Quickies: Handspring, S320 Upgrade

Handspring's stock went up 33% yesterday on the announcement that the Treo will be out this month, moving up $1.49 to $5.90. -Ed

Tony Rudenko's PalmPilotUpgrade.com is the first company to be able to upgrade the Sony Clié S320 to 16 MB of RAM. -Tony

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Coyote67 @ 2/12/2002 9:29:23 AM #
Wow, now thats a nice boost. /me slaps himself silly for not buying HAND after hours monday.

Well very happy to hear that the market is reacting well to the release.

Side note: Is it me or does Handspring's site look pretty bad now that they took away half the pictures in the middle column? Seems a bit too frontpage.

When you have a Clie shoved up your mouth, you can only talk in vowels.

RE: Stock
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 9:48:39 AM #
TeeHee....I made out quite nicely on this!

RE: Stock
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 10:01:24 AM #
HandSpring's site is lacking, they should spruce it up....Palm stock should rebound nicely too, watch for futre announcements, CEO, new products in March (m515,m130)

RE: Stock
montyburns @ 2/12/2002 10:18:06 AM #
what goes up, must come down.

I like my Palm!
RE: Stock
Davy @ 2/12/2002 10:21:48 AM #
Isn't 1.49 to 5.30 a 395% change in stock? I'm assuming one of those numbers is wrong.

RE: Stock
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 11:24:12 AM #
how about these reporters who report the news long after it is news, check out Tish Williams, look at that smiling face, she just broke the news on Handspring going up on Monday, it probably took her all day to write this little report and it's already obsolete, poor twit...

Ed on the other hand reports promptly and efficiently, good job Ed, you should do some writing for thestreet.com, they sure need it...


RE: Stock
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 4:56:58 PM #
What Ed means is HandSprings' Stock move up $1.49, and it ends with $5.9.

$4.41 + $1.49 = $5.9

HAND Stock
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 5:34:14 PM #
Yes but the 52 week low on HAND is $1.13. You could have bought 10,000 shares for about $10,000 and turned that $10,000 into about $57,000. Coulda, woulda, shoulda........I guess you could have also bought it at $90 too..........AND.....

"If if's and but's were beer and nuts, we'd all have a hell of a party."

33%? More like 300%

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 10:18:34 AM #
>$1.49 to $5.90.

$1.49 / 100 = $.0149per %
$.0149 * 395.6 ~ $5.90

more like 359%? Isn't that right or am I just missing a bolt in my head? 5.90 is more then triple of 1.49 and 33% would be much less then double.

RE: 33%? More like 300%
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 10:27:44 AM #
It went up $1.49 to $5.90, not up from .

RE: 33%? More like 300%
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 10:30:27 AM #
It went from $4.41 to $5.90. It went UP 1.49 from 4.41 to 5.90, not UP FROM 1.49.
So that's roughly 33 or 34 percent. I hope this helps..it's an easy mistake to make.

S320 Upgrade vs. S360

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 10:41:51 AM #
While its nice to know that a 16mb upgrade is avaiable for us S320 users, buying a new S360 might be a better deal for some users than getting this upgrade. The S360 comes with DocumentsToGo, a $50 value, so if you include this factor, its only $30 more for a brand new S360 compared to the $120 upgrade cost (which doesn't include return shipping).

RE: S320 Upgrade vs. S360
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 11:06:04 AM #
I beleive this offer is for existing S320 owners.
It does not make any sense to buy new S360 while already having S320.

RE: S320 Upgrade vs. S360
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 11:22:23 AM #
Wrong, it does make sense, because if you really want the additional 8mb of space, and DocsToGo is of value to you, then why not get a brand new device? It'd be free of scratches and wear-and-tear and you'll still have your S320 as a backup, for only ~$30 more than the upgrade...

RE: S320 Upgrade vs. S360
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 11:58:58 AM #
You could sell the 320 to recoup some of the cost of the 360. What are they going for used?

RE: S320 Upgrade vs. S360
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 6:25:59 PM #
Bottom line if you already own a Palm OS unit that has 8MB of ram and want more (like me) why take the hit and buy a new one. Just upgrade to 16MB and then wait for OS5 later this year and then make the move.

RE: S320 Upgrade vs. S360
jeremyf @ 2/13/2002 7:32:29 AM #
They seem to be going for ~$100 on ebay. That's about as big a hassle as sending it to get upgraded, plus you don't have to be without a palm for a few days while you send it to palmpilotupgrades. So you could buy a new S360 for less than getting it upgraded if you get a decent price on ebay!

Strangely, when I searched completed for s320's on ebay, there were some going for very low, like $9.99?! I dunno if that actually went through or what.. that was after one guy posted like 935775 of them though, so there was a glut for a while.

Anyway PPUpgrades seems great, esp. if you have a 710, 760, or palm/hs model

typo: "first company to able upgrade the Sony Clié"

I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 12:36:58 PM #
typo: "first company to able upgrade the Sony Clié"

sentence fragment
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 1:25:39 PM #
Go learn some grammar .....

RE: typo:
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 1:38:42 PM #
>"Go learn some grammar ....."

Are you being ironic or moronic? Go Learn? Where did you grow up? In the back woods of Tennessee?

RE: typo:
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 5:01:15 PM #
Ed has been doing a great job for us, and it's understandable that Ed makes grammartical mistakes once in a while.

By the way, I don't see any "typo" in his column. By saying "typo," do you mean grammartical mistake?

RE: typo:
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/12/2002 9:23:05 PM #
It's grammatical, not grammartical. Not to be all critical...

And the phrase, "Go learn some grammar." is just fine, grammatically speaking. You can learn grammar. You can NOT learn people, etc.

Ed, keep up the good work and ignore these stupid comments.

Dollars for Donuts

PalmPowered @ 2/13/2002 8:27:23 AM #
Hanspring stock at $5.90 per share? What does that say about the company? Basically that you can buy 33 shares of stock for the price of a Visor Edge. Just think, before the announcement, you could have traded an Edge in on 134 shares of Handspring stock!

-If you only knew the power of the Palm side-
RE: Dollars for Donuts
I.M. Anonymous @ 2/13/2002 8:35:21 AM #
> Hanspring stock at $5.90 per share? What does that say about the company?

It says the company is worth $805.1 million.

> before the announcement, you could have traded an Edge in on 134 shares of
> Handspring stock!

No, you couldn't. You misread the article and ignored all the comments on this.

Disappointed in Handspring

PIC mobile user @ 3/18/2002 8:29:03 AM #
I am a long-time visor user. **** HANDSPING!!


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