Flickr Photostreams on your Mobile Device

netomat has announced that its free web based mobile hub service is now optimized for Flickr. This will allow you to subscribe to mobile optimized Flickr photo-streams on your mobile device via a web browser.

Flickr on your TreoNow when a Flickr user or group posts new pictures, netomat subscribers can receive the image resized for mobile phones along with any associated text. To get setup you need to sign up with netomat and click "Start a hub." (preview here) Members can then choose the netomat Flickr news feed or start a new hub with the unique RSS 2.0 or Atom feed link found at the bottom of each Flickr group page. The new content will then be sent to members' mobile phones, PCs or both, whichever they prefer.

"We believe the next lucrative stage for digital photography vendors comes in the form of facilitating access to personal photos from anywhere at anytime on any device," said Jill Aldort, senior consultant at InfoTrends. "Compatible photo sharing and messaging services, like netomat and Flickr, facilitate such a community by connecting consumers using tools like camera phones, instant messaging and web portals."

If you want to try it out, I'd recommend starting with the Taken on a Treo Flickr group.

Thanks to picturephoning for the tip.

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