Quickies: Palm Tipsheet 13.0, HandHeldCrime, PalmUser

Supercharge your Memo Pad! In this issue of the Palm Tipsheet they share techniques to make the most out of your handheld's built-in Memo Pad and highlight freeware and shareware Memo Pad replacement applications. In the Tipsheet interview, Norwegian Palm user Tore Hogas talks about his Palm handheld and Palm popularity in Norway. -Mike Rohde

A new issue of free short crime fiction is available for reading on your handheld. Issue #8 of HandHeldCrime features new original short fiction from Hugh Lessig, John A. Broussard, and J. Michael Blue. They are also offering up the first installment of David Kearns' novel THE MUCKRAKERS. -Jamey Dumas

Issue 6 of the 128-page PalmUser magazine is out today, with more than 100 pages of editorial content, including 50 pages of in-depth reviews, including the new Handspring Prism and Platinum, Documents To Go Professional, MegaDoc, Coola, VRally, Race Fever, plus major roundups of every database system and outliner available. -Steve Litchfield

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