HandEra Announces Software Contest Winners

The winners of the HandEra 330 Software Developer's Contest have been announced. The contest was open to developers interested in modifying their applications to take advantage of the new features of the HandEra 330 and the winners best demonstrated its hi-res screen, virtual graffiti area, and one-hand operation.

The winners include a JPG viewer, several games, a map viewer, a drawing app, a few hacks, and more.

The winners were selected by an independent panel of judges who carefully reviewed each submission. There was no individual ranking of the winning applications. Each winning developer received a free HandEra 330.

"The number of applications introduced for the 330 represents a growing acceptance of QVGA as an industry standard among the developer community," said Mike Walter, vice president of software development. "One of the keys to the overwhelming success of the HandEra 330 has been the dedicated effort, creativity and support of third-party developers. We'd like to thank everyone who participated in the contest."

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My entry is online too

bcombee @ 8/25/2001 12:39:54 PM #
I didn't have the site ready in time for the press release, but DbgMessage Hack is now available at http://palmos.techwood.org/. This hack is for programmers who are using the H330; it allows you to output log messages into the virtual grafitti area while your program is running. Source code is included; it will also be an example on the CodeWarrior for Palm OS Platform V8 CD.

RE: My entry is online too
ganoe @ 8/25/2001 10:13:05 PM #
Cool app. I was hoping someone would do something like that for debugging. Congrats!



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