Quickies: Free Training, Graphical E-cards, Modem Insurance

All subscriptions to PalmUser magazine now get a free CD with more than an hour of multimedia training with advanced sessions to get the most from the 'big four' built-in Palm OS applications, plus 'Working with Applications' and 'Managing your files' and over 300MB of offline Web content and software. -Steve Litchfield

The new shareware app ViziCard is designed to send, receive, and organize graphical business cards. It can beam a copy of itself together with the card, and the recipient may optionally copy the address data from the card to the Palm address book. -Nick Hoggard

PDAsLostorStolen.com has announced the inclusion of select wireless handheld modems to their insurance package. The modems include three models from Novatel Wireless and the VisorPhone from Handspring. The three Novatel Wireless modems, the Minstrel S for the Handspring Visor, the Minstrel V for the Palm V, and the Minstrel III for the Palm III, as well as the VisorPhone, will cost $5 a month to insure.-Chad Parks

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