More m500 Series Photos

A couple of Palm-related websites have been able to get more photographs of the m500 and m505.

People from NorPilot, a Scandinavian site, were able to get a large close-up picture of the m505's screen taken without a flash and with the frontlight on. They describe it as "a disappointingly bad screen".

A site named PDAtimes has quite a few pictures and comments but those are all in Korean. They also tried to photograph the m505's screen but used a flash or at least a bright light which throws off the results.

They did some interesting comparison photographs of the m500 and m505 next to a Vx. Amazingly enough, they were even allowed to take the m505 apart and showed off it's internal arrangement.

In addition, they show more about the m500 series cradle, including the two plugs, one for power and one for data, on the USB and serial versions.

Used with permission.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 3/25/2001 10:36:33 PM #
The picture on the m505 Palm screen is not only pretty dull to start with, it's only in 256 colors. It's a pretty poor example image if you want to show off a screen. It comes with MGI photosuite for Palm. Looks a bit dull on my iiic too.
Can't they go grab a couple of Digital Blasphemy images for showing off the capabilities on this u-beaut screen?

RE: Observation
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/25/2001 11:48:09 PM #
Only time will tell whether we will have to go with the M500 or if the M505 will still be as nice as the Palm IIIC (from what I have seen on the web)so far I probalby will have to go with the monochrome and just buy the color one when the screen is acceptable. We can only hope that the screen will be readable in most conditions. Just wait and see, I am thankful that the folks out there are trying to keep us informed since Palm is not doing a good job of it!

MaPalad-Philippine Palm Users Group m505 review!

vendriga @ 3/26/2001 1:19:21 AM #
m505 first impression can be found at

RE: MaPalad-Philippine Palm Users Group m505 review!
Ed @ 3/26/2001 9:04:35 AM #
I don't normally suggest that you leave this site and go to another one but if you are trying to decide whether to pre-order the m505, you really must read this review. They did a great job of learning as much about the m500 and m505 as they could in the hour they had to play with a couple of pre-production models.

Palm Infocenter
RE: MaPalad-Philippine Palm Users Group m505 review!
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 9:15:28 AM #
Agreed..nice review in a limited amount of time! I'm trying to hold off judgement on the screen until I have a production unit in my hand. If I'm disappointed - I hope the Samsung SCH-I300 wows me!

RE: MaPalad-Philippine Palm Users Group m505 review!
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 9:27:54 AM #
err...I mean...SHP-I300

RE: M505 Screen Shots
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 8:31:22 AM #
What Launcher is being used on the IIIc? Anyone know or use it? Where can it be downloaded?


RE: M505 Screen Shots
mikecane @ 3/26/2001 9:41:05 AM #
Swiped the answer from Palmstation (sorry, Ryan & Ed!) --

its MegaLauncher:


I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 10:45:09 AM #
I would like to just say this about the m505.

Would the Capton please come to the bridge. Because the new tryquoters are now on board.

I was at the launching of the m500 / m505 and must say after watching movies and seeing how there are 65000,000 colour on the screen also this new unit is just as thin and size as the Palm 5x.

The Enterprize will be in dock mide May.


Should I get the m505 now, or wait until next year....

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 12:21:08 PM #
Its about time I should be replaceing my PalmV8mb.

I remember reading somewhere that Palm suppose to be coming out with another product early next year with the new/faster processor. (i believe from another company) Does this mean that they will have m506???

Also, the SD card - beside Palm, who will be making them??


RE: Should I get the m505 now, or wait until next year....
MadMax @ 3/26/2001 8:29:16 PM #
It's up to you and your wallet. Everyone should come to grips with the fact that Palm is working on the next TWO models as I write this. This not a bad thing; they must do this to survive in today's competitive market. I pesonally have a Vx that I bought nearly 18 months ago for $399 & yes I am ready to move up to the 505. Pre ordered already. But still, on April 2 (or when ever my 505 arrives) I also know my Vx won't stop working all of the sudden. As a matter of fact, I'll sell it to someone who believes that I'm nuts for paying "that kind of money" for what in their minds, "the Vx does for allot less". But if you're like me and most of the rest of us "enthusiasts". We just gotta have 'em!

RE: Should I get the m505 now, or wait until next year....
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 9:39:38 PM #
Sandisk will sell them. Toshiba's website has part numbers for SD cards from 8 to 64 MB. They say they will be for sale this quarter. Matsushita should also sell them.

RE: Should I get the m505 now, or wait until next year....
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 11:49:01 PM #
So can anyone tell me for certain what the ability of the SD/MMC cards to run applications are? Is it similar to the Sony Clie system where you need free memory on the PDA equivalent to the size of the app on the card? Or can apps be run straight from the card? As an example, if I have 2MB free space on the device and want to run an app of 4MB can I do this on the m505? And does this apply to both applications on the cards and databases?

RE: Should I get the m505 now, or wait until next year....
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/27/2001 8:37:41 AM #
iŽve been to the cebit fair yesterday and talked with palm as well as panasonic officials.
both sides told me that you can run apps or access database directly on the sd-cards.
unfortunately they will be quite expensive in germany when they start selling.
the 64 mb card (i donŽt really need that much space - but you can never have too much space) will sell at 350 DM / 167 US$.

the screen is cool - better than that of the IIIc in any condition.

iŽll get one for sure.

Use Babelfish to translate Korean to English

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/26/2001 2:04:37 PM #
For those interested to read the PDATimes article in English, you can use a translator like the one on to translate the page into English. It sounds funny but at least it's understandable.

RE: Use Babelfish to translate Korean to English
Ed @ 3/26/2001 3:20:11 PM #
I tried Babelfish when I was writing this article and couldn't get anything useful from it. This is the first time I've tried to use it to translate Korean and I don't think it did a very good job. Here's an example from the section on the USB cradle:

    The }m{500 to series the all USB khu lay it is provided with this basic of the field with basic, the hand spring at all like that in the series pot connection hour when it is possible li el khu lay also the field is supplied in other way and.

Usually Babelfish does a much better job than this.

Palm Infocenter

a couple of m505 pictures taken by myself...

DataOrb @ 3/26/2001 3:49:14 PM #
Hello fellow Palm users!
I managed (with great maneuverability on my part btw, I had to do some very acrobatic body movements to score 10 seconds with this PDA... :) to take a couple of Palm m505 pictures at the IOL Palm convention...
First, let me apologize for the quality, but I didn't have the luxury to find out on what settings my Digital Camera was at (ISO, WB, EV) and to make sure I placed it on a stable platform.
But.... I managed anyway....

Anyway, these pictures can be found at my site:

I so hope the screen is as good as you say (nc)
EGarrido @ 3/26/2001 5:23:33 PM #

RE: a couple of m505 pictures taken by myself...
DataOrb @ 3/27/2001 1:38:54 AM #
Well, just look at the pictures.
They are taken, WITHOUT FLASH (my Minolta Dimage 2300 doesn't have flash in macro mode) in a very dim room.
Here, I have attached two more pictures that can best explain how dark the room was overall.
The convention room, during the reassess
Palm Director of products, on stage

Without the front light, granted, the screen is dark. Kinda like the IIIc with the contrast slider turned waaay down, but hey, still readable, which came as quite the shock for me. With the backlight (which is non adjustable btw), the screen is not only perfectly readable, in the poor light conditions as you can see from the above pictures, but also very highly defined and with overall very good and vivid colors.
I would say that it's less bright as a IIIc, but the screen overall color range seems more... "Realistic" in some manner... Because from my experiences on a IIIc was that some colors appear more brighter then others, which is not the case with the m505.

Well, just take a look at the pictures I have posted on my site, they would give you a good estimate of how good the screen is (remember, NO FLASH, backlight ON).

m505 and iPaq Photo

Ed @ 3/26/2001 6:03:04 PM #
Here's an Italian site who sent some people to CeBit. This is a large picture of an m505 and an iPaq side by side:

They have a couple of other bad pictures of the m505, some of SD cards, and a few of Handspring products. Also lots of PocketPC handhelds.

Palm Infocenter

RE: m505 and iPaq Photo
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/27/2001 12:01:51 AM #
I gotta admit, that iPaq screen makes the m505 screen look piss poor, look at those huge pixels...damn the 160x160 screen....

RE: m505 and iPaq Photo
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/27/2001 2:27:13 PM #
Is that an SD card modem that I saw on that site? If so what is the purpose of Palm selling that shoebox modem now? Just so that they have a modem available w/ the M500/M505 release? It seems like another screw job by Palm to put out that modem and then follow up w/ an SD modem which is surely going to be the better option of the two. I definitely would prefer the SD modem. Any idea when those SD hardware add-ons might be coming out?



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