Juno Launches Wireless Service for Palm VII

Juno Online Services, Inc. today announced the launch of a new version of the Juno software designed specifically for handheld use on the Palm VII. This initial wireless version of Juno supplements the company's popular full Web access service by enabling Palm VII users to send and receive e-mail from anywhere within the extensive Palm.Net service coverage area using their Juno accounts. To access Juno through the Palm VII handheld, users must sign up for a wireless subscription to the Palm.Net service and install the handheld version of the Juno software. Juno's software will be available for download from both the Palm.Net and Juno Web sites at www.palm.net/apps and www.juno.com/junopalm. Based on its total of 9.4 million registered subscriber accounts, Juno is currently the world's largest provider of free dial-up Internet services, as well as the second largest provider (after AOL) of dial-up Internet services overall.

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