Ohfish Tri-Band Modem/Phone Unveiled Soon

In a few weeks, Ohfish Communications will be will be making its first appearance with the M3, its tri-band GSM/GPRS wireless modem for Palm handhelds with the Universal Connector. As a tri-band device, it can be used in over 120 countries in Asia, Europe, as well as the United States. It allows users to surf the Web at up to 115kps and has voice capabilities so it can be used as a mobile phone. A price has not yet been revealed but a company spokesperson said the device will be out by December.

The unit is 5 inches long, 5.1 inches at the antenna. It is 3.3 inches wide at it's widest point and half an inch thick.

It will include a SIM Card slot and its own microphone and speaker. It runs off a Lithium lon rechargeable battery and supports 900/1800/1900MHz GSM/GPRS.

It offers three-way calling, dialing from the Palm Address Book, and the SIM Card Phone Book is supported.

The Ohfish M3 will be on display at the System Show in Munich on October 15 through 19 at stand B4259.

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Oh well...

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/4/2001 10:32:19 AM #
I wish they''d make something for the Visor or other palm models out there thats exactly like that.

nice product.. unknown manufacturer.

i have yet to see a good Tri-Band GSM/GPRS unit for the palm aside from this (being the first)

High Speed capable?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/4/2001 10:34:53 AM #
Is it High Speed capable?
Where do we speack? Back or front, hope in back, cause you almost glue your face in the front of the palm, right?

RE: High Speed capable?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/4/2001 10:46:06 AM #
As the article says, its 115kps. Is that what you mean by "high speed"?

If you don''t like putting your Palm to your face, I think it comes with a headphone jack.

RE: High Speed capable?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/4/2001 1:46:53 PM #
High-speed communication
High-Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD)if supported by the network operator and Internet service provider.Like the Pirelli advertising, speed is nothing if the network doesn´t suport it ;-)

RE: High Speed capable?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/8/2001 2:33:11 AM #
No i think this phone does not support HSCSD. HSCSD is up to 64kbit not 115! Theré are only four cell phones out, supporting hscsd. GPRS is very different from hscsd.

Whatever Happen to accessories for the MMC/SD slots?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/4/2001 7:29:48 PM #
Whatever happen to the peripherals that were suppose to fit in these slots? Are companies acknowledging that the slots are too darn small to fit anything in it? As far as I am concerned, the Springboard slot is still the best expansion option out there. You can use a keyboard or another connector of some king plus a modem or other springbooard module.

RE: Whatever Happen to accessories for the MMC/SD slots?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/4/2001 7:47:01 PM #
The first of these, the Bluetooth one, will be out by the end of the year. I don't know about the others.

RE: Whatever Happen to accessories for the MMC/SD slots?
Ohfish @ 10/4/2001 9:42:17 PM #
I think if Palm is willing to invest in a SD/MMC GSM/GPRS Ohfish can definately do it.

Look! How heavy it weights?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/5/2001 12:32:33 PM #
Go to Ohfish and see the spec the yourself. This thing weight as heavy as 6 oz!. Even if it has a USA and work with m505, the whole thing weights more than 10 oz, even more than my Edge with VP. Yet how can we call this smart convergence?

RE: Look! How heavy it weights?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/6/2001 8:52:09 PM #
Oh, poor baby...an extra 6 oz. Do you need a spotter?
Who cares about a few extra oz when you get a wireless web browser/cell phone palm.
Why don't you make one smaller then! Geez, you people are getting way to spoiled these days.
Be happy you live in such modern times. This will be amazing. Go Ohfish...

Ohfish M3

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/16/2002 2:35:28 PM #
Is the Ohfish M3 on sale yet on the net or in stores in Europe?

i lost the cd

rotem @ 9/12/2003 10:39:21 AM #
hi my friends... i have the OhFish v51 and i lost the cd of the instalition... if any one have it too and he can send me the files i need to put at the palm so please send it to me to: trotem@walla.co.il
thenk you!!
(i cant d'l it from the official site)



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