Palm Holding Press Event Next Week

Palm is going to hold a press conference next Thursday in New York City to coincide with the DigitalLife show. Palm executives will be on hand at the Javits center to announce some news, which PalmInfocenter has been told will include a new product announcement.

There is no word on what the exact announcement may be, however Palm still has one last new Treo to announce as promised. Rumors have pointed at an October release of a new lower priced Palm OS Treo. An image of the unannounced Treo 680 was spotted on Palm servers last month, that were quickly removed once made public.

During Palm last quarterly conference call Palm CEO Ed Colligan talked about the last remaining new Treo smartphone promised for release this year. He stated the release would come in the "very near future". The product will have worldwide distribution and will be offered by over 20 carriers by the end of this year.

Analysts have been predicting Palm will release a sub-$300 smartphone this year using previous generation radio technologies. It could likely be a GSM/EDGE device that runs Palm OS Garnet. It is expected to be competitively priced against lower cost smartphone recently introduced such as the Motorola Q, BlackBerry Perl and the Nokia E62.

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What? Only 1 device?

VampireLestat @ 10/6/2006 4:08:29 AM # Q

"a product announcement"

So only ONE device? As in 1 other god forsaken Treo phone? No true mobile computing handheld?

I am going to be so pissed if that is the case.

RE: What? Only 1 device?
SeldomVisitor @ 10/6/2006 6:31:38 AM # Q
Yes, since TREOs are so passé I'd MUCH rather see ex-PALMer's Hawkins' Next Great Thing instead.

That would be cool.

Hey! Maybe the Zune Phone =is= the NGT!

Nah, Toshiba's doing all that stuff, aren't they?

RE: What? Only 1 device?
JPT|X @ 10/6/2006 8:38:19 AM # Q
There have been no rumors so it probably won't be- but I would like to see a zire 73 or a tx 2

Features I would want in Zire 73
480X320 Screen
Better quality camera- not so much resolution but good at getting good lighting and focus

Features I would want in a tx2
Faster processor
Improvements to blazer or a new browser

Both should have a good integrated media player and a service to get palm formatted movies on line inexpensively. - How about this- put your dvd in your pc drive and service confirms you have it then sends you a palm ready verison of the movie for a small fee.

Both should have a revamped grafitti that learns your handwriting.

/my two cents

RE: What? Only 1 device?
scstraus2 @ 10/6/2006 3:12:16 PM # Q
My guess is only 1 small upgrade to the palmos treo. Palm doesn't have much interesting going on these days. They're passe.

RE: What? Only 1 device?
Timothy Rapson @ 10/6/2006 6:17:50 PM # Q
JPT|X @ 10/6/2006 8:38:19 AM #

There have been no rumors so it probably won't be- but I would like to see a zire 73 or a tx 2

Features I would want in Zire 73
480X320 Screen
Better quality camera- not so much resolution but good at getting good lighting and focus

That, and support for FITALY would get $400 out of my pocket.

RE: What? Only 1 device?
drw @ 10/6/2006 10:08:54 PM # Q
I'd like a treo without the cell radio to use as a pda. In place of the cell radio, put wifi/bleutooth, 400mhz processor and I'll never complain again.

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My predictions...

hkklife @ 10/6/2006 10:22:15 AM # Q
The Treo 680 launch is a given. Only questionsing remaining are its specific specs (IR, SD or miniSD etc).

I think Palm might be good for at least one new PDA model, based on some retailers reporting display removal and spotty availability of the LD, E2 and TX as of late. If I have to make a REALISTIC (edumacated?) guess based on Palm's track record and the current PDA market climate I'd predict the new models (assuming there are any) to be the following:

Z33: Exact same unit as Z22 but with a headphone jack & SD slot added. PTunes in ROM and FAT32-enabled. $99.99 MSRP. Palm would be wise to push this one towards people who might be inclined to buy an iPod Nano or Shuffle....maybe offer a free 1gb SD card with purchae for a holiday promo or something.

TX2: Idential cosmetics to the current TX other than the addition of a microphone in the case. It'll have 128mb program memory and a 1gb flash drive ala T5 and per Brighthand's "hint". It'll also likely have the Bluetooth 1.2 stack and the sporadic GUI enhancements of the 700P. I'd also expect Palm to improve the heap & dbcache memory on this one over its predecessor as well.
Software wise, it'll likely run OS 5.4.9 and, if we're lucky, have the new Core Player and DTG 9 in ROM. Same $299.99 MSRP as before.

E3: There's an outside chance of this one. Should be nothing more than the E2 with a newer OS and software bundle along with 64mb RAM and BT 1.2. I'd expect a darker, less fingerprint-prone finish on the body as well. Price will stay at $199.99. If there's no E3 then they will just keep selling the E2 it for the forseeable future.

I am not expecting a LifeDrive 2 due to several reasons. The general size/heat/battery consumption/fragility of the Microdrives is the main one. FrankenGarnet's issues with volumes >4gb is another major issue...and Palm's unwillingness to spend the $ on 4gb of flash is another. I forsee a TX with at least a gig of internal flash as a much more likely (and logical) device.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

Couple of additional thoughts
hkklife @ 10/6/2006 10:25:12 AM # Q
A final lineup of two POS Treos (680, 700P) and two or three POS handhelds (Z33, E3, TX2) would not be too terribly shabby by anyone's standards.

Palm could theoretically milk the 750v formfactor for another CDMA POS Treo refresh for Sprint/Verizon sometime in '07 and get another 12 to 18 months out of the platform.

I also wouldn't be surprused to see Palm use a micro or miniSD slot on a Z22 replacement in order to keep it "small". That'd also somehow play up this new notion amongst the electronics manufacturers that SD/SDHC is the new CF (big size and for "serious" device) while the useless micro/mini spinoff formats are for "fun" products.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: My predictions...
e_tellurian @ 10/6/2006 12:07:21 PM # Q
Good quality removable micro drives will find a purpose. One with RF capability build into the unit for wireless transfer of data should the host break. All that is required is one button, much like the key on the old alarm clocks that flips up to avoid accidental transfer of knowledge. Biometrics would be a nice feature here too.



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RE: My predictions...
medevilenemy @ 10/6/2006 2:38:19 PM # Q
Remember, Palm DOESN'T NEED to milk OS5 much longer. We all know ALP is on its way, and all evidence points to Palm having its own new OS under development. My guess is that both systems will be released to licencees around the new year (of course, Palm probably doesn't have any licencees to release to) and we SHOULD see the first new devices running these systems in the spring.

If they are released as I think, the new Palm OS (what i'll call POSII) will almost certainly win over ALP simply because of name recognition. Either way, WM is almost certain to be facing some really serious competition within a few months (next fall at the very latest, but I don't think it will be that long).

RE: My predictions...
scstraus2 @ 10/8/2006 8:19:59 AM # Q
I hope the speculation about Palm building it's own OS are wrong as by fighting over the palmos market, access and palm would probably destroy it. And from what I've seen with products like versamail that palm has taken over and their buggy changes to the PalmOS, I wouldn't trust a whole OS that they make. I want the original PalmOS developers and the BeOS crew they hired (PalmSource) to make the OS and I want Palm to license it.. Now!

The day the music (PalmOS) died...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/8/2006 11:34:25 PM # Q
I hope the speculation about Palm building it's own OS are wrong as by fighting over the palmos market, access and palm would probably destroy it. And from what I've seen with products like versamail that palm has taken over and their buggy changes to the PalmOS, I wouldn't trust a whole OS that they make. I want the original PalmOS developers and the BeOS crew they hired (PalmSource) to make the OS and I want Palm to license it.. Now!

You are correct is guessing that Palm lacks the ability to create a new STABLE version of PalmOS. In case you didn't realize, the "original PalmOS developers and the BeOS crew they hired" are no longer around. These people left Palm and PalmSource a long time ago. Unfortunately, PalmOS died the day that Access bought PalmSource. Palm's future is Windows Mobile with (optional) PalmOS emulation thrown in to make Windows Mobile a little more palatable to PalmOS veterans.


RE: My predictions...
PenguinPowered @ 10/9/2006 12:30:45 AM # Q
Actually, PalmOS died the day that PSRC bought CMS. It just wasn't obvious until Access bought PSRC.

Although one could make a reasonable case that PalmOS died when Garnet was released.

May You Live in Interesting Times

RE: My predictions...
medevilenemy @ 10/9/2006 1:04:23 AM # Q
Penguin, T_V_O_C, scstraus2... you are all idiots (admins, please don't smite me). I've been listening to you all whine for far too long. Just stop talking. You, and those like you, have been predicting the death of Palm for years now and you know what? You have always been wrong, and continue to be wrong. I, for one, cannot tolerate trolls such as yourselves (even though I know full-well that I'm simply playing into your idiotic little games).

RE: My predictions...
freakout @ 10/9/2006 5:42:23 AM # Q
^^ Aw, c'mon dude. Palm the company may still go on (and I definitely hope it does, given I think they've made one of the bestest gadgets ever in the Treo) but PalmOS as we know it? It's a zombie. It certainly lost the third-party licensing battle to Winmob, and it is simply too ancient to continue on in modern devices - for instance, it can't satisfy the requirements for UMTS telephony.

I love it to bits - but it is doomed. The only question is what will replace it in our hearts - ALP, or a new offering from Palm? It sure as heck won't be Winmob unless some design changes are made.

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650

RE: My predictions...
hkklife @ 10/9/2006 10:44:50 AM # Q

Didn't someone here with some insider info claim last year that it takes, rule of thumb, more like a 8-12 months for devices to appear on store shelves after an OS is released to manufacturers?

Keep in mind that in regards to the Treos, it's the carriers that make the call on what devices to purchae and which ones to skip. Verizon, conservative as they are, may actually prefer to stick with a known evil (FrankenGarnet) instead of making a leap of faith with Palm's first/only in-house OS. Then you have the additional possibility that Garnet could continue to stick around for another year or two as the low-end OS of choice for <$200 PDAs and smartphones.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: My predictions...
medevilenemy @ 10/9/2006 1:13:16 PM # Q
1) It only takes so long to implement a new system in devices as manufacturers choose to take. Especially with a linux-based system, turn around time could be as short as a couple months if the OEMs would put in a little effort.

2) It would not be palm's first in house OS. In fact, it would be the fourth. That is: The original POS, Palm OS5, Palm OS6 (Cobalt), and "Palm OS II" (as we are commonly calling it". Yes, it was palm that started the OS6 project... It is absolutely certain to me that when Palm Source was spun off Palm itself kept copies of probably all the technical data. The only thing was that Palm/PalmOne lost its OS programmers. But now we know that Palm has been hiring new programmers, we think to fill the gap. What's more: Palm wouldn't need particularly good programmers to develop a new linux kernel based OS. They would simply need programmers with the skill to manipulate the linux kernel (there are lots of them available) and to write a few new modules -- that is, a new GUI, API, compatability platform of some kind, etc.

RE: My predictions...
AdamaDBrown @ 10/9/2006 2:22:08 PM # Q
Didn't someone here with some insider info claim last year that it takes, rule of thumb, more like a 8-12 months for devices to appear on store shelves after an OS is released to manufacturers?

That was an estimate that was thrown around in semi-defense of the Cobalt snafu. Realistically, you can have a non-converged device out running a new OS in two months, and a converged device in eight months.

RE: My predictions...
Gekko @ 10/9/2006 9:58:31 PM # Q

I think Palm is smart enough to focus on smartphones exclusively - and exit the low-margin, low-growth PDA market. Why waste resources on a dead market?

RE: My predictions...
PenguinPowered @ 10/9/2006 10:30:45 PM # Q
Penguin, T_V_O_C, scstraus2... you are all idiots (admins, please don't smite me).

You're having vision problems if you can't tell the former PSRC developers from the peanut gallery.

I've been listening to you all whine for far too long.

You're the only one who controls what you listen to.

You, and those like you, have been predicting the death of Palm for years now and you know what?

Actually, you've got me confused with someone else. I never predicted the death of Palm above, I merely pointed out when PalmOS died.

You have always been wrong, and continue to be wrong. I, for one, cannot tolerate trolls such as yourselves (even though I know full-well that I'm simply playing into your idiotic little games).

You definitely have me confused with someone else. I worked on PalmOS for a year and still work with people who used to work on PalmOS. I'm no troll. I'm merely someone inside the industry who knows enough to know that PalmOS is dead and gone.

When Palm ships their last Garnet based device, that will be the last PalmOS device shipped.

Get used to it.

May You Live in Interesting Times

R U A Crackhead?
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/11/2006 3:31:21 AM # Q
Penguin, T_V_O_C, scstraus2... you are all idiots (admins, please don't smite me). I've been listening to you all whine for far too long. Just stop talking. You, and those like you, have been predicting the death of Palm for years now and you know what? You have always been wrong, and continue to be wrong. I, for one, cannot tolerate trolls such as yourselves (even though I know full-well that I'm simply playing into your idiotic little games).

1) It only takes so long to implement a new system in devices as manufacturers choose to take. Especially with a linux-based system, turn around time could be as short as a couple months if the OEMs would put in a little effort.

2) It would not be palm's first in house OS. In fact, it would be the fourth. That is: The original POS, Palm OS5, Palm OS6 (Cobalt), and "Palm OS II" (as we are commonly calling it". Yes, it was palm that started the OS6 project... It is absolutely certain to me that when Palm Source was spun off Palm itself kept copies of probably all the technical data. The only thing was that Palm/PalmOne lost its OS programmers. But now we know that Palm has been hiring new programmers, we think to fill the gap. What's more: Palm wouldn't need particularly good programmers to develop a new linux kernel based OS. They would simply need programmers with the skill to manipulate the linux kernel (there are lots of them available) and to write a few new modules -- that is, a new GUI, API, compatability platform of some kind, etc.

Wake up and accept reality, Bubba: PalmOS cannot withstand the hacking that has been required to make it compete with more modern mobile OSes.

If you really believe that a device running "new PalmOS" could be released less than a year after this apocryphal OS was finalized you must be on crack. Really.

Palm has has around 6 versions of PalmOS since 1996. And if you really think "Palm wouldn't need particularly good programmers to develop a new linux kernel based OS. They would simply need programmers with the skill to manipulate the linux kernel (there are lots of them available) and to write a few new modules -- that is, a new GUI, API, compatability platform of some kind, etc." then it's time for you to get help with your crack addiction. It's rotting (rotted?) your brain.


Actually, the REAL day PalmOS died was when Gassée and the rest of the Apple Dumpling Gang showed up at Palm after someone greased Gassée's "Palm" to buy his worthless company, Be. The presence of the Be Dumba$$es eventually resulted in PalmSource trying to overreach its mandate, leading to the Cobalt Catastrophe, loss of licensees, unstable/buggy devices, delayed smartphone rollouts/testing and the implosion of the PDA market. Someone should have biotchslapped George silly for failing to reign in the dumba$$es under his (shaky) command. Be employees are like a cancer - they should have been immediately excised and incinerated before they had the chance to destroy Palm's vital organ (PalmOS).


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TX2? T4?

mbgrayson @ 10/6/2006 2:15:17 PM # Q
I too would really like a new PDA model. It has been a long time since there was a new, top of the line Palm PDA.

I have a T3 and a TX. I use both, for different purposes. But I agree witht the comments above wanting a faster CPU than the TX, and more memory. NOT a microdrive though...high capacity SD cards are cheaper and replaceable/upgradeable.

Odd not to see any 'leaks' of a non-Treo device though. There always seem to be leaks before the announcements, and since there are none about a 'TX2", my guess is that it will be another in the Treo line.... :(

RE: TX2? T4?
dkirker @ 10/6/2006 2:39:10 PM # Q
e_tellurian, flash memory is cheaper (IMO) and faster than micro drives at the moment. I would prefer to see a 4GB flash chip over a 4GB micro drive that must spin up, find the data, read it and spin down everytime data is requested. PDA/Smartphone users are less likely to wait patiently for 4 seconds while their device loads data from a hard drive. They expect instant data.

RE: TX2? T4?
medevilenemy @ 10/6/2006 2:44:10 PM # Q
there will never be a Palm device with the number 4 in its name. We've all been over that a thousand times. But yeah, i'd like to see (and buy) a new high-end PDA myself.

RE: TX2? T4?
medevilenemy @ 10/6/2006 3:04:47 PM # Q
E-T, you are officially making no bloody sense whatsoever.

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Wow! I'm gonna be at that show

legodude522 @ 10/6/2006 4:01:26 PM # Q
I'm gonna be at the Digital Life show on Saturday the 14th. Hopefully they still got something when I go. I went last year[2005] and Palm had a small booth and some women with the brand new T|X. Just a couple Palms and the T|X. I was disapointed since I was expecting a little more. The booth for the TV on the Treos was bigger.

Palm m125>Palm Zire71>Tapwave Zodiac 1>Palm Zire 72>Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000
[url=]Zaurus for sale![/url]
[url=]Palm screen repair guide.[/url]
RE: Wow! I'm gonna be at that show
VampireLestat @ 10/6/2006 9:36:43 PM # Q
Treo is the "little miss favorite at the front of the class". We all know that.

They are going to regret it big time if they abandon or even just neglect handhelds.

RE: Wow! I'm gonna be at that show
joad @ 10/7/2006 6:20:33 PM # Q
Well, Palm seems to always be missing the boat on promoting their products - it's a wonder they still sell beyond a few fanatics like myself and the rest of these forum members.

Just visited their new "Palm Store" in the ritziest new upscale mall in San Francisco the other day. It's a little cubbyhole, about the size and feel of those independent cell phone stores that market to people without a clue, mostly in innercity immigrant communities.

Inside, one wall was covered with a few styluses, GPS units, a few Palm branded cases and such. They had a couple non-Palm cases, though out of stock except for the demos (nice grand opening!). All retail priced, nothing interesting to someone who already has the basics. And most striking - if they had any devices - they were sure hard to locate (and this is a *tiny* store!). It's so wierd to figure out who exactly they are marketing to - they have very little a Palm veteran would bother with, and whatever they do have that would be useful to a newbie is full retail price and isn't very inviting to demo. In fact, you get the sense they don't want you demoing their stuff... odd, odd, odd.

And if you've ever been to the rollouts for Palm, you know it's nothing (or very little) to do with the devices. They hold them in bars, feed you nice appetizers and have flashy games and such, and a little eye candy. There are a few miniscule stands with several interesting vendors with occasionally powerful things. *BUT* the noise is atrocious, and the vendors are juggling around all the people who *have* to visit their booth in order to get game tokens for the silly games so much that you can't really get a demo with much attention span. I get the sense from the rollout events that Palm's markets are thirtysomething freeloading drunks who like to watch NASCAR, and only have a Palm device to impress the babes with their technological prowess watching television on their phone.

Bottom line, Palm seems to blow a lot of money throwing drinking parties and opening kiosks to advertise their big orange logo, but if you want to actually learn anything about how a Palm can work for you then you better come to the forums 'cause Palm is M.I.A.

If I were a Palm stockholder, I'd be pissed.

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VampireLestat @ 10/6/2006 9:38:05 PM # Q
The single most important way to dramatically revigorate interest in true mobile computing device aka handhelds, is to use an OLED (or variant) screen.

Lower costs.
Ultra wide viewing angles. Like CRT.
Gorgeous colors.
Lower battery needs.

Gekko @ 10/6/2006 10:03:58 PM # Q

OLED is overrated, Vampire Boy.

As usual, Geeko is full of sh*t
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/7/2006 3:50:18 PM # Q
Since Geeko has never used - or even seen in person, for that matter - the OLED-screened CLIE VZ90, his trolling post above is as moronic and useless as the rest of the verbal diarrhea he has spewed here over the years.

Even after owning a VZ90 for over a year I'm still impressed with how good the OLED screen is. The typical reaction that experienced PDA users have on first seeing the VZ90's screen is slack-jawed amazement. It's THAT good.

OLED screens are a quantum leap forward, almost as significant as the jump from monochrome to color. As usual, people don't know what they're missing until they finally get the opportunity to use a technology.


Gekko @ 10/7/2006 8:31:43 PM # Q

Nobody gives a shiit about OLED and it's certainly not going to "dramatically revigorate interest in true mobile computing device aka handhelds". Handhelds are DEAD and OLED can't resurrect them - except maybe in your wet dreams.

Now get back to the help desk and help someone change the printer paper. All that mental institution cafeteria food is starting to rot your perverted brain.

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/8/2006 11:23:21 PM # Q

You need to start taking you Haldol again, Geeko. Remember: your problems are just due to a "chemical imbalance".

Concerned in The City

cost of OLED
freakout @ 10/9/2006 5:51:04 AM # Q
Question: how much does OLED cost to make? Obviously there's a reason it hasn't gained widespread acceptance yet... right?

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
AdamaDBrown @ 10/9/2006 12:07:06 PM # Q
In theory, it's cheaper to produce than LCDs, though as I recall that difference isn't really significant at the moment.

One of the major roadblocks to OLED acceptance, as I understand it, is that they have a limited lifespan, only about 5,000 hours. Admittedly, that's 8 hours a day for two years, but it's still a lot less than LCDs.

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 10/11/2006 3:59:10 AM # Q
Actually, modern OLEDs have a lifespan that will easily outlast the life of any devices that would use them. The problem is very few companies are able to make large OLED screens, so the pricing is artificially high. If Sony had a little competition we would have seen several OLED devices in 2005.

I'm surprised Sony's MYLO device doesn't come with an OLED screen. This would have been the perfect device to showcase OLED technology.


hkklife @ 10/11/2006 9:40:51 AM # Q

You see where Sony's getting out of the personal desktop PC display market? I wonder if that'll affect their small LCDs for OEMs (ala the T|T era Palms) as well? I assuming they are going to put their muscle into their joint LCD venture with Samsung (aka the "new" Sony) and jettisoning non-core businesses. I'd expect the VAIO desktop PC line to go next since it's always languished in the shadow in the shadow of their incredibly styled and designed notebooks. I also expect the Mylo to go bye-bye as well.

You know what would make for a fantastic PSP turn around strategy? Hit the market with two PSP refreshes--a regular version with a conventional LCD and 1gb internal storage and a "deluxe" version with an OLED screen and 4gb internal. It's a shame the PSP wasn't designed with a touchscreen in mind. It would've been a marvelous fit for some leftover Clie/Palm hybrid PIM apps.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

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the low down

gavinfabl @ 10/7/2006 5:56:27 PM # Q
I reckon Palm will release info on 680 and 750 and new handhelds running windows mobile 5, not palm os.
RE: the low down
fierywater @ 10/8/2006 6:20:47 PM # Q
If Palm came out with one or more PDAs (not smartphones) with WM5, I think a lot of peoples' heads would explode here. That would signal all too clearly where Palm's priorities lay.

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more fat bricks (Treos) ? or someday a thin flip Palmphone ?

monkeyboy @ 10/8/2006 5:45:13 PM # Q
When will Palm realize that the Treo is a fat brick and that there would be a huge market for a replacement for the great Samsung i500 PalmPhone -- a small Palm flipphone. What we need is a Palm 700p in the formfactor of the Samsung i500 or the A900M or the RAZR. Yes, a RAZR PalmPhone... instead of more boring Treo bricks...
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