Comments on: Palm Treo 700p Preview

Palm Treo 700p Smartphone review previewThe eagerly anticipated next generation Palm OS Treo was announced today by Palm. The Palm Treo 700p builds on the success and innovations from the Treo 650 and 700w and brings a number of new capabilities and features to the Palm OS Garnet Treo smartphone.

"The release of this Palm OS based product on the latest high-speed network technology is music to the ears of our dedicated installed base of Palm OS customers and clear validation that we intend to continue to focus on multiple platforms for our solutions," said Ed Colligan, president and chief executive officer of Palm.

Read on for our first impressions, hands on preview of the Palm Treo 700p smartphone...

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just_little_me @ 5/15/2006 12:15:37 AM # Q
Me want UMTS version.


RE: Nice
pascanu @ 5/15/2006 5:35:12 AM # Q
3G is a must in Europe where CDMA is almost absent and uses other frecvency. I would realy buy one of those!

Handspring Visor -> m505 -> Zire71 -> Zire72 -> Treo650
RE: Nice
pascanu @ 5/15/2006 8:11:31 AM # Q
Any word on:
- FAT32 SD card support?
- does the new Blazer v4.5 support frames?

Handspring Visor -> m505 -> Zire71 -> Zire72 -> Treo650
RE: Nice
dsaroff @ 5/15/2006 10:12:16 AM # Q
I would if it had WiFi, too. I guess I don't understand why PPCs can have cellular and WiFi, but Palms don't. grrr.

My guess is Palm is holding out on us
ackmondual @ 5/15/2006 5:46:45 PM # Q
My guess is Palm is holding out on us. After all, if they release an ultimate device now, subsequent models will pale in comparison. A more "legit" guess would be Palm has their hands full making sure the 700p works as bug free, stable, and well as possible that they didn't have the time to entertain wifi.

"Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake? Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn

the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse

My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71 --> Tungsten T3 (with 4 of 6 screws still remaining) ~?~> zodiac 2?

RE: Nice
scstraus2 @ 5/15/2006 10:42:44 PM # Q
UMTS Baby! It must be coming, how come no rumors? Will we have to wait until "Hollywood"?

RE: Nice
PenguinPowered @ 5/16/2006 1:11:50 AM # Q
my guess? Palm UMTS in '09

May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: Nice
freakout @ 5/16/2006 2:58:04 AM # Q
^^ Joking? I was hoping Hollywood would fix that, and a lot sooner than '09...

This sig is a placeholder till I come up with something good
RE: Nice
freakout @ 5/16/2006 5:01:15 AM # Q
...but then Hollywood is WinMob, isn't it...

I love answering my own questions. Move along, nothing to see here...

This sig is a placeholder till I come up with something good

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Looks to be more impressive than its moderate upgrades suggest

hkklife @ 5/15/2006 12:17:45 AM # Q
A surprisingly strong device, based on Ryan's words so far!
Am I perhaps the only person who'd personally rather see Palm keep hacking away at FrankenGarnet to get its speed & stability up to par? I mean, give me a carefully massaged & tweaked 700P anyday over a buggy "revolutionary" memory architecture like the LifeDrive's!

I am very eagerly awaiting launch pricing/carrer availability on this one...

This is the first Treo I've ever even given a second thought to actually purchasing & using as my daily device.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Looks to be more impressive than its moderate upgrades sugges
palmato @ 5/15/2006 7:32:38 AM # Q
I wonder what the memory structure looks like.
Dram: 32M or 64M?
According to the article, space required by Dbcache and DHeap is 28M. In case of a 64M chip that leaves about 32M for OS caching, which would be a bit of a waste, besides hurting battery life.
I believe in 32M.

NVFS: 128M
If 60M are available to the user, I wonder what the other 60 are for. If it's the OS then it's the T5 architecture, otherwise it may be used for other purposes.

Nor Flash: ?
The TX has it, and has faster booting times.

My theory is that the OS in in the Nor Flash, and runs in place (nothing gets cached in ram). Other applications are in the NVFS, which may have the same total space (both available and not) as the TX.
The other possibility is that everything runs off the Nand Flash (both OS and applications) but current limitations of Garnet makes this less likely.
It will up the reviewers to clear up the fog.

One other interesting point to notice, is the interaction in architecture evolution between the handheld and the treo lines. Innovations and corrections get carried from one the other, which should leave some hope that the handhelds will not disappear.
Maybe we'll get a TX2 with larger memory caches in the fall.

Hey Admin: Why do we have to keep two profiles?

RE: Looks to be more impressive than its moderate upgrades suggest
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 1:06:50 PM # Q
I'd assume it's 32 MB RAM / 128 MB flash, the same as the 700w.

RE: Looks to be more impressive than its moderate upgrades suggest
Ryan @ 5/15/2006 1:45:08 PM # Q
Adama is correct. I was also told that the OS itself sits on a 64 MB rom chip and there is no longer a need to decompress the ROM at boot, so this should have a faster reset time like the TX.
RE: Looks to be more impressive than its moderate upgrades sugges
twizza @ 5/16/2006 10:09:56 AM # Q
Uhmm, they put the OS on a chip by itself. I wonder what that will mean in terms of performance all around. I tend to believe that it will all out fly, but that is just me.
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All I can say... -drools-

legodude522 @ 5/15/2006 12:20:04 AM # Q
Holy freaking CRAP! That thing is gonna blow the Treo 700w away.

"The dbheap is now up to 10 MB and the dbcache has a 18 MB capacity." Stability will be amazing with this.

FAT32! 4gb support on the way! :-D ^_^

Now only if there was an HVGA screen, then I'd buy it in a heartbeat but I am still very impressed with Palm on this one.

Palm m125 > Palm Zire 71 > Tapwave Zodiac 1 > Palm Zire 72 > Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000
[url=]Palm screen repair guide for Zire 72 and T|C.[/url]

RE: All I can say... -drools-
ackmondual @ 5/15/2006 5:50:01 PM # Q
wait another model or 2 for HVGA. It just feels right

"Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake? Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn

the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse

My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71 --> Tungsten T3 (with 4 of 6 screws still remaining) ~?~> zodiac 2?

RE: All I can say... -drools-
LiveFaith @ 5/15/2006 6:19:25 PM # Q
Hope U R rite. HVGA and I buy. Hang oooooon T|3!

Pat Horne;
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nothing to see here, move along

stonyboy @ 5/15/2006 12:19:22 AM # Q
ok, how about a review!!! can I receive a call while I am on the data network? can I use more than one BT device at at time? I guess one program crashing takes down the whole thing, this is just what should follow a half baked 600 650 and vz700, what do you people (palm design team) do with you time? I really dont get it, why would i buy this?

RE: nothing to see here, move along
legodude522 @ 5/15/2006 12:30:25 AM # Q
Like I said earlier with my quote-
"The dbheap is now up to 10 MB and the dbcache has a 18 MB capacity." Stability will be amazing with this.

More heap, it will be much more stable in theory. From the overall quality, I'm sure Palm did a great job and from what Ryan described.

Palm m125 > Palm Zire 71 > Tapwave Zodiac 1 > Palm Zire 72 > Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000
[url=]Palm screen repair guide for Zire 72 and T|C.[/url]

700p Review notes
Ryan @ 5/15/2006 12:33:39 AM # Q
the data on the call problem is an issue with all 1xRTT devices.

Since the 700p uses EVDO first, you will not have that problem.

Bluetooth v1.2 does allow you to use more than one Bluetooth device at a time.

Like Lego said, with the RAM increase and other tweaks, this should be a more stable device. I have yet to get my review unit so I can't test that out. More details will be forthcoming in the full review.

RE: nothing to see here, move along
hkklife @ 5/15/2006 12:55:03 AM # Q

Any idea-even a ballpark one-when they will be actually available for sale from Sprint & Verizon? Same pricing as the 700W currently on Verizon ($500 w/ 2-year contract)?

Early to mid June retail availability would be my guess. I'll also wager it'll be ~$50 cheaper than the "W" variant due to no M$ licensing fees and the carriers generally "positioning" the Microsoft OS offering as the premium product.

So the 700P has in its favor ( as far as clear cut technical advantages) a higher-res screen, standard DUN and voice recording. It loses out on not having screen rotation & voice command functionality (no biggie). Add in the intangibles of the Palm OS and you're looking at quite a strong device.

However, I am worried that they ho-hum formfactor and "old" Garnet will keep this thing from being anywhere near the runaway success the 650 was.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: nothing to see here, move along
Ryan @ 5/15/2006 1:25:47 AM # Q
Sprint and Verizon will be announcing official availability and pricing at a later date.

I would guess based on previous leaks that it will be in stores at the End of May - Early June timeframe.

RE: nothing to see here, move along
Simony @ 5/15/2006 2:18:21 AM # Q
OK, guys, let's not get too carried away with all this. I suggest we see what this is really like; when people can actually get the mits on these things. Who knows what new bugs may be waiting for us?

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their profits.
RE: nothing to see here, move along
meeksomebody @ 5/15/2006 5:52:45 AM # Q
I'm aghast. How could this be? No Wi-Fi (I hope for GSM, they'll offer it) and only 60MB?

Anyway, WinMob is free to manufacturers... I think...

RE: nothing to see here, move along
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 1:16:07 PM # Q
Anyway, WinMob is free to manufacturers... I think...

No, they have to pay to license it, the same as Palm OS.

RE: nothing to see here, move along
freakout @ 5/16/2006 5:03:51 AM # Q
"Only" 60mb? You ungrateful swine! :P Us 650 owners have been making do with a thimbleful of RAM for ages now. 60mb will be manna from heaven...

This sig is a placeholder till I come up with something good
RE: nothing to see here, move along
sdeetz @ 5/27/2006 4:09:36 PM # Q
the data on the call problem is an issue with all 1xRTT devices.

Since the 700p uses EVDO first, you will not have that problem.

Not true. EV-DO does not support simultaneous voice and data calls. However, new new EV-DO devices (including the Palm 700p and 700w) will resume data sessions where they left off when a voice call comes in.

Surfing the web or downloading email while talking to somebody on the phone is not possible on any EV-DO devices yet. Only HSDPA or EDGE devices on a GSM network will do that.

Qualcomm has said that they are working on another revision for EV-DO in the future that will enable this, but rev B will not have it. (EV-DO rev B will boot maximum data speeds to 3.6 Mbps, similar to HSDPA's 2nd version) So we will have to wait until a possible rev C. Considering that no rev B devices have even been announced yet, rev C is a long way away.

If you have to have simultaneous voice and data, you will have to go with a GSM carrier or wait a long time.

RE: nothing to see here, move along
sdeetz @ 6/9/2006 4:37:06 AM # Q
Good news from Qualcomm...

Apparently the delay of EV-DO rev A has enabled them to do more testing and add in some new features that were to be on later releases.

Phone Scoop is reporting that Qualcomm is currently testing a rev A chip to use VoIP. That would then enable the phone to use VoIP for the voice call and EV-DO for a simultaneous data session. This would get CDMA devices closer to the same functionality as GSM phones that allow both voice and data over the same connection. (CDMA and EV-DO cannot handle voice and data over same connection)

It's not perfect, since VoIP is not always an option. However, it will at least offer us CDMA people an option to be able to be online and answer a incoming call without being kicked out of what we are doing!

Hopefully this is just the beginning of what Qualcomm will be able to come up with for CDMA enhancements.

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'review' of the 700P (more of a detailed preview, actually)

hkklife @ 5/15/2006 1:04:28 AM # Q

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
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Bluetooth 1.2 and music

Bobbert @ 5/15/2006 1:20:57 AM # Q
Anyone know if the Bluetooth 1.2 feature will allow you to listen to music through Bluetooth headsets? (Mono of course, for the typical on the ear headset for phones.)

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RE: Bluetooth 1.2 and music
Ryan @ 5/15/2006 1:24:22 AM # Q
you can currently do this on most Palm devices with Softick Audio Gateway:

However, I do not think the 700p has the required A2DP profile for that to work out the box.

RE: Bluetooth 1.2 and music
Bobbert @ 5/15/2006 6:59:11 AM # Q
I was under the impression that you had to switch a setting... that you had to use a different setting or pairing for call talking vs music.

Can you go back and forth without setting changes? If so I'll get it and start looking for a good headset tomorrow!

Then what do you get for BT v1.2, if not that?

Check out for some great mobile computing info!

RE: Bluetooth 1.2 and music
timepilot84 @ 5/15/2006 12:49:43 PM # Q
Then what do you get for BT v1.2, if not that?

BT 1.2 adds some features to make it play nice with other applications in the 2.4 Ghz ISM band. In 1.1, it would hop all over the band without regard to other users on that band. BT wouldn't be affected by the interference, but would interfere with other users of the band (802.11b+g, wireless phones, etc.). BT 1.2 primarily makes Bluetooth a good citizen in the 2.4Ghz ISM band.

RE: Bluetooth 1.2 and music
Bobbert @ 5/15/2006 3:47:51 PM # Q
Aha! I see.
Thanks, TimePilot, for the clear and simple answer!!

Check out for some great mobile computing info!
RE: Bluetooth 1.2 and music
buckeyetex315-2 @ 5/15/2006 5:15:31 PM # Q
The headset device also has to support the A2DP profile, not just the Palm. Most mono / single ear BT headsets do not support this profile. Haven't had a chance to check out the other new article on Palm's new headset. Does it support the A2DP profile?


Palm Vx -----> LONG WAIT -----> Palm T|X

RE: Bluetooth 1.2 and music
buckeyetex315-2 @ 5/15/2006 5:15:31 PM # Q
The headset device also has to support the A2DP profile, not just the Palm. Most mono / single ear BT headsets do not support this profile. Haven't had a chance to check out the other new article on Palm's new headset. Does it support the A2DP profile?


Palm Vx -----> LONG WAIT -----> Palm T|X

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Now that 700P is 'out' what about rumored Treo 650 ROM update?

hkklife @ 5/15/2006 1:27:49 AM # Q
Remember the "lowtide" update for the Treo 650 that was rumored a few weeks ago?

FAT32 SD driver, wi-fi SDIO driver, PTunes instead of Real, further NVFS optimizations and MobiTV on Cingular were some of the most notable improvements claimed over on TreoCentral's forums.

If Palm doesn't have a POS GSM Treo in the works for later in the year then perhaps a huge ROM update for the ancient 650 is the best that will be offered for GSM POS diehards.

Either way, I highly doubt we'll be seeing wi-fi drivers for ANY Treo. I also think a Treo 650 update of any sort might steal a bit of thunder from the 700P but the average biz user who strolls into a Sprint/Verizon store with $ to burn will nearly ALWAYS buy whatever the newest/latest is and, assuming they even KNOW of such things, cannot be bothered with researching firmware update status etc.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Now that 700P is 'out' what about rumored Treo 650 ROM update
neuron @ 5/15/2006 1:25:16 PM # Q
If the so called "lowtide" firmware doesn't include wifi driver and PTUNE, it is highly possible. Replacing realplay with PTUNE will cost PALM tons of money, and wifi driver is a mission impossible, therefore the rumor will not turn into truth forever.

But I believe some guys will finally get the treo 700p ROM out and extract some files out and put into treo 650.

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Not good, some news from elsewhere...

fierywater @ 5/15/2006 1:35:55 AM # Q
Just checking up on the 700p, and Engadget posted something rather negative. Namely, that the SDIO slot will not support WiFi, there's no voice dialing over BT, and there will be no official support for SD cards over 2GB.

Am I the only one who finds the lack of a WiFi driver depressing?

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
hkklife @ 5/15/2006 1:41:23 AM # Q
-I never, EVER expected wi-fi (SDIO or integrated) in a least not this year or this generation. Palm + the domestic CDMA carriers = one of the GREEDIEST combinations possible.

-Voice dialing is a bummer but even Palm clearly states it on their site (available on 700W but not on 700P). I guess poor ol' FrankenGarnet wasn't up to that particular task. A shame seeing as I've had that for what, ~2years on my Motorola CDMA cell phones and gotten used to it, especially when using a BT headset.

-Who cares if it officially supports 4gb SD cards or not? The SD Consortium hasn't even ratified or made available the spec for cards larger than 2gb! All of the 4gb cards on the market now are decidedly "YMMV" and produced out of spec anyway. I am sure Palm will somehow address SDHC compatability when it's trickling into the marketplace later this summer. Palm's been a staunch SD support since 2000...they are not going to drop the ball on an ultra-important flagship product like the Treo 700 series.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
fierywater @ 5/15/2006 6:48:20 AM # Q
It was more the SDIO WiFi thing that disappointed me. I really can't justify the idea of buying a smartphone without it; data prices are too high in the U.S. still.

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
jfme @ 5/15/2006 8:03:15 AM # Q
"It was more the SDIO WiFi thing that disappointed me. I really can't justify the idea of buying a smartphone without it; data prices are too high in the U.S. still."

I agree... Not only the cost, but the speed of WiFi makes it a big factor on my pda/phone buying decision. It is unfortunate because I would love to stay with Palm, but it seems that pretty soon the "dark side" will be only way to go if you want total wireless freedom.

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
LiveFaith @ 5/15/2006 9:59:30 AM # Q
Carriers + Wireless Freedom = oxymoron

Palm must have felt compelled to cave to their #1 mission critical customers.

Pat Horne;

RE: Garnet OS & Treo700P hardware not upto voice dialing...
ReadOnly @ 5/15/2006 10:38:35 AM # Q
Garnet OS & Treo700P hardware not upto voice dialing is simply...

The Kyocera 7135 using PalmOS4.1(!!!!) was capable of voice diaing years ago, and that was using a paltry 33MHz Dragonball processor, for Pete's Sake!

With so many states legislating handsfree dialing, this is a GOT TO HAVE feature for something so powerful as a new Treo. ESPECIALLY in light of the offering of this feature from 3rd party software houses!

No, IF this feature is missing from the 700P, then the reason probably lies in one (or more) of the following areas:

A- lack of talent/expertise within Palm combined with a strong NIH factor

B- unwillingness to offer something a bit less than the "Holy Grail" of VR (absolute total voice command without any type of voice training)

C- lack of management's ability partner with an outside firm to bring the needed expertise to their product line

D- pressure from greedy carriers who would prefer to CHARGE you every month for a voice dial feature

One last thing - hands free voice dialing/answering (and whatever features of app control made available) should ABSOLUTELY be available over BlueTooth!

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
jfme @ 5/15/2006 10:47:43 AM # Q
"Carriers + Wireless Freedom = oxymoron"

I understand... What I do not is how they make wifi drivers and compatability for the 700w but not for the 700p?

RE: Lack of WiFi ...
ReadOnly @ 5/15/2006 11:07:25 AM # Q
I too would like the fast connectivity of WiFi for Palm Treo's, BUT ... DON'T lament lack of internal WiFi TOO much.

Folks I've talked to with WiFi on WinMob experience indicate it is a VERY VERY SERIOUS battery draining feature.

IMO - A self-powered WiFi sled actually is really not a bad option. It gives you the WiFi connection when you want it, without killing your phone's useful battery life in very short order.

With a sled, you can attach it and use its battery for connectivity when you want WiFi on campus (school or business) or about your home.

When you're on the move, and you don't want to bother with the incremental size and weight of the sled, then you can leave it behind, and rely on your (hopefully reasonably priced) data plan to connect you.

One possible problem with a sled solution could be the data rate a sled/Treo combination could support. I haven't researched this enough comment on how Enfora's offering performs. Anyone with experience in this area with the Treo 650 is requested to please respond...

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 1:19:20 PM # Q
jfme wrote:
I understand... What I do not is how they make wifi drivers and compatability for the 700w but not for the 700p?

Simple. The 700w runs on Windows. The 700p runs on Palm. The drivers for the various cards that work with the 700w wouldn't be able to run on the 700p, regardless of their hardware similarity. It's purely software.

ReadOnly wrote:
Folks I've talked to with WiFi on WinMob experience indicate it is a VERY VERY SERIOUS battery draining feature.

I don't know about that. With a decent sized battery and reasonable efficiency, you can get roughly 5 hours of WiFi on a single charge. That's not that bad.

RE: BlueTooth Voice Dialing on Treo
ReadOnly @ 5/15/2006 2:21:06 PM # Q
Small clarification/update:
Palm's own pages on the Treo 700P show the same situation as with the 650. Namely, that they included a shareware version of VoiceDialIt on CD.

So, if you want the ability to use your voice to control your brand new 700P phone/PDA, it will run you another $20+Tax.

[HOPEFULLY Palm has cleaned up all the OTHER minor faults and foibles of the 650 that drove users to 3rd party software to fix (volume problems, inability to dial a highlighted telephone number, etc, etc, etc). Only time, and in-depth user reviews, will tell]

However, that $20 does NOT allow you to use voice dialing over BlueTooth.

Not even for the JUST released v2.0 of VoiceDialIt (May 08, 2006), as there is no update in VDI-2.0's release notes to indicate otherwise.

VoiceSignal lays the blame at Palm's doorstep, citing issues that "Palm is working" on.

Note that there are various other "neato" flourishes in v2.0 - things like saying "Launch Calendar" will do exactly that. Things that may, or may not, have required Palm to modify the OS to support.

But as for being able to dial your latest Palm phone without either having to be tethered to it or lay your hands on it (i.e. - hands & cord free) - that is "Not Supported".

I hope someone gets a chance to ask Palm's CEO or CTO about this in the near future. I'd love to hear their answer.


RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
Petey @ 6/5/2006 6:26:04 AM # Q
I just purchased the Motorola Q and the 700p (I love my job!!) for testing purposes. I love the Q's form factor but the 700P is the very best smartphone/pda I've ever used. It has almost all of the features I'm looking for (MSFP is missing - hopefully someday soon). The screen is large and very clear. I love being able to use either the stylus or the scroll buttons - the scroll wheel is the only available option on the Q.

My company's using BlackBerry 7250's connected to a BES server for Exchange. Once MSFP is released for the device, I'll be moving people off the Blackberry's and onto the 700p (no license costs, direct integration with the mail server, hopefully no more BlackBerry/Outlook calendar integration problems - should I go on????).

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
SeldomVisitor @ 6/5/2006 8:34:03 AM # Q
At twice the cost it better be better than the Q.

RE: Not good, some news from elsewhere...
AdamaDBrown @ 6/5/2006 1:11:42 PM # Q
I love the Q's form factor but the 700P is the very best smartphone/pda I've ever used. It has almost all of the features I'm looking for (MSFP is missing - hopefully someday soon).

Uh, you are aware that the MSFP is never going to be available for the 700p, right? The MSFP is only for Windows Mobile devices.

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joad @ 5/15/2006 1:28:51 AM # Q
"It includes a 128 MB non-volitile (NVFS) chip for program memory of which 60 MB is user available for program storage."

You gotta be kidding me - if these and the other specs are true, Palm seems to have finally built the device that people have been screaming for since October 2003!!

I have no problem with FrankenGarnet in the Treos - multitasking would be sweet but not essential. The main thing for me is fixing all the problems stemming from the bad amount of "RAM," DBCache, and other self-imposed problems from the hardware department.

Either my calendar's incorrectly not showing April 1st, or it looks like the Palm company has finally figured out that the people who actually purchase and use their devices regularly have valid points that will improve their products, and they are actually LISTENING to us this time.

I've been fooled too many times before over the last 10 years but Palm, so I'll believe it when I've got one in my grubby, cynical old hands....

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Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!

dominic241 @ 5/15/2006 3:17:18 AM # Q
from Palm's website


To use your phone as a modem, a dial up networking plan from your service provider is also required at an incremental cost above and beyond the service provider's regular smartphone data plans. Other Bluetooth wireless products sold separately.

Okay now I know this is no biggie for Sprint, but think of Verizon....

There core choice of unlimited data/voice plan for PDAs is $79.99. Remember the unlimited data is for PDA uage only not tethering.

P.S. Do you think Verizon will actually give in to BT DUN?

Its a sign of the Apocalypse!! Everyone run for your life!! The Next Generation Treo is going to run on...Windows Mobile!! After years of using Palm, and dissing the Pocket PC/Windows Mobile.. it finally will happen!! See the horror on January 5th,2006

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
dominic241 @ 5/15/2006 3:24:24 AM # Q
Hmm....looks like I need to change my of today.. :)

Its a sign of the Apocalypse!! Everyone run for your life!! The Next Generation Treo is going to run on...Windows Mobile!! After years of using Palm, and dissing the Pocket PC/Windows Mobile.. it finally will happen!! See the horror on January 5th,2006
RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 3:51:55 AM # Q
Actually, Verizon's unlimited data plan for smartphones is $45 a month. It's still highway robbery, but, well, less so.

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
dominic241 @ 5/15/2006 9:58:48 AM # Q
AdamaDBrown: I understand the unlimited data plan part, but who here honestly had a Treo, without some sort of voice plan attached to it? Or does the $45 unlimited data, also include minutes?

Its a sign of the Apocalypse!! Everyone run for your life!! The Next Generation Treo is going to run on...Windows Mobile!! After years of using Palm, and dissing the Pocket PC/Windows Mobile.. it finally will happen!! See the horror on January 5th,2006
RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
hkklife @ 5/15/2006 10:47:03 AM # Q
Verizon IIRC has a plan that for $125 or so a month gives you 1350 anytime minutes, unlimited nights & weekends, unlimited mobile to mobile calling and unlimited PDA EVDO data. Text message are 25 cents each or you can buy a $10 monthly chunk of 100 messages to non-Verizon customers with unlimited TXTing to VZW subscribers.

You can also add the $50 PDA/Aircade data package to any regular voice since I am on the $100/month voice plan from VZW my month charges will go up by 50% if I take the Treo plunge.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
hoodoo @ 5/15/2006 11:18:05 AM # Q
$125 a month and they *still* charge for text messaging? and 25 cents each!?! sheesh.

That's outrageous considering the minimal amount of bandwidth sms uses.

and I thought the Canadian carriers were a rip off!

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
pmjoe @ 5/15/2006 11:28:01 AM # Q
> $125 a month and they *still* charge for text messaging? and 25 cents each!?!

OK, well Verizon's data plans are ridiculously priced, but they only charge me something like 2 or 4 cents to receive a text message and 10 to send. Which is ridiculous in and of itself, but it isn't 25 cents a message.

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
SeldomVisitor @ 5/15/2006 11:45:30 AM # Q
Skype now has free PC to mobile or landline calling.

Wifi anyone?

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
hkklife @ 5/15/2006 12:08:05 PM # Q
Sorry, I was thinking of MMS & the Vpix picture messaging pricing. Those (videos & pics) are $.25 to send & receive each. TXT messages are $.10 each to send or receive unless you have a plan-at least that's what it is for me. That's still criminally high.

I was sent about 100 text messages last month from friends & colleagues who have been told NOT to text me unless it's urgent!

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
joad @ 5/15/2006 7:45:55 PM # Q
...which is why "texting" is taking off like a lead balloon in the USA. I shut it off on all of my vulnerable phones, and will kill it on my own phone if I'm forced into a new plan that doesn't automatically include enough to not worry about them.

*MAYBE* a penny or two apiece, with the ability to block senders - then they have a viable proposition. But liability for a dime-quarter everytime someone decides that "LOL OMG" is so important to share that they must intrude into my phone holds no interest for me.

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
palmdoc88 @ 5/16/2006 2:37:32 AM # Q
Never mind about built-in Wifi, just write the frakking SD Wifi drivers!!


You get charged to *receive* SMS?
freakout @ 5/16/2006 5:16:01 AM # Q
Did I read that right? That's criminal! How on Earth do US carriers get away with *that*?! It's not like you can decide when who and when someone will send you text... it'd be like the phone company charging you to receive call. Or the postal service charging you to get mail.

Madness! US citizens should revolt and build their own intricate network of cans-on-string.

This sig is a placeholder till I come up with something good

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
Marshall Flinkman @ 5/16/2006 10:39:27 PM # Q
> it'd be like the phone company charging you to receive call

Um, incoming calls (in the US) are counted as part of your minutes. However, mobile-to-mobile (on the same carrier, of course) is free.

RE: Now I really wish this thing had WiFI!!!
twrock @ 5/17/2006 9:01:17 AM # Q
Um, incoming calls (in the US) are counted as part of your minutes.

Yep, and I always thought that was a terrible idea. It was one of my main reasons for avoiding a "mobile" phone when I lived in the USA. We've got "caller pay" here, and we've got over 100% saturation of cell phones (more phones in service than there are people). Of course there are other factors involved, but seems to me that the US model was at least part of the reason for the slower market there.

It might not be the "mythical color HandEra", but I'm liking my TX anyway.

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Streaming video huh?

dominic241 @ 5/15/2006 3:32:37 AM # Q
So, you guys do you think that maybe we can get a slingbox orr orb to work on the this beaut? I am so anxious....I want a price!!

Its a sign of the Apocalypse!! Everyone run for your life!! The Next Generation Treo is going to run on...Windows Mobile!! After years of using Palm, and dissing the Pocket PC/Windows Mobile.. it finally will happen!! See the horror on January 5th,2006
RE: Streaming video huh?
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 1:23:09 PM # Q
Slingbox, no--they don't have a Palm client. Orb would require you to have support for streaming Windows Media or Real Media. Unfortunately, neither of those is currently supported by the Palm version of TCPMP, and I'm not aware of any other programs which might have such support.

RE: Streaming video huh?
dominic241 @ 5/16/2006 2:47:33 AM # Q
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 1:23:09 PM

Slingbox, no--they don't have a Palm client. Orb would require you to have support for streaming Windows Media or Real Media. Unfortunately, neither of those is currently supported by the Palm version of TCPMP, and I'm not aware of any other programs which might have such support.

It's included on the 700p by default, so technically the 700p should work with Orb...

The Treo 700p comes with its own multimedia application that supports both streaming audio and video called Pocket Tunes. The Treo 700p sports a new Pocket Tunes UI from Normsoft, however you will have to pay for an upgrade to Pocket Tunes Deluxe for "licensed" WMA/PlaysForSuresupport. Of course, the most interesting multimedia feature is support for streaming audio and video (Windows Media Player format including MPEG4, H.264, and others) which the Treo 650 lacked.

Its a sign of the Apocalypse!! Everyone run for your life!! The Next Generation Treo is going to run on...Windows Mobile!! After years of using Palm, and dissing the Pocket PC/Windows Mobile.. it finally will happen!! See the horror on January 5th,2006
RE: Streaming video huh?
bcombee @ 5/16/2006 12:03:35 PM # Q
Kinoma has a deal with Orb to support streaming media, and in fact, it's Kinoma's player that's shipped on the 700p to support streaming Windows Media files.

RE: Streaming video huh?
AdamaDBrown @ 5/16/2006 2:24:06 PM # Q
Oh, cool. As an aside, I just checked the Orb site and found out they also support 3GP video. This is currently supported by TCPMP, but the RTSP streaming method Orb uses isn't. So if TCPMP eventually gets RTSP, that might be another option. Start pestering Picard.

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Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device

Foo Fighter @ 5/15/2006 9:33:02 AM # Q
This is gutting. Nearly five years old and this clinking clanking chitty chitty bang bang OS is still lingering on like a bad line of movie sequels. Palm Trek XII: So Very Tired. I won't be buying the 700p or any further PalmOS-powered devices running Garnet. I have higher standards.

The badly needed UI changes Palm has implemented are certainly appealing...but terribly inconsistent. Only "some" applications have received graphical makeovers, not the launcher screen or UI controls. In the end it's still the same ugly Palm interface I have stared at for these many years. In fact, the interface has remained largely unchanged in the ten years the platform has existed.

Another knock against this product...after three years the Treo 650/700 form factor is getting rather dated. Competition in the smartphone space has yielded a number of more innovative and slimmer, sleeker designs like the upcoming Motorola Q and Nokia E61. Even certain Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) phone models pack considerably more features and larger screens into smaller packages, like the XDA Atom and HTC Prophet reference designs. HP's new iPaq rw6828 looks delicious. I'd much rather have that tiny device with built-in WiFi than a bulky Treo running a geriatric operating system on its death bed.

As for myself, the time is coming to cut the cord with this dying platform and move on to platforms that actually have a future. The top smartphone on my shortlist is the Nokia E61. I love the design; small, thin, full QWERTY keyboard, bright widescreen display, a superior web browser (unlike the pathetic Palm browsers and crashy Opera mini).

Good luck, Palm. You're going to need it. Wake me when you introduce something innovative again.


RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
relyons @ 5/15/2006 10:40:21 AM # Q
Foo Fighter,

It's unfortunate that you have lost complete faith in Palm handhelds.

Your participation will be missed.

Good bye.


RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
hkklife @ 5/15/2006 10:52:40 AM # Q
Foo is right on the $. The form factor is hideously brick-like and looked outdated when it debuted in 2003. You'd think they'd at least have released this thing in a nifty TX-style dark blue/black finish.

However, some of us are forced to go with CDMA carriers for coverage reasons. With the recent rash of CDMA BT hobbling, the Treo 700P is the only realistic choice for some.

It still boils down to the OS. I am not suggesting that there's a future with FrankenGarnet at the core...but for the forseeable future (until the end of '06) this looks to be the lesser of all smartphone evils. I have a feeling the increased DBCache & heap size will REALLY help things...this will probably be the snappiest & most stable Palm device since the halcyon T|C and T3 days. The media capabilities are also unexpected bonuses. It's a shame we cannot get the tweaked OS/apps/cache & heap of the 700P in a data-centric TX style HVGA PDA with an integrated cellular radio...

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
pmjoe @ 5/15/2006 11:41:15 AM # Q
Yep, this thread about covers it so far. When you see other questions posted like: why no WiFi, or why can't I use my Bluetooth headphones with it, etc. it's be cause the OS it's using is basically an ARM emulated Dragonball PDA API for sticking records into a database and showing some window-like user interfaces with basic widgets on the screen. Nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't designed as an OS to access a bunch of integrated peripherals/devices. That Palm has hacked it to do what it can do so far is "impressive", but something that grew old, oh, about 5 years ago.

RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
LiveFaith @ 5/15/2006 12:00:14 PM # Q
FrankieG lives on gentlemen. Verizon's willingness to offer it alongside the highly publicized WinMob version speaks volumes. As hacked and whacked as it is, I would still take it over the WM version 10:1.

Palm has bought itself another product cycle before trying to bring it's own OS solution to the party.

Pat Horne;

RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
Simony @ 5/21/2006 4:38:31 AM # Q
> Good luck, Palm. You're going to need it. Wake me when you introduce something innovative again.

That's one of the biggest problems with the internet - it seems to be populated by fools with overblown opinions of themselves. They think that, just because they can design pretty websites, this gives them the right to subject everyone else to their fatuous views. How about this for innovation, Foo_Fighter: try growing a brain. Until then, take your mediocrity and go bore somebody else with it.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their profits.

RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
SeldomVisitor @ 5/21/2006 8:30:01 AM # Q
You seem to be taking an anti-PALM statement by another poter personally.


RE: Yet another decrepit Garnet-(under)Powered Device
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 5/21/2006 10:42:44 PM # Q

Not really. Simony is an imbecile.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle:

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:

RE: Yet Another Antiquated Garnet-Powered Device
Simony @ 5/22/2006 2:10:05 AM # Q
You're right, of course, I shouldn't say things like that. I retract the statement unreservedly and offer an apology for all those who may find it offensive.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their profits.
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new jack

agjones @ 5/15/2006 10:34:03 AM # Q
Can any one say what kind of headphone jack. it has?

RE: new jack
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 1:30:52 PM # Q
I'm pretty sure it's 2.5mm.

RE: new jack swing
Ryan @ 5/15/2006 1:41:56 PM # Q
It uses a 2.5mm std phone plug, you will still need an adapter for regular stereo headphones.
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Why WiFi

madhatter @ 5/15/2006 8:28:30 PM # Q
I don't understand why someone would want WiFi on an high speed device. The carriers are not going to let you buy one without the data plan. So you are already paying for a data plan and now you want to insert a card and go find a hot spot. Even not having to insert the WiFi card it seems silly to pay $35-$40 per month for data service, and then try to find a "free" WiFi hot spot. Call me crazy, but I am going to milk that $35 -$40 dry.

So, bring on the high speed !!! Never mind the WiFi

A Palm in hand is worth two in your pocket.

RE: Why WiFi
fierywater @ 5/15/2006 10:53:29 PM # Q
Any carrier will let you buy the device without the unlimited data plan. They just assign you a pay-as-you-go plan that you don't pay for unless you use EVDP. That and WiFi is still faster than EVDO.

So there's still a huge benefit, and Palm has failed yet again to realize its importance. I thought after the TX that they had learned how much people like WiFi. Guess not.

RE: Why WiFi
AdamaDBrown @ 5/15/2006 11:21:00 PM # Q
Also, WiFi hooks you into a local network, EVDO doesn't. And WiFi can be used in places like hospitals that require cell phones to be turned off, making for a more ideal VoIP phone.

RE: Why WiFi
Simony @ 5/16/2006 5:09:57 AM # Q
It's deja vu, all over again:

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their profits.

RE: Why WiFi
ChiA @ 5/22/2006 11:16:22 AM # Q
Sony Ericsson, LG, Palm, Motorola, Nokia and Samsung. Which one is the odd one out?

It's Palm of course! Why? The only company amongst the list who haven't announced a smartphone with built-in WiFi.

Other than the Palm OS what else do Treos have to distinguish themselves?

- certainly not 2 megapixel cameras.

- keyboard? Well Motorola, Nokia and RIM have been busy copying that idea.

- ease of use? Well that's very subjective - it seems that people are getting on fine with their "Crackberries".

It is agonising as a long time Palm user to witness Palm's truly glacial pace of change.

"All but the hard hearted man must be torn with pity for this pathetic dilemma of the rich man, who has to keep the poor man just stout enough to do the work and just thin enough to have to do it."
GK Chesterton - Utopia of Usurers, 1917

RE: Why WiFi
slinky @ 5/31/2006 11:48:45 PM # Q
Madhatter, there are numerous reasons why you would want WiFi.

1) EVDO is not available in all areas, especially not when you travel (although WiFi is in every hotel)

2) If you work in a hospital or corporation that has a strong local network you'll only be using WiFi. EVDO is not a substitute nor can you use your mobile phone in many areas although WiFi you can

3) WiFi is much faster than EVDO in general.

Those are for starters. Unfortunately the complete lack of WiFi on the 700p is what killed it from ever being considered in any way by our company. We deploy thousands of mobile devices.

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Tip of the hat/Wag of the finger

Mr_Grumpy @ 5/15/2006 8:04:32 PM # Q
Tip of the hat
Bluetooth 1.2 - very cool. As someone who wants a mp3 phone, stereo/multi device Bluetooth was long overdue.

Memory - 60Mg on board. Nice. Could be more (hey, I'm greedy) but more than adequate for local apps.

SD/MMC - good call. you can always scale up (adapter) and the price is right. --Request-- Please get the 4Gb limit fix.

(side note - Ryan, do you know if it can be used as a USB attached storage without drivers?)

Screen Res - very nice. The only thing better than 320X320 is 320X480 :-)

Camera/non-camera version - THANK YOU!!! As someone who has to work with a "No camera phone" policy, this is a great option. (Also, it makes it cheaper)

Wag of the finger
Phone service - PLEASE don't lock me in. Gimmie GSM! Make it as easy as possible to switch phones. Just pop out/in your card, and you can switch phones.

2.5mm jack - On a little bitty razor, OK. But on a phone this big, why not a standard 3.5mm jack that does mono/mono plus mic/stereo/stereo plus mic?

Wi-Fi - common. It has been out on enough models to work out the kinks. We have proven we will pay extra for it. GIVE IT TO US!!!

RE: Tip of the hat/Wag of the finger
hkklife @ 5/15/2006 10:00:38 PM # Q
-As previously stated, BT 1.2 is still a nice improvement but without the proper A2DP profile on both the Palm (this doesn't have it) and on the headphone (most mono headsets don't have it) your search for the ultimate "mp3 phone" will have to continue.

-SD's 2gb is the CURRENT limit due to the SD Consortium being hideously behind the curve and not ratifying 4gb+ cards. The SDHC spec, coming later this year, should neatly address this issue but then it'll be up to companies like Palm to endorse & verify their devices' compatability with the new SDHC spec.

-Agreed that 320*480 would make for the perfect Treo.

-2.5mm jack on a Razr? The Razr (released in '04) doesn't even have a conventional headset jack. Just Bluetooth and a mini-USB port for sync/charge/headset purposes.

-Wi-fi....Palm will continue to intentionally miss the boat on this until next year at least.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Tip of the hat/Wag of the finger
scstraus2 @ 5/15/2006 10:37:58 PM # Q
A2DP has been available for some time using softick audio gateway, but I had the impression it would be native on this device?

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Treo 700p in the Wild ...

LiveFaith @ 5/15/2006 8:50:55 PM # Q
Here is a video of the 700p with a Palm rep doing the honors.

Pat Horne;

RE: Treo 700p in the Wild ...
Caspian @ 5/16/2006 8:57:12 AM # Q
Nice video, thanks for posting it. This device my get me to part with my BB 7250 and TH-55. I will miss the TH-55's large display, but the other features of the 700p along with finally getting down to only one device will make up for it.

Palm III> Palm IIIx> Palm IIIc> Sony T615> Sony T665> Sony TH55
RE: Treo 700p in the Wild ...
Caspian @ 5/16/2006 9:03:05 AM # Q
Sorry. Should have said "may get me to part with my BB and TH-55."

Palm III> Palm IIIx> Palm IIIc> Sony T615> Sony T665> Sony TH55
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paidinfullfilmz @ 5/15/2006 9:29:41 PM # Q
fellow treo-ers! i am not to familiar with GARNET, but i am very excited about the specs of the 700p. i've been with my 600 since it first came out.

... although i wanted to, i decided to hold off on the 650, and wait til something with A LOT of change came out.

anyway, my question is: will the palm os programs that work with the 600 and 650 be able to work with GARNET? and does anyone know what the price range of the phone and if sprint plans to put out a better plan for this new phone.

... the plans on sprint right now don't really taylor to pda's. espcially. they need a pkg that had unlimited text messaging, the evdo, unlimited internet, and for the basic sprint tv.


RE: Garnet
scstraus2 @ 5/15/2006 10:33:49 PM # Q
Actually you are familiar with Garnet. Every Palm in the last 4 years or so has had Garnet. Even long after they should have moved on to the new version of palm os, cobalt, 2 years ago. But that's Palm's fault, not PalmSoft's. So you should feel right at home. Little has changed, but I'm hoping they fixed the botched memory managament that palm tacked on to palmsoft's OS.

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tmuralli @ 5/16/2006 9:15:29 AM # Q
I think Palm is delaying GSM version on both 700w and 700p because in Asia/Europe you have to have front camera for 3G video call, I think HTC is having problem putting a front camera. Honestly 700w and 700p is really nice, my only wish is they should have make it slightly slimmer!

pascanu @ 5/16/2006 9:57:17 AM # Q
Yes, the front camera is a must in Europe, but I would personaly buy a 3G smartphone without it, since I don't plan on making video calls, all I need is the broadband data connection. I don't think I'm so "unique", there may be others thinking like me, it might even start a trend for bussines/serious vs. entertainment/toy smartphones.

Handspring Visor -> m505 -> Zire71 -> Zire72 -> Treo650
KultiVator @ 5/16/2006 1:00:46 PM # Q
Crappy mobile handset cameras are over-rated and over-hyped and really just a vehicle for the Cellular carriers to charge a fortune for the MMS traffic generated by the photos and video-clips that result.

Unless you're a teenager - there's little real point in having the built-in camera as the quality of pictures on just about any phone is p|ss-poor (and that's being kind).

tmuralli is on the case - there's a big consumer demand for a smart handheld device (maybe not even a phone) that has 3G wireless data access and a nice browsing, email and messaging experience. The market is crying out for something decent.

Come on Palm - this makes more business sense than all those R&D dollars spent on the LifelessDrive.


hkklife @ 5/16/2006 3:23:08 PM # Q

Remember how I suggested--what, two years ago--that Palm release a high-margin, "specialty" PDA targeted at uber-consumers and vertical markets? A T|C2 would've been perfect. Removable battery, larger keyboard, 480*320 landscape screen, and wi-fi & Blueooth would've made it perfect. Ship it with a standard headphone jack as well as a 2.5mm one for VOIP and Palm could've had a fantastic machine that could last 2+ years in the marketplace.

Palm could also have a sister or subsequent model similar to the above device but omitting wi-fi in favor of a cellular DATA radio. I see many execs, especially in airports, talking on their RAZRs whilst furiously typing emails on their Blackberries. I've even seen execs who don't know the BB can do voice and/or refuse to use it for anything other than mobile e-mail, preferring a sleek "traditional" cell phone. That's the market Palm should have targeted years ago with a "non-Treo" cellular & keyboard-enabled device.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

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How about a slider screen!?!

stanner91 @ 5/18/2006 9:54:46 PM # Q
What I would really love to see is a Treo with a slider screen similar to the Tungsten T3. Not a Treo where the keyboard slides, making it useful only if the slider is open, but a screen slider where the screen can be used in both open and closed positions. Therefore the Treo could still maintain its current form for phone use and quick scanning but then can expand for more comfortable prolonged use as a PDA. Thinking about a smartphone with that much screen area makes me salivate.

Oh to dream...

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
-Albert Einstein

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The Tragedy that is the Palm OS Smartphone

ChiA @ 5/22/2006 6:58:10 PM # Q
Compare what Palm released in 2003:

with what Handspring produced in the same year:

In the three years since Palm's purchase of Handspring and its Treo 600 it has:
- added a 320 x 320 screen
- added Bluetooth
- added a removable battery
- added (only just now) 100Mb of memory
- added EDGE and EVDO

Compare with what Sony Ericsson, RIM and Nokia have done with their smartphones during the past three years.

If only Handspring had the means to stay independent of the glacial Palm.

"All but the hard hearted man must be torn with pity for this pathetic dilemma of the rich man, who has to keep the poor man just stout enough to do the work and just thin enough to have to do it."
GK Chesterton - Utopia of Usurers, 1917

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liyha @ 5/24/2006 5:53:13 PM # Q
When will Treo 700p GSM be available?

Lia Penteado Cavalcanti
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