Quickoffice Gets a Facelift

Cutting Edge Software has released Quickoffice 5.6, which includes updated versions of Quickword and Quicksheet.

The word processor has had its user interface updated to include much greater use of color. It also has rich text abilities, including bold, italics, underlining, colored text, and font sizes. Naturally, these are preserved when the document is transferred to Microsoft Word on a Windows PC. Quickword 5.6 can read files in the popular DOC format and export files to it, too. It can also be used as an HTML tag editor.

According to Cutting Edge Software, "version 5.6 does not yet have HandEra 330 support, look for enhanced support in the coming weeks." This applies only to Quickword.

Quicksheet 5.6 now has support for the Sony Clié's hi-res display. Its number of built-in spreadsheet functions has increased to over 80. It also can synchronize its files with Microsoft Excel.

Quickchart is a charting and graphing tool that comes with Quicksheet.

The entire software suite costs $40. Individually, Quickword costs $20 and Quicksheet is $30.

Thanks to Aaron Smith for the tip. -Ed

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Is it still slow?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 2:06:50 PM #
I tried this program back when it was smart doc, and then again when it first came out as quick word, and it always seemed to be pretty slow. Has it gotten any better?

RE: Is it still slow?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 2:31:37 PM #
I never found SDoc or QWord slow, so YMMV when I say QW5.6 is pretty fast. I run a 33Mhz m505.

QW seems okay for editing big several 100k documents, it's much faster than WordSmith and FastWrite. Just don't bother with compressing the document - that'll take a while. They must still be using the slow routine that was in SmartDoc. QED IMO has the fastest compressor, but that was too slow as well.

RE: Is it still slow?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 6:26:34 PM #
Dude, I've tried it, tested it and it is fast!

Chews on my 600k ebook files no problems. :)

RE: Is it still slow?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 10:19:50 AM #
Slow? No way!

I know the feature sets are a bit different, but compare its speed to WordSmith and you will be VERY happy. I had several large DOC files that WordSmith refused to open (it said I didn't have enough memory) and it was slow, slow, slow!

Also, compare it to TealDoc, a top-notch doc reader. It too is much slower and when you scroll or page down, it does a funky screen re-paint. QuickWord is smooth.

QuickWord has never let me down. You won't be sorry!!!

RE: Is it still slow?
atrizzah @ 10/2/2001 7:09:38 PM #
As far as reading DOCs, I use the small and quick program, Mobile LinkDoc. Then I also have an editor for if I want to write something.

Peace Out
RE: Is it still slow?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/11/2001 12:20:22 PM #
By using, it took me about 90 second to open a spread sheet with about 230K. It took such a long time to load; I think because It tried to convert to high resolution in my Sony Clie.
By using Document To Go 4.x, it only took me about 20 second to open the same document. What a big different !!!
But I still like Quickoffice's high resolution. So far, I stll have not decided which one I want to buy. May be I will wait for Document TO Go to support high resolution.

What about card support??

gummycat @ 10/1/2001 2:39:09 PM #
Sounds nice and all - but does anyone know if it supports saving of documents on mem cards?

I could not find anything on their website mentioning this.

RE: What about card support??
Ronin @ 10/1/2001 4:40:03 PM #
And does it support any other word processors aside from Microsoft Word?

I know it is a Microsoft World that we all live in but some of us do not use Microsoft's word processor exclusively.

It can't be that hard to support other word processors natively, can it?

RE: What about card support??
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 4:42:34 PM #
The current version of QuickOffice doesn't support VFS yet but a new tool called Quickstart due out soon will let you save Quickword docs and Quicksheet worksheets to the card. Changes to docs and worksheet will be sync'ed back to the card. Quickstart will also synchronize your docs and worksheets on the card during hotsync.

Will never purchase from this company!

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 4:42:46 PM #
I purchased QuickOffice when it first came out in Spring of 2000. As a MacOS user, I was promised that support for desktop conduits was "just around the corner" and "only a few weeks away". They continued to tell me this for 3 months as I waited patiently. Well, I woke up and smelled the coffee... and got a refund. But not without a fight! They were very beligerent about my request for a refund due to my frustrations over a lack of previously promised MacOS support. Can you believe it... someone lies to you and then gets angry because you don't like it ;-) They have NEVER even made an attempt to support the MacOS. They don't even have .zip or .sit download options so MacOS users are actually prevented from using their software!

I realize that most computers are WindowsOS-based, etc, blah, blah, blah... the whole argument has been said a million times for why MacOS users shouldn't expect companies to support their platform because we're the minority and this is, after all, a capitalist society! Regardless, I can vote with my wallet... and I will in this case!

Cutting Edge Software is a bunch of bozos!!!

RE: Will never purchase from this company!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 6:15:22 PM #
Dude, I think you ought to chill and check your facts...

CES have limited support for Mac on Quicksheet so your statement of "NEVER even made an attempt to support the MacOS" is a crock.


>They don't even have .zip

Also a crock. Once you register you can download the zip.

RE: Will never purchase from this company!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 10:00:37 PM #
Looks like you could pay $29.95 for a beta conduit for one of the three apps in the set, without even trying it first. Wow, that's great.

I'm underwhelmed with their cross-platform support, as well... I'd just like access to their demo versions in something other than an ".exe", so I can make up my mind whether the spreadsheet is worth it. I bought Quickword a couple months ago, and it works fine, but it's a hassle getting the upgrades - and even as a paid customer there doesn't seem to be much support without making a fuss.

RE: Will never purchase from this company!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 11:29:28 PM #
I think a lot of us fans are turning a corner, since their lack of Mac support has been flagging, possibly in pursuit of more profitable lines of business. Can't blame them, but they do shoulder the responsibility of having the best Mac+Excel integrated Palm spreadsheet product out there.


Charging of Tech Support by Palm

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 5:06:41 PM #
I know this is the very best spot for this but I just discovered that when I called Palm about battery problems with my M505. That they now require a credit card and a charge of $25.00 to talk to you if the unit is past its 90 day basic warranty. Sounds a little like Compact used to do and the backlash that they received. After the discussion; he determined that there was something wrong with the battery and he issued the RMA but did not charge the card!! Palm is not going to gain any friends with tech support where they charge. My wife has an Ipaq and I called them several months ago and they walked me right thru my problem and did not charge me even though a year had almost past. Palm's stocks will continue to dive unless they change this practice!


RE: Charging of Tech Support by Palm
nostar @ 10/1/2001 5:50:04 PM #
I know all about this. I used to work for their Tech Support. I think it's cheap and an easy way for Palm to trim Tech agents and gain more revenue, or at least hope to.

RE: Charging of Tech Support by Palm
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 11:14:07 PM #
Is Palm trying to lose customers? Charging for tech support, releasing uninspiring products, harrasing website for trademarks, poor quality, etc, etc... Wake up Palm! And they wonder why the share price is circling the drain!

Palm is trying to make money. Nothing is free.
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 11:32:28 PM #

RE: Charging of Tech Support by Palm
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 12:16:37 PM #
If you want an altenative it is if you shop at the best uy they offer there service plan and they will talk to you for free and they dont isse RSA's or what ever is needed to get it fixed they just replace it for 3 years....and most of the store's I have been to have one guy who knows what he is talking about in the department, or in the computer section. So dont rely on palm and get that service plan from the best buy...it's only 59.99 for three years and they swap your palm...thats two calls to palm...and I know they have replaced mine like five times, and I talk to them about problems every other week. SCREW PALM

One Word...

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 5:43:19 PM #
Outstanding Mac support, Friendly and helpful customer service. Fine Type Fonts. And it works.

RE: One Word...
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 10:55:13 PM #
Actually, that's 15........but who's counting.

RE: One Word...
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 11:54:58 AM #
Actually, the speed improvements added by QuickWord have me thinking os switching back. I like some aspects of Wordsmith better, but the UI and the HTML stuff is kicking!

On the Subject...

jamuka @ 10/1/2001 6:14:45 PM #
I've tried this (the software that's supposedly being discussed here) and it's cool. It doesn't go over the top with features that I'm not going to use. I dig it.

Aaron Smith

Free Ugrade?

JET8810 @ 10/1/2001 7:38:23 PM #
When it is updated to support the Handera 330, will us users who purchased 330's and got quickoffice registered with it get a free upgrade? I have paid from smartdoc times, but wondering if i need that code or not....

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 8:40:54 PM #
According to the site, registered users of Quickoffice are entitled to 1 yr of free upgrades, so I assume yes since HE330 are less than a year old.

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 5:02:58 AM #
I still have an e-mail from the makers of Quicksheet which I paste below
(the ALL CAPS where it says FREE UPGRADES FOR LIFE are from the original).
So what really is their upgrade policy??? I hope someone from Cutting Edge
is reading this...

Dear xxx,


3) The $39.95 price also INCLUDES our Quickchart module, previously
priced separately at $19.95

To BUY Quicksheet now for the special promotional price of $39.95, AND
get free upgrades for life, just click on the link below:

To access the Quicksheet page on the internet, click

Or you may call us at 800-991-7360 in the US (214.956.9806 for
international calls)

Or fax your order, including credit card information to 214.956.9678

Finally, just in case you need any more reasons to order Quicksheet,
we'd like to remind you that:

- Quicksheet was just named PRODUCT OF THE YEAR by Tap Magazine in its
Jan-Feb 2000 issue for the SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR

- Quicksheet is the ONLY Palm OS spreadsheet that is PLATINUM CERTIFIED
by Palm Computing.

- Quicksheet is the ONLY Palm OS spreadsheet that Synchronizes
seamlessly with Microsoft Excel

Again, thanks for your interest in Quicksheet from Cutting Edge
Software, Inc.

Very Truly Yours

Allison Musa
Director of Marketing
Cutting Edge Software, Inc.

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 8:03:37 AM #
I talked to the CES guys about their FREE UPGRADES FOR LIFE policy, and they said that this guarantee will be honored. The new policy for Quickoffice is retrospective of your upgrade policy. They have the date of the policy switch and and purchases after that cutoff date has only a 1 yr free upgrade.

You're one of the lucky ones that are going to get free upgrades for life because you bought it so early.

RE: Free Ugrade?
atrizzah @ 10/2/2001 1:32:46 PM #
Well they can go ahead and change their policy, but I'm not gonna waste my money on a program that will be obsolete in a year. It seems like so many Palm programmers price their products as if they are made for PC's. I know they work hard, but lets face it, almost none of the programs made for Palms are nearly as polished as their PC counterparts. More often than not, they are still going through rapid changes, such as all of the things that were added to WordSmith. I'm just saying that I'm not prepared to spend my money on a product that is still underdeveloped made by a company that does not yet have a solid business reputation. And this goes for most of the programs currently available for Palms which cost more than $30.

Peace Out
RE: Free Ugrade?
Ronin @ 10/2/2001 1:58:17 PM #
<< - Quicksheet is the ONLY Palm OS spreadsheet that Synchronizes seamlessly with Microsoft Excel >>

Is this true, I thought that TinySheet and SheetToGo (of Documents To Go) both synchronize seamlessly with Microsoft Excel.

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 2:41:38 PM #

Don't know how you think a $20 word processor is priced as if it was made for a PC. And $40 for the whole office suite compared to hundreds for the comparable desktop version.

Don't know if you're referring to Cutting Edge or Blue Nomad, but in the Palm World, these are both companies of solid reputation. Word 97 didn't have all the features of Word 2000. Did you not buy it because it was an underdeveloped product? No product, PC or Palm or anything else, is launched with all of the features that it will ever have. Sheesh.

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 2:50:45 PM #
Well put brother. Sheesh!

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 2:52:29 PM #
> Is this true, I thought that TinySheet and SheetToGo
> (of Documents To Go) both synchronize seamlessly
> with Microsoft Excel.

Both sync very well with Excel.

RE: Free Ugrade?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 5:06:54 PM #
RE: "TinySheet and SheetToGo sync to Excel"

Well, they might now, but they didn't even EXIST when that email must have been written. Quicksheet was the very first spreadsheet ever for the Palm OS. That Alison Musa is the developer's wife or sister, I think. (His name is Jeff) Plus, all this nonsense about what you get for your money is pretty silly considering Quicksheet first sold for $60 and now sells for $30.

Hi-Res in QuickWord?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/1/2001 9:52:41 PM #
I love the UI from what I can see in the screenshots, but does it support the Clie's hires in any other app than QuickSheet? I hate how Wordsmith uses so much memory but I love it's finetype/hires font support, but once QuickWord offers something similar I'll look at it.

RE: Hi-Res in QuickWord?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 6:54:32 AM #
I dont understand the font selection. It gives you the option of changing the fonts but it wont do it. There is not differnce from Times Roman and Arial. It looks like the low resolution font only.

RE: Hi-Res in QuickWord?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 6:56:37 AM #
Sorry, I forgot to mention that it is Quickword 5.6 that I was talking about in the previous post.

RE: Hi-Res in QuickWord?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 7:24:31 AM #
You won't see the font change on the palm, when you sync the font will be changed on the desktop document.

RE: Hi-Res in QuickWord?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 8:08:07 AM #
Read the Quickword FAQ on their site. Device font support is coming. As is the HandEra HiRes support.

RE: Hi-Res in QuickWord?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 4:53:43 PM #
What good is not being able to see the font on the palm?? Ill stick with Wordmith...for now anyway.

RE: Hi-Res in QuickWord?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 5:10:06 PM #
"What use is it to not even see the font on the Palm?"

Lots: It is far more efficient use of screen space to use the standard font for display. Geez, what use is there really for WYSIWYG on a Palm for gods sake?? It might be "cool" but I sure can't think why it would be necessary.

Quickoffice release.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 11:38:44 AM #
CES have just put out this press release regarding the QO v5.6 release.





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