Qvadis E-Book of the Month

Mike Verano's "Healing the Inner Worker", published by Editio Books, has been chosen by Qvadis as the nonfiction Palm e-Book-of-the-Month for April. This is a hidden gem - a book currently available only in electronic format - that deserves to be on everyone's shelves. With insight and humor, Mike Verano offers a plan for bringing serenity back into our busy lives, noting that people are not necessarily complicated; more likely, they are compelled to lead complicated lives.

Qvadis - makers of the award-winning DOC reader Express Reader Pro - sponsor the Palm e-Book-of-the-Month as a means to spotlight quality e-books for the Palm platform.
The nonfiction selection, as well as this month's fiction selection, Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" can be downloaded via the Qvadis website.

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