PiTech Develops 3 MegaPixel Palm OS Smartphone

PiTech i10 Palm OS Smartphoneupdated Portable Innovation Technology (PiTech) today announced a new Palm Powered smartphone. The PiTech i10 is the world's first Palm OS smartphone to include a three megapixel camera with auto focus and anti hand shaking features.

The Pitech I-10 is based on the smartphone platform developed by PiTech and built on the Palm OS Garnet operating system. It has a Quad-band GSM (850/900/1800/1900mhz) radio with EDGE high speed data and is targeted at the consumer market. The device has a a 2.4-inch color QVGA (240x320 pixel) display and a mini SD expansion slot. It will also have Bluetooth 2.0 wireless.

The Pitech I-10 comes with rich multimedia features including a 3-megapixel camera with auto focus & anti hand shaking features, WAV/MP3/MIDI ring tone supportability, MP3 player and MEPG4 video capture and playback capabilities. In addition, the device is bundled with productivity applications such as Documents-to-Go and PalmSource Mail.

"We are very excited about the launch of the Pitech I-10 based on Palm OS," said Patrick Lin, executive director of Pitech. "We are thrilled to be working with PalmSource in launching the first Palm Powered smartphone with 3-megapixel camera. The Pitech I-10 is the ultimate Palm Powered smartphone thanks to its comprehensive camera features and robust multimedia capabilities."

The smartphone will be launched across multiple markets in Asia and Europe in Q2 2006.

PiTech i10 Palm OS Smartphone PiTech i10 Palm OS Smartphone PiTech i10 Palm OS Smartphone

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Now for the million dollar question...

AdamaDBrown @ 10/26/2005 3:02:30 PM # Q
Does it ever show up here?

RE: Now for the million dollar question...
hkklife @ 10/26/2005 3:11:19 PM # Q
Has anythihg other than the Treo line EVERY shown up (here or otherwise) since that 66mhz Dragonball OS 4 Samsung on Sprint?

The new mantra is "Treo or bust!" Remember it well.

Palm coulda saved themselves 30 mil by simply renaming the whole company "Treo" or "TreOne" and jettisoning all of their traditional handhelds in the process.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Now for the million dollar question...
Frenchie @ 10/26/2005 3:42:34 PM # Q
?Why the ? around the quotes?

Nice phone. I'll never see one in the US.

The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p

RE: Now for the million dollar question...
fishtastic @ 10/26/2005 4:15:35 PM # Q
Just after I get a XDA Exec.......

Quad band is nice for the US market, EDGE is more impotant in US than Europe since we have 3G, yet it only gives release dates for Europe and Asia. Nice specs but does it look good?

Q2 2006 is a long time away also.

I think I'll stick with my xda and I'll give my treo to a good home.


RE: Now for the million dollar question...
LiveFaith @ 10/26/2005 4:35:07 PM # Q
I have a reeeeeal good home. :-
Pat Horne; www.churchoflivingfaith.com
RE: Now for the million dollar question...
AdamaDBrown @ 10/26/2005 5:39:50 PM # Q
If any of PiTech's stuff is going to make it across the pond, it would probably be this one. Quad-band is only neccessary for NorthAm carriers such as Cingular, and EDGE is more prevalent here than in Europe, where UMTS has a better foothold.

RE: Which Pipe Dream Should I Hang on to?
bsquare @ 10/26/2005 11:35:31 PM # Q

So which pipe dream should I hang onto? That this phone will EVER see the light of day here in North America (or be readily available with my/your carrier of choice for that matter) or that Palm will ever release a NON-KEYBOARD Treo (ala Treo 180G, that's right "G"). Hmmm.. Guess I'll just revert back to B&W and get that Treo 180G on clearance while I still can...

RE: Now for the million dollar question...
fishtastic @ 10/27/2005 5:15:43 AM # Q
LiveFaith QUOTE "I have a reeeeeal good home. :-"

Is that reeeeeal as in 'You have a reeeeeal pretty mouth' and 'squeeell like a pig'?


The treo is on it's last legs, it's a veteran from the first month Treo 600 came out in UK so 2 years old give or take a month.

I should keep it around a bit to see if the Universal fails badly over the next month, I don't really trust windows mobile yet. Though, one of my friends keeps hassling me to donate it to him to play with, may be thats the way to get another palm convert.....?


Mini SD?
silkentiger @ 10/30/2005 2:35:46 AM # Q
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I don't want to encourage people to read furthur than this and give the juvinile name-calling that is going on down there any more attention. :(

Boo. When will these manufacturer's learn. I refuse to adopt to yet another flash memory standard. My spending on flash memory may actually be coming close to what I have spent on PDA's in general overall. Otherwise this is exactly what the Palm platform needs. Innovation. I know, alot of people don't want cameras. Thats not what I am talking about (eventhough I am one who wants something to replace my Canon permanently). No way anyone in the PDA space can compete with Apple or the various other manufactures for single purpose devices. Features are the new clock speed in the mobile space.

Outside the LD's HD, which has been avalible since the creation of the microdrive on PPC and just takes that extra CF slot and makes it internal, Palm has done nothing innovative. Tapwave was the last innovative Palm OS company and they sucked big time. Sony gave up and Handspring got bought and, IMO, got its creativity killed. Does anyone remember HandEra? All innovation in the Palm space has gotten killed off. Now Motorola owns Tapwave's IP. We all know Moto doesn't deliver. They are 100% form over function. At least PiTech has taken a technology which has only been availiable in Japan and Korea and beatean everyone else. I think Sharp has a GSM 3mpx cameraphone but mobileburn hated it and it didn't have autofocus. Bravo PiTech I say.

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Q2 may be a Looooooong Way Away!

LiveFaith @ 10/26/2005 4:37:34 PM # Q
Q2 2006 could be a loooong way away. This is a phone, not a PDA. Shades of the Samsung SGH-i500 cloud my security for such product announcements.

I think I hear a the teapot beginning to whistle! :-o

Pat Horne; www.churchoflivingfaith.com

RE: Q2 may be a Looooooong Way Away!
bigredgpk @ 10/28/2005 12:40:43 PM # Q
Isn't Q2 of 2006 also the launch date for the Linux based sucessor to the Palm OS?


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PiTech Pic now available

sr4 @ 10/26/2005 4:44:39 PM # Q

Its a rendering, and I wonder if this device exists, or if its just a 'Hail Mary' shot from a ODM trying to solicit business.


RE: PiTech Pic now available
LiveFaith @ 10/26/2005 4:57:44 PM # Q
.... I think I hear the whistle of the coffee pot a little louder! SGH-i500 step back.

Pat Horne; www.churchoflivingfaith.com
RE: PiTech Pic now available
Texonite @ 10/26/2005 5:29:49 PM # Q
That's NOT the i-10 as the article states.
There are no picture avaliable yet.

Cmon, I'm waiting for you! Cobalt, come here!
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Hand shake?

e_tellurian @ 10/26/2005 6:34:39 PM # Q
Well to multi task a hand shake is a good choice.

What innovative choices want secure hand shakes?



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Gekko @ 10/26/2005 9:08:03 PM # Q

You'll never be able to buy one.

The toilet's been flushed and PalmOS is still circling the bowl, "remnants" remain... but not for long.

Bye Bye Apologists.

RE: Moot
cervezas @ 10/26/2005 9:27:10 PM # Q
One thing about Gekko: you can always count on him for an up-to-the-minute report of what's floating in the toilet bowl. I guess he share what he knows.

And that's what's great about PIC, isn't it? Thanks for chipping in your little contribution there, big guy.

RE: Moot
Gekko @ 10/26/2005 11:44:24 PM # Q

beersie - we are taking up a collection to get your soft pasty white azz out to the Bunny Ranch for your first time.

Pledge drive to help Beersy out of a tragic situation...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/27/2005 12:17:54 AM # Q
beersie - we are taking up a collection to get your soft pasty white azz out to the Bunny Ranch for your first time.

I'll pledge $1, but I doubt the plan to deflower Beersy will work. I hear Bunny Ranch workers have the right to refuse a "date" if said individual is simply too hideous.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=7864#108038

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=8060#111823

RE: Moot
medevilenemy @ 10/27/2005 8:06:10 AM # Q
quickly everyone, let's throw gekko in the toilet! and while we're at it, remind everyone that palm hardly equals "remnaints" floating around... and this analogy is starting to make me sick...

RE: Moot
cervezas @ 10/27/2005 9:13:14 AM # Q
Gekko wrote:
beersie - we are taking up a collection to get your soft pasty white azz...

That was a quick change of subject. I see TVoR's fascination with my azz is starting to get to you now, too, Gekko. Alas, the line just keeps getting longer but I'm afraid the tickets were sold out years ago.

Seriously though, Gekko, it's time to admit you just don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about.

RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/27/2005 1:55:20 PM # Q
Another day, another pointless round of gratuitous trolling by the usual suspects. If only the criticisms were new, intelligent, or remotely on topic.

Gekko / TVOR / Surur: So predictable. So excruciatingly boring.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that PalmSource/Palm OS has problems, that the've made mistakes (like every company ever in the history of the world), and that Palm OS is in a struggle for it's life. But why can't you say something that actually adds to the discussion? Oh right - you are all here to troll. Nothing more.

RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/27/2005 2:26:48 PM # Q
...oh and TVOR: that long winded signature is just embarassing. Uncomfortable to watch somebody flaunt their self-delusion like that. When you go to the trouble to add / update a sig like that, what goes through your mind? I can only guess it's something like: "wow - wait til people read this! then they will understand the all knowing power of my highly analytical mind! And people will read it too!! And once I point out the TRUE CONSPIRACY of Palm - all will look to me in awe of my intellectual prowess!!!"

It's just sad.

RE: Moot
sr4 @ 10/27/2005 2:36:11 PM # Q

rsc1000 - I still have to see your wonderful insight? Do you have anything interesting to say?


RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/27/2005 9:00:16 PM # Q
Insight? Here is some insight: you, Gekko, and the Voice of Rhetoric have seriously degraded the quality of discussion on PIC. Surur, weren't you banned little Troll?

RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/27/2005 9:00:16 PM # Q
Insight? Here is some insight: you, Gekko, and the Voice of Rhetoric have seriously degraded the quality of discussion on PIC. Surur, weren't you banned little Troll?

ATTN: To all the cowards who attack me at Palminfocenter
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/27/2005 11:55:31 PM # Q
I find it interesting that the ones who seem to complain the loudest about the "quality" of discussion here at Palminfocenter tend to have never actually contributed anything even remotely useful here themselves.

If you have something interesting or thoughtful to say, please say it and stimulate discussion at this DISCUSSION SITE. If you only want to criticize those of us who post because you disagree with our opinions then you are are an entity even more annoying than the worst troll. You are a useless, parasitic whiner.

People like David Beers, Surur, Timothy Rapson, hkklife, Marty Fouts, LiveFaith, Jeff Kirvin, Mike Cane, David Schlesinger, Adama Brown, etc and myself all have widely (and wildly) disparate opinions about most matters related to the PalmOS platform but at least we take the time to post these opinions and back up those opinions with FACTS if possible. Each of the above posters has made interesting (and often controversial) contributions to Palminfocenter over the years, fostering a highly thought-provoking level of discussion simply not found on ANY other Palm site. People like the intrepid rsc1000, on the other hand contribute NOTHING. NOTHING. In fact, if it was up to people like rsc1000, Palminfocenter's news discussions would be either nonexistent (like Brighthand) or full of useless fawning by teenaged sycophants (like 1stsource.com). If you want a "better" level of discussion, why don't YOU create it rather than wasting bandwidth biotching about people you lack the intelligence to debate with? I'm being dead serious here: either CONTRIBUTE to the discussion or S T F U. Your decision.


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=7864#108038

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=8060#111823

RE: Moot
hkklife @ 10/28/2005 12:33:20 AM # Q
Hear, hear. Well said, GRITTILY true and to the point as always, Voice.

I just left the sewing circle over at Brighthand after a final effort to see if there's ANYONE there with the technical know-how to help me out with my "little" Bluetooth issue on the TX. I just got the usual useless requests to:

1. Stop whining 2. Go to WinMob 3. Switch to a GSM carrier 4. Use an older Palm with "working" BT 5. Settle down

The online POS handheld community (all of the sites) is really turning into a bunch of Pollyannas unable to make a critical assertion about anything or try to take matters into their hands for ANY reason. Between being in Palm's pocket, acting like a bunch of juveniles, and only caring about posting VGA pictures of cats, nearly every site outside of PIC has been reduced to mindless chatter & clatter. It's just unfortunate that the real egghead/techie types don't frequent PIC as much as some of the other sites (Brighthand? Slashot etc) so getting the answers to nitty-gritty problems is made considerably more difficult.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Moot
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/28/2005 1:09:00 AM # Q
a final effort to see if there's ANYONE there with the technical know-how to help me out with my "little" Bluetooth issue on the TX.

Try asking Christopher Price "hatoncat" at http://www.sprintpcsinfo.com/

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=7864#108038

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=8060#111823

RE: Moot
hkklife @ 10/28/2005 3:25:13 AM # Q
Thanks, Voice! I'll do it.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Moot
medevilenemy @ 10/28/2005 8:01:24 AM # Q
Ah, voice, it is that you are sorely mistaken. Most of us have provided our opinions on things, sometimes rooted in established fact, usually in speculation. Any of these contributions can be considered worthy. It is because of people like you; voice, surur, gekko, hkklife, etc; that the PIC discussion forums are among the least respected in the palm/pda community. You guys give this place such an angry environment. You people, so bereft of respect for others as you are, are a menace, YOU are the parasites.

Do not take so much credit for yourself, it's unbecoming of any self-respecting human being. I ask you now, politely if I may, to end your pointless crusades against all of us whose opinions differ from your own, all of us who dare share a dissenting opinion.

Let's all try to use the forums for [B]Discussion[/B] not argument.

RE: Moot
Simony @ 10/28/2005 9:15:58 AM # Q
> I'm being dead serious here: either CONTRIBUTE to the discussion or S T F U. Your decision.

Your 'contributions' are as hilarious as ever. Bozo.

RE: Moot
cervezas @ 10/28/2005 9:18:52 AM # Q
medevilenemy wrote:
I ask you now, politely if I may, to end your pointless crusades against all of us whose opinions differ from your own

It's not going to work. The only thing TVoR understands is being slapped around.

You really need to understand that this is the Internet. It's all about pointless crusades and differing opinions.

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog

RE: Moot
hkklife @ 10/28/2005 10:34:27 AM # Q
I only (sadly) resort to name-calling & general ugliness when I post THOROUGH findings/problems/concerns with Palm's products and, instead of genuine advice from those more technical than myself, I receive one or more of the following:

1. Stop whining/get over it
2. You're on the M$ payroll
3. Change to PPC/WinMob
4. Buy a Treo
5. You can live without _________ (insert missing feature here)
6. Change cell providers

It happened before with trying to rally support to get a REAL version of Graffiti 1 back onto Palm devices. It happened again when I was among the first to disclose HOW shoddy the LifeDrive's memory architecture is and how certain random units fare worse than others. Now It's happening again as I expose Palm's intentional Bluetooth crippling in order to try and sell more Treos to North American customers.

Look, I'm as big of a fan of the Palm OS (in ANY flavor) as anyone. I still admire Palm's/PalmSource's PIM apps and ease of use. Even the (overall) hardware as of late has been somewhat competitive. 9 years with a platform that's always been behind the curve will make you used to compromises. But I cannot stand all of the BUGS & QUIRKS--whether intentional or not, it's gotta stop!

Every new Palm since the T3 has come with some set of dealbreakers that shouldn't exist. No, I don't expect 2 week battery life, voice recognition, built-in GPS and an OLED screen for $300. But for my $300 I expect a handheld that works with the same cellphones that my PREVIOUS Palms worked with. And a choice of character recognition formats would be lovely as well (G1 vs. G2 vs. G3?) since some us still prefer a stylus for short memos than a micro keyboard.

I've seen a noticable decrease in the quality of the PIC forums. Everyone posting there is either an apologist or a n00b. However, that's still preferable to the "country club" atmosphere over at Brighthand & 1src. I'm constantly insulted over at Brighthand when I give ANYTHING LESS than a glowing report on every aspect Palm's latest offerings. If you want to call wanting Palm to be accountable for problems THEY create with THEIR own hanhelds parasitic behavior then I'll gladly change my nickname to "pinwormlife"

I just want a SOLID Palm handheld that offers reliable BT, reliable wi-fi, 320*480, NO keyboard, decent battery life, a stable OS and NO cellular model or monthly data service plans attached to it. Is that too much to ask? A voice recorder and Graffiti 1 would be icing on the cake. TX comes pretty close to what I mention above? Yes, and that's why I am so aggravated at Palm's latest bungles.

P.S. I seldom see any of you "new guys" in the forums, by the weay. PIC's front page dialogue is considerably grittier than what goes on in the forums. If you'd take the time to look you'd see plenty of advice and polite assistance given out by me to less experienced users over the years. Ironically, the paradigms of polite decency and courtesy (potter, klw, Captain Hair) post almost EXCLUSIVELY in the forums and stay out of the front page fray. Something to think about...

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/28/2005 10:40:25 AM # Q
>>People like David Beers, Surur, Timothy Rapson, hkklife, Marty Fouts, LiveFaith, Jeff Kirvin, Mike Cane, David Schlesinger, Adama Brown, etc and myself all have widely (and wildly) disparate opinions about most matters related to the PalmOS platform but at least we take the time to post these opinions and back up those opinions with FACTS if possible.

Nice tactic! troll hides behind the credibility of REAL contributors (well, most of those you listed are)- nice attempt to cloak yourself there. Oh yes - PIC readers were lost before the TVOR began 'contributing'. ALL your posts are serious, non-rhetoric - you certainly NEVER resort to cheap insults and off-topic, self-agrandizing banter now, do you TVOR?

>>I'm being dead serious here: either CONTRIBUTE to the discussion or S T F U. Your decision.

Oh? are you being dead serious? WTF does that mean? Oh look out! TVOR is dead serious! Are you going to summon your mighty forces?

You don't contribute Jack. You polute the boards by going off-topic to attack other people, dis-respectfully posting anywhere and everywhere without regards to anybody or any edicate.

Don't like my string of posts here? Well too bad - you certainly have had no respect for anybody here. BTW: since u find time to post 100 times a day, i assume you - do what exactly? work part time a fast-food restaurant? That is some qualification for your conspiracy minded analysis now isn't it?

RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/28/2005 11:24:52 AM # Q
Criticism and outrage about legimate matters - such as palm messing up yet another model with something stupis - are completely fair game.

I am talking about completely gratuitous character attacks that have nothing ot do with aparticular topic. Perfect example is this gem for a few days ago by TVOR:


...umm. TVOR: Nobody cares about what Kirvin may or may not have said in a ANOTHER thread in ANOTHER site. It is off topic.

or how about the Gekko comment that started this thread? Let's repeat it shall we:

>>You'll never be able to buy one.

>>The toilet's been flushed and PalmOS is still circling the bowl, "remnants" remain... but not for long.

>>Bye Bye Apologists.

Thanks for the 'contributions' TVOR and Gekko.

RE: Moot
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/28/2005 5:29:47 PM # Q
As usual, the apologists have NOTHING useful to say. Thanks for sharing.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=7864#108038

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=8060#111823

RE: Moot
rsc1000 @ 10/28/2005 6:19:19 PM # Q
>>As usual, the apologists have NOTHING useful to say. Thanks for sharing.

No thanks you for your 'contributions'.

RE: Moot
Simony @ 10/28/2005 7:12:17 PM # Q
> As usual, the apologists have NOTHING useful to say. Thanks for sharing.

This is brilliant. Not even John Cleese can produce humour like this. Bozo.

RE: Moot
Dr Opinion @ 10/28/2005 8:48:48 PM # Q
> "...I just left the sewing circle over at Brighthand after a final effort to see if there's ANYONE there with the technical know-how to help me..."

You hang around here, bitching about how rubbish everything is, complaining about Palm, and whining on about your bizarre fantasies about "what is going to happen", (which never, of course, actually happens, just like that wad, Voice-of-Dumbness).

Now that would be pathetic enough. Sure. But then every now and then you start to grovel at hackers, begging them to make changes to your software. Why not just buy a book and learn? Do it yourself? Stop whining and bitching that hackers won't waste their (precious) time fixing your stupid problem!

You want to know the two best solution to [random problem x] that you encounter becuase of your personal preferences, but that you cannot fix because of your lack of knowledge and skill?

(1) Change your preferences
(2) Develop knowledge or skill

Until then: ****, you total wad.

Really. :)

"People who like M$ products tend to be insecure crowd-following newbies lacking in experience and imagination."

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