Palm Confirms m130 Does Not Have 16-Bit Screen (Updated)
Almost since the release of the Palm m130, there has been a debate, sometimes quite acrimonious, on the PIC Palm Forum on whether it really has the 16-bit color screen Palm said it did. One user calling himself an0nym0vs has claimed for months that the device actually has a 12-bit screen. Today, a Palm spokesperson admitted to Wired that the m130's screen really isn't 16-bit.
"We want our customers to know we made this honest mistake," the spokesperson said. "We truly believed the m130 offered 65,000 color combinations. We want to offer an apology."
Update: According to a follow-up article in Wired, Palm does not plan to reimburse m130 owners for this error.
Update 2: According to Palm spokesperson Marlene Somsak, Wired, is incorrect and Palm is currently looking into ways to compensate m130 owners.
Update 3: Please read the follow-up article: Palm Deciding How to Compensate m130 Owners.
Palm will be in touch with all owners of the m130 about this, though it hasn't committed to compensating them in any way. It will also need to change the m130's packaging and its own website.
A 12-bit screen can display 4,000 colors, while a 16-bit one can display 65,000.
This same mistake happened to Hewlett-Packard several years ago. The HP Jornada 420, 430, and 540 were advertised as having 16-bit color screens when they were released and only later did HP realize and admit they were really only 12-bit.
Thanks to Michael Gunn and Gordon for the tips and an0nym0vs for bringing the true facts to light. -Ed
Related Information:
- PIC Forum: M130 is not 16-bit, it's actually 12-bit
- PIC: Palm m130 Review
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RE: same thing..
RE: same thing..
Check out my site:
The Untouchables live on!
And host pictures [:D]
Can Someone Save Palm From Its Misery?
They don't know what the customers want and now they don't even know what they have built! I am so disgusted by them.
RE: Can Someone Save Palm From Its Misery?
RE: Can Someone Save Palm From Its Misery?
RE: Can Someone Save Palm From Its Misery?
They do not know their customers, dealers nor there markets - they would not get a job as dishwasher if there would not be the madhouse Palm taking everybody, provided he is a proven stupid or a former (for incompetence) sacked Apple emploee.
Who wonders the stock of a active company fell fron over 100 bucks to 70 cent?
Thats not the failing economy - thats pure reality carved in stock value.
RE: Can Someone Save Palm From Its Misery?
Boy, I hope whomever your employer is don't really know who you are. If I were the employer I will sack you and let's see how you get over it.
RE: Can Someone Save Palm From Its Misery?
What are you guys doing at work? having 8hours continuously running tea break?
how could they NOT know?
thumbs down to Palm.
RE: how could they NOT know?
RE: how could they NOT know?
RE: how could they NOT know?
RE: how could they NOT know?
RE: how could they NOT know?
Be honest. Those M130 customers are very lucky persons
comparing to Palm shareholders.
And someone said here Money talks. Not in
RE: how could they NOT know?
In the design, they may have specified 16 bit, and would not know differently unless notified by the vendor or engineering. It may be the same scenario as the IIIc, which could use any colors from the 16bit color table, but could only display a 12 bit selection on the screen at the same time. Still, if it were my company, I'd have at least a couple people to verify that it is exactly what was specified before the ads went out.
> out there, and you have to be literally insane to buy one at this point.
Oh come on, HP released the Jornada 420 in March in 1999 and no one figured out its 16-bit screen was really 12-bit until June 2000. That's 15 months!! HP even released two more models, the 430 and 540 with the exact same flaw and no one figured it out.
This isn't a glaring error. You can't pick up a handheld and say, "That's 12-bit but that one over there is 16-bit."
It was kind of sloppy but not a sign of criminal malfeasance. There were no lawsuits against HP.
RE: how could they NOT know?
So far I have not seen anything other then the 'lump it and leave it' option from Palm.
RE: how could they NOT know?
We've all be spoiled by the Internet Age. We want everything to happen instantaneously. That's why we stand next to our microwaves complaining that heating our lunch up takes a whole MINUTE. But decisions involving large amounts of money aren't made in 30 minutes or less.
It could be all the m130's can be easily fixed. If that's true, maybe Palm will ask everyone to send in their m130 for repair. Maybe they will offer to replace all the m130s with ones that are 16-bit. Maybe it is a software bug and a simple patch will fix it. I'm just pointing out that refunds aren't the only answer. I would rather Palm make the best decision than it make a quick one.
RE: how could they NOT know?
Palm got backed into a corner, they could deny it and get there reputation further trashed, or claim ignorance and buy some time...
If what they say is true and no one caught this with a proof of concept model, then went straight ahead ordered inventory parts and assembled them, then shipped them and no one checked? SOMEBODY is asleep at the wheel.
Back to the point here, sure a reasonable amount of time should be granted for them to check what it takes to repair, study what can be fixed, etc... however what I disagree on is that they have no real comments at all during this time.
In this instance no response, in my opinion, is the same as admitting the likely action to take place, nothing. I think consumers who have bought this model are owed even a simple statment such as 'we will find a fair and equiatble solution to this issue'. No promises, just communication.
This is an excellent case of misleading the consumer
The truth of the matter is this - Palm lied. They lied on their packaging, they lied on their advertising, and in doing so, they mislead the consumer.
Now, I realize that not too many people would utilize all 65k colors. I don't use all the colors in my palm m515, yet I fully expect it to have 65k colors because they advertised it as having 65k colors.
Palm's already in a precarious financial position already...they cannot afford to fight this one. Either they give 100% purchase credit to the consumers (like HP did), or they lose in court.
Side Note - Palm has changed their m130 web page to reflect "thousands of colors" rather than 65k colors.
RE: how could they NOT know?
Palm screwed up and should do as HP did -- offer a FULL REFUND to any customer who was under the FALSE impression that the unit is 16 bit and is dissatisfied. HP handled their fiasco well. Let's see how Palm will handle this -- I think the FTC would like to know as well.
A Better Example
However, they sure as h*ll better work if I get in a head on collision.
It was advertised and listed as a feature & benefit on my vehicle, and it d*mn well better be there when I need it.
Don't fool yourselves into thinking this is a "minor" offense just because you may never USE all of the available colors.
Whether the mistake was deliberate, or the product of a beureaucratic miscommunication, the bottom line is that THE END RESULT ***could have been avoided*** cheaply and effectively.
Therefore, the offense was deliberate, regardless of whether the original "miscommunication" (as I'm calling it) was not.
The design of this unit, and even its packaging happened WAAAAY before the re-org, and we all know Palm was full of Suck back then, and possibly still are.
If Palm didn't know, it sure as s--t should have!
RE: how could they NOT know?
RE: how could they NOT know?
I'm calling him and I advise you all to do the same. If we can get enough pissed off people together, maybe Palm will listen.
Déjà-vu All Over Again
RE: Déjà-vu All Over Again
RE: Déjà-vu All Over Again
RE: Déjà-vu All Over Again
As heard on "Cheers":
Woody:What's up Mr. Peterson?
Norm:The warranty on my liver!
RE: Déjà-vu All Over Again
32 bit > 16 bit > 12 bit > monochrome.
Each one has an attached value and a target demographic.
What that value is, in terms of a refund, is ultimately up to Palm to figure out now. If I were them I would err on the high side. Their best bet is to follow HP's example, IMO.
Palm does it again....what a surprise........
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
If you don't know what to do with it, sent it to me. I could use it for some hardware testing. I went through a few 505's myself before upgrading.
PS: hold the vaseline!
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
I've gone through an Apple Newton, HP Jornada 420, Handspring Visor, Palm m500 and NR70v. (In that order).
I rate them in this order (based on my satisfaction with them at time of purchase):
Handspring Visor,
Apple Newton,
HP Jornada,
Palm m500.
Yep, the Palm m500 was lousy, it had frequent static problems, meaning it had to be reset. I went through 2 bluetooth cards because, unlike the Sony Memory Sticks, they are flimsy things and break easily unless removed when not in use, and the screen is very difficult to read in 'normal' light (e.g. anything other than bright sunlight or darkness).
I ditched it after about 3 months. The easy avaliblity of the BlueTooth memory stick was the only reason I got it in the first place, and as it's _really_ not worth it.
I am back to zapping stuff via IR until I can get a BT MS. It's a hassle, but it's no where near as much a hassle as having to do complelte battery drains every month on an m500 because of the static problems (which 'don't exist', lest we forget).
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
Did I say that I had an N710C??????
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
It's nice that you have the nr70v, which is a great device, but remember a few things while looking down your nose: Not everyone's life revolves around watching two minute video clips. Not everyone wants to carry around one of the biggest pda's on earth. Not everyone wants to keep thinking about if they will make it to their next recharge. If battery life was equivalent to sex life, most Sony devices would be patients at impotency clinics.
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
You were making the point that Palm has some problems and so you got a Sony. He was making that point that Sony has its own share of problems.
RE: Palm does it again....what a surprise........
>The 505 had the static problem, not the 500.
Nope - the m500 very definately did have exactly the same static problem as the m505 (even Palm have confirmed this).
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