Quickies: PalmGear Stores, Refurbs, m100 Peripherals, PineMark

PalmGear.com has entered into an agreement with gTrends, Inc. to sell PalmGear's entire line of hardware, software, and accessories at gTends' Bytes to Go carts and kiosks at malls and airports.

Palm has reduced the price of its refurbished models. The III is $82, the IIIxe is $125, the IIIc is $209, and the VIII is $245.

Shinei International has updated their site with lots of pics of the soon-to-be-released mp3 player porteson and 56K clipModem for the Palm m100 series.

PineMark, Pine Tree Software's benchmarking program for the Palm OS, is now available. It tests a Palm's abilities in display, database, and numerical operations. PineMark costs $12.50 and a demo is available.

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nXt @ 3/28/2001 3:59:34 AM #
Why would anyone pay for a benchmarking program?

That may end the "tax-free" prices...

fleegle @ 3/28/2001 2:35:31 PM #
One of the advantages of buying stuff through PalmGear, over the internet, was that they didn't charge sales tax to out of state customers. If they establish a store in malls and airports in another state, then they can charge that states sales tax, even if it was an internet purchase. That's not good. :(

std interface

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/31/2001 9:30:39 AM #
the gps has a std interface - the website documentation should describe-the protocol is some type of std gps codes


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