Quickies: m505 FAQ, Clié-Mac, Security, Asia, REX

The m505 FAQ covers a wide variety of topics relating to the m505, including SD/MMC card use, screen protection, useful applications, and more. -Davy Fields

The Clié-Mac Page is dedicated to helping Macintosh users with their Sony Clié.

ttools' Solovision Security Screen allows users to work privately, while viewers from the side are blocked by a holographic lock and chain image. The thin transparent film clings to the screen providing security as well as screen protection from dust and scratches. It costs $15 for two and works with most handhelds. -nXt

Handspring plans to begin selling the VisorPhone in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. -Ed

Intel is discontinuing the REX PDA, and closing the REX website. -Cheetah

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