Quickies: PocketPC, Don King, Holidays

Microsoft Chairman William Gates announced today that his company has stopped all development on the Pocket PC platform. He said, "Damn, these things stink! I don't know what we were thinking. We wouldn't have have released CE at all if Satan hadn't told me to. I found some extra cash in my tuxedo jacket; I guess I'll just buy Palm."

Boxing promoter Don King was recently given a Palm Vx as a present, which he described as "outrighteously gradilomentitudious". He went on to say, "The palmumental interficasivness was expertaciously efficinicated with e-mailiffication."

Happy April Fools Day from Ryan and Ed and all the rest of the Palm Infocenter staff.

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Got me

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/1/2001 11:34:44 AM #
Damn, I was shocked.... too bad it isn't true :)

Don King or GWB?

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/1/2001 12:56:30 PM #
>Boxing promoter Don King was recently given a Palm Vx as a present, which he described as
>"outrighteously gradilomentitudious". He went on to say, "The palmumental interficasivness was
>expertaciously efficinicated with e-mailiffication."

Are you sure it wasn't George W. who said this? ;)

RE: Don King or GWB?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/1/2001 2:16:51 PM #
Did Mike Tyson throw a temper tantrum, when he didn't get a palm, or did he just bite Don King and take his

Subliminal Messages

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 7:47:30 AM #
You could've had a subliminal message saying some like "April Fools". I think Sports Illustrated did that one time.

Don King

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/2/2001 9:42:11 PM #
True or not, big deal, who cares, instead of a Palm Vx, how about giving Don a wonderfulsisous hair-cut.



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