Handheld Prices Unlikely to Drop Further
Despite some people's hopes, there are strong indications from Palm that they don't intend to cut prices again soon. Though Palm finds itself with hundreds of millions of dollars in excess inventory, it has two possible ways of getting rid of it: it can sell it to customers or it can write it off and take a loss on it. Palm has already tried the former and is now going to do the latter.
If Palm intends to sell all the units, it will probably need to reduce prices further. Indeed, Palm has already announced several price drops on models that it has excess inventory for.
But so far this hasn't been enough so Palm has announced plans to use the other method. Last week, Palm said it would take a $300 million charge to write off unsalable inventory.
There are at least two possible reasons for taking this radical step. One is that Palm wants this whole mess behind them so it can start fresh. The other is the company doesn't want its customers getting accustomed to cheaper handhelds.
Dropping prices has long-term risks for the handheld manufacturers. If people get used to paying lower prices, they'll expect all future models to be just as low. This would cut into all future profit margins.
CIBC World Markets analyst Tom Sepenzis believes that prices won't drop much more. "What we're seeing now is cuts on lower-end devices that Palm has built up inventory on, and Handspring is reacting to keep up," he said. "They can't get much lower."
Last month, the Palm Vx was reduced by $50 to $300. The Palm IIIc dropped to $300. Also, the price of the m100 was cut by $20 to $130. Handspring responded by cutting the Visor Deluxe to $200 and introducing a $50 rebate on the Visor Platinum.
But there has been another round of price cuts for one group: Palm developers. For them, the m100 is now $84 and the m105 is $130. The IIIc is just $178 and the Vx just $179. The wireless VIIx is only $119.
Related Articles:
- Palm Announces Severe Revenue Shortfall, Big Loss
- Palm Cuts Prices in the Face of Excess Inventory
- Handspring Cuts Prices
- Handheld Price War Possible
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RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
OH my god...becky, look at her....Prism.
RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
What they are trying _not_ to do is flood the market with cheap Palms. They don't want to sell everyone in the U.S. who is interested in buying a Palm a Vx for less than $200. If they did, they would be rid of much of their excess inventory but they also wouldn't sell any m500's for about a year.
So Palm would be in a situation where they had sold all their inventory at below the cost it takes to produce it and leave no one needing to buy their products at prices that do make them a profit. You can find that scenario in my upcoming book, "How to Go Out of Business in One Easy Lesson".
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
As to existing finished products, Palm probably will try to sell them over a period of time, and any excess if there's still any left after they become 'unsellable' will go to landfill and get destroyed. Still, I believe Palm should try to sell to the corporate sector at subsidized prices, this way, Palm gets extra cash, gain a foothold on that sector and the retail channel will not be affected by the price war.
As to the possible price war, I understand Palm standpoint, for any price war will carry a long-term effect on what a user will pay for a PDA. The product will get commoditized and the resulting profit margin get so slim like what the cellular phone makers are now experiencing. Furthermore, it will discourage present and future licensees from using the Palm OS as margin get squeezed and the sector become unprofitable.
RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
Note: I'm no accountant, so I am unsure about accounting rules and principles.
RE: but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?
Peace Out
Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
On the very next page you'll see a link to the hardware discount program if you are a U.S. developer.
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
RE: Developer prices?
Also, be aware that there are limits as to how many units you can buy. I think it's three a piece except forthe m505 and m500 which is 1 unit.
Eric Garrido
RE: Developer prices?
Palm should try other kind of marketing...
Tapping new markets for handhelds like students, housewives, teenagers, and even the elderly is another (i.e. free recePalm Software for buyers at any foods website).
They can also stimulate demand by making it fashionable like the Nokia phones (they had done this to a certain extend tried this with their m10X series and removable faceplates).
And how about promotional tie-in with high profile products like Coke (collect Coke points for discount to PDA anyone?)
Palm should try to think of non-traditional methods of marketing if the product had reached saturation point (which I think it haven't, anyway).
ahem, schools?
in the hands of our teachers & students, rather than the recycling bin.
RE: ahem, schools?
How many people would stick with palm after using it, just so they didn't have to relearn a new product? Once schools get configured for a specific line, they will stay there. It's too big a hassle to replace all the corresponding software.
Once they have students using them in labs and for other projects, the line becomes entrenched. Apple did very well with this strategy with the Apple II. They still have some schools using that stuff. What apple didn't get was people changing to Macs. The economy of Intel based PCs did them in when upgrades occurred.
RE: ahem, schools?
and with the Palm CEO giving away free VIIx to Boston College graduates, Palm may have realized this too.
RE: ahem, schools?
RE: ahem, schools?
what would be nice
How much does it cost to make a Palm?
David in Pflugerville, TX
RE: How much does it cost to make a Palm?
RE: How much does it cost to make a Palm?
In contrast, in the PC market, this has already happened. In the past couple of years, the price of PC's collapsed causing huge havoc for PC companies, if you recall. They are still suffering. This is what would happen to the handheld market if Palm continued to cut its prices.
Peace Out
RE: How much does it cost to make a Palm?
As for the marginal cost of producing a handheld, I'd say the most expensive components would have to be the screen and the battery. Small, high-quality screens can cost some serious cash, even when buying in volume. This is why flat-panel monitors and televisions are so expensive.
RE: How much does it cost to make a Palm?
Actually, now that I think about it, I think it is more monopolistic competition. Prices are relatively low, except for the new models. Like you said, when new features are added, the prices can rise again. Well, the m505 and New Clie are pretty expensive.
Peace Out
No Fire Sale
Some PDA's too expensive
RE: Some PDA's too expensive
and clie 710 costs $422.28 at ecost.com
who told you to buy it at the retail prices. Please look around, could save you lots of money. enjoy
[ No Subject ]
Another avenue
too bad, but might as well buy it now
RE: too bad, but might as well buy it now
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but...they still have to sell the backlog, right?