Sony Officially Announcing T615C and S360

Ending months of rumors and speculation, Sony is announcing two new additions to its line of handhelds today: the PEG-T615C and the PEG-S360. The star is sure to be the T615C, with its 320 by 320 pixel, TFT 16-bit color display and 16 MB of RAM. Despite this official announcement, Sony still has not specified an exact release date, only saying that it will be available later this month for $400.

The S360 has a 160 by 160 monochrome screen but also sports 16 MB of RAM. It will be available in February for $200.

Sony will soon be taking pre-orders for both these models on its website.

The T615C has two possible colors, which Sony calls royal blue and brushed silver. The casing for both is made of aluminium.

It's designed with the same general styling as the T415, though it is slightly thicker. Still, the T615C is the thinnest color PalmOS handheld available. It is 4.65 by 2.83 by 0.50 inches and weighs 4.9 ounces, including the stylus.

It has other things in common with the T415, as they both have an enhanced infrared port. This allows them to be used as a Universal Remote with an included application. It has a range of up to 15 feet.

Again like the T415, the T615C has a high-quality speaker, at least when compared to the average Palm OS device. With it, users can convert MIDI or WAV files on their desktop and then play them on the handheld. This is also designed to improve game-playing.

As the T615C is a Sony handheld, of course it has a Memory Stick slot, though it doesn't come with a Memory Stick. It also has a Jog Dial. It runs the Motorola DragonBall 33 MHz processor.

It comes with applications designed for business users and home users, too. For business users, it includes Documents To Go Standard Edition from DataViz and Presenter-to-Go from Margi Systems.

For home users, in addition to the universal remote application, it also comes with apps for showing movies, displaying photos, and Clié Paint, a mini image editor.

Hopefully not lost in the shuffle is the S360, which while much less exciting than the T615C, will almost certainly outsell it. It's a replacement for the now-discontinued S320 and will be a very competitive low-end model, as it compares favorably to many higher-priced mid-range handhelds.

There are no cosmetic changes between the S320 and the S360. It even still runs OS 4.0. Still, its one change is a big one: the increase to 16 MB of RAM.

It is 4.63 by 2.88 by 0.59 inches and weighs 4.27 ounces, including the stylus. The S360 is powered by an internal rechargeable battery and has a 33 MHz Dragonball processor.

Like the T615C and all of Sony's other models, it comes with an application to display pictures, though naturally these don't look as good in monochrome. Business users aren't ignored either as it includes Documents To Go Standard Edition from DataViz. This allows it to work with Microsoft Office Documents.

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Sony is Awesome.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:12:01 AM #
They really do a great job for their customers with product innovation.

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 10:10:42 AM #
Too bad they dont do a great job for their customers with that thing called customer service.

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 10:46:03 AM #
Admit it and give up, SONY is the WINNER now.

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 11:00:12 AM #
"They really do a great job for their customers with product innovation."

Only for those customers who continue to buy new handhelds from them. For those who bought S320s, they've added no upgrades or "innovation." So, if you want a disposable handheld, go Sony!

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 11:27:53 AM #
I was waiting for a shallow response. None of these units are disposable. I own a N710C (with OS 4.1s) and it fits my needs perfectly and is hardly disposable as you put it. I actually prefer the looks of the N710C over the T615C. So what if they upgrade and innovate regularly? They are meeting specific needs of each target market and killing their Palm OS competitors in the process.

It beats the pants off what Handspring and Palm have "innovated" in the past year. Which, the last I checked, is nothing that isn't already out there in some better form factor.

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 12:03:01 PM #
I was thinking...
Thease new models, they are just the same as the older ones (very much so in the case of the S360) but with 16MB of RAM.
Wasn't that exactly what handspring did with the Platinum a couple of months ago?

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 1:01:27 PM #
>Thease new models, they are just the same as the older ones (very much so in the case of the S360) but with 16MB of RAM.
Wasn't that exactly what handspring did with the Platinum a couple of months ago?

Well yes, but Sony didnt increase the price of the S300 series. At $200 i challenge you to name a Palm or a PDA which can do what the SS360 can do.

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 2:34:54 PM #
Upgrades for S320? Come on. I want an upgrade
for my Walkman please? :-)

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 2:44:08 PM #
"Only for those customers who continue to buy new handhelds from them. For those who bought S320s, they've added no upgrades or "innovation." ".

Upgrade? To what? Geez, man, it's a damn $169 pda, not an F-16.

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 3:57:49 PM #
"Only for those customers who continue to buy new handhelds from them. For those who bought S320s, they've added no upgrades or "innovation."".

Upgrade ?? upgrade what ?? You can upgrade anything on S320, but last time I checked, the OS of all palm OS Device from handspring can't be upgraded. Now who's more flexible for upgrade .

RE: what abt MP3
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/16/2002 3:18:49 AM #
When ever is a thin n760c with MP3 and 16 megs ram coming out??

RE: Sony is Awesome.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/16/2002 10:12:06 AM #
This guy can give you an upgrade from an s320-s360. Your warranty will be void though. In fact, all 33Mhz chips can be upgraded to support 16Mb of ram.


scouter075 @ 1/15/2002 9:14:04 AM #
Not to be outdone, Palm is sending e-mails to customers telling them:

"All we can say is that the newest Palm™ handheld is coming. Very soon. Stay tuned for more details."

Things are getting interesting.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:18:38 AM #
The question is, is Palm referring to:

A. i705 Greyscale
B. i705 Color
C. m525
D. Something above with Bluetooth

If it's only "A", many will be disappointed.

scouter075 @ 1/15/2002 9:39:32 AM #
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:40:48 AM #
I think a sleeker-looking Greyscale Palm VII with 8-16MB aint gonna cut it. Color is King and B&W is DEAD.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 10:11:40 AM #
No Voice No Buye.,,,why bother with the i705 when The Treo can do everything plus voice?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 11:41:13 AM #
I agree, the TREO will kill anything that Palm comes out with unless it's priced 40% cheaper than the TREO upon launch. Who want's a Palm.Net device that's only additional enhancement is the ability to receive a message. For that, get a VisorPhone or TREO with SMS capability and boom you're there. The VisorPhone is FREE and available now. I use it to browse the web, check e-mail, etc. With the I705, it looks like this is not possible and everything goes through Palm.Net. Of course, we'll know officially once it's released. This is just speculation based on rumors, etc.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 12:13:31 PM #
Will the TREO come with a memory expanion slot or the universal connector?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 12:15:17 PM #
I am a current Palm VII user and hate that it doesn't have color. I use the wireless connection for work, but won't buy the i705 if it isn't color. I would rather buy an m505 with a connection to my cell phone.

Beavis @ 1/15/2002 12:53:14 PM #

320x320 Display
66 Mhz Processor
32 Mb RAM
Enhanced Sound
Jog Dial


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 1:09:49 PM #

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 1:36:51 PM #
320x320 Display
66 Mhz Processor
32 Mb RAM
Enhanced Sound
Jog Dial

This would be SWEET!!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 1:39:18 PM #
The only thing palm has even leaked is that IT IS a wireless device, goto to and it has a tell me more panel

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 2:27:10 PM #
if you recall a while back there were stories about a wirelss palm - bluetooth is considered wireless to some degree - maybe it is the 525 device....

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 2:34:04 PM #
I wouldn't be to suprised by a greyscale I700 to followed by a color I705 like the M50x series
but palm does need to really up the ante in features and quality. But, they prolly wouldn't pursue bluetooth in this series just yet (think SDIO) it be a new toy for the strong-arm models to bump the price up, just me talking out my ....

"any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"...Arthur C Clarke.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 4:44:11 PM #
320x320 Display   ok i could go with that
66 Mhz Processor   totally not realistic
32 Mb RAM    would be expensive
Enhanced Sound   dont think so
Jog Dial    hm....


yes it would be sweet but i think it's not very realistic.
this handheld would be way more expensive than the price above.


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 6:36:49 PM #
you know, the more i think about it, the more I'm assured it will not be the i705. Palm knows that we know its going to come out, but I feel they have a bigger suprise. Perhaps the m525?
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I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 7:53:39 PM #

320x320 Display
66 Mhz Processor
32 Mb RAM
Enhanced Sound
Jog Dial


There is no reason why Palm could not sell such a model for $429, except perhaps the Dragonball 66 MZ may not support 32 meg. I think they could really steal a march on the PPC crowd who think that Palms can't do what PPCs can (this one could do it all and then some), AND there would be no canibalizing of current sales as the price is in a different arena. I would even buy such a device if it were in the larger M 125 form factor. All the same peripherals form the M series would fit. A MMC slot antenae for wireless Internet or a bluetooth card could allow it to be the i705 that was promised. I would sure dig it.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/16/2002 8:23:00 AM #
320x320 Display ok i could go with that
>66 Mhz Processor totally not realistic

Already being made by Motorola. If they are not being made to go into Palms what is Moto making them for?

>32 Mb RAM would be expensive

Expensive? Most palmtops use memory that is virtually identical to PC133 that is selling wholesale in bulk for 10 cents per megabyte. No, not a typo, the memory in PDAs should have no effect on the production costs. It is all marketing garbage.

> Enhanced Sound dont think so

Handera and Sony do it now.

> Jog Dial hm....

Even HP can make a jog dial.

> $429

Price is right on the money.

> yes it would be sweet but i think it's not very realistic.
> this handheld would be way more expensive than the price above

Not realistic. We will see it by the end of March from Sony, Handera, and Palm.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/17/2002 8:13:09 AM #
the comment about the SDIO - it does not ahve to be on and SD card - it could be built in - as with the new ipaq - think about it - just a possibility.

What is interesting?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:19:27 AM #
Please tell me what is interesting about the new Sony? Umm same old DATED os just a pretty ne case, very innovative. Didnt the Palm V come out almost 3 years ago???? Umm it was innovative then, now its just FUNNY!

Attention law-abiding cyber-citizens
sandbuck @ 1/15/2002 9:24:47 AM #
The best way to squash a troll is to IGNORE him.

RE: Attention law-abiding cyber-citizens
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:27:00 AM #
The people who constantly CRY "Troll" at every chance should be the ones ignored.

RE: What is interesting?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:31:21 AM #
Sandbuck, agree with you all the way.

RE: What is interesting?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 9:57:32 AM #
"The best way to squash a troll is to IGNORE him."

You did a good job yourself of ignoring him/her....

RE: What is interesting?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 10:07:08 AM #
Please tell me what is interesting about your post? Umm same old TROLL, very innovative. Didn't you post the same message three months ago??? Umm back then it was lame now it's STUPID.

RE: What is interesting?
sandbuck @ 1/15/2002 10:10:10 AM #
Ignoring who?

RE: What is interesting?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/15/2002 10:53:38 AM #
Palm Inc. Lover @@

RE: What is interesting?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/16/2002 2:05:32 AM #
Are you retarded?
You must be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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