Rumor: QNX Part of the Palm OS Some Day?

In a recent ZDnet article, they talk of QNX being ported to StrongArm and of its use in 3Com's new Audrey. Greg Bergsma, a QNX VP, mentioned the possiblility that the Palm OS may one day be "just another layer on top of our OS (QNX)."

Bergsma also said the idea of Palm licensing QNX "is not crazy" but Palm refuses to comment on the subject to the press. QNX said they will have most of their OS ported to StongArm within 6 months.

Very interesting stuff considering recent news of Palm not moving to a faster processor anytime soon.

QNX (rhymes with UNIX), is also the OS used by the Netpliance iOpener and there are rumors that, early next year, Cisco will be announcing a new router that will use QNX.

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