PalmInfocenter RSS Feed Now Available

From the better late than never department, PIC is pleased to announce that we now have a RSS feed available. RSS is a headline syndication format which can be used within a webpage or with any number of RSS news aggregation programs. In addition, we also have a JavaScript include file, which is an easy method to include PIC headlines on a website. Read on for the full details.

PalmInfocenter RSS Feeds
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for syndicating news and it is an XML-based format for content distribution. The PalmInfocenter RSS feed includes the latest 10 headlines and a brief summary of each article and is updated in real time. Our RSS feed is ideal for server side includes and news aggregation programs. The feed can be found here:

We also have an RSS feed for the PalmInfocenter forums. This feed shows the last 30 posts in the forums:

Palm Software RSS feeds
Our Palm software store also has a number of RSS feeds. There are feeds for new & updated software, best sellers, special discount offers and hot products.

If you're looking for an RSS reader for your Palm device, we recommend Quick News.

Syndication Options
Add PalmInfocenter news to your customized homepage or favorite sites:

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Pretty cool

MV-Jon @ 4/8/2003 10:34:36 AM #
Nice work Ryan!

Jon Niola
Media Vortex, Inc.
RE: Pretty cool
Fammy @ 4/8/2003 11:21:18 AM #
Cool indeed!

(That's the nerd in me talking)


RE: Pretty cool
DWD @ 4/9/2003 11:26:01 AM #
It is cool. Something to add to my personal website next time I get a chance.

Hasn't PIC always had a news feed?

Be3G @ 4/8/2003 11:51:15 AM #
I'm absolutely certain I remember seeing it once...


Check out the Palm Tungsten|T review at

RE: Hasn't PIC always had a news feed?
Admin @ 4/8/2003 12:26:35 PM #
Yes, we have offered the JavaScript and have a backend txt file which have been available for years. I just created this RSS feed, after many requests.


raak @ 4/8/2003 1:13:40 PM #
I use the XML feed in the KlipFolio program ( It's a neat little utility, and I'm happy to see I can use it to view PIC info.



arw4f @ 4/8/2003 2:13:12 PM #
Check out's one of, if not the, best windows RSS reader to date. Between Sharpreader and Syndirella...there's nothing better.
Sharpreader can be found at:

Works great in Evolution

Ben S @ 4/9/2003 8:49:17 AM #
Works great with Ximian Evolution! :)

Woo Hoo!

mashby @ 4/10/2003 1:26:32 AM #
Thank you Ryan!!!

Michael T. Ashby

looks nice on my newton!

d0pp13r @ 8/5/2003 1:09:17 PM #
rss rulez

ink different! feel the power of newton...

Further Customization?

Gabriel Morales @ 8/26/2003 7:14:42 AM #

This seems interesting, and I've got it to work, but is there any way I can further customize the "feed" beyond what was already mentioned? For example, centering the logo, but not the text, use plain text instead of the graphic logo, making it the last five headlines rather than the last ten, and so forth?

New RSS Options

Admin @ 2/24/2006 4:49:47 PM #
I've added a number of "Add to" links on the homepage and this article for you to add PalmInfocenter headlines to your favorite customized homepage and other services.

Let me know if there are any others I should add.




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