Quickies: Acer in U.S., T675C, NR70V Case, Brando

Acer has recently been showing off two new models, the s50 and s60, which reports say will be released in Asia and Europe in the near future. According to a company spokesperson, "Acer America has not made a decision yet on whether to make the new handhelds available in the US. "

Sony will begin offering the T675C in the UK at the beginning of September. It will cost £350. This is the European version of the T650C/T665C.

CliéSource has a picture of an NR70V aluminium hardcase that InnoPocket will release next month. The handheld will fit inside in tablet mode and there are slots for all the buttons on the left side and one for the camera. Pricing is not yet available.

Brando is now offering a plastic belt clip for the Handspring Treo line which sells for $24. It also now offers the Clié T-series Modem Cable, which will let users connect a T-Series handheld to a standard PC modem. It is $22.

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Clie Modem Cable

big_raji @ 8/26/2002 9:03:05 AM #
Yikes! I didn't think anybody used these types of cables anymore...

I remember having an absolutely horrendous setup many years ago with my old Palm Pilot > customized hotsync cable > Serial cable > external 33.6 modem > Phone line > Phone cable adapter module > motorola cellular phone.

Yikes. That was ugly.

Is there seriously any use for a cable like this anymore? I can't think of a reason for most users to carry around a modem cable anymore...


GPS! Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 9:24:54 AM #
While I don't think any of us will be hooking our Clies up to a land modem real soon. We have been having to make out own GPS cables and now with this we can buy them in the future. GPS units hooked up to your Clie with it's bigger screen and available color maps is pretty nice.
RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 10:06:51 AM #
well, you most likely could connect to a tnc (terminal
node controller) which would allow you to do packet
radio work in ham radio. a very compact solution if you
use a kpc-3+ and a handheld transceiver. a completly
portable, battery operated system.

if you were paranoid and didn't want to leave your login
password on an unfamiliar system then this might be the
ticket to some piece of mind for the occasional but
required modem connection when away from your home.

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 10:38:06 AM #
I use my Clie as a laptop replacement. I was thinking about buying a clip on modem for it to let me get my email on the road but there isn't one. At least not one I can find. I've got a 56k modem in a box somewhere and I'm thinking about getting this cable and bringing the modem with me on trips. It and the Clie are smaller than a laptop.
RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 11:01:37 AM #
This is one area where sony really comes up short. I love their devices - but they seem to completely avoid the possibility of allowing you to connect easily to the internet. What gives? Does making a wireless Clie violate some arrangement that Sony has with Ericson?
RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 11:03:06 AM #
"It and the Clie are smaller than a laptop."

I use a cellphone as a wireless modem and connect via IR. Smaller and easier than an external modem, but requires a data capable phone. Works great when I'm out on a date with my wife and we need to check the movie listings while at the resturant. Other times I'll surf the web while waiting for whatever. Not as fast as a landline and a modem though... and a lot more expensive.


RE: Clie Modem Cable
big_raji @ 8/26/2002 11:05:38 AM #
I guess I've been using PalmOS devices with cellular phones for so long, I can't fathom people carrying a huge (relatively speaking) PC modem for their clie.

I mean, if you are travelling from office to office, or from your home to a friend/family, you'd think that nowadays, you can pretty much expect that there will be internet access at your destination via a PC. Then, if you are really desparate, you can bring a hotsync cable to sync your clie with that PC, otherwise you can just get your e-mail etc on the PC.

What I'd love to see is some sort of ethernet adapter for a PDA... not a network hotsync cradle, but an actual ethernet adapter. I've been to so many hotels with an ethernet jack in the wall for internet, and rarely have a laptop with me.


RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 11:21:39 AM #
"I use a cellphone as a wireless modem and connect via IR."

To use the cellphone as a wireless modem is a special service requiored? Can you just dial the same ISP that you use for a landline?

What phone do you use that has an IR "connector"?

What cellphone service do you use?

Does that call get billed in as a normal call based on minutes of use, or is data charged at a higher rate?

Sorry for all the questions but I need to get a new cell phone and PDA and I would like to be able to a small amount of web browsing and email pickup.


RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 11:22:32 AM #
"What I'd love to see is some sort of ethernet adapter for a PDA..."

Me too, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I've been considering the Xircom 802.11b sled for work, but that would be useless in most hotels. I'm waiting for the wireless to come down in price before I go that way.

Raji, do you use the IR for your current cellphone, or have you moved on to BT?


RE: Clie Modem Cable
Ed @ 8/26/2002 11:34:39 AM #
> What I'd love to see is some sort of ethernet adapter for a PDA...

There are several available. Problem is, it turns out to not be a trivial task to convert Ethernet into something your Palm can use and so the adapters aren't cheap.

Portsmith makes Ethernet cradles for Palm's Universal Connector and the Handspring Visor line. They cost about $200:
These don't just handle Network HotSyncing; you can access the Internet, too.

You should also check into Clarinet Systems' EthIR LAN Family:
These use infrared and so can be used by just about any model.

News Editor

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 11:51:22 AM #
>To use the cellphone as a wireless modem is a
>special service requiored? Can you just dial the
>same ISP that you use for a landline?
>What cellphone service do you use?

I use Verizon wireless. You can use your own dial-up ISP or use the service provided by the wireless company. Verizon as you dial #777 then use the username and password of QNC. It connects at 14.4 but is fine for email and text web. I modem sync Avantgo and also have the Eudora browser for regular sites. Works fine.

>What phone do you use that has an IR "connector"?

I use a cable from a M105 to my Motorola v120 that I got at thesupplynet.com

>Does that call get billed in as a normal call based
>on minutes of use, or is data charged at a higher

It just uses minutes just like I was talking. So during the nights and weekends I get vertually unlimited use (3000 min)

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 12:01:41 PM #
> "What I'd love to see is some sort of ethernet adapter for a PDA..."
> Me too, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

and people wonder why others like the HandEra 330 so much. Hopefully we'll start to see some SDIO Ethernet cards in the reasonable future. The big issue is that it is a pain in the rear with licensing issues to write real Palm network drivers. I hope they fix that with OS 5.

The Portsmith cradles and serial adaptor are limited to serial speeds.

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 12:14:04 PM #
>Does that call get billed in as a normal call based
>on minutes of use, or is data charged at a higher

It just uses minutes just like I was talking. So during the nights and weekends I get vertually unlimited use (3000 min)

Are zou sure about this_ I have Sprint and when I tried to do the same and called mz own ISP using mz cellphone thez charged me a separate rate over and top of mz normal minutes. I had to sign up for their internet service for 5 bucks a month to use mz minutes and not get an extra per minute charge.

RE: Clie Modem Cable
mrfrodo1 @ 8/26/2002 12:40:30 PM #
Can Anyone tell me if the V60t from Cingular will work with the senario? Which cable do I get?

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 12:56:52 PM #
"and people wonder why others like the HandEra 330 so much."

Yes, that would have been a logical upgrade path for me, as all the accessories for my IIIc would have worked, including the IIIc modem which I still have. The deal killer was spreadsheets at work: they're color coded.


RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 1:00:30 PM #
"I had to sign up for their internet service for 5 bucks a month"

I had the same issue with Cingular. I went ahead but feel burned. I pay Ameritech for my home phone, both cell phones, AND unlimited internet. Then they charge me extra to use my existing cell phone to connect to my existing account. Oh well, at least the connections are rock-solid for both land line and wireless.

Regarding wireless access, I am worried about the SBC/Yahoo upgrade... the email is web based and I don't know if I will be able to access it via the Palm with one tap like I do now. No response from support on this and other questions...


RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 1:16:45 PM #
"Can Anyone tell me if the V60t from Cingular will work with the senario? Which cable do I get?"

Nope. The V60t is a nice phone, but uses TDMA which means no wireless data access. Ask for one which is web-enabled. The Nokia 7160 is one example, but works better as a modem than a phone (poor audio quality).

Do not ask for one which is simply "data-capable" because they sometimes use this phrase to describe phones which can sync with your computer, but do not have web access.


RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 1:38:29 PM #
Thank You. But since Cingluar, at least in the Northeast uses only TDMA technology, I will have to switch to versizon for dialup capability, correct?
RE: Clie Modem Cable
big_raji @ 8/26/2002 1:38:51 PM #
> Raji, do you use the IR for your current cellphone,
> or have you moved on to BT?

I wish I had BT... I'm still using IR with my cellphone. I've had a BT cellular for over a year now, and haven't used the BT feature yet. Argh. What's even more frustrating is that BT is rumored to be built in on the first Palm OS5 devices, but not the first Sony ones.

It's good to see that there are a few ethernet options out there. Hopefully, there will be some for the Sony T/NR/SL/SJ connector when Sony OS5 devices come out, otherwise I might have to actually go back to buying Palm hardware.


RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 1:47:28 PM #
Forget the modem, you can control a computerized telescope using a Palm planitarium program and a serial cable.

I'm sure there are other devices that can be controlled via a serial port.

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 2:37:21 PM #
>Does that call get billed in as a normal call based
>on minutes of use, or is data charged at a higher

>It just uses minutes just like I was talking. So >during the nights and weekends I get vertually >unlimited use (3000 min)

>Are zou sure about this_ I have Sprint and when I >tried to do the same and called mz own ISP using mz >cellphone thez charged me a separate rate over and >top of mz normal minutes. I had to sign up for their >internet service for 5 bucks a month to use mz >minutes and not get an extra per minute charge.

That's Sprint plan (which is a ripoff), however I use Verizon wireless and it offers mobile office included with your normal minutes. They do charge $7 or so a month for mobile web, which uses the phone's built in browser (which sucks BTW) but Mobile web is not necessary if you use your palm. See more info here:


Per their website:
How much does it cost to use the Verizon Wireless data service?
Verizon Wireless does not charge a monthly fee for the Mobile Office service. The service is billed at the same low "per minute" rates as your Verizon Wireless voice service today.

RE: Clie Modem Cable
fleegle @ 8/26/2002 2:45:56 PM #
"Forget the modem, you can control a computerized telescope using a Palm planitarium program and a serial cable."

Really? That sounds cool! Which planetarium program? Do you need any additional hardware?

RE: Clie Modem Cable
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 4:01:24 PM #
I've been using Verizon's QNC program for about 2 years now, first with my Vx and Startac, then with my m505 and Startac...and now that I've got a v60 I need to buy another overpriced cable for it. But Blazer, Eudora, even avantgo work wonderfully on the wireless connection. No trobules whatsoever and no excess charges or hidden fees. I DO subscribe to their Wireless Web service but it's _not_ necessary to use the Quick Network.

Now, if you are not in a Verizon digital market, I don't think it'll work (ie if you are on a Sprint etc tower) but if you are on the National Single Rate or America's Choice plans,and are in a roaming-free region, you can just dial into your ISP w/ no long distance fees and connect that way. I've been to some fairly remote locations (Driving from Gatlinburg to Oak Ridge Tenn. and Myrtle Beach SC among others) and still managed to use the Verizon quick connect, so I'd say that the coverage is surprisingly good.

RE: Clie Modem Cable and Telescopes
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 7:18:52 PM #
I use Palm Planetarium.


It has drivers for several of the most popular computerized scopes, including Celestron and Meade.

You may need to constuct a DB9-RJ45 adapter.

RE: Clie Modem Cable
useybird @ 8/26/2002 11:15:29 PM #
My Nokia 3360 uses TDMA and has optional mobile web (but i'm not signed up for it, which is a rip-off for $5.00/mo extra) I was looking to upgrade the firmware to GSM through the IR when Cingular turns into GSM in Chicago. I believe you can use TDMA for data, but it is very slow.

Senioritis: The chronic inflammation of the Senior.

Treo Beltclip

nobackup @ 8/26/2002 9:35:23 AM #
Its the Handspring original so nothing new here


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 10:58:16 AM #
I believe it is 'SonyStyle' selling the handheld.
Ed, if I am wrong, sue me.
RE: Error
Ed @ 8/26/2002 11:21:13 AM #
SonyStyle is Sony's official store for its products in the same way that the Palm Store is Palm's official store.

News Editor

Cheaper to buy the 665 than 675 (same machine)

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 11:03:22 AM #
Heads up, instead of paying £350
the 665 is available for £290!


PDA Ethernet Adaptor: Available for the Handera 330!

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 12:11:31 PM #
> What I'd love to see is some sort of ethernet adapter
> for a PDA... not a network hotsync cradle, but an
> actual ethernet adapter. I've been to so many hotels
> with an ethernet jack in the wall for internet, and
> rarely have a laptop with me.

CF ethernet and Wi-Fi adaptors have been available for some time. They work in the PalmOS Handera 330, as well as in PPC's with CF slots.

If you really want an ethernet adaptor for a PDA, you can buy one, today.

Recharging the Clie

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 1:55:29 PM #
What sony should do with their new up and coming handhelds is to make some sort of notification to tell us when the handheld has fully recharged. eg a pop up screen that says 'battery is now fully charged' or something like 'battery 100%'.

the way it is now, you dont know when its fully charged unless you touch the handheld and feel thats its cooled down. and the recharge light doesnt go off when its fully charged either. << they can also make it that the recharge light goes off when fully charged.

RE: Recharging the Clie
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/26/2002 2:38:00 PM #
The recharge light goes out on my T665C when it is fully charged. The same is true of my friend's NR-70V. Don't confuse the battery reading 100% with being fully charged. Leave your handheld in the cradle long enough and the light will eventually go out.


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