Bell Mobility Preparing Employees for the Pre

canada flag canadian Back in May we reported that not only was Bell Mobility set to be the exclusive Pre carrier in Canada but according to unconfirmed reports at the time, the device could arrive as soon as "early August". Well, it looks like this is one rumored release date that may be coming true or happening even sooner than anticipated.

MobileSyrup is now reporting that Bell has begun training sessions for employees in the largest Canadian metro markets starting today and concluding the 29th. So it's entirely possible that the device may arrive at the very tail end of July or in early August, just as the earlier rumor claimed. August 6th or 7th could be a likely launch date as well, giving Bell a 90-day delay from the Pre launch on Sprint June 6th and assuming they would want to launch at the end of the week.

This event looks to be the 2nd official carrier launch of the Pre, with the rest of the world still eagerly awaiting the deployment of the GSM version that's been making the rounds for quite some time. No word yet on pricing or if the Bell Pre will have any differences from Sprint's version.

As we recently mentioned, an earlier Mobile Syrup report claimed that the full retail price of the Pre on Bell will likely be $650 Canadian. The carrier is also running a sweepstakes through August 31st for Canadians to win a new Pre.

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