Sony Taking Preorders for T615C In Hong Kong & Singapore

Confirming yesterday's rumor, Sony is taking preorders for the PEG-T615C/G in Hong Kong and Singapore. The T615C has essentially the same specs as T600C, except T615C has 4 MB of Flash ROM instead of 8 MB. The delivery date isn't until after January 21. They will not ship outside of their own territory.

The T615C runs Palm OS 4.1 and has 16 MB of RAM. It has a 320 by 320 pixel 16-bit color screen. The casing is 4.6 by 2.8 by .49 inches and the handheld weighs 4.9 ounces, including the stylus.

While Sony is offering a 32 MB Memory Stick to those willing to preorder, the T615C does not regularly come with one.

The T615C has the same enhanced infrared port and software from the T415, allowing it to be used as a universal remote control.

It costs approximately what the T615C is expected to cost in the U.S., about $415.

What Sony's plans are for announcing the T615C in North America or Europe are still not known.

Thanks to Eugene for the tip. -Ed

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Sony Clie T615

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 9:37:19 AM #
It's's almost here... I can't wait to get this new Clie and replace my old Visor Deluxe. Color screen, thin design, metal housing, jog dial, updated Palm OS w/flash ROM - Sony definitely got it right with this new model. Just hope the screen is up to par (unlike the m505) and the price is reasonable (say, under $400) and hopefully they'll throw in an offer for a free memory stick.

Less than continuous 6 hours of usage with back lights

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:23:34 AM #
It cannot stand long, therefore it is no need to buy MP3 module. (Or just play 2.5 hours!)

RE: Less than continuous 6 hours of usage with back lights
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:29:07 AM #
Big deal. To some people this might be a big issue but there are many, many people that don't use their handheld anywhere near 6 continuous hours between charges.

RE: Less than continuous 6 hours of usage with back lights
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 12:37:08 PM #
My handheld is with me most of the time. I can't imagine having to stick it in the cradle regularly. If you sit at your desk all the time, what do you need a handheld for?

RE: Less than continuous 6 hours of usage with back lights
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 1:39:41 PM #
Then for you, battery life is important. Don't get this model.

There are a lot of folks out that that use it intermittently during the day and put it in the cradle when they get home. For them it wouldn't matter and this might make a great handheld.


stephen007 @ 1/10/2002 10:26:24 AM #
Usually the /X indicates the color of the product. Ie. 610C/V was the violet one.

So, is this thing coming in green or gray since it ends with a /G?

RE: Color?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:30:29 AM #
Only one color - Silver
Since "Blue T600C" is a "special edition" in Japan.

Therefore there may not have a "Blue T615C".
C/G maybe stand for HKG/Singapore.

RE: Color?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:40:41 AM #
You are joking, then if sale in US it will be T615C/U ???

I guess it should be color model !

Please join me if you want color
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 11:56:58 AM #
I already sent a complaint about the color to the Hong Kong office and tell them to relay that message to the headquarters:

Palm has Grey, Blue & Red (patriotic edition), black (jordan and IBM) for m505. Gold, Pastel Blue (Claudia) and Purple (japanese special edition). Now why didn't they deliver blue in Hong Kong Singapore?

If you want color you should act now before they announce it in the U.S. Most likely the color one wouldn't be available if it becomes their policy.

RE: Color?
mikecane @ 1/10/2002 12:16:44 PM #
Amen! I'd like blue here in the US! Oddly, their replacement stylus 3-pack has white, blue, and black tips and ends!

4 megs ROM?

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:48:05 AM #
I hope the model coming to the states will have 8 megs of ROM like the other Sony models.

RE: 4 megs ROM?
Ed @ 1/10/2002 11:06:34 AM #
It seems very unlikely. No Sony model shipped in the U.S. has 8 MB of ROM. It isn't necessary for the apps Sony wants to put in it. The T600C needs the extra ROM because Japanese language support requires much more space.

News Editor
RE: 4 megs ROM?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 11:44:58 AM #
You know, with apps like Jackflash available, I dont really know why Sony doesnt include the 8MB of ROM with the US units. I understand that there is no need for it as far as the language is concerned. But, why not just go ahead and do it??

RE: 4 megs ROM?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 11:57:27 AM #
Uh...gee, let's see

...because Flash ROM is more expansive than RAM...

...because Sony wants to maximize the profit margin for each device they make...

...because they want you to buy additional Flash ROM in the form of Memory Sticks, so they can make more money...


RE: 4 megs ROM?
Beavis @ 1/10/2002 3:51:12 PM #
Gee, you're pretty smart. Can we uh, like hang out together?

Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh

RE: 4 megs ROM?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/11/2002 4:21:17 PM #
What if you buy a Japan model and JackSprat a US ROM image onto it?
Nice... 5.5MB free Flash, 16MB Ram -> 21.5 MB of fast access memory.

Small Typo

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 11:44:32 AM #
"The T615C has the same enhanced infrared port and software from the T416, allowing it to be used as a universal remote control."
T416 -> T415

RE: Small Typo
Ed @ 1/10/2002 12:16:29 PM #

News Editor
RE: Small Typo
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:22:46 PM #
It's not a universal remote if you can't program it, really, I tried the T415, it's preset for Sony and a few other top name brand televisions, that's not the same as a UNIVERSAL remote, get it right MR. NEWS EDITOR... b4 you support someone elses comment.

Ed @ 1/11/2002 8:33:57 AM #
In the month that I carried the T415 around, I never found a TV that it couldn't control and only one YCR (mine, irritatingly enough).

News Editor
RE: Small Typo
Coyote67 @ 1/11/2002 2:18:06 PM #
VCR :)
I really shouldn't correct anyone, my english is worse than many of the other viewers.

When you have a Clie shoved up your mouth, you can only talk in vowels.

T615C/G Review

Ed @ 1/10/2002 12:33:00 PM #
There's a review of the T615C/G just published today available here:

Thanks Mike!

News Editor

RE: T615C/G Review
teq @ 1/10/2002 12:53:27 PM #
Hmm, did you read this: "The Sony CLIÉ PEG-T615C/G has a back-light TFT color display instead of the front-light color display its predecessor, the Sony CLIÉ PEG-N760C/G"

That's a pitty, I really liked the color display in the current Clie. Wonder what the screen will look like in bright sun light...

****** Pilot 5000 => Palm Pilot III => Palm Vx => M505 - I´ve had them all and loved each one of them.

RE: T615C/G Review
Beavis @ 1/10/2002 1:09:26 PM #
Looking at the pictures from the review, I have to say that the display looks real nice. I am curious to see what it looks like outdoors though. Inside, with the backlight it looks as good as a Prism or IIIc.

RE: T615C/G Review
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 2:10:14 PM #
It says:
"the CLIÉ Remote Commander is only unique to Sony AV products and does not allow
users to train it with any other remote controls."

Does that mean that you cannot have it control any
non Sony TV/VCRs? I thought that the 415 had ROM
codes for other makes of electronics. Am I wrong?
This kind of makes it useless.

I understand you cannot train it like OmniRemote,
but rather you enter a model, and it has the codes
in rom. Is this how it works?

RE: T615C/G Review
Ed @ 1/10/2002 2:34:06 PM #
That's not true, at least not for the T415 I reviewed. Like you said, it can't be trained but it has profiles for equipment from a wide variety manufacturers, not just Sony.

News Editor
RE: T615C/G Review
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 2:59:17 PM #
The T615 looks like a really slick design, but even with as much advance info available, I went ahead and upgraded from a Vx to a Palm m505 a couple of weeks ago while the free SD card was still in effect. Here's why:

Screen: Even though the m505 has been much maligned, I find the very thin fonts used on the N series Sony 320 X 320 screen to be difficult to read - the larger lower res screen m505 actually looks better to me, (as long you don't see the brightness and grid pattern side-by-side to the Sony, at which point it becomes more objectional).

Cases and periferals: I really like the new hard case available from Palm - sleek, compact design and I like the fold all the way around back design. That leather "flap" that comes with the T615C may look pretty good brand new but I'm willing to bet it will be quite wobbly and worn after a few months and just doesn't offer the same level of protection. It would have made more sense to me if they'd done a nice thin metal flip screen like on the Visor Edge. Also, Sony has changed the hotsync connector yet again for the third time in a year. I bought the Stowaway KB with my m505 and it might be quite some time before we see one for the T615C as well as any other third-paty periferals...

Buttons: Didn't like the T415/T615C buttons at all, I guess the jog dial overcomes this to some degree but they're still bad, bad, bad.

Questionable battery life: No Palm device is worth having if you can't be away from a charger for several days/a week. That's the whole point of having one...

Cost: During Dell's holiday promotion, I was able to get the m505 at 10% off plus using a $25 coupon - that net it down to $335. Considering the Palm free SD card, I guess you could even say that I got it for under $300. At that price the m505 is great deal, but $399 is a bit too high... If I were Palm I'd re-price the m500 at $249 and the m505 at $329...

RE: T615C/G Review
pontif @ 1/10/2002 3:06:01 PM #
The T615 display is "transflective", meaning it is backlit, but is reflective also. In theory it should look as good in bright sunlight as it does indoors.

A "transflective" display is both reflective, and semi-transparent. It can be backlit, and look like the Prism and IIIc, but also be reflective and look as good outside as an m505. At least in theory. I've heard the colors look more washed-out and pale in a any lighting, compared to those on the N610/N710/N760. Particularly in the reds, which look either brown. Also, the bold blue on the menu bars, etc, looks more like teal. But it isn't dim, like the m505. In fact the backlight is reported to be brighter than the the sidelight in the N series.

RE: Internet
pontif @ 1/10/2002 3:56:59 PM #
Reports are that the T615 (and T600) look very good in direct sunlight, and have better contrast than the m505.

RE: T615C/G Review
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 5:44:08 PM #
> Even though the m505 has been much maligned,
> I find the very thin fonts used on the N series
> Sony 320 X 320 screen to be difficult to read
> - the larger lower res screen m505 actually
> looks better to me.

FYI, there is a freeware program called Thinfont that increases font thickness on the 320x320 Clie's.

> Cases and periferals: I really like the new
> hard case available from Palm - sleek, compact
> design and I like the fold all the way around
> back design. That leather "flap" that comes
> with the T615C may look pretty good brand new
> but I'm willing to bet it will be quite wobbly
> and worn after a few months and just doesn't
> offer the same level of protection.

My friend's Visor Edge's flip cover is a pain in the ass. The Sony Clie N610C/N7X0C's cover is better than my old Visor Platinum, PalmV, and PalmIII's. Protection is fine after 6 months of use (not wobbly at all... dunno how the T615C's will hold up). IMHO, the N610C/N7X0C's is the most functional PalmOS device cover to date except for the M1xx's.

> Buttons: Didn't like the T415/T615C buttons at
> all, I guess the jog dial overcomes this to
> some degree but they're still bad, bad, bad.

Yeah, I played with one at CompUSA. The buttons suck (and the N610C/N7X0C buttons aren't so great either).

> Questionable battery life: No Palm device is
> worth having if you can't be away from a charger
> for several days/a week. That's the whole point
> of having one...

I read it's pretty bad, but the M505 also has really a poor battery life (especially compared to the N610C/N7X0C).

> Cost: During Dell's holiday promotion, I was
> able to get the m505 at 10% off plus using a
> $25 coupon - that net it down to $335.
> Considering the Palm free SD card, I guess you
> could even say that I got it for under $300.

That price is not bad, though I saw N610C's for under $300.

RE: T615C/G Review
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 8:04:04 PM #
Actually Sony only changed the hotsync connector ONCE, not Thrice!

The s300/s320/n610/n710/n760 are all the same.
The t415/t615 is the different one.

the s300/s320 the sides of the case is more horizontal than the 610/710/760 which is a bit more curved, HOWEVER, the connector is the same.

Heck you can even put the 610 and 710/760 onto the s300 cradle. (i don't know about the s320, i've never seen the s320 cradle, don't know if it's the same as the s300) (i owned an s300 when i bought my 710 and tried it and worked)

All the usb hotsync/charger cable works for the S and N series. the travel charger also works for the s and n series.

S/N= Same connector.
T= Different.

ED.. I'M GETTING ERRORS TRYING TO POST WITH MY username/password.. the error i get is "PAGE NOT FOUND"

RE: T615C/G Review
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/11/2002 7:00:01 PM #
Yes, the connectors are the same, but the cradles aren't. Due to the different case shapes of the 320 and the 610, I can't sync my wife's 320 using my 610 cradle... It just won't fit. Seems like this could affect the interchangeability of many peripherals as well (e.g., keyboards).


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 1:12:57 PM #
Does Sony have anything comparable to the palm Mobile Internet Kit? This is the only stumbling block to me buying the T615 versus the m505. I am also concerned about the screen visisbility in sunlight as I spend a lot of my time in my car.

frauen1 @ 1/10/2002 2:23:07 PM #
You could install the Palm Mobile Internet Kit on it, it should work.

RE: Internet
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 8:08:50 PM #
t615 uses transreflective screen, so it's both backlit and reflective.

So, it looks good in sunlight just like the m505/610/760, except that in indoors it looks better than the m505 :)

RE: Internet? Fool, first they need to get the basics right.
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/10/2002 10:30:06 PM #
the sony clie n610 had great battery life (3 days heavy use for me), and the only important difference is with the t615 is the thin factor, you know what, I think that it is the 16mb in the t615 that are eating up the battery life, that's why the Visor Pro has rechargables, more memory means more power consumption, higher res = higher power consumption, smaller case, means less room for battery, means smaller battery, means lower mAH rating,

the clie n610 had 3 times the battery life of the Compaq 3800, but it had one half of the battery mAH rating, go figure, maybe high res, more memory, and smaller case actually does effect your up time.

Here's to technology innovation, may we have our cake and eat it too, no more tradeoffs. Just face it people, the perfect pda is just inenvitable, it's coming, and it's going to be inexpensive.

RE: Internet
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/11/2002 12:09:15 AM #
I don't think it's the extra 8 meg of memory eating that exta power. These days a lot of memory is CMOS which consumes microamps (whereas back/side lights consume milliamps -- three orders of magnitude more juice).

PalmPilot Upgrade, a group that boost numerous PalmOS PDAs from 8 to 16 meg (including the Clie N series), says this in their FAQ:

Will your upgrade alter the battery performance of my PalmPilot?

No, it will not. In theory the new 8 Mb memory chip and/or faster processor is draining slightly more energy from the battery while in standby. If you HotSync® your unit on regular basis, you will never notice the difference.

I've heard that the poor battery life is a factor of both a back/side lit color display and a very small battery (because of the slim form-factor). This makes sense.

Look on the bright side though, Lithium-Ion batteries charge quite fast: Handera's charges in 90 minutes, and I've heard of rapid recharge rages for other Li-ion PDAs.

Take Care All,


RE: Internet
pontif @ 1/11/2002 11:18:34 AM #
It is not the memory eating the battery. It is the mostly the much smaller battery required to fit the new form factor, although the slightly higher drain of the backlit transflective display doesn't help, either.

The memory is insignificant. The Li batter in the T600 would be sufficient to power the 16MB RAM for many many months without a charge.

They closest way to measure the RAM drain would be to leave the unit turned "off" until it ran down, and measure how long that took. That isn't accurate, as it also measures the drain of the CPU (which still cycles several times a second to handle interrupts, timers, clock, IR monitoring, button checking, etc., even with the unit off.) There is also power to other circuits when the unit is "off".

When a Palm device is "on" the only difference is slightly higher CPU draw, and the power for the display, backlight, touch screen, and their associated circuitry. On a color device the screen driver chips and the screen itself are the highest drain, other than the backlight. When it is on, the backlight is the highest drain of all on the unit.

T615 with 8MB MStick?!

mikecane @ 1/11/2002 9:32:45 AM #
That hardwarezone review mentions the T615 is being packaged with an 8MB MStick! I don't recall that being the case in Japan. It'd be nice if they threw in a free 8MB Stick here in the US.

But what would be even better is if Sony announced another price drop on the Stick! $35 for a 16MB Stick is outrageous. At most, it should be $20. And I'd leap at 32MB for $30-$35. (Yeah, yeah, I know you can find deelz on the Net -- but I'd rather not risk the anthrax, thank you!)

RE: T615 with 8MB MStick?!
Ed @ 1/11/2002 9:50:05 AM #
From what I've been able to figure out from their website, that's a special deal. The Hong Kong SonyStyle is offering a 32 MB Memory Stick to anyone who'll pre-order the T615C but that's only for pre-orders. According to the standard box contents, the T615C doesn't come with a Memory Stick at all.

As always, Sony treats different areas as different markets. Just because they do one thing in Asia doesn't mean that's what they'll do in the U.S. or Europe.

News Editor

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