Sony Clie PEG-T415 Shipping

The Sony Clie T415 has begun shipping from, and has started to appear in local retail outlets, as reported in our forums. SonyStyle is new offering it with a black casing in addition to the brushed aluminum case.

Thanks to Kevin Luong and our forum members for the tips.

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too bad...

dhchung @ 11/24/2001 1:59:21 PM #
Too bad that it becomes an old machine before it is actually shipped...

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:20:31 PM #

What do you mean?

RE: too bad...
skoty @ 11/24/2001 5:12:00 PM #
He means the new memory stick add-ons that come out next year probably won't be compatible with it, just like the Camera and GPS add-ons are not compatible with the S series CLIEs of last year.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 6:15:55 PM #
I think he means the T6x0 is on the way, so T415 is NOT the latest PDA in CLIE family anymore.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 7:20:36 PM #
well so why's that bad .....

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 7:22:08 PM #
funny that the word "too bad" has so many meaning to you guys ..

what's "too bad" is before the STATE OF THE ART HANDSPRING COMMUNCATION device Tero PDA is even released, it already can't use any SPRINGBOARD modules... that is so sad ... I feel sorry for all those people who invested in/bought springboard modules, because handspring don't even support their own technology in THEIR OWN LATEST state of the art HANDSPRING device.

RE: Treo Bashing?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 8:08:16 PM #
So the Treo doesn't have a Springboard slot.

Does your desktop box have a 5.25" floppy drive?

Handspring is recognizing that there are different segments of the market -- and there's a large enough one that wants those particular integrated features, that it's cost effective enough to bundle them in one device.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 11:08:06 PM #
If Handspring can find the right way to go, let it be.
If Springboard is not good for their PDA, let handspring move on, it's a good thing.

Handspring Treo has no Springboard
TDS @ 11/25/2001 12:25:18 AM #
The Handspring Treo is a different line of product than the Handspring Visor. Think of it like the Sony Walkman & Sony Clie. Both are made by Sony but only one runs the Palm OS.

Handspring is diversifying their product line. There is nothing wrong with that.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 9:55:01 AM #
And what OS does the treo run on? PALM OS the same as the Visor line. How can you compare the treo to the walkman?

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 10:23:00 AM #
Think of it a car company with more than one line -
Visor = sedan
Treo = sports car
You will find different things on each model.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:20:21 PM #
So Spring Board is 5

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:20:21 PM #
So Spring Board is "5.25" floppy" of PDA now .... but I totally agree with you
I am glad that "Handspring can find the right way to go", but I'll talk about how tero don't support Springboard each and everytime I see something like this.
"new memory stick add-ons that come out next year probably won't be compatible with it"

And about the
"Visor = sedan
Treo = sports car"
comparison .... different cars have different engines and different outlook Design. But all of them have windows, Doors, Wheels, steering wheels. I see Expansion on Palm device as important as doors wheels and window.

"Think of it like the Sony Walkman & Sony Clie. "
1) Walkman doesn't run palm OS
2) you need to look at more sony products, they have memory stick walkman, palm with MS, Cell phones with MS, dogs with MS, computer with MS.... of course I am not saying handspring should do it, they better don't coz the size of springboard is only good for Gameboy.

Please ignore this troll
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:49:19 PM #
It's obvious they are just attempting to provoke a reaction. Just ignore them and don't respond to any more of his (its) TROLL posts.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:35:07 PM #
How do you know the Treo is "state of the art"? Its not even out yet and nobody has used them. None of Handsprings other products are state of the art thats for sure. They are all sadly out of date.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 10:30:30 PM #
"And about the
"Visor = sedan
Treo = sports car"
comparison .... different cars have different engines and different outlook Design. But all of them have windows, Doors, Wheels, steering wheels. I see Expansion on Palm device as important as doors wheels and window."

Nah, expansion is all about the trunk space. In that example, you have more storage in the sedan. (Of course, with SD cards, PDA's are not like cars cause smaller CAN be big.)

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 11:23:32 PM #
The camera module for the Sony Clie IS compatable with the S series. It is listed under the accessories page for the S320.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 9:32:48 AM #
Are you sure the camera works with the S320? The sony site

and sales people say otherwise.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:04:13 PM #
Wait! A friend of a friend of mine forwarded me an e-mail that was forwarded to her by someone who had it forwarded it from someone on the Clie User's Group. They SWEAR the camera is compatible with the S series--they own an S320 and are sure it'll work. People don't lie or make mistakes when using e-mail or the internet, do they? (He said with sarcasm dripping all over...)

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:24:03 PM #
Maybe I'll check the Urban Legends Website under "PDA Hoaxes". ;) I bet the picture of Waldo (The Tourist Guy) was taken with a S320 with the digital camera!

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:50:06 PM #
While i don't necessarily agree with the first statement in the header, i do think that the T415 represents a failed niche in the market. I see a lot of similarities between the T415 and the Visor Edge. While I admitt the T415 memory slot offers an upgrade over the Edge, they non-the-less represent the same category of pda. The Edge failed because no one was willing to buy a monchrome pda at that form factor when you can purchase a competitors color version at a similar price point!


I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:00:16 PM #
I am going to Best Buy today to check it out.

RE: Yay!
mikecane @ 11/24/2001 2:06:25 PM #
Did you actually see it?

RE: Yay!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 4:07:40 PM #
I have and only have one thing to say about this thing, SWEET!!! At Best Buy there is even an as yet unadvertised special, the printer spits out a rebate for a 32MB Memory Stick in the mail. Price for unit is $280 on sale for the rest of the day.

RE: Yay!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 5:23:37 PM #
Yes, I just got back! It looked good to me! Definitely the best monochrome device I've ever seen! The scroll buttons are definitely interesting. Very cool though.

RE: Yay!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 6:53:16 PM #
I just double checked, it seems that all the Sony's have the free 32MB rebate.

RE: Yay!
mikecane @ 11/26/2001 8:55:31 AM #
Yes, and they also throw in a free leather case too. Sony is countering Panasonic/Palm's free 16MB SD Card move.

RE: Yay!
Cheap @ 11/26/2001 9:34:43 AM #
I got mine at BestBuy. I got the MS rebate but I didn't get the case. Is the free case offer only available at certain retailers?

RE: Best Buy rebate form
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 2:30:42 PM #
Scroll down to T415 and you can get the form if you forget to get one from the store.

Circuit City

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:16:22 PM #
I picked mine up yesterday. I love it!

A bit dissapointed

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:15:36 PM #
I've been waiting for this unit to come out. I went to BB yesterday and saw it. To be honest, I was hoping the backlight is brighter than the review on this site had claimed, but to my dissapointment, it's just like any other Palm's mono screen. In my opinion, the only advantage T415 has is its thinness. Without the bright backlight, it makes the 320x320 screen looks dull. I don't really have a need for a color Palm, but I think I am going to get the Sony N610.

RE: A bit dissapointed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 9:46:40 AM #
Actually, the backlight in the m500 is very VERY close to white when you put the hack to invert the backlight. Its very bright. I wont judge and flame till I personally know what i am talking about.
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RE: A bit dissapointed
mikecane @ 11/26/2001 8:56:21 AM #
I have a 160x160 mono S320. It has a *very* bright backlight (when in the dark, or even dim lighting). Are you saying the the T415's backlight is weaker?! Like, say, a Palm V? I haven't seen a T415 yet, maybe today.

T415 looks *fantastic* in black.

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:25:33 PM #
Finally, a manufacturer that offers a PDA that looks good for professionals. (IBM also knows what sells in the professional world.)

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/24/2001 5:14:59 PM #
What kind of professionals are you talking about? If you're talking about the majority of Business majors then you hit the nail on the head, they care more about what the device looks like rather than what it can do. If you're talking about more technical majors, then I would have to disagree, there are others out there that are "less thin" but are alot more appealing.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:53:46 PM #
The kind of "professionals" like businesspeople, physicicians, lawyers, etc. who wouldn't be caught dead carry a big, geeky, flashy PDA. The kind of professional you probably aren't, "skoty".

A small, thin, unobtrusive PDA is what these individuals want. That's why Palm was able to sell the V and Vx for such an inflated price for so long.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:59:56 PM #
That would be "physicians" as well as "physicicians"... they all want a small PDA!


RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/26/2001 1:14:17 AM #
You got me, I'm not a doctor or lawyer, I'm a professional programmer. My point is that the "thin feature" is only appealing to those who won't/can't see past it to the other "technical" featurs of the device. My Visor Platinum still offers more options for expansions/add-ons than any other device out there. It's not as thin as the m50x or the T series, but it's thin enough for me. I'm really not interested in spending extra money so that it can lose a half inch in thickness. As you point out though, there are alot of other professional types out there that would.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 8:29:37 AM #
I don't know what you wear at work, but I've found anything bigger than a Palm V becomes obtrusive. Do you carry your Visor in a case? The added size would mean this isn't an option for those who either don't have the space or don't like the "pocket protector" or "backpacker" look cases can give you.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/26/2001 10:31:40 AM #
No, I just wear Levis, and carry it in my front pocket. If I were to use a case with it, it wouldn't fit in my pocket. If I wear slacks, it fits even better in my front pocket. I broke the screen one time when I was moving funiture (I shouldn't have been carrying it then anyway), but my Staples insurance enabled me to trade it up for a new one with no hassle. Staples is great. I didn't even buy it there (I bought it on Amazon) and they still would sell me an insurance policy on it.

Anyway, I'm sitting in my chair right now, and I don't even notice my Visor Platinum in my front pocket.

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