Yada Yada Offers Minstrel Modems for $150

During the beta of its wireless service and Web portal, Yada Yada is offering the Minstrel V and the Minstrel S for $150 each when signing up for their wireless service. Both cost $369 when purchased from Novatel Wireless, the maker. Their monthly service charge is $40.

Yada Yada also offers a free service called QuikSnaps that works similarly to AvantGo; Web sites are optimized for viewing on the Palm and downloaded during HotSyncing.

The Minstrel modems use the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) technology, a method of transmitting data over the cellular voice network at speeds up to 19.2 kbps and is deployed in most U.S. metropolitan areas and some international markets. CDPD is currently the fastest wireless data network available in the U.S.

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