliant, original stuff (eventually!) -- a lot of the stuff for TabPC is brilliant.

Go read some books about MS, you moron, since you probably weren't even in your daddy's testicles at the time.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
mikecane @ 6/1/2007 10:09:46 AM # Q
>>>But you gotta love palms idea of putting a robust os like wm2005 on a treo with a crappy processor huh? nice sabotage attempt by palm.

Even on a robust CPU WinMob is crap. get real.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/1/2007 10:21:36 AM # Q
First of all im 42 and second of all you're an idiot..

I am a Network administrator, systems administrator, exchange administrator and a citrix administrator.

The mouse idea cam from xerox and Apple was given permission to use the idea. Second of all you idiot, Apple tried to corner the market with their systems by making it propriotary!!

Windows was made for the general public you ass and that's why it a better product. Apple is still in the pc business because of Bill Gates and no one else. They're kissing MS ass right now and thanking god that Bill didn't let them blow in the wind like a pile of dried shit by creating office for the mac.

The ipod came much later! If it wasn't for Bill Apple would be a Rotten Apple right now.

The industry needs to kiss Bills Ass and you're too stupid to know anything about the Technical market. You use your phone for fun, we they majority that are complaining use the phone for business. When the phone resets itself during an important call with my clients, it's embarrassing.

I had the wx and it worked amazingly better than any palm device i have ever had (650 and 700).

I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that you're a republican and voted blindly for Bush.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
PacManFoo @ 6/1/2007 10:57:38 AM # Q
Man, you have some serious issues. Let go of the mouse, step away from the keyboard. Go throw some darts at your Bush dartboard for awhile and calm down.

Apple tried to corner the market with their systems by making it propriotary

At the time all computers where propriotary. Microsoft doesn't build computer so they had to have partners to put their software on devices.

Apple is still in the pc business because of Bill Gates and no one else.

True to a point, but I think Steve Jobs and the Macintosh had a little something to do with it as well.

MS would never take this long to update an os or anything they have.

Ever heard of Vista?

PDA's Past and Present:
Palm - IIIxe, Vx, M500, M505, Tungsten T, TX
Handspring - Edge, Platinum, Deluxe
Sony - SJ22
Apple - MP110, MP2000, MP2100

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
ChiA @ 6/1/2007 1:03:56 PM # Q

First of all im 42

Apple tried to corner the market with their systems by making it propriotary

Wow, 42 and still can't spell PROPRIETARY, P-R-O-P-R-I-E-T-A-R-Y.

You can look it up its meaning in the dictionary now that you know how to spell it.

Hopefully you'll then understand that all of Microsoft's operating systems since MS-DOS have been or are proprietary. The difference between Microsoft and Apple in the eighties is that Microsoft, not having a hardware division of its own to protect was crafty in offering their system to anyone who made a PC compatible, the rest is history.

So whilst Windows has become a de facto standard, it's still very much PROPRIETARY. If anything Mac OS X has become less proprietary by the fact it uses its Darwin open source underpinnings which are UNIX based.

If you want find out just how PROPRIETARY Windows is (and make Billy Gates laugh) go ask Microsoft for the Vista source code.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/1/2007 3:30:28 PM # Q
hey idiot..

First of all, when you grow up, you will understand spelling means nothing as long as people know what you mean and obviously you knew enough to correct my spelling. I for one couldn't care less, but if i did, then i would try to cover up my lack on intelligence by trying to correct others for no apparent reason.

As you can see, Apple failed and begged gates to write office for his failing piece of crap.

Second of all, pro-pie-it-airy meaning Apple did not want anyone to have the ability to write software for their systems or make hardware idiot. I think it's time for you to go to school or have mommy feed you your apple sauce. Grown ups have better things to do.

You're picking on Vista? You are a true idiot!! Security leaks found and patched within a week.

You're right Steve jobs had a lot with the survival of Apple, he beged gates for survival by asking for office and money. Gates has a huge investment in Apple you fool.

Hey if the worlds decisions were up to you, we would all be paying for browsers. You can thank Bill for that free browser you are using no matter which one you are using.

You should be kissing Bill's ass instead of insulting his intelligence

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
theog @ 6/1/2007 3:48:22 PM # Q
Yes, Kiss Bills ass!!!!


Vote for John Kerry... best man for the job.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
mikecane @ 6/1/2007 3:57:53 PM # Q
>>>Windows was made for the general public you ass and that's why it a better product.

Oh, this guy's not biased.

>>>The industry needs to kiss Bills Ass and you're too stupid to know anything about the Technical market.

Hey, numbnuts, be glad for people like me. We have to hire dinks such as you. Otherwise you'd just starve to death.

>>>You use your phone for fun, we they majority that are complaining use the phone for business. When the phone resets itself during an important call with my clients, it's embarrassing.

I don't know wtf that has to do with anything. Except that it seems we are in agreement that the Treo needs every damned update and fix it can get.

>>>I had the wx and it worked amazingly better than any palm device i have ever had (650 and 700).

I don't doubt that. System 4 was a peach. I miss my Hacks!

>>>I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that you're a republican and voted blindly for Bush.

No, Nader. And I'd do it again. And I hope that makes me your worst nightmare.

The rest of you: Oy, leave the guy alone with his spelling. It's easy to lose track of letters in the heat of jousting. I believe in slack.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/1/2007 5:55:32 PM # Q

I have to laugh, you hire people like me.. funny guy.

I'm not biased at all, any product that does well, i mention it and embrace it.

What should i do, commercials like Apple and attempt to insult people's intelligence?

No one has ever been my nightmare, i couldn't care less.

When using the phone for fun, you don't care about resets or buggy items. That's wtf that statement is saying. for example: if the phoen resets when talking to a friend and the phone resets, you will just call back and complain about the reset. when you're talking to an important client, it's embarrassing.. thats wtf is the difference..

he is standing up for palm and their incompetence by putting down MS.. that's just plain stupid.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
ChiA @ 6/1/2007 8:20:28 PM # Q
Hey idiot...First of all, when you grow up, you will understand spelling means nothing as long as people know what you mean
I for one couldn't care less

Oh that's classic coming from someone who's even proud that he chooses to remain ignorant of proper spelling.

I think it's time for you to go to school

Been there, done that, it's where I learnt how to spell.
I guess you couldn't care less about spelling back then either.

Imagine if all coders were as slack as you with how they spelled program instructions whilst coding ( , ) then hardly anything would work!

It's the same with human languages. Bad spelling means it takes more effort to figure what's actually been written and trying to figure out what it means.

Back to the topic on hand, it does seem odd that Palm should diversify into the Foleo when it's struggling to support its current smartphone business. It could even be taken as a sign that even Palm feels it's not competent enough in the smartphone arena.

Just how radically different is the 700p from the 755 internally? In fact just how different is the 755 from the 700p? Perhaps the easiest thing for Palm to do is to simply put the 755 firmware into the 700p.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/2/2007 6:31:03 AM # Q
first of all you're an idiot to pick on spelling issues when it means nothing.
second of all you just mentioned stuff that has been mentioned a 100 times..

be quiet and get a clue.

seriously, how stupid are you when you actually sit and read blogs looking for spelling and grammar issues.. you really need a life..

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/2/2007 6:41:47 AM # Q
and you just compared stuff written in blogs to coding. what an idiot!

hey great idea let's compare a firecracker blowing up in a can to a terrorist blowing up a car. after all, they're both explosions

you will learn the real meaning of igorance one day, it's obvious you have a long way to go

oh damn, look my sentences started off without caps too!

i should copy and paste this stuff in word like you do so it can look so nice and perfect

look no periods in some areas, for shame

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
ChiA @ 6/2/2007 8:32:10 AM # Q
what an idiot!

Calling anybody who disagrees with you an idiot doesn't make your arguments any more valid. In fact people who lack any credible argument are usually the first to resort to personal attacks.

Like it or loath it, eef evirbode wuz slack weth thir speling ande staartid speling wat thay rote ani way they diceidid tu becuz thay feltt thate whey thin comunicashun staarts gitin veriy deiphikolte.

You call me ignorant yet I'm not the one who admits to not being able to spell.

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
mikecane @ 6/2/2007 12:31:33 PM # Q
Oy. Just ignore this guy itster. It's apparent his handle is missing two letters up front: sh

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/3/2007 10:10:17 AM # Q
ChiA and Mike:


I have more important fish to fry. You guys are fools

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
twrock @ 6/3/2007 10:32:14 AM # Q

(Italics off, maybe?)

Thinking about Vista? Think again:
Want an alternative? Try this: or
RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
itster @ 6/3/2007 1:42:17 PM # Q

Everyone that has picked on silly stuff like spelling or grammar issues isworking for palm!

These people are paul and the programmers.. They're trying to get your mind off the subject! ahah!

RE: Like Nokia, Palm Makes Its Own Enemies
ChiA @ 6/6/2007 6:52:52 AM # Q
Everyone that has picked on silly stuff like spelling or grammar issues is working for palm!

You wouldn't think that if you actually bothered to read my posts.

his handle is missing two letters up front: sh

Well hopefully someone's pulled the chain and flushed, those posts had such an overpowering smell!

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Seriously, is anyone surprised?

nybble @ 6/1/2007 8:48:07 AM # Q
Is anyone really surprised that they aren't getting this out? I suspect they're secretly employing the ostrich method to deal with the 700p problem and hoping that all 700p owners will upgrade to the 680 or something and obviate the need for a patch.

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One less blog to read now

mikecane @ 6/1/2007 9:04:44 AM # Q
>>>Buried deep within the user replies to a Palm blog post from two weeks ago, today's post by Mr. Loeffler states that the 700p update has been delayed yet again.

Why bother if they're going to bury news like that?

Rename it Palm Pravda!

RE: One less blog to read now
SeldomVisitor @ 6/1/2007 9:26:11 AM # Q
> ...Rename it Palm Pravda!

There is no news in Pravda; there is no truth in Izvestia.

RE: One less blog to read now
itster @ 6/1/2007 10:02:25 AM # Q
In a couple of years they're going to Foldeo.

Why do you think they agreed for wm2005 to be installed on treos?

Surely you just if you think they're doing well

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I'm shocked

whydidnt @ 6/1/2007 12:08:36 PM # Q
In other news, it was announced today that Humans need air to survive.

Palm is too busy working on huge, worthless devices to actually patch their top-of-line device released more than a year ago. Remind me again why the he11 we continue to buy stuff from this company.

RE: I'm shocked
theog @ 6/1/2007 3:59:31 PM # Q
well, Palm's products suck, but they are the best thing going right now. I can't think of another device I'd have with sprint other than a treo... I need a touch screen so the Q is out for me... and yes, I've tested it. The other devices no go for me...

And for the fact, most of us have been with palm for years... we are attached and keep the hope that they will return to a past glory. We are a sad bunch....

Vote for John Kerry... best man for the job.

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palmstory @ 6/1/2007 3:55:23 PM # Q
This latest delay was the final straw for me... ...

Everybody's asking ME, given my passionate Apple persona:

Am I getting iPhone?

Well, I'd like to, once it's out, and I know what it does and doesn't do. The biggest concern is to be able to take ALL my Palm Desktop Data into the New and Improved Address Book, with Memos etc... -- all syncing perfectly AS IS, Fields Matching etc. to iPhone!!!! As I've told you, I think, I've been using Entourage for my EMAIL only, not the PIM, but if Apple makes it EASY to MIGRATE all the Palm Desktop Data into iPhone, people would care even less about the Cancellation fees with Verizon and other carriers...

Hopefully iPhone will surpass the hint of the future that Palm hinted at...

Who in their right mind will buy-partner with Palm, if they can't even fix 700p for over a year...

This weeks Palm is SUPPOSED to unveil it's MAINTENANCE Release for my Treo 700p that was SUPPOSED to be a BlueTooth Modem to my Mac Powerbook 17.

That BT Connection was an UGLY JOKE, that has waste COUNTLESS HOURS of my time, plus Palm Tech support who couldn't apologize enough, plus my GOOD FRIENDS at Verizon Wireless..

With Folio ow they want to SUCK IN all other phones, including iPhone:)!, to make themselves RELEVANT again with this FOLIO - External Monitor + Keyboard?!

They already burnt Verizon and other carriers with their LAME Treos, and now this? It's not a REVOLUTIONARY thinking, this is a Saturday Night Live sketch!!!!

Oh BTW, Treos crash, reset themselves, and drop calls... VZWLS has probably the best NETWORK, but what good is it, if Treos SUCK, and now we know why, cause they were THINKING YESTERDAY!!!

Even if their TREOS were working FLAWLESSLY TODAY, there is nothing EARTH SHUTTERING here with Folio. But, given how UNSTABLE and UNRELIABLE Treos are, by the time Palm gets a REAL Smart Phone out, this Folio will be even more of a JOKE, aimed mostly at business folks...

But guess what? Those biz folks want to do Video Chat's on the go (Mac Laptops have built in video cameras), photos, music etc...

And wait till Leopard comes out:)!

I was REALLY hoping that Palm would unveil something as BREATHTAKING as iPhone etc., so to keep Apple from resting on its laurels, and instead it's FOLIO FAILURE:)!!!

When Apple offers Flash Laptops with Instant On/Off etc., in addition to everything else that Mac Laptops come with, who'll need this?


I think yall might enjoy these Steve Jobs Bill Gates videos from Wall Street Journal Tech Conference.... The CONTENT, even if you just listen, not watch, is GREAT... It's much more than just Tech Stuff, it's also about PEOPLE RELATIONSHIPS too, if you pay close enough attention

Click on the top thumbnail and let the videos roll, one after another

Please let me know if this worked on your browser... For me, it only worked on Safari, not Firefox, on my Mac, PB17

Another trick -- even with my Fast Cable Broadband, I had to put the videos on PLA, then on Pause for a minute, so that the Video Stream would Buffer up some more, and video and audio are in better sync when you Resume Play....

And of course, it's so cool to be able to put these videos on Pause, when the phone rings or whatever...


If only POLITICIANS could at least put on a CORDIALITY FEAST like that, without it having to be a FUNERAL!!!! Or, maybe this was a Funeral For The Past:)!?

Also, I couldn't help but recall this quote, one of my favorites:)

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know
to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart”.

-- Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple Computer
the father of iPod, a father, CANCER SURVIVOR!!!

And then Jobs, like he said in one of these videos, showed up at work, and we'll soon (6/15/07?!) have an iPhone, and other stuff!!!!!!!

I liked the term "Cloud Services"!!!!

mikecane @ 6/1/2007 4:01:35 PM # Q
>>>Please let me know if this worked on your browser... For me, it only worked on Safari, not Firefox, on my Mac, PB17

>>>Another trick -- even with my Fast Cable Broadband, I had to put the videos on PLA, then on Pause for a minute, so that the Video Stream would Buffer up some more, and video and audio are in better sync when you Resume Play....

It works fine in Firefox on a PC under Win XP. No Pause needed. That sometimes happens when the servers are being hit hard.

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the best combo

rpa @ 6/1/2007 7:23:21 PM # Q
I am sticking with my el cheapo Moto flip phone (no camera, no music, just makes calls) and a Palm Tungsten E. The Foleo is of no use to me....I was hoping for a new Treo flip phone like the Moto Ming.

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