Samsung Demoing New Smartphone

Samsung is demonstrating a new smartphone at CommunicAsia2002 in Singapore and some facts about it have begun to appear on the Web, though the information is, as yet, incomplete. The device, called the Bluechip, has a clamshell shape. It has a color screen and hardware buttons on one side and the Graffiti area, rocker switch, and telephone dial pad on the other. It runs Palm OS 4.1. It is not yet known when this device will be available or at what price.

The Bluechip uses CDMA networks and supports gpsOne. It has voice memo and voice dialing capabilities.

It is 3.4 by 2.1 by .85 inches (87 x 54 x 21.5 mm) and weighs 4.5 ounces (130 g).

Samsung is also demonstrating the SCH-M330, which it has shown off before. According to earlier reports, this model was supposed to be released in April which, obviously, didn't happen.

Thanks to The-Riot and ak2g for the tips. -Ed

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Looks Like Kyocera

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 8:44:42 AM #
Funny that both Kyocera and Samsung's new models are clamshells with the screen on one side and the graffiti area on the other. Did they work together? Independent research? Industrial espionage? Maybe that's the best way to do it.
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
quake97 @ 6/21/2002 9:33:32 AM #
I think that's just the next evolution to make smartphones smaller. I am pretty sure those two models will be thinner and smaller than the Treo. From most of the non-Treo users and non-PDA users I've talked to, they think the Treo is too big. So Samsung and Kyocera probably have something.


RE: Looks Like Kyocera
sford @ 6/21/2002 10:27:29 AM #
What new Kyocera phone??

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
Ed @ 6/21/2002 10:33:36 AM #
A few weeks ago, pictures and details on a new Kyocera smartphone were leaked to PIC. Kyocera was very unhappy and had their lawyers send us a cease and desist order which is why the information isn't available on the site any more. You can still read the comments on it, though:

This is the strongest any company has ever reacted to us "outing" one of their products.

News Editor

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
terrysalmi @ 6/21/2002 10:43:05 AM #
I think that Kyocera was put on the original pictures just to make them look and seem real, w/out giving away the real company: the person who started the rumor probably did that so that Samsung would not get suspicious at them...

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
sford @ 6/21/2002 11:35:41 AM #
Oh yeah...I remember that. Thanks, Ed!

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
Ed @ 6/21/2002 11:55:10 AM #
> I think that Kyocera was put on the original pictures just to make them look
> and seem real, w/out giving away the real company

Terry, the Kyocera device looked similar to this but not the same.

It is frustrating to me that I can't show you the Kyocera device but unless you all want to kick in some serious money for a lawyer, there's not much I can do about it.

News Editor

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 12:10:04 PM #
How the hell can a news article violate the DMCA?

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 3:44:18 PM #
It doesn't, you tool. I violates intellectual property and patent protection type laws.

DMCA, my !@#!@$

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 5:29:02 PM #
I think I prefer the Kyocera design with the app buttons below the Graffiti area plus with what appears to be a SD slot. However, it would have to be 3G before I'd go for it.

P.S. Glad I saved the images before they were removed.

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 10:32:52 PM #

Kyo has (apparently) SD and better PIM button placement.

Samsung is smaller (judging from LCD size compared to rest of the body) and brighter LCD and separate status bar area up top.

Who'll be out first, that's what I wanna know

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/22/2002 11:46:32 AM #
All four photos of Kyocera smartphone:

RE: Looks Like Kyocera
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/24/2002 4:14:36 PM #

good but bad

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 8:29:38 AM #
I like the big screen. But I like my PDA for work and phone for my social life. I want them seperate.
RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 8:33:43 AM #
I like your comment. It is all too often that people say, "this phone sucks!", or "no one will buy it", et cetera. I like how you, unlike many others at this forum, are willing to say that it's nice, but that it doesn't fit in with your usage patterns, and not that it sucks, or that palm blows and samsung rules or something of that nature
good for me
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 9:10:18 AM #
I tried the "separate" approach and it didn't work for me. it seemed that when i needed the PDA I only had my phone with me. I now carry a Treo 180 and love it. It small and I can carry all my information (and games of course) with me all the time. I only wish the screen was color but i can upgrade at the end of the year for a color treo or a new Palm smartphone (or perhaps a WinCE Smartphone).
Combo Device one Step Behind
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 9:32:37 AM #
This is a really cool looking device. I just hate how all the combo devices are always one step behind the PDAs. What I really want is the equiv of a Treo with 320x320 color screen, SD card, 16MB+ built in RAM and OS 5. But alas.....
sandbuck @ 6/21/2002 9:33:53 AM #
This is the first hybrid device that makes consider buying one. I still think that PDAs and phones are at their best as separate devices. But this device has a very appeling design.

RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 9:39:19 AM #
I agree with the first poster, but then again, I disagree. I used to want to just have a phone and a PDA separate, but now I think that what I really want is a phone that has mini-PDA functions, and a full size PDA that can do the spreadsheets and whatnot. This phone seems small enough to fit my social needs while still having full-PDA function. I don't know that I'd need to have another PDA, but maybe this and a slim laptop would be a good combo.
RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 9:39:19 AM #
I agree with the first poster, but then again, I disagree. I used to want to just have a phone and a PDA separate, but now I think that what I really want is a phone that has mini-PDA functions, and a full size PDA that can do the spreadsheets and whatnot. This phone seems small enough to fit my social needs while still having full-PDA function. I don't know that I'd need to have another PDA, but maybe this and a slim laptop would be a good combo.
RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 10:16:08 AM #
How about a PDA that can connect to the cellular system, and the "phone" isn't really a phone at all, just a bluetooth headset that uses the PDA to access the phone system. Think of your current PDA with an antenna, no flip or anything else to make it look like a phone.

The concept of a dedicated phone will disappear. Just look at sci-fi, no one uses a phone, they all have little communicator buttons or something. Reality typically follows sci-fi.


What I want
pontif @ 6/21/2002 11:20:10 AM #
This looks good, but I'll have to say, I used to believe I wanted separate devices. Now I think I'd consider, and perhaps prefer, a combo device -- provided I don't have to compromise on the pda functionality. For me to consider it, I want 320x320 res, decent screen size, and a memory expansion slot (SD or MemStick is fine w/me. Don't care which, as long as it works!) And at least 16mb memory.

I'm starting to think my ideal might be a Sony NR70 with phone capability built in. (Note that I don't have an NR70, so I'm not biased based on that!)

RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 2:04:41 PM #
All you need is a device that accepts a SIM card. That way, you can use the PDA/Phone combo in the day, and then switch the SIM card into a small, cool phone when that's all you need. I'm not sure the Treo 270 works on the GSM network, but that would be ideal.
RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 2:47:10 PM #
I agree with the sci-fi remark. I want the 'phone guts' to fit into a standard PDA frame. I don't even care if it's initially wireless - just give me a handsfree headset to connect to my PDA (N760). When wireless becomes affordable, then I'll switch (and surely upgrade). In my state (NY), we're legally required to have hands-free kits, so I'm halfway there. Just eliminate hauling the phone about. And, then I can get my wireless e-mail & SMS & browsing right through the PDA.

Can it be done? And when?! :) Enquiring minds are waiting, and saving up dough...

RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 2:53:05 PM #
The Treo 270 is GSM, and willbe upgradeable to GPRS.
RE: good but bad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 6:22:49 PM #
I use my PDA all the time for reading, PIM, e-mail and games. I think it might be odd to have to stare at an open phone all the time while reading a book. I like having a keyboard to enter long text messages.

I still think that a nice color PDA with BT and a tiny BT phone are ideal.

I.M. Anonymous @ 7/1/2002 11:10:04 AM #
XDA gives you all of this, today.


robrecht @ 6/21/2002 9:18:11 AM #
This is a nice option for those who do not like the thumbboards on the Treo. Any way to hook up a full size, folding keyboard to this for writing longer emails?

Thanks, Robrecht
RE: Keyboards
Ed @ 6/21/2002 9:25:39 AM #
Samsung is at least aware that keyboards are important. It released a version of the SnapNType for the I300 last month:
At this point, there's no way to know if they will do anything like that for the Bluechip.

I see the number pad has the alphabet printed on it. I wonder if this phone will allow you to type with the keypad. I don't think this is nearly as easy to use as Graffiti but I know some people who do a lot of SMS on their mobile phones and they are ridiculously fast entering letters on a number pad.

News Editor

RE: Really Need Full-Size Keyboards
robrecht @ 6/21/2002 10:13:31 AM #
Ed, didn't you have an item 'bout a year ago about someone who was developing cables to connect full-size, folding keyboards to different devices?

Thanks, Robrecht
Can it type like Text Msg using Num PAD?
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 11:55:21 AM #
I think the easiest way to type with one hand is the Text messeging style by using the number pad. I hope it can always work like that.

i love the design and its better than the previous samsung! they hit off the perfect design for a smartphone this time

RE: Can it type like Text Msg using Num PAD?
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 12:07:05 PM #
You know that's an interesting point. If they were clever, they'd have the keypad optionally be active for text input with T9.
Auto-Off of the number board
costein @ 6/21/2002 12:44:20 PM #
If and when this phone hits Europe on a dual- or even Tri-Band mode I hope that the company thought enough to shut off the num-pad (let's say automatically) once you start writing on the graffiti-pad.
From what I can gather from the picture, that num-pad looks like it will be in the way when you try to rest a portion of your hand on the lower portion of the phone (on the num-pad), that may trigger numbers or other characters unwantingly and could be a pain in the yahoo in the longrun, when trying to use the phone/palm to the fullest.
Otherwise an interesing form. The Treo doesn't hack it (sorry for the Palm related pun). It seemed to me to be too fragile.

RE: Keyboards,, yeah i forgot that one.
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 8:44:36 PM #
YEah you are right. the device should deactivate the keys on the numpad when starting to use grafitti. but the text input is crucial for me since i am used to texting, and people around the world are getting used to texting esp asia and europe. more and more people will be used to it

Awkward design

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 10:19:08 AM #
I certainly think that this is an awkward looking device. The design concept just does not seem right. The design for the Treo is still the best I have seen. Of course The Graffiti worshippers would think differently.
RE: Awkward design
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 11:45:07 AM #
How can you say this is and awkward design? All the did was take the Motarola StartTac, Timeport line and added the pda to it, this is brilliant. Not only does it resember one of the best selling cell phones of all time, it is small and so much bettre looking then the treo. I think this phone will sell like crazy, now if the pricing is the same as the trio, that we will have to wait and see.
RE: Awkward design
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 12:27:48 PM #
Most people like the keyboard on smart phones because they can enter number fast without having to use an stylus (or get the screen dirty with fingerprints). Most Palm Os users find the best option to be a handhed with graffity and a full size or folding keyboard to do touch typing.

Also the term "graffity worshipers" is ridiculous when graffity has been the standard input method in the Palm OS for years. thumboards have just begun to appear.

Also if you don't like grafity you can use Jot (similar to the input method on PPC) or Simpliwrite. These are natural letters recognizers that work great.

RE: Awkward design
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 8:54:33 PM #
The ergonomics aint right on thr thing. The I bet any moeny that it will be odd to write graffiti where the graffiti pad is located. I alsop bet anymoeny that people will be complaining about smudge on the screen. This thing is a phone with a PDA thing attached. There is no real integration. I doubt Handspring has anything to worry about when it comes to this device. Lets wee what Kyoecera come up with.
RE: Awkward design
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/21/2002 10:38:25 PM #
Huh? You are leaps ahead of me. Where do you get your conclusions that this isn't as well integrated as the Treo? If it's no worse that i300 than it should be pretty well integrated, with address book and voice fns and such. Samsung has T9 on some of its handsets, and this should include it as well. T9 is actually faster than thumboard, and you don't have to type as many keys since there is prediction. The buttons, however, they did screw up big time...
RE: Awkward design
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/22/2002 8:50:02 AM #
"Graffiti worshippers"????

I'll bet dollars to donuts you thumbpad worshippers haven't pitched your pc's mouse in the trash. Why not? Why use the mouse when you have the nice keyboard in front of you? Folks that have no use for a stylus and Graffiti are folks that use a pda for one thing - typing novels. Anyone, ANYONE who uses a pda to navigate a database and make quick entries/changes will want Graffiti available. I will never consider any pda without Graffiti or something similar. I'll write the next War and Peace on my pc.

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