Quickies: Butter Palm, HS Update, HandHeldCrime

At last, your dream of owning a Palm made of 50 pounds of butter can be fulfilled. Gearworks created this sculpture for the Minnesota State Fair and is now auctioning it off on eBay for charity. As the site says, you can use it to "message & track incredibly large butter-sculpted mobile workers, field service vehicles". -Rob

Handspring has posted HS Updater 3.5.2 v.1.5 on its support site. It is for the Prism and Platinum only and fixes a problem that causes a Fatal Alert with unspecified third-party software. Handspring posted v1.4 of this in July but withdrew it because it created more problems than it fixed. -Ed

Issue XXI of the free ezine HandHeldCrime is now available. It has new crime fiction by Laird Long, Guy Belleranti, John A. Broussard and Stephen D. Rogers. -Jamey Dumas

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MMMmmmmmmm butter!

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/1/2001 11:31:06 AM #

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/1/2001 11:39:48 AM #
This sucks because it doesn't have the color resolution of a Sony Clie. Why would anyone buy this instead of a Clie? I'll bet the butter will melt in your pocket, plus there's no memory stick interface!

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
Davy @ 9/1/2001 11:44:32 AM #
Darn! I wish this palm had the always on internet! Not, push requests!

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/1/2001 11:56:03 AM #
Yes, but screen resolution is 1024x786 with virtual graffiti!

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
Altema @ 9/1/2001 1:15:21 PM #
Actually it can use Memory Stick, SD, MMC, or CF, but just need to let it soften up a little. Using the SpringBoard module causes the screen to distort a little though...

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
MacPrince @ 9/1/2001 3:16:00 PM #
I wonder when they're going to release the companion BreadStick stylus...

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/1/2001 6:37:16 PM #
those MORONS why didn't they make a butter IPAQ pocket pc ROOLZ palm DROOLZ only FREAKS want a butter palm!!!!!!

(I'm actually a Palm user. I just thought I would beat the ubiquitous pocketpc trolls to the punch. =)

Q: Why would a butter Palm be far better than a butter IPAQ?

A: Because an IPAQ's butteries wear out so fast!

Of course, with a butter palm VIIx, at least you could finally get graffiti echo...

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/1/2001 9:19:43 PM #
Talk about a slow screen refresh rate. Something like one frame every minute if your have
you knife warmed up good.

RE: MMMmmmmmmm butter!
Altema @ 9/1/2001 10:41:46 PM #
Does the companion BreadStick stylus come with an appetite reset pin? Also, a butter ppc wouild be redundant. They already have ppc represented on the other side of the fairgrounds,.. you'll find them listed under 'Lard Sculptures'

visors suck

JeepBastard @ 9/1/2001 2:25:25 PM #
Why cant the fix the visorphone.. not only did they drop the price.. but it has a tendancy to crash you unit and make you lose all your data.


RE: visors suck
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/2/2001 7:09:10 AM #

Buff those breadsticks!

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/2/2001 8:37:31 PM #
Butter is better!

RE: Buff those breadsticks!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/2/2001 8:40:29 PM #
I wouldn't!



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